Chapter 178: Living Tribe, Gabriel!

The land of the extreme west, where was affected by Luo Hu’s self-destruction, was deserted.

But even in such a barren place, there are a group of human races.

They were just one of the human tribes that dispersed when the monsters killed the human tribes.

Because of the barrenness here, they have lost their heritage, and the existence of the human ancestral land has been left behind by them.

Now, their only belief is to live!

Pass on your own tribe!

Therefore, their tribe is called live!

At this moment, it was noon, it was a good time for the tribes of the living tribe to go out hunting.

However, both men and women gathered in front of a room full of sadness.

“What to do? That monster wants us to donate a thousand virgins!”

“There are only a thousand boys and girls in our entire tribe. If it is dedicated to that monster, how can our tribe pass on it?”


The tribesmen of the living tribes were whispering there, with anxiety and irritability in their eyes!

Many tribesmen of living tribes still stand by their children.

It’s just that these children are a little at a loss, don’t understand why their parents and those uncles are so upset.


At this moment, the door of their previous house opened, and an old man with a cane slowly walked out.

There was excitement in his muddy eyes.

“My people, we are saved!”

Hearing the words of the old man, the entire living tribe was in an uproar.

“What? Is it saved?”

“Could it be that the monster is dead?”

“Or is there any fairy to save us?”


Hearing the noise of the clansmen, the old man raised his right hand.

Suddenly the whole living tribe became quiet, and all the people focused on the old man.

“People of the tribe, we have fled all the way from our ancestors to this point, and we have lived hard until now!”

“We have lost a lot, lost the names of our ancestors, lost our most important memory!”

“But why do we call the living tribe?!”

“To live, to find our own roots!”

Although the old man’s words were not big, they seemed to ring in their hearts, causing them to clenched their fists, each of them with firmness written in their eyes.

“Today, my living tribe has encountered a catastrophe. It is very difficult for us to live on our own strength alone!”

“But, fortunately, our sincerity moved the emperor, and the emperor let the holy spirit descend and protect our tribe!”

At the end, the old man’s body trembled slightly, but the tribesmen of the living tribe did not notice this.

And as the old man’s words fell, a holy light flickered between heaven and earth.

Looking at the holy light, the tribesmen of the living tribe only felt that they felt the most beautiful things, and heard the hymn from heaven and earth.

“I am the Archangel Gabriel under the seat of God!”

“All beings are glorified when they see me, and all beings see me as they see God!”

At this moment, a vague sound emerged from the holy light.

His words were low, with a strange charm, resounding through the entire living tribe.

The figure is tall, but has twelve wings behind it.

Rumble! Rumble!

Between heaven and earth, there was a roar of thunder, and it seemed that heaven and earth felt something.

And the appearance of this scene also caused Sanqing, and the others were frowned upon.

They don’t understand what happened, and they can’t figure out the result even by pinching their fingers.

“Mountain worship the archangel!”

“Mulei pays homage to the archangel!”


The people of the living tribes have lost their inheritance and are just stronger mortals at the moment.

Seeing, this scene where the mighty power is like a prison and the mighty sea is all involuntarily kneeling to the ground and worshiping Gabriel.

There is a look of worship in their eyes!

This is the most primitive worship, and the worship of the weak for the strong!


“Living tribe, the king is here!”

“Have the king’s blood food been prepared? If it is not prepared, then the entire living tribe will definitely cease to exist today!”

A wolf howl sounded, and then the black demon cloud that filled thousands of miles fell towards the place of the living tribe.

When the demon cloud dissipated, a gray wolf appeared in front of the people of the living tribe.

The eyes of this gray wolf were full of hideous and cruel colors.

A bloody mouth is the bloody air rushing towards the face, and people can’t help but tremble in their hearts!

“Huh? Who are you?”

The gray wolf looked at the human races of the living tribe, his eyes full of greed.

At the beginning, he was just a little wolf demon who had just stepped into the golden fairy realm, and was called up to join the battlefield of the Lich decisive battle.

Many monsters who were stronger than him in the entire Lich battlefield died on the battlefield.

He was able to survive entirely thanks to his stable personality.

Therefore, when he saw the shadow of the holy light formed by Gabriel, his eyes flashed with vigilance.

There was even a faint sense of death in his heart.

You know, he hasn’t been in vain all these years, and he has also picked up a lot of omissions on the Lich battlefield.

Now it’s just one step away from Da Luo Jinxian.

If it wasn’t for the purpose of entering the Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible, he would not venture to find here, and wanted to live the tribe to offer thousands of virgins.

“Evil breath!”

“Here, you are not worthy of admiring the glory of my lord, you are only worthy of being purified by my lord!”

“Holy light, purification!”

Gabriel’s voice disgusted with gray wolves came from among the dim shadow of the holy light.

As Gabriel’s words fell, countless sacred lights gathered in front of him, forming a pillar of sacred light, shrouded toward the gray wolf!

“not good!”

“Shadow Blood Escape!”

In the gray wolf’s heart, the sense of death crisis became so intense that he had a foreboding that if he were shrouded by the holy light beam, he would lose his life in an instant!

For this reason, the gray wolf also ignored other things and immediately used a means of escape.

Shadow and blood escape, with essence and blood as the guide, shadow as the root, escape into the endless darkness!

As long as there is a place where the shadow can blend in, then he can escape.

In one breath, it is a million miles away!

It’s just that if you use such a method, it is easy to damage your own foundation, and easily, the gray wolf will not use it.

“Oh, wanting to escape, it’s just a delusion!”

“Accept the judgment of my lord obediently!”

Gabriel let out a cold cry, and his cold and murderous words came out.

As his words fell, the speed of the holy light beam suddenly increased hundreds of times.

Even if the gray wolf used the means to escape, it was caught up in a few breaths.


The gray wolf felt that his body was constantly being annihilated by this holy light, he only had time to scream, and then he fell on the spot.

The human races of the living tribe watched this scene, and they were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the gray wolf, who brought disaster to his tribe, would die so easily in Gabriel’s hands.

This can’t help but make them look at Gabriel with admiration.

The belief in Gabriel and the God he said suddenly rose in his heart!

Gabriel naturally felt this scene too, and a satisfied expression seemed to flash across his fuzzy face.

Just as he was about to say something, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and thunder and lightning shuttled among the dark clouds.

Gabriel looked up at the sky, and a whispered voice sounded.

“Isn’t it time for my lord to come?”

“However, I believe that day will come soon!”

As he said, Gabriel looked at a place in the eastern part of the prehistoric, and then his figure suddenly turned into a spot of light, sinking into the human race of every living tribe present.

After absorbing these light spots, the human races of the living tribe have undergone subtle changes.

Their original faces with black pupils and black hair, at this moment the black pupils seemed to transform towards the blue pupils, and there was also a slight gold in the black pupils.

It’s just that no one has noticed this.

All of them were devoted to their minds, and there were a few more prayers in their minds.

“Praise my lord, you created the world…”

The low prayers gradually turned from low and uneven, into a neat voice.

In the entire living tribe, there seemed to be something special, something that seemed to be gestating, and something that seemed to be waiting for.

I don’t know how far away the land is.

In the world where angels and demons are together!

Hanging high in the heaven above the nine heavens.

Holy Mountain, the dwelling place of God Jehovah!

The original closed eyes of Jehovah suddenly opened and looked in the direction of the prehistoric.

“Finally found it?”

“It’s not a waste of me to give up on myself!”

“Pangu’s Daoguo…super…”

“It’s also time to head towards the wilderness, I don’t know, how many old friends can I meet this time…”

The words were low and unheardable, and Jehovah also slowly fell silent.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but with a touch of his fingertips, a holy light broke through the void and headed towards the Demon Realm of the Underworld.

And Satan, who had just led a spread among the Seven Demon Kings in the Demon Realm, received this holy light.

When he read the news in the holy light, the divine light appeared in his eyes, and his tongue licked his lips.

“It seems that it is a good choice to set off a massacre in the predicament!”

“My Demon Realm will occupy the entire world, killing, bloody, catharsis, it should be the world as it is!”

“Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha…”

Satan’s voice sounded in the entire demon world.

The Seven Demon Kings who had fallen into the fight knelt on the ground, their bodies trembling slightly.

Even if they are so powerful, even if they dare to attack God, they dare not make the slightest change in the face of Satan.

Compared to Satan, they consider themselves pure white rabbits.

“Makaijiro, let’s fight!”

“Use blood to prove yourself, and death to please me!”

“If it can satisfy me, I will crown you king!”

Satan’s words fell, and red lights suddenly lit up in the entire Demon Realm.

The red light was full of intentions, full of madness!

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