Chapter 125 Race is not the same as the beginning of a personal counterattack!

The Wu Clan, in the Pangu Temple, when the Ten Great Demon Sages led countless monsters in the lower realm, they knew the movements of the Demon Clan.

Now seeing the monsters continue to kill the human race and narrow the scope of the human race, Zhu Rong was a little uncomfortable, he opened his mouth and said to Dijiang.

“Big brother, those monster beasts suddenly acted on the human race, obviously wrong, do we need to stop it?!”

“Zhu Rong was right. Brother Fengxi appeared in the Human Race under the alias of Huang Tian, ​​in order to protect the Human Race.”

“And our Wu Clan is friends with him, and there are so many human tribes intermarried with us, we should help the human race, otherwise it will be difficult for the human race to survive this time!”

Gong Gong on the side also spoke to Di Jiang.

In his thoughts, although Huang Tian is a quasi-sage, he definitely cannot hold the Yao Clan’s Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.

Although Huang Tian has no life worry because of the existence of Nuwa and Houtu, the human race can never be saved, and the help of their witch race is needed.

Although the rest of the ancestral witches did not speak, they nodded their heads. They still admire the human race, especially now they still have an intermarriage relationship with their witch race.

Di Jiang’s face was a bit hesitant, and he just said it after a long time.

“Let the order go on and protect those human tribes that have intermarried with my Wu tribe. As for other human tribes who don’t care, whether they can survive from the hands of the demons, then it depends on their luck!”

“Big Brother! Why is this?”

“Those monster races are slaughtering the human race at this moment. Obviously they have a conspiracy. Maybe it is to deal with our witch race. If we don’t destroy it, when the lich fights, suddenly come to us like this. What should we do? ?!”

“Helping the human race is equivalent to helping ourselves!”

Zhu Rong was quite puzzled. He couldn’t understand why the demon race should be allowed to act at this critical time.

“Zhu Rong, I am the ancestor witch of the witch tribe. Naturally, we have to consider the witch tribe. Those human tribes who intermarried with us can give birth to human witches with primordial spirits, but they are still witches before humans and treat them more than us. The Witches get closer.”

“But what I want is not a witch, but a witch, do you understand now?!”

A divine light flashed in Di Jiang’s eyes, because of the relationship between the earth, he had been observing the human race for a long time.

He can often find that some human races have disappeared for no reason. He knows that those human races must have been taken back for training. Who can tell the strength of the human race today?

Now that the monster clan started the war, he might have let the witch clan see clearly the hidden strength of the human clan.

After all, with the development of the human race, it will gradually threaten the survival of their witch race. Instead of facing the ignorant human race, it is better to take a look at the human race today!

If he can become the patriarch of the Witch Clan, how can he be an ignorant person? He sees very far, and even… In the end, there might be a war between the Human Clan and the Witch Clan, like a war between the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan. .

Although Fengxi helped them a lot, it was impossible to say so clearly about matters between races.

The human race is a human race, and can never be equated with a symbol painted on an individual.

Zhu Rong heard Di Jiang’s words and was silent for a long while, and then left Pangu Temple alone. He understood what Di Jiang meant, but he was somewhat unacceptable.

The eyes of the other Ancestral Witches were also faintly flickering. Although they felt a little bit sorry for Feng Xi, they still acquiesced to this idea for the sake of the Witch Clan.

. . . . . . . . .

The coast of the East China Sea, the ancestral land of the human race.

In the Hall of Human Beings hanging high in the air, Sui Renshi and others stood respectfully behind Huang Tian.

After receiving Hou Tu’s reminder, Huang Tian hurried back from the Netherworld to the Human Palace, and took control of the Human Race.

“Wise man, all the small tribes have all migrated to the big tribe!”

“All the big tribes and super big tribes have established contact with our palace, and can launch a counterattack at any time!”

“When shall we do it?”

Suiren looked at the emperor, his words were a little anxious.

After all, nowadays the human race and the demon race are fighting, and countless human races are killed every moment.

After Huangtian returned, Huangtian changed the decision of Suiren and others to recall all tribes to their ancestral land.

In other words, on the bright side, all the human tribes will return to the ancestral land, and the final battle with the demon tribe will be launched in the ancestral land.

But in the dark, except for the human monks who supported the tribe, the rest of the human monks were hidden.

As long as they get the order, they will suddenly violently violently injure the monster army.

What the emperor wants is never to protect the human race, but to fight the demon race in a fair and honest battle!

The current human race is not the human race he knew in the previous life. That human race does not have enough power and can only seek refuge under the killing of the monster race!

But today’s human race has the totem cultivation method handed down by the emperor, and the spiritual belief of working hard and never giving up.

They have enough power to stand against the monster clan, and completely hurt the monster clan!

Huang Tian nodded slightly, he looked at Sui Renshi and others, and scanned their faces one by one.

“I have delved into the human exercises and created the totem method, I have said that the future of the human race depends on us to go!”

“The future of the human race depends on our force to fight for!”

“Human Race, keep striving for self-improvement and never give up!”

Speaking of this, Huang Tian paused slightly, and once again swept away from everyone.

“Now that the Monster Race comes to commit the crime, doesn’t it mean that our Human Race is weak?”

“If we had enough force, would they easily attack us?”

“Those of our people who are still outside will not be killed by tens of thousands!”

Huangtian’s words came to the heart of Suiren and others.

Yes, Honghuang is cruel and weak, so he can only be bullied and even annihilated.

They clenched their fists, which was not what they wanted!

“The demon can go, I can go too!”

“My human race wants to survive, and now there is only one way out, and that is to kill!”

“Kill the demon clan with fear, and create a blood path to the sky for my human clan, and use the demon clan’s endless blood and bones to protect my human clan!”

“You can do it?!”

The words of the emperor resonated in the Human Palace, so that all the sages of the human race were invigorated.

The sadness that was still in his eyes has completely disappeared at this moment.

Instead, they are all cold murderous intent, they are fearless!


The will of the sages of the human race is able to represent the will of the entire human race to a large extent in a world that stresses on strength.

They made up their minds, and the breath of the entire human race surged.

This also made all the saints notice this.

Except for a few, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the others.

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