Seeing how nervous the other party was, the old man in black robe sneered twice.

Haha, not only do I want to take away your treasure, I also want to kill you and sell this cute little girl to the Hehuan Sect, hahaha!


Hearing this, Jiang Xiao's eyes could be said to be splitting.

Not only do you want to rob me of my baby, but you actually want to kill me! Even Xiaobai, who is only uh, not yet one month old, wants to be sold into the Hehuan Sect. It's so heartbreaking!

Bai Yi's face was also pale, and she grabbed Jiang Xiao's clothes tightly and asked him what the Hehuan Sect was.

The performance of the father and daughter made Ni He even more certain that they were young children who had just entered society.

It's a joke, the law of the jungle is the law of society. Besides, you should never take away the soul of this great lotus.

Seeing the opponent gradually approaching, Jiang Xiao had no choice but to pull Bai Yi back gradually, while also clarifying the basic legal and moral bottom lines for him.

It's wrong for you to do this. Not only does it violate the law, but it's worse than a beast. I think you can stop now, change your ways, study hard, and strive to be a good person who is useful to the world.


Unknowingly, Jiang Xiao had retreated to the corner with Bai Yi, unable to retreat.

You can keep these words for yourself and tell the King of Hell!

Ni He's face trembled and he suddenly took action, and a black air flow enveloped the master and servant.

Dad! Help!

You vicious person! I came here with good intentions to help you catch ghosts, but you are so unreasonable! I tried to preach truth to you and you still didn't listen! Oh, that's fine!

An aura that made Ni He tremble suddenly rushed out of Jiang Xiao's body. Before his shock ended, the opponent's domineering fist mark had already reached his face.


No surprises.

The powerful force smashed the old man's head together with half of his chest underneath, and a cloud of blood mist exploded.

Don't interrupt me. This person might not be dead yet. Don't be careless!

Jiang Xiao looked serious and punched his heart again, then stepped on his stomach and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was also frightened after killing someone. Speaking of which, this was the first time he had killed someone in front of Bai Yi.

My heart is full of guilt

Oh my God, Xiaobai, can you understand me? The situation just now was too dangerous. I didn't expect that I would encounter such vicious and strange people in any mission. Not only did they want to kill me and seize the treasure, but they didn't even make sense. If you are willing to listen, we are both honest and civilized scholars, why would he want to harm me?

Hmm, yes, Dad, it was too dangerous just now. I was almost sold to that Acacia Sect.

Bai Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with her father's words at all.

It even felt that Jiang Xiao had not crushed the soul of the black-robed old man, and it was very likely that he would leave a tail behind.


Jiang Xiao's face turned pale, and he immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet, filled with grief and anger.

Oops! I still have no experience. After all, I am an undisputed good person. How could I think of such a vicious thing as destroying the enemy's soul? Hey, I can only pay attention next time.

After a pause, Jiang Xiao looked dissatisfied at Xiao Bai, who was as frightened as himself.

Speaking of which, next time if you need to do something about destroying other people's souls, remember, you must remind me. You are also weird, so you should be familiar with this kind of thing.

Bai Yi nodded hurriedly, saying that she would definitely remind him of his next move and make the other party's soul disappear!

Hey! Although you are weird, you are still weird after reading a few lines of words. You can't do anything so decisively. You only need to drive the other person's soul into hell and prevent him from reincarnation forever. There is no need to make him unconscious. Destroy.

Bai Yi looked shocked and secretly thought that he was indeed his father. Even in the face of such viciousness, he still retained his compassion.

It seems that I still have a lot to learn from my father.

Xiaobai was so sensible, Jiang Xiao couldn't help but show a teachable expression.

Dad, what should we do next? This old man and the Song family seem to be in the same group. Should we come to him?

This is it

Jiang Xiao frowned and spoke slowly.

You have reminded me that the other party is very likely to be with the Song family. The Song family also knows everything about him coming to kill people and seize the treasure.

Dad, they must be the same species! Just in case, I think I need to kill him all over the place!

Bai Yi finally found the opportunity to show off the only idiom she had learned.

Nodding in agreement, Jiang Xiao felt that what Bai Yi said was very reasonable.

These rich and powerful families like this best. After killing the younger ones, they come to the older ones. After killing the older ones, they come to the older ones. After killing the older ones, they come to the higher-level forces. Only with lightning speed can they come. Only by covering up one's ears and annihilating them all can one effectively prevent the transmission of the message, but...

Jiang Xiao changed the topic and said worriedly.

But the other party's family has a great cause and must have ambushed countless people in advance waiting for us to fall into our trap. Therefore, we need to consider the long-term plan to kill everyone.

Bai Yi couldn't help but admire her father's intelligence even more.

Fortunately, my father was smart, otherwise if I went there rashly, I would definitely be sold to some Acacia sect.

Xiao Bai, you have to remember that people like us who are kind and soft-hearted must not be too weak. Once we are weak, it will become a reason for others to bully you.

Yeah, all Xiaobai knows. Just like now, if we are strong, we don't need to make long-term plans. We can go directly to the Song family and wipe out his entire family!


Jiang Xiao felt that Xiaobai, who had been trained by Blue Star, was quite to his liking, and many of his ideas coincided with his own.

Is this the feeling of having a clear connection?

It's strange, Master, why is it missing?

Stop hiding! If you have the ability, come out and fight me for 300 rounds. I will destroy you on behalf of the Heavenly Master!

At this moment, a calm and very pretentious voice appeared nearby.


Xiao Bai, clean up the battlefield!

He didn't need to remind him that Bai Yi, who was also a member of Gou Dao, had already sucked the battlefield clean, and there was not even a trace of blood smell in the air.

Xiaobai likes to eat snacks, but that doesn’t mean he won’t eat people~

Even the picky Jiang Xiao felt that Xiaobai's job was really beautiful.

Is there anyone?

Hey! The two people in front of you, did you see a swaying beautiful monster passing by here?

Chang An, don't be rude! Sanqing comes again, have you two encountered a beautiful snake?

Jiang Xiao was about to leave with a few words, when he suddenly felt that the voice was unusually familiar.

Eh? Are you Father Gangdan!?

Yeah? Do you know me? You are. Damn it! Jiang Xiao! I am throwing it? Wo Ri!!

Gangdan, who was wearing a Taoist robe, also recognized the former, and even showed more excitement!

They hadn't seen each other for more than half a year. Gang Dan even thought that he would never see this shameless beast again, but he didn't expect that the reunion would come so quickly.

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