I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 653: The all-out war between Ogata, Tokugawa and Toyotomi begins! 【...

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"...That's fine." Kiyomizu sighed, "Whatever you want, so be it, as long as you don't miss the important thing. Has Master Toyotomi come to Osaka?"

"Master Toyotomi, he won't be here until this afternoon." Yoshihisa replied, "He is... probably on the outskirts of Osaka, reviewing the troops that will be fighting tonight."

"Ha..." A strange flush suddenly appeared on Qing Cheng's face, "The day I can fulfill my long-cherished wish...Is it finally here..."

"Tonight's task is very heavy." Yoshihisa said, "To fight the Edo Shogunate and Shura at the same time...it's troublesome to think about it."

"Isn't that right? Because of this, I'm so excited." Qing Cheng gasped.

"first meet!"

A Zhu, who was kneeling on the tatami, pushed forward the cloth bag full of the dim sum she had bought from a long distance, and then respectfully leaned over to salute Lin, who was sitting directly across from her.

"I'm Azhu! Please advise!"

Lin accepted the souvenir from A Zhu with both hands, and returned the gift:

"When we first met, I was Lin Kinoshita. Thank you for your present."

"About you, I've heard Ogata Ichitosai say."

"You are much cuter than I thought."

"You are also cuter than I thought!" A Zhu quickly said, "When I heard Master Ichitosai say that you are a female swordsman and businessman with outstanding swordsmanship and amazing wealth at a young age, I thought you would not What kind of person would it be with fierce expressions and stubborn backs!"

Lin seemed to be amused by Ah Zhu's words.

After a few chuckles, Lin slowly said:

"I've heard about you from Ogata Ichitosai."

"I admire your mind and determination to find someone to return home."

Lin cast an admiring look at Ah Zhu.

"I don't know much about the'Iga's remnant party.'"

"But I'm happy to help Ogata Ichitosai's companion."

"In the future, I will work with people under my command to pay attention to, investigate, and collect information related to Iga as much as possible."

"But I am essentially just a businessman after all, not a leader of an intelligence organization, so I cannot guarantee that I will be able to help you in any way. I can only assure you that I will do my best."

Hearing this, Ah Zhu was overjoyed.

"Thank you very much!" Ah Zhu hurriedly bowed his head again and saluted, "You are willing to help me, and I am already very happy! No matter what the final result is, I will never complain!"

The experience of her childhood has always made Lin a very good impression of the kind of people who value family affection.

A Zhu knows politeness, and at the same time he is the kind of person who values ​​family affection that he has always liked, which makes Lin look at A Zhu's gaze, can't help but soften a lot.

Lin just said to Ah Zhu that she would help her investigate the "Iga Remnant Party", but she was not polite. She really wanted to seriously investigate the "Iga Remnant Party".

Not only for Ah Zhu, but also for myself.

Based on the information currently known, the "Iga Remnant Party" is very likely to merge with organizations that study "immortality."

So even for her own sake, Lin couldn't ignore the "Iga Remnant Party".

"Okay, raise your head quickly." Lin Chao Azhu said, "I'm not used to other people's courtesy to me, please raise your head quickly."

Da da da…

At this time, a series of footsteps from far and near sounded suddenly outside the door.

Hearing the footsteps, Makimura, who was sitting in the corner of the room, grinned: "It's the footsteps of Mamiya and Asai. It seems that Mamiya and the others are back. Huh? Why there seems to be a strange footstep..."

As soon as Mucun finished speaking, the paper sliding door of the room was opened with a bang.

She was right.

It was Mamiya and Asai who opened the door.

And behind Mamiya and Asai stood a middle-aged man who made Ogata a little familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Huh? Yaogoro?" Lin stared at the middle-aged man standing behind Mamiya and Asai, raising her eyebrows.

After hearing Linnen's name "Yogoro", Ogata finally remembered who this person was—it was Yukimura who had a relationship with Hatsuko's "temporary guard" in Shinmachi, Osaka.

It was Yukimura who made Ogata indirectly reunite with Makimura, and it was also Yukumura who made Ogata appear in front of Hatsumi and others in a form that was almost forced.

Ogata remembered that Makimura once told him: Yukimura, who was originally named Yaogoro and received many favors from Lin, is considered half of their gourd house.

Looking at Ogata, Kauma and others in the room, Mamiya, Asai, and Yukimura all showed surprise and doubt, but Yukimura quickly sorted out the expressions on their faces, and then respectfully bowed to Lin. .

"Miss Lin." He greeted Lin positively and enthusiastically.

Lin waved her hand and signaled that Yuukimura didn't have to be polite, and then asked, "Yogorang, why are you with Jiulang and the others?"

Mamiya explained for Yukimura:

"After visiting the business partner you asked us to visit for you, Asai and I met on the way back, and met Yaogoro who happened to be anxious to report an important matter to the main office. So we simply led the way. He came back together."

Yukimura nodded at this moment.

"Miss Lin."

Yukimura said in a serious tone.

"Before you entrusted me to help investigate the matter, I have already found out."

As soon as the words fell, Ogata, Amachi, Rin... In short, the expressions of the people in the room except Fengma and Azu changed slightly.

Both Ogata and Amachi knew what Lyn had commissioned Yukumura to investigate.

On the night when Ogata and Makimura reunited, Makimura happened to follow Lin's order to entrust Yukimura, who has a huge influence in Osaka, to help investigate and collect information on the "Kansai Missing Incident."

When everyone's expressions changed slightly, Yukimura looked at the slightly crowded room because of the large number of people sitting.

"Miss Lin, may I ask... is it convenient for you to listen to me now?"

"...Master Ganshi, Miss A Zhu." After Lin pondered for a moment, she turned to look at Feng Mo and A Zhu who were sitting in front of her, "Sorry, can I ask you two to avoid it for a while?"

"Of course it can." Feng Mo said boldly without thinking, "Then I will go outside for a while with A Zhu. Let's go, A Zhu."

The experience in childhood made Ah Zhu also the kind of person who was forced to mature prematurely. She had already mastered the skill of "reading the air". She didn't say much, but stood up very well and followed the wind demon to the outside of the house. go with.

As soon as the two of them left, Asai whispered to the nearby Makura, "Who was that little girl just now?"

"This is a long story." Shepherd explained, "I will explain to you slowly later."

While Makimura and Asai were talking little things there, Lin made a "please" gesture towards the place where Azuki was sitting.

"Yaogoro, there are no outsiders here now, so speak freely. Katsurokuro, go get a pot of tea."

"No, no tea." Yukimura said while sitting respectfully in front of Lin, "I have a lot to do afterwards. I will leave after I finish speaking. It won't stay long."

"Ms. Lin, after you commissioned me to help investigate recent disappearances in Kansai, I immediately dispatched a large number of people to investigate this matter."

"After investigation by my subordinates, Koyasan of Koyasan is extremely suspicious."

"Sheng Gaoye..." Lin muttered, frowning slowly.

Ogata also frowned.

Koyasan is the main mountain of the Shingon Buddhism, and a large number of monks from Koyasan travel to various places spontaneously to spread the faith of Shingon Buddhism.

This group of people who spread the Shingon Buddhism faith in various places are called "Koye Sheng".

So Takano-san can be understood as a missionary.

Takano-san, who preached for the sake of faith, should theoretically be a group of people with very strong faith-but in fact, it is not the case.

"Wandering around and spreading faith" is no easy task.

So gradually, more and more Takano Sages wandered all over the place, and gradually fell because they couldn't bear the hunger and cold.

More and more Gao Ye Sheng began to do obscene and deceitful deeds, taking advantage of others, and intimidating goodness.

Because Takano-san has done many evil things, Takano-san has become a spurned existence today, and there is even such a proverb: Don’t let Takano-san stay overnight, and have no face with a female fornication.

"According to the investigation by my subordinates, the number of Takano-san who haunted Kansai during the recent period has increased a lot." Yaogoro continued unhurriedly, "Some villages where people are missing have reflected the village. Takano-san has haunted nearby."

"Although there is no more evidence that proves that the'Kansai Missing Incident" is the work of Takano Sanctuary, but based on the information collected so far, Takano Sanctuary is indeed extremely suspicious."

"If this series of events were all done by the Takano Sanctuary, then everything would be easy to explain."

"After all, trafficking in persons is indeed a disgusting business done by Takano Seichang."

Yukimura reported the latest information he collected in a brief and concise manner.

After listening to Yukimura’s report, Lin pursed her lips, and then asked:

"Yaogoro, is there anything else I need to report?"

"No more." Yukimura shook his head.

"...Yaogoro, thank you for your hard work." Lin solemnly said, "Thank you for coming to report to me today."

"You just said that you still have important things to deal with later, and you can't stay long, right?"

"Then you step back first, and then go to your own business. After that, I will trouble you to continue investigating this matter for me."

"If you collect any important information, please report it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes." After Yaogoro saluted Lin respectfully again, he walked away in front of Lin quickly.

"Sai Takano..." Genichi murmured as soon as Yaogoro left with his front foot, "Koyasan... is really getting more and more suspicious."

"The clues currently known all point out that Koyasan is the most suspicious place at the moment." Mamiya added.

"Daban is really here right..." Lin said in a deep voice, "The situation is clear now."

"Koyasan is undoubtedly the most suspicious place. It must be investigated."

After speaking in a noncommittal tone, Lin slowly raised two fingers.

"We are currently gathering so many people in Osaka, it's just a waste of manpower, and there is no need to keep so many people in Osaka."

"So I have a plan now-we are divided into two waves."

"One wave of people continued to stay in Osaka to collect information, and the other wave went to Koyasan first, and investigated Koyasan based in Koyacho."

"What do you think?"

Although Lin said, "What do you think?", she only looked at Ogata alone.

After thinking for a while, Ogata nodded, "I have no objection."

There is really nothing wrong with the plan Lin mentioned.

It is true that there is no need for so many people to stay in Osaka. Sending some people to Koyasan to conduct investigations can greatly improve efficiency and avoid waste of manpower.

After Ogata took the lead in expressing his views, the others also expressed their views.

Everyone agreed with Lin's plan of "separate soldiers in two ways".

Seeing that no one expressed any objection to Lin's plan, Mamiya asked:

"Then who should be sent to Koyasan to investigate?"

Just after the Mamiya dialect was finished, one of them immediately said:

"Count me in the team going to Koyasan."

The person who speaks is Genichi.

"Uncle, you took the initiative to do the work... it's really rare." Lin's eyes flashed a few surprises.

"Don't think of me like a rice bug, who only eats but can't work." Yuanyi said in an angry manner. "If you are investigating Koyasan, it is most appropriate to send me. There is an acquaintance of mine in Koya Town. ."

"...Since Uncle Gong is so active, then I will do what you want. Who else wants to go to Koyasan first?"

After a brief discussion, the personnel who continued to stay in Osaka, and the personnel who went to Koyasan to investigate first, quickly settled down.

Yurin, Mamiya, Asai, and Shimada continued to stay in Osaka.

4 people from Ogata, Genichi, Amachi, and Makimura head to Koyasan first.

Originally, Ogata planned to go to Koyasan to investigate after Dashaten and Dajiza had repaired. So when deciding who should be responsible for going to Koyasan, Ogata immediately followed Genichi and expressed his opinion. Go to Koyasan.

After determining the composition of the two teams, Yuan Yi asked:

"When will we head to Koyasan?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better." Shepherd said.

"So—what about tomorrow?" Ogata suggested.

"Tomorrow?" Genichi raised his eyebrows. "Ogata-kun, isn't your knife still being repaired? Are you trying to go to Mount Koya with the 2 cheap goods on your waist?"

After reading countless knives, he saw at a glance that the knives Ogata now hung around his waist were bargains that could be bought casually, and might be slashed by cutting a few bones.

"It's impossible for me to go to Koyasan with these two tatters." Ogata smiled, "I agreed with Master Yuichi to take the knife 7 days later."

"The time is very coincidental-today happens to be the time for taking the knife agreed upon by Master Yuyi."

"I plan to pick up the knife this evening. So I can leave tomorrow."

"So...I can leave anytime." Yuan Yi shrugged.

"Me too." Mucun echoed.

"If this is the case, let's set off tomorrow." Ogata said in a serious tone, "I'll get the knife tonight, and I'll leave for Mount Koya tomorrow morning."

At this moment—

In a mountain forest on the outskirts of Daban—

Kara, Kara...

A carriage drove forward in the mountains and forests where there were not even a few birds.

The sound of the wheels of the car turning, and the sound of music constantly coming from the car, became one of the only sounds in this quiet mountain forest.

In the carriage of the carriage, Toyotomi Nobuhide, wearing a white cloak, half-closed his eyes, and gracefully pulled the violin on his left shoulder.

In the not spacious carriage, there were only two people-Toyotomi and a blond Westerner sitting opposite Toyotomi.

When Toyotomi used the violin to play the beautiful music, the Westerner closed his eyes and shook his head lightly, showing a look of intoxication from time to time as he was listening carefully and enjoying the music.

Soon, the song ended.

When Toyotomi put down the bow in his hand, the Westerner clapped vigorously.

"It's great, Mr. Toyotomi, your piano art is getting better and better!" the Westerner said in English.

"Smith, thanks for the compliment." Toyotomi responded with a fluent English smile, "But my piano skills are still far behind, and I have to practice a lot."

Toyotomi showed regret.

When Toyotomi put down the violin on his shoulders, the carriage under him just stopped.

"Master Toyotomi."

The coachman in charge of driving jumped off the car, then ran to the door of the car quickly, and opened the door.

"Here we are."

"Well, thank you." Toyotomi smiled softly on the coachman who helped him pull the door, and walked out of the carriage slowly, "Let you drive all the way to this point, you must be tired too."

"Don't dare to be." The coachman who was thanked by Toyotomi, his cheeks were distorted with excitement, "The subordinates just did what they were supposed to do."

The carriage was parked in a dense forest.

After getting off the carriage, the coachman stayed to look at the carriage, while Toyotomi led Smith slowly toward the deep forest in front of him.

In just a moment of effort, a strong figure appeared from in front of Toyotomi, and then greeted him with a quick walk towards Toyotomi.

"Master Toyotomi!" The strong man bowed and saluted.

"Gao Qing." Toyotomi stood with his hand, "What happened to the troops?"

"The assembly has been completed and can be reviewed at any time!"

"Very good." Toyotomi grinned, "Let's go, take me to see my Toyotomi warriors."


Gao Qing led the way and headed straight toward the depths of the dense forest.

At first glance, this place looks like an endless dense forest, but in fact it is surprisingly small.

Soon, as if suddenly enlightened, a small clearing not covered by dense trees gradually appeared in front of Toyotomi and the others.

At this moment, the air in this small clearing was filled with a strong sense of killing.

An extremely neat square array with a scale of a thousand people stood on this open space.

Everyone in this phalanx, without exception, wears a knife and a waistband around his waist, and carries a brand-new flintlock on his back.

A red crescent moon is engraved on the body of each flintlock gun.

Even if Toyotomi appeared before their eyes, the phalanx remained motionless, and everyone stood straight and looked solemn.

In front of the phalanx, there is a boulder with a smooth top layer.

Toyotomi slowly climbed the boulder under the guidance of Gao Qing.

Standing on the boulder, looking down at the phalanx of thousands of people below.

"Salute!" Gao Qing shouted loudly.

The soldiers knelt to the ground on one knee in a uniform movement.

Looking at the 1,000 soldiers kneeling under the boulder, the corners of Toyotomi's mouth... slowly grinned.

He smiled joyfully.

"Everyone, welcome... back to Japan." Toyotomi slowly opened his arms like he wanted to embrace the 1,000 soldiers in front of him.

"I am so happy."

"I finally fulfilled the promise I made to you-one day I will take you back to Japan."

"But I'm so sad."

The smile on Toyotomi's face slowly disappeared, revealing a sad expression.

"My other more important promise-taking your promise to destroy the Edo Shogunate, has not been fulfilled until now."

"But fortunately—the day when I fulfill the promises I promised you one by one, it's finally not far."

Like a juggling, the sad expression on Toyotomi's face slowly changed back to a joyful smile.

Toyotomi slammed his hands up, and the white cloak draped on him shook away.

"Today, we finally stood here!"

"Standing in the Gyeonggi Plain of Japan!"

"Standing outside the city of Osaka! On this piece of land where countless tyrants in history vie for me and were watered by countless blood!"

"We are finally back!"

"We, who were in the Edo shogunate and could only survive under the pressure of the Tokugawa clan, have finally returned!"

"Everyone. Follow me, those who follow Chinseong Gourd and Taikotong! Tell me-what do you aspire for now, when you are stepping on the soil of Japan?"

"Down the curtain! Down the curtain! Down the curtain! Down the curtain!"

Thousands of warriors with crazy expressions, UU read www.uukanshu.com and yelled "fall the curtain" over and over again.

The momentum went straight into the sky, and countless birds in the forest fled from the surrounding jungle.

The frenzied breath, as if it were contagious, slowly spread to Toyotomi from the faces of these thousand soldiers.

"Very good!" Toyotomi, whose eyes and mouth were exaggerated with excitement and excitement, made a sharp laugh, "Yes! That's how it should be! Warriors! Follow me and go with me to help those who stand People in the sky, let's pull them down one by one!"

"Now is the time to throw a fist!"

"Along with me, throw a fist at the Edo Shogunate!"

"Together with me, use blood and fire to wake up the Tokugawa samurai who are drowning in ease."

"Grab their hair buns, lift them up, let them open their eyes and take a good look at the flying scene of'Taiko Tong'!"

"My Toyotomi warriors..."

Toyotomi slowly stretched his arms up, as if to embrace the sky.

"With me! Let Qiancheng Gourd stand up in the gap between heaven and earth again!"

"With me! Just tonight! Let the world turn around!"



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Many of the plots and settings in this book are adapted from historical rumors and myths that have existed in reality.

For example, "The bloodline of Toyotomi continued in Satsuma clan", and another example is "Sheng Takano" mentioned in this chapter.

The image of Takano-san mentioned in this chapter is the image of Takano-san in history. Because of his reputation in history, Takano-san was rumored to be rumored, and gradually he was rumored to be an innocent “trafficker”, and then he was rumored to be a kid who abducted children. Monsters-night monsters.

Book friends who want to know more about "Sheng Gaoye" can go to Baidu.

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