Chapter 160: Killing the Front Dust

On Huaxu Mountain, he was standing at his sacrifice, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to have endless thoughts.

“Sacrifice, what are you thinking about?”

Xuan Du walked to Pa Xi’s side, turned his head to look at Pa Xi, his eyes also had a look of inquiry.

“Teacher, do you think I am a human race or…”

Pao Xi’s words were faint, although they were not finished, they were enough to let Xuan Du know what he meant.

“Sacrifice, everything you do is for the human race, of course you are the human race!”

“No one will doubt this.”

There is firmness in Xuandu’s words.

Hearing Xuandu’s words, a smile appeared on Xuan’s face.

Just as he was about to say something, a magnificent voice instantly spread to all the human tribes.

“Zun, sacrificed to be the Emperor of the Human Race!”

Upon hearing this sentence, the entire human tribe was silent at first, and then all cheered and danced to celebrate the sacrifice of the emperor.

“This… is this admitting me?”

On Huaxu Mountain, Po Xi was slightly stunned, his body shook slightly, and his words contained a somewhat unbelievable meaning.

“Listen, that’s the cheers of all races and recognition of you!”

“You are the human race, you are the human emperor!”

Xuantu’s face also showed a smile, and said to Pa Xi.

“Hahaha! Hahaha!”

Pa Xi laughed loudly, tears appearing in his eyes.

Following that, Xia Xi was established as the emperor of the human race, and this matter was also passed on to the entire prehistoric land.

Suddenly, all the forces of the predecessors all paid attention to it one after another.

In the chaos outside the sky, in the Nuwa Palace, Nu Wa’s face was joyful.

Shouyang Mountain Eight Views Palace, Kunlun Yuxu Palace, Jin’ao Island Biyou Palace, Western Xumi Mountain, all the saints nodded slightly.

The emperor returns, then the emperor should almost return!

In a blink of an eye, a year passed quickly.

On this day, on the shore of the East China Sea, in the ancestral land of the human race.

The Emperor’s Enlightenment Ceremony is held here!

Next to the ancestral land of the human race, a sacred mountain that was tens of thousands of feet high was razed to the ground and turned into a huge square.

An extremely tall altar stands here, and the square is full of dense human races.

Of these human races, some of the human race tribes came to observe the ceremony, and some were the human races of the human ancestral land itself.

But no matter where they came from, the faces of these human races were filled with expectations and joy, waiting for the ceremony to proceed.

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The sound of horns and drums sounded, and the elders of the human race appeared on the altar, their faces full of solemnity.

After the sound of the horns and drums diminished, a human race elder took two steps forward, his face was full of excitement, and the voice resounded throughout the human ancestors, “The ceremony begins!”

tread! tread! tread!

The figure of the sacrifice appeared in front of everyone, his face was full of solemnity, and he stepped onto the altar step by step.


In the voice of the clan elders, Pa Xie was full of respectful worship to heaven and earth, this is the place where worship of heaven and earth can allow other peoples to have a place.

“Bye again!”

“Three prayers!”


On the altar, Pao Xi was performing a series of tedious and complicated rituals. After all the rituals were over, most of the time had passed. After completion, Pao Xi set his sights on all the human races who came.

“Since he became the co-lord of the human race, he has made net fishing, domesticated wild beasts, established marriages, made rituals and music, created ballads, and performed gossip. Today, my merits are fulfilled and I am the emperor of the human race!”

“God Haohao, the faint land, the people of all the clans share the lesson!”

The words of Xie Xi were very loud and spread across the ancestral land of the entire human race in an instant. The eyes of countless human races looked at Xie Xi with admiration.

“Xiao Xie! Xie Xie! Xie Xie!”

“The Emperor! The Emperor! The Emperor!”

A crowd of human races shouted loudly, they all recognized the merits of Xia Xie, this emperor’s throne, Xie Xie is well-deserved!

I saw that amidst the cheers of the human races, above the sky, purple qi came to the east for 30,000 miles, Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi, Shangqing Tongtian, Nüwa, and Western leaders appeared one after another.

“Successfully sacrifice your merits and become the emperor of the human race!”

They all nodded their heads and recognized the identity of Emperor Xia Xie. As saints of heaven, they represented a part of heaven, and their approval represented the approval of heaven.


A roar sounded from above the nine heavens, and a large cloud of merits and virtues floated on the top of Ba Xi’s head, and then submerged in Ba Xi’s body.

I saw that the original cultivation base was only equivalent to the sacrifice of Da Luo Jinxian. At this moment, the cultivation base began to skyrocket. In just a moment, he entered the realm of quasi-sage.

But the golden clouds of merits in the sky were not used up by him. After entering the realm of quasi-sage, those golden clouds of merits were all driven by him into the unquenchable fire flames burning in front of him, making them indelible. The burning is more vigorous, a bit more mysterious.

As the teacher of Xie Xie, Xuan Du also received the reward of the heavens. With the golden cloud of merit and virtue into the body, he also entered the realm of quasi-sage like Xie Xie.

“Sacrifice? It’s just Fuxi, Emperor Xi of my demon race, returning with the help of your human luck!”

At this moment, a loud shout came from outside the square.

A demon clan exuding a great demon aura appeared in front of a crowd of human clan.

And as his words fell, a demon energy burst out of Xi Xie’s body, forming a pillar that soared to the sky, which seemed to echo the words of the demon clan again.

At this time, the cheering human races all stopped one after another, looking at Xie Xie with a look of surprise in their eyes.


“It’s up to him to pass this level!”

“It’s really exciting. If the Human Race can’t handle this matter well, I’m afraid it will become the laughingstock of the predecessors.”


Laozi and the others, as well as the great supernatural powers in the predecessor, flashed a light of divine light in their eyes, watching the sacrifice, and guessing in their hearts what he would do next.

The Suiren clan and others were also staring at the sacrifice. Some ancestors of the human race quietly surrounded the altar, and once there was any bad behavior in the sacrifice, they would immediately take action.

The monster that came to make trouble was also locked down by these human sages.

No matter what kind of mind he came to, since he dared to make trouble at the Human Race Ceremony, then he must be prepared to die!

At this time, those onlookers also understood that the previous life of Paoxi was a monster, and it was reincarnated as a human in this life.

Now if this demonic race is able to prove the emperor of the human race, then their human race will become a joke.

Even the luck of the human race will be robbed by the demon race, and perhaps the great prosperity of their human race will stop there!

The face of a human race no longer sees respect for sacrifice, an expression of anger is full, and people with cultivation skills on their bodies are even more turbulent. If it were not for the ceremony, I am afraid they would have long been unable to bear it. Live it!

Paxi can naturally feel the feelings of a group of human races, and a wry smile appeared on his face. Naturally, these human races are not to be blamed for such a thing.

I saw the light flashing in his eyes, and then he took a step forward, and said with a sense of determination, “The past is nothing but clouds and smoke!”

“From then on, only the Human Race sacrificed, and no Demon Race Fuxi!”


The monster clan said with a bit of unbelievable feeling to Bao Xi.

“I said, I sacrificed for the human race!”

“You come to the human ancestors to make trouble, and I can’t tolerate you!”


Pa Xi looked at the monster race, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He knew very well why this monster race appeared here.

At this moment, there is no left hand.

With a wave of his hand, a gossip vision emerged from his body and suppressed the monster clan.


“Fuxi, you are so cruel!” ! ! ”


The demon clan’s stern voice disappeared in a roar, leaving only a gossip pattern in place.

Paoxi didn’t even look at the place where the monster race had disappeared. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Although his figure was trembling, his posture was still upright, and he spoke to a group of human races.

“In my previous life, I was Fuxi of the Demon Race, but now I have cut the dust, and only the Human Race sacrificed this identity.”

“If you still can’t accept my identity, and still feel that I am not worthy of being the emperor, then I am willing to give up the emperor’s position and only want to retain the identity of a human race!”


All the human races were silent when they heard the words of Sha Xi.

They don’t know what choice they should make now. After all, he has sacrificed his previous life status. In this life, he has paid a lot for the human race, and they also recognize the position of the emperor in their hearts.

Nu Wa was standing above the cloud head. She watched this scene, feeling unbearable in her heart. She wanted to say something, but in the end she gave up.

Because this is the human race’s test of sacrifice, if the test passes, then there will be no waves in the emperor’s position.

At this moment, Feng Xi’s figure appeared on the altar.

The figures of Sui Renshi and others also appeared, and they all saluted Feng Xi.

“We pay homage to the Father!”

“Meet the Father!”

All the human races also followed the Fengxi worship.

“Paoxi has seen the holy father of the human race, and I haven’t thanked the holy father for his kindness to me before!”

Feng Xi smiled and nodded to Bao Xie, the Kongtong seal appeared in his hand, and he said solemnly.

“At the sacrifice, you cut the demon brand, and made a great contribution to my human race. This emperor deserves the title!”

“In the name of the holy father of the human race, I use the sacred instrument of Qi Luck, the Kongtong seal, to approve Xu Xi as the emperor of my human race!”

Sui Renshi and others have no opinion on Feng Xi’s words, after all, Xia Xi has already proved himself with actions.

They also nodded one after another at Baoxie.

“Meet the Emperor!”

“The Emperor’s sacrifice!”

With Fengxi speaking, a group of human races also chose to forget their previous lives and cheered for him.

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