In the palace, there was actually a murder!

It’s incredible!

Emperor Qian hurriedly changed his clothes and gathered several of his henchmen.

Then send someone to investigate.

It turned out that the assassin had already fled, and no clues were found!

No idea where the assassins came from!

“In the palace, the guards are tight, and the masters are like clouds, how can there be assassins coming in?”

Emperor Qian was shocked and angry, and at the same time he felt very confused in his heart!

If the assassins had been so easy to sneak in and kill people, the palace would have been messed up long ago!

Emperor Qian’s eyebrows furrowed deeply, and he always felt that this matter was not very simple.

At this moment, another henchman brought urgent information.

“Your Majesty, there was a riot in Qingzhou Xiushui City yesterday!”

“Some peasants rose up and occupied and controlled the entire Xiushui City in an instant.”

“They also…”

At this point, the subordinate did not dare to continue.

“Go ahead!”

Emperor Qian shouted coldly.

The subordinate spoke with genuine trepidation:

“They also beheaded the lord of the city and hung his head outside the city.”

“Declaring that the Daqian royal family is cruel and unkind, and the heavens are angry and resentful, they obey the destiny of heaven and want to overthrow the Daqian royal family!”


Emperor Qian’s face was blue with anger!

“A ragtag crowd dares to be so arrogant!”

“Send an elite army to suppress it immediately!!”

After a long time.

Emperor Qian calmed down and asked in a deep voice

“You just said this is what happened yesterday?”

“Why are you bringing the news back now?!”

The subordinate hurriedly explained:

“Your Majesty, the incident is sudden!”

“When the reaction came, the people below found out!”

“The speed of those peasant armies is really too fast!”

Emperor Qian frowned deeply again.

Although Silk City is not a big city, there are still guards.

Those peasant armies are just a ragtag bunch of people, and they don’t have any weapons to get weapons, and they don’t have much force to use force.

How could it be so swift and take down the entire city overnight??

A haze appeared between Emperor Qian’s eyebrows.

She always felt that there seemed to be layers of fog in it!

Coupled with the sudden murder incident in the palace, it is also very strange!

This day.

Emperor Qian mobilized his energy to investigate these two major events.

However, there were still not many eyebrows about the murders in the palace.

It was as if the assassin had come out of nowhere!

As for the side of Silk City, it has some news.

The reason is that Xiushui City has been in a state of ruin recent years, the drought is serious, and ordinary people still have to bear heavy taxes and be levied by the imperial court!

They went to the government office to resist, and as a result, many protesters were beaten to death outside the gate!

The people’s anger finally could not be suppressed and completely broke out!

Some people took the lead and rose up, and tens of thousands of peasants answered the call, including some martial arts and righteous masters to join!

No wonder it was able to crush the City Lord’s Mansion so quickly!

“But wherever there is a disaster in various places, is it not the first time to dispatch resources to relieve the disaster?”

“According to the reason, it is only right to distribute grain, but why should it be expropriated and violently collected?”

Emperor Qian was a little puzzled!

A small city, the official palace below, where the dog guts come from!

How dare they violate the yin and yang, and violate the policies of the upper echelons?

“And those peasants, when did they become so organized and disciplined?”

Emperor Qian absolutely did not believe that this was an ordinary peasant uprising!

Even the so-called jianghu warriors are involved in it at the same time, where there is such a coincidence!

If there was no advance preparation for this, Emperor Qian would never believe it.

Otherwise, the official palace of Xiushui City would not have been taken down so devastatingly!

“Is it some ambitious prince or clan king, or a spyin lurking in the enemy country who wants to cause trouble?”

Emperor Qian secretly guessed.

She could not have imagined that the people behind these changes were in the palace!


Prime Minister’s Office.

In the study.

Yan Luo looked at a secret letter in his hand and looked thoughtful.

“It turns out that the bloodshed in the imperial palace, as well as the civil uprising, are all ghosts caused by the empress…”

This secret letter was secretly sent by the eldest princess Yang Yueyao to send her henchmen.

Yan Luo had already explained that during this time, let Yang Yueyao not easily contact himself!

So as not to arouse the suspicion of the empress.

In the secret letter, Yang Yueyao knew limited information.

However, combined with the analysis of the news brought by the ‘Luo Net’, the truth is inseparable!

“It seems that this ambitious empress dowager is completely unable to hold back.”

The corners of his mouth flashed a sneering arc.

The news brought by Luo Wang is much more detailed!

On these two days, whether it was in the imperial palace or the entire imperial city, the movement of personnel in various positions was very strange!

It is as if there is an invisible black hand, secretly manipulating everything and arranging a big chess game!

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