Chapter 111 The Empress Breaks, Breaks Teeth and Swallows!

In the Heavenly Court and the Demon Queen’s Palace, the Demon Empress Xihe palely hugged the sleeping Ten Golden Crow, weeping secretly there, with a sad expression on his face.

Di Jun, who was standing next to Xihe, also had grief on his face, and there were tiger tears in his eyes, but it didn’t flow down.

He is the demon emperor of the celestial demon court, and cannot show weakness in front of the officials of the celestial realm.

Even if his heart grieves no more, he has to hold back!

Right now, he can still come to comfort Xihe and maintain his sanity. This is already considered to be a strong psychological endurance!

Donghuang Taiyi watched Xihe weeping and watched his brother endure the pain. He clenched and clenched his fists, and finally gritted his teeth and walked outside the hall.

“Big brother, sister-in-law, nephew’s grudges, my uncle will go to avenge him, if I don’t kill Hou Yi, I will not give up!”

“I still don’t believe that with the strength of a quasi saint, I can’t kill a great witch!”

Just when Donghuang Taiyi was about to walk out of the main hall, Di Jun stopped him.


“You can’t go anywhere without my permission!”

“Right now, it’s not the time to trouble the Witch Clan, you give me a quiet stay!”

Hearing Dijun’s words, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly turned around, with a look of unbelievable expression in his eyes.

Just when he wanted to say something, he was stunned.


With applause, Dong Huang Taiyi saw Xihe slap Di Jun’s face with a slap.

“Dijun, what did you say when you married me?”

“Hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers for employment will definitely not hurt me at all?”

“But, now your child has been killed by the Wu Clan, you father, you demon emperor, dare not even avenge revenge!”

“I was really blind and blindfolded before I promised to marry you!”

Xihe’s hateful words echoed in the hall, tears streaming down her eyes.

“If you still love your children, then take revenge for them!”

“I’m going to kill that Hou Yi! Kill him! Kill him!!!”

There was a sharp hysterical sound, Xihe collapsed on the seat, staring straight at Di Jun.

When Di Jun listened to Xi He’s words, his heart felt painful, how he didn’t want to seek revenge from the Wu Clan, but it was not the best time right now.

After the earth turns into reincarnation and becomes a saint, although Hongjun is forbidden, who knows what means he can use?

He is now not only the father of his own child, but also the master of the entire demon race. As the demon emperor, he cannot pull the entire demon race into the water because of his own personal interests.

He must consider the whole Yaozu, and think about the problem from the standpoint of the Yaozu.

“How can I not know? Why don’t I want to? I can’t wait to break Hou Yi into pieces now!”

“But I can’t do this. I am the Demon Emperor. I must think about the problem from the standpoint of the Demon Race. Even if there is a grudge, I have to endure it now, do you know?!”

Di Jun looked at Xi He and his eyes were full of scarlet colors. In his eyes pain, killing intent, sadness, all expressions mixed together, as long as one looked at it, he could know what he had endured in his heart.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at his elder brother, sighed helplessly, and then returned to his position.

“Heh! Okay, what a demon emperor!”

“You don’t want to avenge your children, then I will avenge myself!”

“Dijun, in this life, you don’t even think I forgive you, I hate you!!!”

Xihe looked at Di Jun with a sneer, and the friendship in his eyes had turned into indifference and hatred at this moment.

With a flash of her figure, she disappeared into the hall.

Di Jun’s expression changed, he wanted to chase him out and stopped Xihe, but he didn’t know what he thought of, and finally stopped, his eyes full of pain.

“Brother, what are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry up to chase it!”

Donghuang Taiyi looked very anxious, seeing Emperor Jun stunned in place, and quickly spoke to him.

But Di Jun was unmoved, he waved his hand.

“Now let Xi and calm down alone!”

“Second brother, you look at Xihe for me, don’t let her trouble the Wu Clan at this time!”

Hearing Di Jun’s words, Dong Huang Tai sighed slightly, and his body suddenly disappeared.

After Donghuang Taiyi left, Dijun looked at Fuxi, who had been sitting on the side and had not spoken.

“Emperor Xi, what do you think of my ten children flying into the wilderness?”

At this time, Di Jun, the sadness and pain in his eyes were gone, and some were just calm and indifferent.

Fuxi stood out, his face was dignified, and he spoke to Di Jun.

“This matter has a big problem!”

“On the Sun Star, Tanggu has the formation you set up. I just checked it. There is no problem with that formation, and it is still operating perfectly.”

“Then how did the ten His Highnesses pass through the big formation and come to the prehistoric?”

“They have been in the precipice for so long. It stands to reason that the Yaozu should pass the news, but why didn’t we get any news?”

“Why did the Demon Empress only feel this after the prince died?”

“I’m afraid, all of this is…, they want us to fight the Wu Clan!”

There were some things that Fuxi didn’t say, but he believed that Di Jun could understand what he said.

Being able to become the leader of a clan, especially the leader of the top power, how he didn’t know what Fuxi wanted to show.

Behind this, there must be someone calculating their demons and witches, and the only people who can do all this without disturbing them are saints!

But what can they do if they know all this?

There are six saints, how do they confirm which saint did it? Is it possible that they can still question those saints if they are not successful?

Dijun himself has the Hetu Luoshu, these two Lingbao deduction functions are unparalleled in the world, even he can’t be counted, what can he do?

There is no Hunyuan realm in itself, and Zhou Tianxingdou’s great formation can’t compete with the saints, and their monster race has no capital against the saints at all.

Even knowing that nine of his ten children had been counted dead, he could only swallow this hatred by breaking his teeth.

Di Jun looked at Xiao Shi who was the only one who survived, a trace of concern flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Fuxi and spoke to him.

“Emperor Xi, you have seen the situation of my monster clan now, and those people can’t wait for my monster clan and witch clan to die.”

“As a demon emperor, I assume that I shed the last drop of blood for the demon clan, but Xiao Shi is my last child. I hope you can bring him into the Wa Palace and be raised by the Nuwa Saint.”

“Don’t ask the Saint Nuwa to accept him as a disciple, only after this amount of robbery, Xiao Shi decides to stay!”

“This is not my order to you as a demon emperor, but a request to you as a father!”

After speaking, Di Jun straightened up and bowed to Fuxi!

Fuxi was slightly startled. Just when he wanted to refuse, Di Jun had already finished his salute, and his eyes were mostly pity when he looked at Xiao Shi.

Weiwei thought for a while and didn’t refuse. He said to Dijun, “I’ll take this matter, but if the sister-in-law doesn’t want it, I can’t help it!”

Di Jun nodded. He believed that Nuwa would not refuse this. After all, her brother Fuxi was also in the Heavenly Court, so she would take Xiaoshi in the court.

Di Jun hugged Xiao Shi in Xi He’s arms, raised his eyebrows to Xiao Shi, a trace of golden light sank into Xiao Shi’s body, and then handed Xiao Shi to Fuxi.

“Everything, please!!!”

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