I Was Born Invincible, Causing A Vision Of Ninety Thousand Miles Of Purple Qi

Chapter 181 The 10 Imperial Soldiers Are Born, I Will Ask You If You Are Afraid

Hearing that Chen Wudao had a way to deal with the God-Slaughtering Formation, the ancestors of the Chen family were stunned.

This is the God-Slaughtering Formation. If the God-Slaughtering Formation is complete, the Great Emperor will fall.

Although the power of the God-Slaughtering Formation could not be fully stimulated, the ten Quasi Emperor powerhouses were unable to break through them together.

Moreover, even the ancestors could not break it with the power of imperial soldiers.

"Can this kid from the Chen family break through the God-Slaughtering Formation?"

"Impossible, the God-Slaughtering Formation is so powerful that even the Great Emperor must be afraid. How can a Supreme ant break it?"

"That's not necessarily the case. That kid from the Chen family is extremely weird, and his methods are endless. Maybe he really has a way to break through the God-Slaughtering Formation."

"Once the Slaughtering God Great Array is broken, the Great Sun Dynasty will surely perish."

Several old monsters communicated secretly.

After hearing that Chen Wudao had a way to deal with the God-Slaughtering Formation, they felt that the former was exaggerating.

Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they have heard of it.

Now that the God-Slaughtering Formation is activated, the mighty power stuns everyone.

But some people think that Chen Wudao may really have a solution.

"Hmph, if you want to break through the God-Slaughtering Formation, unless the Great Emperor takes action, you will all die."

The Great Sun God sneered at the emperor.

He knew the power of the God-Slaughtering Formation.

Moreover, with ten Quasi Emperor powerhouses from the Great Sun Dynasty maintaining the great formation at the same time, it is obviously too slim for the ancestors of the Chen family to break the formation.

"Then open your eyes and watch carefully." Chen Wudao smiled strangely: "Then you will understand what despair is."

For the confident Chen Wudao, the emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty sneered.

He didn't think that Chen Wudao had the ability to break through the God-Slaughtering Formation.

In his opinion, Chen Wudao was just struggling to the death.


With the order of the Emperor of the Great Sun God Dynasty, the Quasi Emperor of the Great Sun God Dynasty made a move at the same time, and the huge force was input into the Slaughter God Great Array.

At this moment, the Slaughter God Great Array erupted with fierce might.

Hachi god-tier virtual like eight heads are angry and terrifying.

The Immortal ancient vicious beast aura filled the great formation.

Facing this powerful aura, the strong Chen family looked ugly.

One after another divine rainbow spewed out from the giant mouth of the eight-headed snake, containing supreme power.

Ancestor held the imperial soldiers and issued Sword Qi one after another.

"Boom bang bang..."

With the imperial soldiers in hand, Yizu was temporarily able to resist the attack of the God-Slaughtering Formation.

But he was still struggling.

After all, he is not a strong Great Emperor, so he cannot fully exert the power of the Emperor's soldiers.

"Ancestor, then."

Chen Wudao suddenly threw nine weapons at the ancestor of the Chen family.

Every weapon burst out with dazzling light, the momentum is shocking, and the vastness is terrifying.

"All of them are imperial soldiers, your kid really has you."

It was found that all Chen Wudao brought out were imperial soldiers, and the ancestors of the Chen family were very frightened.

With the imperial soldiers in hand, the ancestors could feel the majestic power of the imperial soldiers.

"Hahaha, the imperial soldiers are in hand, ancestor, I will break your slaughtering god array today."

"One imperial soldier may not be able to break your great formation, but now ten imperial soldiers, can you still stand up to your slaughtering god formation?"

"Kill, destroy the Great Sun Dynasty today, and praise the fierceness of my Chen family."

The ancestors let out a thunderous roar, and the Quasi Emperor's strong aura swept the universe.

The imperial soldiers are in hand, which greatly increases the confidence of the ancestors.

The ten Quasi Emperor powerhouses bombarded the God-Slaughtering Formation with the Quasi Emperor soldiers, with terrifying power, making people tremble with fear, and their scalps tingling.

The Emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty could no longer remain calm.

"How is this possible? How can the Chen family have so many imperial soldiers?"

The Great Sun God roared unwillingly at the Emperor.

He was about to be frightened by Chen Wudao.

Ten imperial soldiers, this is simply scaring people to death.

In everyone's impression, the Chen family has only one imperial soldier.

Because only one Great Emperor has appeared in the Chen family.

But now there are ten imperial soldiers in front of them, and they are not the imperial soldiers of the ancestors of the Chen family.

After all, the Chen family has a total of eleven imperial soldiers.

"Fight, we must not let the God-Slaughtering Formation be broken."

The emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty frantically urged the slaughtering god array.

The eight-headed snake roared furiously, majestic and ferocious.

The ten ancestors of the Chen family held the imperial soldiers in their hands and used the supreme sword technique of the Chen family. One after another, the majestic Sword Qi rose into the sky and landed on the barrier of the God-Slaughtering Formation.

"Boom bang bang..."

The ten imperial soldiers were bombarded, and the scene was so magnificent that the heart was almost unbearable.

At this time, all those who secretly wanted to do something with the driver backed off.

Ten imperial soldiers are enough to make the Chen family stand at the top of the Nine Heavens, and those in the restricted area should be afraid.

"How did the Chen family boy get the ten imperial soldiers? Could it be that he dug the tombs of ten Great Emperors?"

"Hiss, this is going to scare people to death. Is it possible that there have been ten Great Emperor powerhouses in the Chen family?"

"Fart, there is no way ten Great Emperors will appear in the Chen family, they must be obtained by Chen Wudao from somewhere."

"With the birth of ten imperial soldiers, who else in the nine Immortal Domains dares to offend the Chen family?"

"It's obviously not wise to want to attack the Chen family now. We can only make plans when the right time comes."

Those who secretly wanted to attack the Chen family were shocked by the ten imperial soldiers.

If there was only one imperial soldier, they would not be so afraid.

But now the situation, they have been clear.

The Great Sun Dynasty obviously miscalculated by relying on the God-Slaughtering Formation to deal with the ancestors of the Chen family.

No matter what, they never thought that Chen Wudao would be able to take out ten imperial soldiers.

"Work harder, break the formation!"

Ancestor shouted loudly, and a shocking sword beam slashed out, landing in the same position in the Slaughter God Great Array.

Immediately afterwards, the nine ancestors shot at the same time.

One after another powerful sword beams were sent out, and the might of the imperial soldiers ripped apart the void, shaking the sky.

As the Slaughter God Great Array was continuously attacked, cracks had appeared.

Seeing the cracks in the Slaughtering God's Great Array, the emperor of the Great Sun God Dynasty was desperate.

Originally thought that he could rely on the Slaughter God Great Array to destroy the ten ancestors of the Chen family, but now it seems that he has gone.

"Old Ancestor, don't kill the guys above Supreme Cultivation Base, if you can capture them alive, they are of great use to me."

Chen Wudao stared at the ten Great Sun Dynasty Quasi Emperors in front of him, with bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

Those are the ten Quasi Emperor powerhouses, and after swallowing them, they can make him Cultivation Base Ascension to a rapid Ascension.

Ten Quasi Emperor powerhouses are enough for him to break through to the Quasi Emperor level.

Once he breaks through to the Quasi Emperor, Chen Wudao will definitely push Nine Heavens across ten places.

"Okay, Old Ancestor, I try to keep people."

Although First Ancestor did not know why Chen Wudao kept these people, he felt that it would be of great benefit to Chen Wudao.

Ten Quasi Emperors attacked with imperial soldiers in their hands, and the Slaughtering God Great Array was finally broken.

The emperor of the Great Sun God Dynasty was backlashed by the power of the Slaughter God Great Array and was immediately injured.

"Hey, take your life."

First Ancestor laughed and killed the Emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty with the imperial soldiers in his hand.

Facing the menacing ancestor of the Chen family, the emperor of the Great Sun Dynasty looked horrified, and he immediately shouted: "Save me!"

"What? You thought someone would save you?"

Yizu sneered.

At this moment, a big hand of Shrouding the Heavens appeared above the Imperial City, and the vast aura overwhelmed the universe.

The big hand flickered with a rainbow, the breath of the avenue filled the world, and the chains of order gushed out like a snake.

The entire Desolate Heaven Immortal Domain trembled, as if to sink.

"It's the ancient emperor!"

Seeing that Shrouding the Heavens hand down, those old monsters' expressions changed drastically.

They didn't even think that the Great Sun Dynasty was actually related to the ancient emperor of the restricted area.

This is worth thinking about.

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