Chapter 114: The Panic of Getting Old Three Days!

After Houyi and Chang’e were together, Houyi left the affairs of his tribe to the tribe to solve by themselves.

And he moved to the human tribe, like a real human race, and went out hunting with those human hunting teams.

Love and affection with Chang’e, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, so uncomfortable.

The two lived happily together for thirty years.

On this day, Houyi went out hunting as usual, while Chang’e came to the tribe’s river with dirty clothes and began to wash the clothes.

There were many Terran women who went to wash the dirty clothes with her. The group chatted, laughed, and seemed extremely happy.

Inadvertently, Chang’e saw her reflection in the water and found that although she was still beautiful, there were a few more wrinkles between her eyebrows, and her ears on both sides had a little more white hair.

The clothes in Chang’e’s hand suddenly fell into the river, and she said rather dumbfoundedly, “I… Am I… old?”

In an instant, Chang’e covered her face, and a drop of tears fell, as if she couldn’t accept this reality.

And just when she was crying secretly and feeling sad, a voice rang in her ear.

“Girl, you feel very sad because of the passing of years and the loss of your youth?”

Chang’e raised her head fiercely, and her eyes flashed with astonishment.

In front of her, there was a woman who looked graceful and luxurious.

The woman’s appearance is hard to describe in words, and the temperament on her body makes her feel ashamed.

For the first time, she felt an inferiority complex.

However, when she saw the other women who were walking with her around, they were frozen in place, and her pupils shrank again.

“You…you are…”

Chang’e’s heart was full of horror. The woman in front of her was clearly an existence with magical powers that could be called an immortal by their tribe. Why did she appear in front of her?

“You don’t need to be nervous, what a beautiful face, if you leave marks on this face because of the passage of time, how unpleasant!”

“I don’t want to look at this face and just grow old, do you want to stay young forever?”

The woman stretched out her hand and stroked Chang’e’s face, with an inexplicable expression, and said to Chang’e.

Hearing the woman’s words, Chang’e was slightly stunned. At this moment, her fearful heart was somewhat settled down.

“Can you keep me young forever?”


Chang’e looked at the woman and asked her own inner question.

However, the woman did not answer Chang’e’s question, and her figure suddenly disappeared in front of Chang’e.

Only one voice remained, echoing in Chang’e’s ear for a long time.

“Of course I can keep you young forever, as for why… what can you give me?”

“It seems that you are still undecided. I can give you three days to think about it.”

“Three days later, if you make up your mind, come here to find me, if you don’t, then… don’t pass it!”

“This matter must not be mentioned to outsiders, otherwise you will never be able to stay young forever, remember! Remember!”

Listening to these words, Chang’e couldn’t return to her senses for a long time.

At this moment, a human woman came to Chang’e, patted her on the shoulder, and said with some worry.

“Chang’e, are you okay?”

“Huh? Oh, I have nothing to do, just thinking about something.”

Chang’e was stunned, and quickly turned off the topic.

After the human woman heard it, she didn’t say much, and continued to wash her clothes.

Chang’e also quickly cleaned all her clothes and returned to her home.

When Hou Yi returned in the afternoon with a full load, she found that Chang’e did not wait for him with a smile at the door as usual, but rather sat in the house rather absent-mindedly.

“Chang’e, what’s wrong with you?”

“But what happened?”

Hou Yi looked at Chang’e, and there was a little bit of pity and anxiety in his eyes.

Seeing that Hou Yi was so worried, Chang’e felt slightly relieved, and she wanted to tell Hou Yi what she had encountered today.

But for some reason, she thought of the mysterious woman’s words again. After hesitating for a while, she still didn’t say the matter, but instead spoke to Hou Yi.

“Yi, today I went to the river, and the reflection in the water found that my eyebrows were wrinkled, my hair became white, and I was old.”

While speaking, Chang’e shed tears again, her eyes full of sadness.

Looking at Chang’e in tears, Hou Yi felt a sudden pain in his heart, and he hurried to Chang’e’s side.

Hou Yi touched her head and hugged Chang’e in his arms, he said.

“Isn’t this normal for the human race to be born, old, sick, and die?”

“As long as you and I can live this life happily, what does it matter?”

Hearing Hou Yi’s words, Chang’e shook her head, her eyes still filled with sadness.

“This is different. I’m just an ordinary human race. I can neither practice totem, nor can I practice Jindan Dadao. I will die in a hundred years.”

“And you are different. You are a great witch of the Witch clan. You are not old and youth is always there. I don’t want to let you see me in the last time.”

“I don’t want to, after thousands of years, the memory of me disappears from your mind.”

“All I want is to be with you forever!”

Hearing Chang’e’s words, Hou Yi was stunned. During the years he lived with Chang’e in the human race, he gradually integrated into the human race and almost regarded himself as a human race.

Now that Chang’e talked about it, he just remembered. It turned out that he was the great witch of the Wu clan. He would watch Chang’e die in the future. When he thought of this question, Hou Yi’s heart was full of panic.

However, the cultivation method of the Wu Clan of Houyi, as a human race, Chang’e couldn’t learn it, and he didn’t understand other cultivation methods, it seemed that he could only watch Chang’e die.

“Then what should we do?”

“Is there any way to keep you from getting old?”

Hou Yi looked very anxious, and his eyes were a little scarlet.

Seeing Hou Yi’s appearance, Chang’e was very hesitant in her heart. She tried to speak several times, but in the end she stopped.

The two were silent, and there was a moment of silence.

For the next two days, Hou Yi was not in the mood to hunt, and Chang’e also washed her face with tears, and did not think about tea or rice, making Hou Yi see it in her eyes and pain in her heart.

On the third day, Chang’e seemed to have figured it out, and she returned to her former appearance.

He smiled and said to Hou Yi.

“Yi, you haven’t gone hunting for two days. I want to eat your roasted wild deer. Go and hunt me back!”

“I figured it out, I just want to live with you every day!”

After hearing Chang’e’s words, although Houyi was a little surprised, she was very happy in her heart.

“Okay! You wait for me, I will go now!”

After speaking, Hou Yi grabbed his bow and arrow and walked out of the tribe.

Watching Hou Yi leave, a dim light flashed in Chang’e’s eyes, and her mouth murmured.

“Yi, soon, I will give you a surprise, wait for me!”

After the words fell, Chang’e walked towards the riverside of the laundry…

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