Chapter 163 The Responsibility of the Co-Master, Shennong Tastes Herbs!

Three years passed quickly, and within Chen Capital, Lieshan handled the affairs of the human race with majesty.

In front of him stood several great sages of the human race, these were all able ministers who assisted him in managing human affairs.

“Conglord, in the past month, many people from the tribe have lost their lives because of eating poisonous fruit by mistake!”

“This matter is extremely common in the entire human race.”

“If we don’t want to solve it anymore, I am afraid it will become a confidant of our human race!”

A Human Race Daxian came out, with white hair and extremely ruddy face, and his whole body exuded an indifferent and tranquil atmosphere.

Lieshan frowned slightly when he heard the words of the great sage of the human race.

Since he became the co-owner of the human race, the first thing he did was to promote grain planting and farming tools to the whole human race.

In order to promote this matter, Lieshan asked the tribes to nominate smart people and let them come to Chendu.

He personally demonstrated for them how to grow grains and how to solve some of the problems that arise during the cultivation.

This approach also made the cultivation of grains quickly become the main way of obtaining food among the human race, and it also further enhanced his prestige in the human race.

But the problem of food was solved, and new problems followed.

Terrans grow grains, gather wild fruits, and hunt wild beasts to maintain their survival.

This is not wrong. It’s just that some weeds will be produced in the cultivation of grains, and some of these weeds are mixed with grains, and after being eaten by the human race, it will make some people feel uncomfortable.

And if some wild fruits were eaten, they even suffered from poisoning and death.

The same is true for hunting. Encountering ferocious beasts will cause casualties to the human race, and these injuries are often not well resolved.

If the human race with cultivation base can heal them, once these people with cultivation base all leave.

Then this person often has to endure hard, if he survives, he will live, if he can’t survive, he will die!

Such things are not rare, and Lieshan has also paid attention to it.

“Everyone, you are all great sages of my human race. I wonder if you have any solution?”

Lieshan’s words rang in everyone’s ears.

However, whether it was the person with indifferent temperament, or the others, they looked a little embarrassed.

They just came to Lieshan to explain the situation because they didn’t have a solution to this matter.

Looking at the expressions of the people, Lie Shan’s heart also gave birth to a trace of helplessness.

He waved his hand, and then he spoke.

“Well, you can go down first, this matter makes me think about it.”

After receiving Lieshan’s order, all the great sages of the human race retreated one after another.

After a long while, Lieshan, who was left alone in the hall, shook his head slightly, and he let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, I can’t find any thoughts on this matter for the time being, so I’ll go to the teacher to ask and see if the teacher has a way to solve this problem.”

After the words fell, Lieshan’s figure suddenly disappeared in the hall.

When he appeared again, he was already on top of Chen Mountain outside Chen Du.

After he came to Chendu and became the co-leader of the human race, Duobao also followed.

“Teacher, many of my human races have lost their lives by accidentally eating poisonous things, and some have lost their lives because of being scratched by wild beasts.”

“I am quite distressed about this. I wonder if the teacher can solve this matter in any way?”

Duobao heard Lieshan’s words. He swept Lieshan slightly and brought Lieshan to a peak. He pointed at the two wild beasts that were fighting.

“You can observe with confidence to see if you can find something.”

Lieshan was puzzled, so he had to observe the fighting of the two wild beasts carefully.

After the two beasts fought for a while, one of them was killed, but the victorious beast roared up to the sky. Although it looked majestic, it was also full of scars at the moment.

I saw that beast looked down for a while, bit some plants in his mouth, chewed for a while, spit it out, and smeared his wounded body with its paws.

(This is a beast that has become a spirit, although I don’t know why it can smear the whole body with its paws.)

“Teacher, I understand!”

Lieshan’s eyes flashed with the feeling of Mingwu, and he spoke to Duobao with excitement.

“Oh? What do you understand?”

Dobo looked at Lieshan and asked with a smile at him.

“Teacher, seeing these two beasts fighting together, I remembered that some people in the tribe were injured, and some old people were looking for some plants to heal them.”

“And after these beasts fight, they also know how to find plants to heal wounds. It can be seen that these plants can be healed!”

Lieshan’s mind turned very fast, and from the movements of these beasts, he found a solution.

“Yes, these wild beasts will have scars when they fight, but they know that some plants can be used to heal them.”

“Everything in this world grows and suppresses each other, and there are poisons, so there is a corresponding antidote, but the habits in this world require you to respond one by one and look for it one by one!”

Duobao glanced at Lieshan with admiration, and said to him.

Hearing Duobao’s words, Lieshan’s eyes were full of bright colors, and a bright light flashed in his mind, he wanted to know what he should do next.

I saw Lieshan speak to Duobao, “Please also ask the teacher to seal my strength. I am willing to become a mortal and taste the habits of these plants in the same way!”

“Finally, I will record all the plant habits, so that my human race will not die from eating these things!”

Dobo looked at the appearance of Lieshan, a light flashed in his eyes, and then he said, “How many kinds of plants do you know in this world?”

“How long do you have to taste before you can taste these plants? Even if it takes ten years, it may not be enough!”

“What’s more, the plants between the world and the earth, there are some poisonous weeds that can make you lose your life, even if you are Taiyi Golden Immortal, even Da Luo Jinxian can’t hold it!”

Hearing Duobao’s words, the expression in Lieshan’s eyes did not waver at all, but because of Duobao’s words, he became more determined!

“No! Teacher, you are wrong!”

“I am the co-leader of the human race. Now that this problem has arisen in my human race, then I must solve it. This is my responsibility as the co-master of the human race. Even the sacrifice for this is worth it!”

“For the prosperity of the human race and for the safety of the people, I am willing to try, no matter if it is ten or twenty years, after all, you can realize your ideas only if you do it!”

If he was sacrificed alone, in exchange for the people’s knowledge of these plants, so that they would not die from eating poisonous weeds by mistake, then his sacrifice would be worth it!

Becoming the co-owner of the human race is not to enjoy power, but to make the race more prosperous!

Seeing Lieshan’s firm expression, Duobao shook his head slightly. He didn’t say much, and his figure disappeared.

“If you have to do this, then go, but you still need to be careful in everything!”

Lieshan did not speak, but silently bowed to the place where Duobao had left, and then returned to Chen Du.

After returning to Chendu, Lieshan summoned a group of great sages from the human race and told them what he was going to do next.

The affairs of the entire human race were handed over to them, but they did not expect to be discouraged by everyone.

“Common Lord, your safety is related to the stability of the human race, you must never act like this!”

“Please think twice, I am willing to replace you in this matter!”

“Co-owner, you must never commit personal risks!”


Listening to their persuasion, Lieshan just shook his head slightly, his eyes full of determination.

“There is no need to persuade this matter, I have decided!”

“The Emperor Paxus was able to spend more than ten years of hard work in order to avoid natural disasters for the people to create innate gossip.”

“As my successor, Lieshan, how can I not spend decades of hard work to solve the problem of humans eating poisonous weeds by mistake?”

Hearing Lieshan’s words, all the great sages of the human race were stunned, and they didn’t know what to say.

A few days later, when everything was handed over to the great sages, Lieshan took a few relatives out of the human tribe and walked towards the mountain.

He didn’t taste all the plants as soon as he came, but observed the beasts first, to see which plant they chewed to heal their injuries, and then ate them to experience its effects.

After each plant had determined its habits, Lieshan carefully mapped out this plant and wrote down its functions. These plants that are beneficial to the human race are called herbal medicines.

There have been dozens of springs and autumns in Lieshan. In these dozens of springs and autumns, he has tasted countless herbs and poisonous weeds, and recorded them one by one.

As the saying goes, the medicine is three points poison. Lieshan tries this personally every day. On average, he is poisoned several times a day. In the worst case, he is poisoned nearly a hundred times a day.

And precisely because of this, Lieshan’s stomach gradually changed strangely, his stomach became transparent, and the changes of the herbs in his stomach could be seen from the outside.

His family members were very sad for Lieshan, only Lieshan laughed.

“This is a good thing. With this belly, I can see more clearly what kind of effects these herbs have and what changes will happen.”

Hearing his words made all the pros weep with sorrow.

Unknowingly, Lieshan has traveled to most of the main human race areas. However, unexpected events occurred on this day.

Lieshan had just eaten a plant of herbal medicine, just swallowed it into his abdomen, and before he had time to observe any changes, his expression suddenly changed, showing a purple color.

The pain in his abdomen made him unable to stand up even more. He could only kneel on the ground, his face turned pale, and his breath gradually weakened.

“not good……”

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