"Fake! What's going on?".

"What's wrong with Master Wayne today, and he's actually dissatisfied with Mr. V-word vendetta?".

"It's not going to be angry because of the headlines, right?"

"Possibly. Isn't it possible that Master Wayne is going to enter politics?".

"If Master Wayne is willing to take off his mask, maybe he really has a chance to be a senator, to be the new Yorkmailer!".

"Hehe, that's interesting! Mr. V-word vendetta just now, and he was called to be Mel!".

"Just ask Mr. Mel now, are you panicking? haha!"


Jiang Chen's words made all kinds of speculation on the scene.

But there was not a man who spoke anything like the light of righteousness shining on the earth.

A bunch of bugs!

With this swarm of worms, how can it be possible to make New York better?

Jiang Chen was indignant in his heart.

The reporter of the New York newspaper excitedly continued to ask:

"Master Wayne, are you running for Mel in New York?"

"Or, already dissatisfied with the performance of the New York Police, they want to remove the commissioner and take up the post of commissioner of the New York Police Department?"

"I didn't!".

"I'm not!".

"Don't talk nonsense!".

Young Master Wayne, who was wide-eyed, denied the triple link:

"How can such an important position as the Commissioner of Police be given to me as a young man?"

"How can I afford my current position at the University of New Yorkmail?"

"Okay, let's not talk about anything else today. "

"Although the appearance of the V-word vendetta has caused some innocent people to die tragically, the party still has to go on. "

"Let's raise our glasses and pray for the dead!".

"May they rest in peace!".

In Jiang Chen's hand, he had already picked up the wine glass.

And the onlookers, including the reporters, were also unconscious.

took the wine glasses handed over by the service staff in Master Wayne's villa.

So they raised their glasses.

"May they rest in peace!".

Just then, a black face came in.

Loudly questioned Jiang Chen:

"Master Wayne!".

"Why are you hostile to the great Mr. V vendetta because he has never killed only the rich?".

"You're scared, aren't you?!".

"You're afraid that the great Mr. V vendetta will kill you, right?".

Jiang Chen glanced at this person.


It turned out to be the black guy who worked for the great Mr. Vendetta.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen.

Young Master Wayne, who has attracted much attention and is peerless, smiled indifferently:

"Why should I be afraid of V-word vendetta?".

"And who dares to say that V-word vendetta killers only kill the rich?".

"Indiscriminate attack!".

"Do you know what an indiscriminate attack is?".

"Whether you are poor or rich, healthy or sick, beautiful or ugly, successful or frustrated, you can die at the hands of the V-word vendetta anytime, anywhere!".

"In this case, would you still call him the great Mr. Vendetta?".

"Do you need a demonic Guardian, or a truly great New York Guardian?".

Jiang Chen's words.

It falls on everyone's ears.

Many of them looked thoughtful, and their eyes gradually lit up.


black boy struggled, his fists clenched, and he was finally defeated.

Said with a frustrated face

"Master Wayne, you're right. "

"We need a truly great New York Guardian, not a demon. "

"But, obviously, no!".

Speaking of which.

The black guy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Jiang Chen expectantly

"Master Wayne, would you like to be the great guardian of New York?".

"If you want, I'll vote for you as Mel!"


Jiang Chen was speechless.

Seeing Mr. Mel coming over, with a smile on his face:

"Oh, dear Mr. Mel. "

"What is the wind that blows you to my party?".

"No, don't call me Mr. Mel. "

Mr. Mel of New York, his white face flushed with anger, smiled elegantly:

"Dear Master Wayne. "

"Maybe it won't be long before the venerable Mr. Mel of New York will be you!".


Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment and laughed.

The media also filmed this scene and thought of the name-

[The old era has passed, and the new era has passed!].


"It's magical!".

"I shudder!".

"Not counting the injured New York cops, this guy actually shot forty-nine rally members!".

Huaxia, Qingyi Hotel.

The room next to the presidential suite has already received the news of the safe evacuation of colleagues from the United States.

Only then did Zhao Weiguo face up to Jiang Chen's movements in the United States.

News from the New Yorks, they've seen it.

It's not just news.

On some internet platforms, someone uploaded a video taken at the scene.

The gunshots kept ringing out.

Some of the pictures that were mosaiced, but not played.

Impacting people's sensory nerves.

Zhao Weiguo, as a person from a certain department of national security, was also a little uncomfortable.

Yue Shuai's throat moved:

"Team Zhao, Jiang Chen, he ......".

"I don't understand it now. "

Zhao Weiguo waved his hand, paused the picture on a mushroom cloud, and said with emotion

"He said to make some noise. "

"Who would have dared to think that he would directly put a mushroom cloud in New York?".

"This is too unscrupulous!".

"I'm thinking now, can we really use a person like him, and can we use it?"

"Could it be that you will lose eight thousand yourself?"

Before, I just looked at the materials.

Jiang Chen committed 500 crimes 10 years ago, nearly 100 major and important cases, and nearly 30 terrorist cases.

I also feel that there is a layer of paper, which is not real, and I don't feel it in particular.

But now.

This fireworks display in New York is a real thing.

Their colleagues, still on the way to retreat, saw it!

Jiang Chen, who is so crazy, is a little overwhelmed by a certain department of national security.

Yue Shuai thought about it and suggested:

"It's better to wait until tomorrow morning, when Jiang Chen wakes up, ask him what he thinks......



PS. Mayer is a literal translation of the English mayor [city high official].

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