"Well, well, I will go next week."

   Lu Mingfei hung up the phone and put the phone back in his pocket, his expression rather tangled.

Just now, Chu Zihang called and told him that there would be a math competition held by a certain training institution in the city three days later. Although the winning certificate is useless and cannot be recognized by universities, the top three have 30,000 and 20,000 respectively. And a generous bonus of 10,000 yuan.

   Lu Mingfei doesn’t care much about the certificate. For him now, going to university is not a very important thing. The priority is not high. His criterion for choosing a university is “free”, so that he has plenty of free time to practice.

   So he is going to take the entrance exam to a major domestic university at random. There are no special requirements, as long as he can make his usual study and life easier.

   After all, he has heard people say that first-rate universities pay attention to academics, second-rate universities pay attention to education, and third-rate universities pay attention to discipline.

   It's not difficult for Lu Mingfei to grasp academics, so it's a big deal to spare more time to study.

   Those who grasp education will waste his time to a certain extent.

   As for the discipline... he would rather drop out of school.

   It is said that some universities even force all students to study in the evening. In this situation, Lu Mingfei estimates that he may have skipped class directly. Anyway, his graduation certificate is not important to him, and he does not need to graduate to find a job.

  When he reached the age of college graduation, Hunter.com might have raised a new hunter star dedicated to the task of "beheading the head of terrorists in the Middle East". Isn't this faster than getting money from work?

   But Lu Mingfei has to admit that he is still a little short of money.

   Although the daily living expenses are not a problem at all, if he wants "luxury", such as buying some good medicinal materials, he may not even be able to buy wild ginseng roots with the money he has.

Old Tang had already paid him ten thousand dollars as a deposit for Nutrition Express, but the conversion amount was only around 80,000. When the goods arrived, Tang brought the other ten thousand dollars, and the total amount was no more than 160,000. , Plus the little he had left on hand, it was less than 180,000.

  The first prize of 30,000 yuan is still a big number for Lu Mingfei, almost one-sixth of his full net worth.

   Lu Mingfei hesitated for a while and decided to participate.

   Although this Senior Brother Chu has a "demon aura" on his body, judging from his aura, his strength should be average, probably better than Xiaotian.

   Lu Mingfei is currently choosing a prescription to prepare himself for a soup that can strengthen the muscles and bones. Then give Xiaotian a little bit. Whether this senior brother Chu can beat Xiaotian, it will be two things.

   The only thing that made Lu Mingfei a little worried was whether this senior brother Chu could have discovered his monk aura. After all, he didn’t restrain his aura when he first confronted Chu Zihang. In case this is indeed aimed at him...

   Lu Mingfei feels that he still needs to find news about this so-called "mathematics competition" to see if it is really reliable.

While thinking about it, Lu Mingfei’s cell phone rang, he took out his cell phone and turned on the screen. It was Chu Zihang who used QQ to send him two chapters of photos. It was the front and back of a leaflet, and there was a way to sign up. .

   "Thank you Brother Chu!"

   Lu Mingfei replied a message, followed by a smiling expression, and Chu Zihang replied briefly with "Um".

   After exiting the chat interface with Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei saw a new unread message.

   "Huh? The message from Su Xiaoyao? I passed it by mistake before?"

   Lu clearly clicked on the message. There were two messages in total, one of which was "Are there", and the other one was sent after more than an hour.

   "Today I am going to see my grandma with my parents, and I won't go to Wangyouju at night."

   Lu Mingfei was taken aback as he watched the news from Su Xiaoxiao.

   If you don’t go, don’t go, what are you telling me? Tell your cousin!

Lu Mingfei didn't know how to reply to the news for a while, so he finally typed "I know" and sent it, but think about it again. After all, Su Xiaoyao sent him the alien from Taiwan. A few days later, the news back to others seemed so perfunctory. Too suitable, after all, he is not an ice mountain hot spring like Brother Chu.

   He Lu Mingfei always treats people as warm as the spring breeze!

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Mingfei focused his attention on the words "Go to see grandma", his eyes lighted up, and politely replied: "Go to see grandma? Say hello to her old man for me and wish her good health. !"

   After sending this message, Lu Mingfei picked up his phone and walked towards the house.

   He has to go back and continue to choose prescriptions for strengthening the muscles and bones. A strong physique is very helpful for promotion.


   The black BMW 530i parked in front of a slightly old yard in a suburban village. Uncle Li walked out of the driver's seat and opened the door for the rear seat and the co-pilot. Su Tiancheng, Margarita and Su Xiaoqiao got out of the car.

   Margarita walked to the front of the yard and stretched out her hand to push open the half-hidden iron gate.

"Mom's yard is still so clean," Margarita was a little worried as she watched the cleaned yard with no fallen leaves and rubbish. Watch out for injuries?"

   She looked at her husband and suggested, "Should we find a company to hire someone to clean it for mom?"

"Then you and Xiaoyao will tell her," Su Tiancheng smiled bitterly. "Since my father left, not only has my mother's health worsened, but her temper has become a lot worse. She can't listen to my son. Once in, she is only willing to listen to your daughter-in-law and Xiaoxiao's granddaughter."

"The mother has shielded her son from the wind and rain for a lifetime. Even if she is old, she will definitely not be used to showing a weaker appearance in front of her child," Margarita patted her husband on the shoulder and laughed, "Don't worry, leave it to me and Xiaoyao will be fine."

   "Well," Su Tiancheng nodded, holding Margarita's white and soft palms, "Thank you, wife."

   "What are you polite to me!"

   Margarita patted Su Tiancheng.

   glanced at you and my parents, Su Xiaoyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, showing an expression of "I've long been used to showing affection between you two", and walked under a mulberry tree next to the yard.

   When the village was divided into homesteads for Su Xiaoqian's grandparents, the small open space with a mulberry tree planted next to the yard was still a small but somewhat deep pit, which was also allocated to his home.

Grandma was planning to change the pit into a cellar, but grandpa felt that it was not safe to put the cellar outside the yard, so he asked a professional colleague at the school and brought a batch of neutral and acidic loam to fill the pit. I planted a mulberry tree—because Su Xiaoqiao’s grandmother likes to eat mulberries the most.

   After more than ten years have passed, there is another Su Xiaoqiu who loves to eat mulberries in the old Su's house.

When I was a child, whenever I came to my grandparents’ house in the summer, my grandpa would hug Su Xiaoyao so high and let her pick the mulberries by herself. Grandma would rush to pick her mulberries, and she would cry if she couldn’t grab her. After plucking it, the mulberry that was hidden in the palm of her hand was stuffed into Su Xiaoqiao's mouth, and then she would burst into a smile, grinning wide of her purple-colored lips.

   It's a pity that there is no grandfather anymore to pick her mulberries. In fact, her grandfather couldn't hold her many years ago. When she grew up, she didn't need his grandfather to pick mulberries anymore.

Grandma is no longer picking faster than Su Xiaoyao. After all, she is more or less embarrassed than her granddaughter. She will only smile and pick up the mulberries that Su Xiaoyao picked for her in the basket and put it in her mouth. Mulberries are the second sweetest in the world".

   The sweetest? Of course Grandpa picked it by himself, but the sweetest mulberries are gone.

  Walking under the mulberry tree, Su Xiaoyao stretched out his hand to stroke the rough and cracked bark, and looked up at the dark purple mulberry fruit full of trees.

  The mulberry ripening season is generally from April to June. It is now August. Most of the summer vacation has passed. The mulberry fell to the ground after it should have been overripe, but now it still hangs stubbornly on the branch.

Su Xiaoyao thought of grandpa in a daze. The skinny, wandering old man was holding the hand of grandma who had already cried into a dumb voice under the care of his family, waiting for grandma to sleep too tired when his vital signs were already extremely weak. He stopped breathing and closed his eyes.

   Su Tiancheng told her that grandpa would always put his grandma to sleep before going to bed. There has been no exception after decades of marriage, even the last time.

   The old man who is more like a mulberry fruit farmer than a professor is as stubborn as the mulberries on the tree.

   Su Xiaoyao stood on tiptoe, trying to pick a mulberry full of fruit, purple, black and shiny, with his fingertips about to reach, suddenly a mobile phone QQ alert sounded in his pocket.

   Su Xiaoyao was taken aback, when a breeze happened to blow, the mulberry that touched the fingertips rubbed the fingertips and rolled into the fingers, Su Xiaoyao subconsciously took it off.

   Gently holding the picked mulberries in one hand, Su Xiaoyao turned on the phone, and it was a message from Lu Mingfei.

   She stared at the name in silence for a few seconds, blinked, and spread out the white tender palm holding the mulberry. The freshly picked mulberry was lying on her palm.


   took a photo with her mobile phone against her open palm, and Su Xiaoyao clicked to send it.

   There is an endless sentence attached to the photo.

   "Show you the mulberries I just picked."


   When Lu Mingfei arrived at the competition point, Chu Zihang was already standing at the door.

   "Sorry Brother Chu, I'm late!"

   Lu Mingfei mentioned this black schoolbag and walked to Chu Zihang's side and apologized.

   "It's not late, there are four minutes left."

   Chuzi Channel.

   "I mean to make you wait for a long time, I am embarrassed," Lu Mingfei scratched his head, "I came here with a pinch."

   "Me too," Chu Zihang said, "I just arrived for a while."

   "Oh," Lu Mingfei nodded, and looked up at the signboard above the glass door, "Is this really this cram school?"

   "Have you come here for tuition?"

   Chu Zihang asked.

"Uh...it's hard to say whether it counts," Lu Mingfei organized a few seconds of language, "I didn't come home at night before, so I fooled my home under the name of this cram school. In name, I did cram here, but the truth is Not on it."


   Chu Zihang nodded and said that he understood, and did not ask Lu Mingfei why he stayed out at night. After all, this is privacy.

   "It's about to start, brother, let's go in!"


Pushing open the glass door and walking in, it was already full of contestants. The venue was neatly lined up with tables blocked by tall partitions. The baffles were marked with different numbers in turn. The candidates were sitting at the table. The height of the line of sight after sitting down can never exceed the baffle.

Lu Mingfei put his schoolbag in the storage area, inspected his clothes pocket for the exam, and then walked to the "exam number" he got when he signed up. On the table was a plastic stick that was more than 30 centimeters long. At the top is a disc, and both sides of the disc are marked with the same number as the baffle.

   There are two pens and a wad of scratch paper on the table.

   This math competition is not simply doing papers, but requires the contestants to do their own calculations after hearing the questions made by the question maker on the podium in front, and then raise the sign to rush to answer.

   Not only must answer the questions, but also fully explain the ideas and the problem-solving process. When the time comes, two judges on the left and right sides of the questioner will add the questioner himself to score on the spot.

   The score depends on the time to answer, the difficulty of the question, the completeness, fluency, indirectness and correctness of the contestant’s explanation of ideas and the process of solving the problem.

   That is to say, the scores obtained by each respondent are different. An answer with a complete and clear idea and a simple and straightforward process may be worth the score of several ordinary answers.

And even if the answer to a super difficult problem is stumbling, as long as the correct answer is indeed obtained, the additional points may not be less than the high-quality answer to the ordinary question~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It can be said that this is a very comprehensive competition, even a little bit. If you are not careful, you will play abnormally, even if your hard power is strong enough, you will be ruthlessly brushed down.

   Of course, in the face of generous bonuses, the difficulty is completely acceptable.

   Most of the unacceptable methods in this world are because of the lack of money.

   Of course, in addition to trying to compete for the overall abilities of the contestants as much as possible, this rule is mainly used for publicity, so compared to doing questions at the desk, it is obvious that the answering competition with its own explanation and analysis attracts more attention.

   The stadium is videotaped throughout, firstly to ensure fairness, and secondly, after the contestants have agreed to code, it will be used as one of the promotional videos.

Although Lu Mingfei doesn’t quite understand how a video of a "mathematics contest" is used to promote cram school, they must have a way to come. This is not what Lu Mingfei should worry about. He only cares about the 30,000 yuan. money.

   But it was the organizer's video that made him feel speechless. How could he still be able to see through the glass door of the examination room that there were a few reporters who were sprinting with long guns and hanging their press cards?

   Can't you guys shoot something more meaningful?

   Ignoring the reporter outside, Lu Mingfei was calmly and let go of his thoughts.

   He didn't expect that Chu Zihang would also participate in the competition. After all, in his impression, Chu Zihang was not short of money, and he should not look down on this kind of competition.

   Although he is confident, Chu Zihang's strength is not good enough. In addition, this kind of competition against the general public is often less difficult, and it is more difficult to pull the gap. Lu Mingfei is really worried about overturning.

   However, after the start of the race, if Lu Mingfei was only concerned about answering the questions while worrying about the car overturning, the other contestants except Chu Zihang had experienced what cruelty was.

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