Chapter 455 He is coming.

Yu Tianci left temporarily. He answered a phone call and had an important temporary meeting to hold. He might not be back until evening.

Hey, let me move around freely in the mental hospital?

real or fake?

Jiang Xiao scratched the back of his head, not bragging, but he did have a way of getting along with mental patients.

Less than half an hour.

All the patients in the Haozai Lai Mental Hospital have been gathered on the playground by Jiang Xiao.

stand at attention!

Jiang Xiao's face was serious and he stared at the patient in front of him intently.

One or two!

The mental patients all held their heads high and replied sonorously and forcefully.

Looking at the mental patients standing in two rows, Jiang Xiao showed a rather satisfied expression on his face.

Hey hey hey, no man can resist this feeling of commanding thousands of troops.

Since Yu Tian has given him the right to move freely, he must make good use of it.

Everyone, listen up. Today, our task is to cut off the dinner in the cafeteria and use it as a midnight snack. The target is egg tarts and chicken drumsticks. Do you understand?

Yes Si!

Seeing everyone speaking in unison, Jiang Xiao became more and more proud.

Uncle Li, lead the Spongebob team around the cafeteria from the east side!

Yes Si!

Brother Wang, lead the good leg team that kicked the lame man hard and press in from the front entrance!

Yes Si!

Grandma Liu, lead the old, weak, sick and disabled team to cover and block the view of the cafeteria staff!

Yes Si!

Many blue and white stripes began to move.

Old Wang, tell me, how long do we have to play with this kid?

Aunt Li, don't ask me this question, just play until he doesn't want to play anymore?

Don't ask why these people all listen to Jiang Xiao. They are all mentally ill, and you still have to treat them with common sense?

Not to mention accompanying him to rob the canteen, many mental patients have already wanted to do this!

It's no problem to play with him, play with him, or sleep with him.

Anyway, they are all mentally ill, so there is nothing wrong with them.

But there is one thing I don't understand. Why do you want to rob dinner and eat it as a midnight snack? Is there any difference between eating earlier and eating later?

Ah this

Such profound issues are obviously beyond the understanding of these mental patients.

Don't worry about him, there is someone taking the lead anyway, and he will do whatever he says!

until 9 p.m.

Dean Yu was sent back to Qingshan in a military jeep.

Seeing Jiang Xiao in the yard holding egg tarts and chicken legs and leading everyone to feast, Yu Tianci showed a dumbfounded expression.

He was worried for nothing.

It turns out that the so-called meeting was just a cover.

He went to meet a big shot in the medical field. How old was he? Let's just say his face was still in the medical textbook.

After all, Yu Tianci is the head of the college, how could he not have any background? This big boss is the teacher of Yu Tianci's teacher in college.

From what the other party said, we could tell that something big might be going on in Qingshan.

Therefore, the other party asked someone to make a phone call and call Yu Tianci out of the mental hospital to avoid the limelight.

At the same time, he also briefly told Yu Tianci about Pennywise, and told him that if he encountered him, he must not try to resist, but must run!

However, after all this time, the mental hospital was still calm, so Yu Tianci came back.

He didn't know if he was overthinking it, but Yu Tianci kept feeling frightened while on the road.

It seemed that the entire Qingshan Fourth Courtyard had been targeted by something.

Make the hair crawl on his back.

Fortunately, the imagined situation did not happen.

Seeing that the dean was back, all the mentally ill patients who were having fun immediately became quiet.

Under normal circumstances, they would be scolded and then rushed back to their wards.

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot move freely here, but you can enter and exit the room at will after 6 pm during the day.

But it was beyond everyone's expectation.

This time, Dean Yu did not drive them away. Instead, he sat down next to Jiang Xiao, who was chewing chicken legs, very gracelessly.

Everyone, go ahead. There is no curfew today, so do whatever makes you happy.


Jiang Xiao glanced at Yu Tianci.

Tsk, it's time to enlighten this old boy. I have always felt that the management of mental patients is worse than being lax. As long as everyone is happy, they will naturally not cause you trouble. There was an old guy who couldn't understand what I said before.

Look, when you were away, everyone was kind and peaceful, and they didn't cause any trouble at all. How obedient are you?

Well, you have a point.

Yu Tianci had no expression on his face, ignoring the garbage and wasted food all over the floor.

Jiang Xiao stood up and greeted everyone to eat meat.

Everyone, eat and drink well. Dean Yu has already said that there will be no curfew from now on. Everyone can eat as much as they want and drink as much as they want!

Yu Tianci: ?

What words!

Did you misinterpret my words?

No, wait?

Yu Tianci's smile froze for a moment.

A chill instantly spread from the bottom of my heart to my whole body.

Fear and trembling quickly took over his soul, and his whole body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

I want to cry.

The overwhelming sadness could not be suppressed at all.

Tears had moistened Yu Tianci's eyes. He wanted to cry loudly for no reason, but no sound could be squeezed out of his throat.

He raised his head tremblingly and found that everyone was in the same state as him.

All the mental patients were crying, but they didn't know why they were crying. The desperate atmosphere seemed to tear their bodies apart.

The scene that was extremely lively just now was suddenly frozen, and it was still black and white.


Yu Tianci held his head in pain.

He saw things that were white, floral, colorful, extremely twisted, dark, and crawling.

The brain is like a slide, flashing and flashing, with many pictures that have been seen but not seen, familiar and unknown pictures flashing crazily.

The extreme excitement drove him almost crazy, and he took drugs, just like taking drugs!

He wanted to roar loudly, he wanted to run naked on the street, he wanted to jump from the 18th floor, and he wanted to eat the person in front of him.


Some patients have begun to vomit uncontrollably.

There are also some people who have crazy smiles on their faces and open their arms to the void, seemingly capturing the most beautiful things in the world.


It's Him, it's definitely Him!

Although he has never seen it, Yu Tianci's last remaining consciousness told himself that this was the undisputed Pennywise!

The big boss told him to run away if he met Pennywise, but how could he still have the ability to escape now?


Just when his sanity was about to sink, a doubtful and wise voice came from beside him.

Hey, what kind of stuff is this?

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