Chapter 138: A Fierce Fight, Witch Thirteen!

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Destroy the Wu Clan, and please me the Demon Clan!”

With Di Jun’s order, the army of hundreds of millions of monsters moved in unison, and the roar and cry of killing spread throughout the entire prehistoric world.

That terrifying sound wave made the hearts and minds of all sentient beings tremble.

The endless demon cloud was like the overwhelming sky, pressing down towards the wild land.

The place where the hundreds of millions of demon races passed, swept everything, as if they were going to destroy everything.

“Roar! My Wu Clan Erlang is not afraid of everything, kill!”

“Kill the monster race!”


Hundreds of millions of demon clan army slew from the clouds towards the wild land, and the eleventh ancestor witches such as Dijiang also roared.

They showed their true ancestor witches, traversing the heavens and the earth one by one, endless evil aura surging, making their entire body distorted.

“Witch! Witch! Witch!”

“Kill all the monsters, the witches are honored!”


Above the desolate land, one by one Witch warrior looked up to the sky and roared, and the Witch war pattern on their bodies glowed, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

As descendants of Pangu, they have inherited the warlike spirit, even in such a catastrophe, they are still fearless.

In their view, the death of war is a kind of glory, after death to be able to return to the embrace of God the Father.

I saw that these witch warriors turned into real bodies one after another. Although they didn’t have those ancestral witches standing on top of the earth, they were still comparable to the mountain gods.

One by one, suffocating anger, with blood red eyes, slew towards the monster army.

Above the whole body, there is either ice or snow, or thunder and lightning, or flame.

Like those ancestral witches, they inherited the magical powers from the Pangu bloodline and looked extremely powerful.

Rumble! Rumble!

This is the trembling of heaven and earth, but in an instant, the battle starts.

The extremely terrifying killing appeared among a group of prehistoric creatures.

I saw that whether it was on the sky or on the earth, the gray evil aura completely surged, like a tide, really erupting.

There was rain in the sky, and there was a touch of blood in the rain.

It seems that Heaven is also crying for the bloody battle of the Lich in front of him!


The army of lich underneath started fighting, Kunpeng standing above the nine heavens gave a cold cry, stretched out his hand and waved, a simple Taoist palace emerged, smashing towards one of the Eleven Ancestral Witches.

Click! Click!

The space was shattered in an instant between Kunpeng’s smash, and a large hole in the pitch black space appeared, which was particularly terrifying.

The ancestor witch selected by Kunpeng is the ancestor of wind Wu Tianwu.

“Kunpeng, you are looking for death!”

“Endless wind, kill!”

Tian Wu roared, with killing intent in his eyes, and between his hands and feet, a storm surrounded him.

These storms exploded extremely rapidly, and the surrounding space was distorted by the storm.

Driven by Tianwu, these storms are like a storm dragon, roaring and screaming towards Kunpeng!

Rumble! Rumble!

In the blink of an eye, Kunpeng’s palace collided with Tianwu’s storm dragon.

The aftermath of the collision dissipated in all directions, causing the Lich II Clan Da Luo who had to fight around to stay away, and did not dare to participate in it.

And when Kunpeng and Tianwu started fighting, both Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were fighting with the other ten ancestral witches.

Their bodies turned into streams of light, and they collided with extreme speed in the air.

The space is like a plaything in their hands, and it can be broken with a wave.

It will not heal for a long time.

And in the midair, there is the existence of this second family of Lich, they can’t let go of their hands and feet at all.

Seeing this, both parties were heading towards the Primordial Star Territory with their heart and soul.

In the Primordial Star Territory, they were able to fully explode their own combat power.

Although the eleven ancestral witches are unparalleled in combat strength, Di Jun and others rely on their three-corpse clones and Lingbao to help each other, and the two sides are evenly matched.

They didn’t have any advantage, and it took a lot of time before they could tell the winner.

When they were fighting, all the great supernatural powers moved their gazes to the Primordial Star Territory. In comparison, the fight between the great army in this prehistoric land was much less attractive to them.

Boom! boom! Click! Puff!

Within the prehistoric land, countless mountains and rivers were shattered, and countless rivers were diverted and evaporated.

I saw that a large army of hundreds of thousands of monsters formed a battle formation, and at the same time played a spell.

This spell formed an unstoppable torrent, directly obliterating a sacred mountain.

The Wu Clan near the sacred mountain screamed again and again, and was swept into the air by this torrent of spells.

When they fell, they turned into bones, and a rain of blood poured down in the air.

Even if the bodies of these witch races are stronger than those of the monster races, they can’t stop the torrent of magic spells of these monster races.

The power of a single person can’t play a big role in such a battle.

Unless the realm between them is very different, facing this torrent of spells, they will instantly be turned into fly ash and fall directly between the heavens and the earth.

“Roar, die!”

Facing the battlefield laid by such a monster army, some powerful Wu clan roared and directly uprooted a sacred mountain as a weapon.

Directly smashed all the hundreds of thousands of monster races that were deployed into battle formations into meat, even the primordial spirit was directly wiped out under such mighty power, and fell on the spot.

The two clans of hundreds of millions of liches fought together, and at the beginning of the war, resentment and evil spirits rushed to the sky.

The movement of their fighting was too much and too bloody.

Except for those who are not interested in the great supernatural powers, the rest of the prehistoric sentient beings all set their sights on this Lich battlefield.

When they saw it, they could see that a layer of red light enveloped the battlefield.

With every breath, countless soldiers of the two races fell, and the screams before dying made people tremble with horror.

In the sky, the bones fell like rain, and on the earth, the bones piled up into mountains, and the blood flowed and drifted, which was extremely tragic.

At this moment, on the battlefield, no matter whether it is from the monster clan or the witch clan, all the soldiers are murderous at this moment, and they don’t know how much blood is stained all over their bodies.

The blood can no longer tell whether it is one’s own or the enemy’s!

The immeasurable suffocation surged, wrapped around again and again, terrifying to the extreme.

Their originally clear eyes were already infested by the evil spirits, and they became crazy one by one, completely ignoring their lives.

They have only one idea.

If you don’t get killed, then charge to death!

When the two sides fought, neither the monster clan nor the witch clan reaped any benefits.

The powerful Wu clan who pulled up the mountain as a weapon was surrounded by several monster clan battle formations. Under the continuous bombardment of a flood of spells, the powerful Wu clan was bombarded and killed without the slightest strength to fight back.

Everything around him also suffered, and everything was annihilated without a trace!

The same is true of the monster race, the monster race army who laid down the battlefield is the thorn in the eyes of these witch race powerhouses.

As long as one is found, it is a direct killer!

Either drive yourself like an instinctive law force, or like the witch clan powerhouse, pull up the mountain and sweep away.

The monster race battlefield was smashed into a smashing mess, setting off a bloody storm, and countless monsters were torn to pieces.


Just when these lich army was fighting forever, an extremely fierce roar sounded on the battlefield.

Even if it was the battlefield that shook the world with the sound of fighting, it couldn’t be concealed.

Before the liches could react, a weird black light swept across the battlefield, spreading the boundless murderous intent of destruction.

When it arrived, the black light dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a tall black shadow.

Behind him, those demon tribe army that was rushed into by him, just in a moment, they were killed and injured as many as millions.

And this is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is that the monster warriors behind him are all cut off.

The flesh and blood essence on the corpse was lost one after another, turning into white withered bones, showing no magic at all.

You must know that the essence of cultivation is the constant sublimation of life.

From the outside to the inside, the transformation is carried out in all aspects.

These monster tribe army, no matter how low in strength, still have a real immortal level.

Even if they die, their bones should glow and be immortal for millions of years.

What about the one who appeared in front of them?

The luster on those bones disappeared, and turned into the most strange, unclear white.

Looking around, the figure is full of white withered bones within a radius of thousands of miles, which makes people can’t help but feel the creeps!

This kind of killing method is too weird and tragic, and it is shocking!

“Really dare, you are looking for death!”

Ji Meng watched millions of monster warriors being killed by this silhouette in the air, his eyes were blood red, and the aura around his body looked extraordinarily violent.

Immediately he let out a roar, and the great halberd in his hand exploded with dazzling power, knocking back a great witch in front of him.

Afterwards, the figure turned into a stream of light, and the figure was horizontally in front of the figure, with the big halberd in his hand pointed directly at the figure.

“As a great witch, he was hidden in the army, killing me a million monster warriors in one breath.”

“Who are you!”

“Why have I never seen you?”

Ji Meng looked at the Wu Clan in front of him.

I saw that the bloody war patterns all over his body made up for it, shining with a faint red light, as if breathing like a living thing.

In his hand, he was holding a big scarlet sword, with a long and slender blade, surrounded by blood, and a tiger’s mouth opened at the handle, which looked extremely terrifying.

“Jie Jie Jie! Of course you don’t know my name!”

(He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming with Jie Jie’s weird smile!)

“But I know who you are. You are one of the ten demon saints in the Demon Court. It’s just a pity… you will die in my hands today!”

“Remember, the one who killed you-Wu Shisan!”

“Or, you can call me Chi You!”

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