I Was Born Invincible, Causing A Vision Of Ninety Thousand Miles Of Purple Qi

Chapter 127 Fighting War Saint Queen's Descendants

Appearing in front of Chen Wudao was a sturdy youth from the demon clan.

"I don't care, I'm going to fight with you."

"But why do I want to fight with you?" Chen Wudao said with an unhappy expression: "If you want to be the number one evildoer of all ages, then I will let it go to you."

"I'm the Great Monkey Sun of the War Saint Ape Clan." Sun Great Monkey grinned: "It is rumored that you are the number one evildoer in all ages, and the Great Monkey Sun is the first to refuse, so I want to challenge you."

Chen Wudao also has some understanding of the Fighting War Saint ape clan.

Sun Dayou has just finished a few years of Closed Door Training cultivation.

"On the contrary, if you lose, then you have to surrender to me and accept me as the boss, how about that?"

Listening to Chen Wudao's request, Sun Dayou scratched his head and did not answer immediately.

"Hey, big monkey, are you afraid?"

"Chen Wudao, are you ready?"

Chen Wudao looked at the visitor with interest, and raised his brows slightly.

"Eat me!"

"Come on, let me see how strong your big monkey is?"

"Don't agree to this kid Sun Dahou, don't get caught up in the conspiracy of that kid Chen Wudao."

Sun Dayou waved the golden stick in his hand and stared at Chen Wudao aggressively.

He wants to see how powerful the rumored Chen Wudao is.

The power of the bloodline in this big monkey in front of him is strong, and he is almost at the stage of returning to his ancestors.

"Big monkey, can you use some force?"

Sun Dayou swung the golden stick in his hand, and the whole person jumped high, a full hundred feet high.

Chen Wudao waved to Sun Dayou.

Running the Golden Body Art of Ten Thousand Zhangs, Chen Wudao burst into golden light, giving people a sense of heaviness.

After learning that Chen Wudao owned the Saint King Cultivation Base when he was only ten years old, Sun Dayou immediately became interested.

As soon as he left the customs, he heard rumors about Chen Wudao.

In fact, Chen Wudao was also interested in the blood vessels in Sun Big Monkey's body.

And the Fighting War Saint Ape Tribe is Megatron Nine Heavens.

As the power raged, a huge deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Wudao looked calm.

Seeing that Sun Dayou agreed to Chen Wudao's request, the ape-clan powerhouse in War Saint was so angry that he could not wait to pull out Sun Dayou and beat him up.

The simple-minded Sun Dayou has a hot temper, how can he endure Chen Wudao's molestation?

Even if Sun Dayou owns the Great Saint Cultivation Base, he may not be able to defeat Chen Wudao.

As a descendant of the Emperor Dou War Saint, he cannot give the Dou War Saint ape a Losing face.

Chen Xiaotian glanced at Dou War Saint Ape Clan, and laughed secretly in his heart.

It is said that when the Emperor of War Saint fell, it was mainly because he wanted to suppress the dark unrest.

Through observation, it was found that the guy in front of him had a strong bloodline.

However, Chen Wudao easily blocked it.

Therefore, the Holy Emperor of the Battle Formation offended the major restricted areas.

The youth of the demon clan was covered in golden hair and held a golden stick in his hand.

Many people are still interested in seeing Chen Wudao fight with their own eyes.

He looked solemn and began to get serious.

The expressions of the Chen family disciples changed slightly.

Hearing Chen Wudao's words, Sun Dayou was a little stupid.

"What are you looking for from me?"

Chen Wudao's right fist was against Sun Dayou's thick and heavy iron rod, and he was definitely standing in the deep pit.

Seeing that Sun Dayou had to do it, Chen Wudao said, "Well, since we have to do it, then we have to make an agreement."

He didn't hold back at all, even a Great Saint might be afraid.

Sun Dayou swore to himself.

An ancient emperor appeared and suppressed the Nine Heavens.

However, the warriors of the War Saint ape tribe outside the Taikoo Mountains were in a hurry.

When everyone around saw that Chen Wudao was going to fight Sun Dayou, everyone retreated to the side to watch the battle.

Now that the Dragon Phoenix Sacred Body has been defeated by Chen Wudao, Sun Dahou will naturally not feel that he is bullying Chen Wudao.

Sun Dahou frowned slightly.

This made Sun Dahou a little depressed.

The golden rod shines dazzlingly in his hand.

And the guy Sun Dayou is simple-minded and has no other ideas.

Sun Dahou, the ape of the Fighting War Saint, has the Great Saint early stage Cultivation Base, and contains the blood of the ancient emperor in his body.

Hearing this, Sun Dayou was a little depressed.

The blood of the Holy Emperor in Sun Dayou's body is pure, if he can grow up smoothly, he will definitely become an ancient emperor in the future.

Chen Wudao did not dodge, but threw a punch to meet the big golden iron rod that was heavily smashed by Sun Dayou.

But Chen Wudao in front of him had no plans to fight him.

The appearance of Emperor Dou War Saint at the beginning made the power of the demon clan gather brilliantly.

Looking at the demon youth in front of him, many people around him already knew his identity.

Chen Wudao frowned slightly.

Dragon Phoenix Sacred Body owns the Great Saint Cultivation Base.

Sun Dayou learned from the information that Chen Wudao was a particularly arrogant guy.


After more than 100,000 years of reproduction, the War Saint ape tribe gradually recovered its vitality.

The golden stick in Sun Dayou's hand fell heavily, causing the ground to tremble.

Seeing that Chen Wudao could easily block this strike, Sun Dayou was a little surprised.

Hearing this, Sun Dayou scratched his head and looked silly: "Uh, it seems so"

"Hmph, my grand monkey will do what he says and never break his promise."

Dragon Phoenix Sacred Body is not Chen Wudao's opponent, can Sun Dayou be an opponent?

The fist collided with the golden iron rod, a loud noise erupted, and a powerful force swept away, causing a storm.

The golden stick in his hand looks small, but the actual weight is absolutely amazing.

This caused the Dou War Saint ape tribe to suffer disaster after the fall of the Dou War Saint emperor.

Although Emperor Dou War Saint died in the end, Emperor Dou War Saint still left his bloodline in the world.

The big golden iron rod pierced the sky, with bursts of sonic booms, as if to shatter the void.

Fighting War Saint Ape Elder prayed in his heart.

They all knew that the boy Sun Dahou was simple-minded, just a big five and three rough, without any scheming.

Chen Wudao saw that Sun Dayou was a little hesitant, so he made a provocative statement.

Chen Xiaotian is naturally optimistic about this evildoer's grandson.

Chen Wudao's body sank, and the whole person was crushed into the ground by the strong force.


He was unscathed.

In the ancient times, there was an ancient emperor and a strong man in the War Saint ape tribe of the demon clan, who was called the Emperor Dou War Saint.

"You, a guy from the Great Saint Cultivation Base, challenged me, a ten-year-old kid, don't you think it's too much?" Chen Wudao was full of depression: "It's not good to bully the small."

"Fighting the strong ape of War Saint, this person has a strong breath."

Because they know the perverted strength of Chen Wudao.

"Hehe, Wudao is uneasy and kind."

The disciples of the Chen family were a little surprised to learn that the uninvited guest in front of them was from the War Saint ape clan.

As a belligerent madman, Sun Dayou naturally wants to fight Chen Wudao.

If this step is crossed, an ancient emperor will definitely appear in the War Saint ape clan.

Logically, shouldn't Chen Wudao be a competitive person?

"It's very simple, I will fight with you, and whoever loses will surrender." Chen Wudao said the agreed requirements: "If I lose, I will surrender to you, and I will obey your orders in the future."

And Chen Wudao's request made Dou War Saint Ape Elder anxious.

If Sun Dayou agrees and loses to Chen Wudao, what will the old guys in the War Saint ape tribe look like?

"What if you regret it?"

"What agreement?"

He answered immediately: "I'm not afraid of you, I promise."

Suddenly he thought of something, and then stared at Chen Wudao: "Don't come here, I have already heard that you defeated the Dragon Phoenix Sacred Body, so I challenge you is not bullying you."

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