"Xiao Uncle, my master has approved this matter."

She did not intend to use force against the Xiao family when she came this time.

He was hailed as the most likely to be the youngest St. Wang Qiang.

The elder of the Xiao family was startled when he saw that the people of the Cloud Lan Sect were angry.

They were afraid that the people of Yun Lanzong would make a move.

Since it was unavoidable, he had nothing to do but anger.

"Patriarch, accept it, the three Heavenly Spirit Pills are of great use to the Xiao family."

No matter how cultivation is now, there is no way to be promoted.

After all, Xiao Huo is a waste now, no matter how much cultivation he can't Ascension Cultivation Base.

Especially Yun Lanzong elder and several disciples.

The elders of the Xiao family were surprised when they heard that they could enter Yunlanzong cultivation.

What's the matter with this kid?

Xia Yanran respected her grandfather.

With her current status, Xiao Huo is the difference between heaven and earth compared to her.

"Your actions are too deceiving."

If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Wudao and Yunlanzong Sect Leader knew each other, the elder of Yunlanzong would think that there was something wrong with this kid's brain?

Moreover, Chen Wudao looks young, but he has True Martial Realm Cultivation Base, which will scare people to death.

Patriarch Xiao did not reach out to take the Heavenly Spirit Pill, his eyes seemed indifferent.

Although it was just a little breath, it was enough to make the Xiao family feel terrified.

"Under the Four Extreme Realm environment, if you can take Tianling Pill, you can 100% Ascension a Realm Cultivation Base, this Medicine Pill is too rare."

"You're a waste, and your temper is not small." At this time, Chen Wudao said: "Dare to let the people of my Yunlan Sect get out of your Xiao family, where do you have the courage?"

What's going on here?

As a man, being divorced by a woman was a great shame to Xiao Huo.

Xiao Linger looked at Chen Wudao with a cold look.

When Xia Yanran took out the three Heavenly Spirit Pills, the eyes of the elders of the Xiao family were straight.

Yang Xuan knew that his opportunity to perform was coming, and he stood up.

But in this remote area, medicine pills like Tianlingdan are extremely rare.

"Heavenly Spirit Pill, this is a very high-level elixir. After taking it, it can Ascension Cultivation Base."

The marriage between Xiao Huo and Xia Yanran was initiated by the Xia family.

It is also doomed to be divorced today.

"Whether you accept it or not, I will break off the marriage, and there will be no possibility between you and me." Xia Yanran's expression was calm: "If you feel that the three Heavenly Spirit Pills are not enough as compensation, then I can help you in the Yunlan Sect. Fight for a place in the inner discipline, and you can cultivate in Yunlanzong in the future."

Just when he was about to take the Heavenly Spirit Pill, Xiao Huo's voice sounded.

Xia Yanran was dumbfounded.

The Xiao family elder was very frightened.

Xiao Huo felt that he was carrying a big mountain on his back, which made him unable to breathe.

As the Young Master of Scarlet Flame Valley, every Medicine Pill he carries is more advanced than Heavenly Spirit Pill.

"Your Xiao family is just a small family in Wutan City. In front of the Yunlan Sect, you are nothing but ants, and can be destroyed with a snap of your fingers." Chen Wudao pointed at Xiao Huo's nose and cursed: "You are a waste, as a waste you must have the self-awareness of waste. ."

"I hope the head of the family can think of the family."

As the most dazzling genius of the Xiao family back then, Xiao Huo had a great reputation.

"Xiao Huo is already a waste. His cultivation path has ended in the future. It is reasonable to break off the marriage. If we can get three Heavenly Spirit Pills, then our Xiao family will be able to appear a few True Martial Realm powerhouses."

If he wants to harvest the son of luck, he must do it himself.

It was as if Chen Wudao had become a corpse in her eyes.

"It's just three Heavenly Spirit Pills, so consider it as compensation."

After all, anger can only be transformed by targeting Chen Wudao.

But they felt that even if Xiao Huo was able to enter Yunlanzong cultivation, it would be useless.

How could he accept Xia Yanran's Heavenly Spirit Pill?

Xia Yanran was stunned.

For a time, everyone's eyes converged on Chen Wudao.

At the moment, Chen Wudao only had one thought, that is, to anger Xiao Huo as much as possible.

After all, if he did something to the Xiao family, the old man of the Xia family would not spare Xia Yanran lightly.

She looked puzzled, who is this person?

"I said, I don't need your charity." Xiao Huo shouted angrily, "Get your people out of the Xiao family."

"Dare to let the people of my Yunlan Sect go, you are the first, I think you are tired of living."

"Take your Heavenly Spirit Pill and get out, my Xiao family doesn't need your alms." Xiao Huo glared at Xia Yanran: "Xia Yanran, you should understand the shame of a man getting divorced."

"Niece Xia, it's a good idea. As a direct disciple of your Cloud Lanzong Sect Leader, my Xiao family really doesn't have the ability to oppose you."

Obviously, the master has acquiesced.

Yang Xuan sneered in his heart.

But he swears in his heart that one day Xia Yanran will pay the price for today's divorce.

The elder of the Xiao family got up and walked over, wanting to take the three Heavenly Spirit Pills.

"You are humiliating me Xiao Huo by breaking off your marriage today, and even more so, humiliating my Xiao family."

Although the elders of the Xiao family were angry, they were helpless.

This divorce is a great opportunity.

They were all dumbfounded.

He was divorced again today, which completely angered him.

Only Xiao Huo's anger can transform his luck value.

For those who are mediocre in Cultivation Base Talent, having a heavenly elixir can change their destiny.

The voice echoed in the Xiao family hall, making everyone's heart skip a beat.

They were afraid that the people of Yun Lanzong would suddenly attack, and the Xiao family would suffer.

Now Xia Yanran personally came to break off the marriage with a firm attitude.

In the face of Chen Wudao's blooming coercion, Xiao Huo's face instantly turned pale, and he lay on the ground with his hands on the ground.

Seeing this situation, the Elder Yun Lanzong was stunned.

"Che, isn't it the Heavenly Spirit Pill? Send the beggars."

He looked at Chen Wudao contemptuously: "What a big tone, today I want to see who dares to touch a single hair of the Xiao family?"

While speaking, Chen Wudao's aura deliberately released, instantly covering the entire Xiao family hall.

He naturally despised this so-called Heavenly Spirit Pill.

Yang Xuan has a strong identity and background, and Yun Lanzong is not enough to see in front of him.

His breath just released a little, grasp the scale.

The elders of the Xiao family looked at the three Heavenly Spirit Pills in Xia Yanran's hands with fiery eyes.

At this time, Xia Yanran focused her eyes on Yang Xuan.

On the other side, Yang Xuan, after seeing Xia Yanran taking out three Heavenly Spirit Pills, he was very contemptuous.

If he accepts it, wouldn't his Xiao family master become the laughing stock of Wutan City?

However, good fortune gets people. Three years ago, his Cultivation Base suddenly stagnated and even started to go backwards.

Xia Yanran took out three Heavenly Spirit Pills and handed them to Patriarch Xiao.

Although it was her decision to come to the Xiao family to break off the marriage this time, the master did not stop her.

But Chen Wudao's actions exceeded Xia Yanran's expectations.

He understands that with the strength of the Xiao family, it is impossible to compete with the Yunlan Sect.

From a genius to a waste, he was ridiculed and humiliated by the people around him.

Their Cultivation Base has reached a limit. If they can get the help of Heavenly Spirit Pill, then Cultivation Base will definitely get Ascension.

The Xiao family master knew that the Xiao family was too weak in front of the Yunlan Sect and had no ability to fight against it.

When the Xiao family saw Yang Xuan come forward, they knew that there would be a good show to watch next.

She glanced at Chen Wudao and was a little surprised.

Xia Yanran's expression didn't change much, she seemed relatively calm.

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