Car B7?

its not right?

Jiang Xiao looked both ways and saw that the carriage jumped directly from carriage B6 to carriage B8.

In this case, I am definitely not remembering it wrong.

But one carriage disappeared

Sure enough, I knew you would come.

A cold and faint voice, with a bit of certainty but a bit of emotion, came from behind Jiang Xiao.

It was the salesperson who had just left.

What do you mean? It sounds like you know me very well.

Jiang Xiao joked casually that he was not interested in the salesperson, but he also wanted to find some clues to clear the level quickly and leave here.

Of course, I have known you deeply for a while.

After a pause, the salesperson spoke again.

However, you look much normal now. Are you married?


Jiang Xiao was stunned. He didn't understand what the salesperson meant by his confused words, but in general, he and Sun Wei hadn't received their certificates yet.

But the question is, what does this salesperson mean?

Don't be so surprised, because I know you. A man like you may only be a little more stable after you get married and become a father.

However, there are not many people who are steady. I just mentioned it casually, and you came here without any consideration. The salesperson complained in his heart.

follow me.

The salesperson led the way, and Jiang Xiao followed directly without any hesitation.

Under her guidance, the disappeared carriage appeared in front of the two of them smoothly.

The moment the salesman slid the carriage door open, Jiang Xiao's eyes froze slightly.

I originally thought it would be a quiet carriage, but I didn't expect it to be filled with uniformed security guards.

It's just that they stood densely packed, filling the space here, as if they were preparing for a confrontation.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there is something wrong with these security guards.

They seemed to be frozen in time, motionless and expressionless.

Jiang Xiao walked into the carriage, and his footsteps were particularly clear in the silence.

But the security guards didn't react to his arrival, and didn't even raise their eyelids.

The salesperson didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Xiao with interest, as if wanting to see how he planned to deal with this situation.

Jiang Xiao frowned, and he slowly walked between the security guards, observing their status.

His eyes swept over the faces of the security guards one by one, and he found that although their eyes were open, they had no focus, like empty shells.

Jiang Xiao remained vigilant. He noticed the salesperson's fingers gently rubbing his wrist. He seemed a little nervous?

Is this old girl trying to trick me?

Although he was not afraid, he did not want to touch the bodies of these security guards with his hands.

What happened to these security guards?

Jiang Xiao asked, with a hint of unnoticeable vigilance in his voice, while quietly retreating to the door of the carriage.


When the salesperson saw Jiang Xiao's expression, his eyes lit up.

Jiang Xiao, you have really grown up a lot. You are almost like two different people from that reckless man back then.

Who are you anyway? Do you know me?

Jiang Xiao curiously asked twice. He knew that in some strange stories, the weird people in them knew the true name of the chosen one.

But the Jiang Xiao the salesperson said obviously has a special meaning.

It seemed that she knew that this Jiang Xiao was the Jiang Xiao from Blue Star, or that she knew Jiang Xiao very well.

Jiang Xiao's question was like a sharp blade, drawing an obvious trace in the air.

But this time the salesperson had no intention of evading.

The corner of her mouth curled up into a smile, then she slowly raised her hand to her face, and her fingertips gently hooked the mask that covered half of her face.

The salesperson's white fingers pulled down the mask little by little, finally revealing her true face.

In an instant, Jiang Xiao's body seemed to be frozen, his eyes widened, and he was stunned.

is her?

Damn it? !

How could it be her? !

The barrage in Longguo's live broadcast room also stopped abruptly at this moment. All the viewers held their breath and stared at the changes on the screen.

That face, those familiar eyes, that smile that had once been worshiped by everyone in Sakura Country.

It's her, Nako, the former Chosen One of Sakura Kingdom!

Here she was, seemingly unscathed.

Soon, the news quickly spread to the Sakura live broadcast room, and soon spread all over the world.

This is no small thing!

There is actually a chosen one who has survived in the world of ghost stories, and seems to be in a pretty good condition?


Some people have already been mentally prepared for this.

Because although Nako did not leave Kaidan at that time, she did not die until the last moment of the seven-day countdown.

Besides, the wife of the director of Muriang Hospital once made Nako's face look exactly the same.

At that time, she also clearly mentioned that this woman named Nako had come to Wuliang Hospital to buy medicine.

I just didn’t expect that Jiang Xiao would meet her one day!

Yes, you are the only one. You are so big and don't show signs of sagging at the same time. You are in a unique position. It can be said that except for Huang Man, it is difficult for normal people to grow like this.

Seeing Jiang Xiao's serious and informal comments, Nazi Xuebai also smiled helplessly.

It's just that there's a bit of bitterness and relief in this smile, as if it's the return journey after countless storms.

Her eyes were fixed on Jiang Xiao, and her eyes contained too many stories and silence.

You are so naughty...why are you here?

Jiang Xiao still couldn't believe his eyes. Naiko, who disappeared in the Mad Man's Villa and then showed up briefly in Wuliang Hospital, actually appeared in front of him like this.

Nako shook her head gently, her voice low and full of magic.

Jiang Xiao, you should know that in this world, death is not always the end. Sometimes, it is just a new beginning.

What's the meaning?

What message does Nako seem to be trying to convey?

Jiang Xiao wanted to continue asking, but Naiko obviously didn't want to linger on this topic too long.

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I really didn't expect it. I knew you were very strong, but I didn't expect you to survive until now.

Nako's tone was a bit frivolous, but thinking about it, it was true. After all, she no longer had the pressure to fight against Kaidan.

Those security guards...

Jiang Xiao also wisely did not continue to inquire, but changed the subject. He needed time to digest the shock in his heart.

Nako's eyes turned to the security guards who were as silent as statues, and her voice remained calm.

They are just pawns, trapped in this game. Just like me, I was.

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