I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 650: The imprisonment of Ishika flower and the betrayal of Ogata [Five thousand four hundre

The awakening of memories before the coma, the scene in front of him, and the questioning of the imaginary monk in front of him made Zhizhou's face slightly changed.

Before Zhi Zhou had time to say anything, Rushui who was tied to Zhi Zhou shouted:

"Who are you?! What do you mean by that sentence?! What about Xiaohua? Did you catch Xiaohua too?! Where is she now?!"

Like water like a cascade of pearls, he spit out a lot of questions in one breath.

The skin exposed to the outside is green and purple. Especially his face, the left half of his face was directly swollen.

Because of his age, Zhizhou's current strength is not as good as his son's.

As the strongest person in Isshiki's family, Rushui naturally endured the fiercest concentration of fire in the battle just now.

Before being knocked down, he was attacked by seven men in black in one breath. These injuries on his body were proof of the fierce battle he had just endured.

As soon as the voice of Rushui's question fell, the Void Monk—that is, Lou Luo, tilted his head and turned his face toward the water.

Then, a stride rushed to Rushui's, and flew a foot in the middle of Rushui's already swollen left cheek.

"Yeah~~" Lou Luo hummed with joy, "Your posture...It's really suitable for kicking."

Zhizhou, Rushui, and Ash are all tied to the pillars in a sitting position, so Lou Luo can kick them in the head with just one foot.

The kick he had just now was so powerful that it made a muffled sound directly.

Zhi Zhou saw a blood-stained tooth being kicked directly out of Rushui's mouth, and strips of light red liquid mixed with blood and saliva dripped from the corners of Rushui's mouth.

Ash's exclamation and painful cries of water sounded at the same time.

"You don't need to know who we are." Lou Luo slowly put down the kick kicked out just now, "At the same time, you don't have any right to ask us any questions."

"The kick just now is a small warning."

"If you were to speak at random, it wouldn't be as simple as kicking out one of your teeth."

"But I am in a good mood tonight, so I will take good care of your love for a daughter and answer your question just now."

"Yes, your daughter Isshihua was also caught by us."

"You are really good enough to build a tunnel in your house."

"Your daughter is also very good, she can run so fast barefoot."

"I almost let her run to the post, but fortunately, my subordinates eventually caught her back."

"When you knocked your daughter unconscious and brought it back, my subordinates accidentally acted harder, so your daughter is now receiving treatment in another place."

"But you don't have to worry, your daughter is not life-threatening, and she will probably wake up tomorrow morning."

Although Lou Luo said something, "Don't worry," what he said was pure nonsense.

After hearing what Lou Luo said just now, the three of Zhizhou, Rushui, and Ash could not be indifferent, and the faces of the three of them lost their blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Where did she hurt Xiaohua?!" Ash's eager nurse girl, struggling, trying to break free of the chains trapped on her body, shouted, "Please let me go and see her!"

"Hey, didn't you hear what I just said?" Lou Luo glanced at Ash coldly, "You don't have the right to ask me questions."

"Remember that you are a woman, I will spare you once."

"Next time you talk more without my permission, I will not only teach you, but also let your husband be punished, so that your husband will have fewer teeth in his mouth."

Lou Luo's words made Ash Huarong pale.

Even though he was extremely worried about Isshika, Ash could only hold back this worry, biting his lower lip, and stopped making a sound.

Lou Luo slowly turned his eyes back to Zhi Zhou at this time.

"Then—go back to our original question."

"Answer me: Where does Ogata Ichitosai live in Osaka now?"

Zhizhou looked at Lou Luo with a startled look, and then at his son and daughter-in-law.

His head is spinning fast.

A question was solved-he knew why these people suddenly attacked their Isshiki home.

Come for Ogata.

However, one question was solved, and more questions appeared——

Who are these people?

What do you want to find Master Yidaozhai?


One question after another came through Zhi Zhou's mind.

What makes Naoshu most concerned about is undoubtedly how these people know that he is in contact with Ogata.

——I never told anyone: Goro Majima is Ogata Ishi.

——According to Xiaohua's temperament, she would never be able to talk about this everywhere!

——Then these people... when, where, and how did they know that I knew Lord Idozai?

——Is it possible...Is there anyone who can accurately recognize Ichidosai even when facing a hidden face...

Zhizhou was still thinking about it, Lou Luo's voice sounded again:

"There is no need to waste energy thinking about superfluous things."

Lou Luo seems to have seen through Zhi Zhou's thoughts.

"We have no grievances or hatreds with you, it is purely because you have committed sins and made friends with that Shura, so that we will end up where we are today."

"For people who have no grudges against me and who have not sacrificed their lives to the Edo shogunate, I have always been too lazy to raise the butcher knife."

"So—as long as you answer my questions obediently, I can keep your family safe."

"Otherwise... just as I said earlier: I want to be in front of you and let my subordinates use your daughter-in-law and granddaughter to relax."

Although Lou Luo wears a "sky-covered hat" that covers the entire head, Zhizhou can still feel the cold gaze from the gaps where the wearer can see.

"...How could I know about that Ogata Ichitosai."

Zhi Zhou said in a low voice.

"I never knew Ogata Ichitosai."

"...You don't know Ogata Ichitosai?" Lou Luo asked rhetorically.

"I don't know." Zhi Zhou shook his head vigorously, "I don't even know him!"

"That's it...Don't you know Ogata Ichitosai..." Lou Luo looked at Rushui and Ash, "What about you two, don't you two know Ogata Ichitosai?"

Rushui and Ash shook their heads quickly.

"I don't know! Did you catch the wrong person! We never knew him!" Rushui shouted.

Ash hurriedly echoed.

Unlike Naoshu, who was talking nonsense openly, the couples Rusui and Ash really didn't know Ogata, and they didn't know that Goro Mashima was Ogata Ishige.

"Don't you all know Ogata Ichitosai..." Lou Luo murmured, "I think - you should all know each other."

"It's just that I forgot about it accidentally, I can't remember it."

"I'll help you wake up your memory."

After speaking, Lou Luo turned to look at a strong man behind him.

"Ito Seitaro, didn't you just tell me: You really like Isshiji-san, a woman full of mature charm?"

"Give you a chance, allowing you to enjoy this maturity."

Lou Luo's words made the eyes of the brawny man called "Ito Seitaro" flash with joy.

"Yes, okay?!" Ito asked cautiously.

"Please, please wait a minute!" His face changed drastically, and he said anxiously, "We really don't know Ogata Ichitosai! It's even impossible to know where that person lives!"

Lou Luo ignored Rushui's shouting, he turned his head and looked at the other subordinates behind him: "You guys should also have fun with Seitaro."

His words were like letting go of the shackles of the hungry wolf.

These people, headed by Seitaro Ito, grinned and walked slowly towards Ash.

Ashit screamed in horror, yelling again and again with Rusui, repeating "We really don't know Ogata Ichitosai".

Zhizhou's face... now full of horror.

He looked at the brawny men getting closer and closer to his daughter-in-law, the hesitation in his eyes increased exponentially.

The torture of Zhi Zhou's mind is not over yet.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The son's screams suddenly came into Zhi Zhou's ears.

"How? Does the mental and physical pain make your memory awakened by stimulation? According to my many years of memory, no matter who it is, as long as it is suffering from enough heavy pain, many of them are still screaming, "Nothing at all." The memory of'what happened' will be fully recovered."

Lou Luo said in a playful tone, while holding a knife without a knife and drew a picture on Rushui's face.

He first slashed his forehead horizontally.

Immediately afterwards, he slashed longitudinally, from the watery left forehead to the left corner of the mouth.

Lou Luo's cut is very shallow, as long as he is treated well, it will not leave scars.

Although the wound is shallow, the pain cannot be taken lightly.

It is true that Rushui who does not know Ogata is already using an imploring tone, repeating the sentence "We really don't know Ogata Ichitosai" for the first time.

The continuous screams of his son have already made Zhizhou's psychological defenses on the verge of collapse.

And the voice that Zhi Zhou heard next can be said to completely collapse Zhi Zhou's psychological defense.

He heard... the sound of clothes being torn apart.

The two legs of his daughter-in-law Ash were controlled by two people. The Seitaro Ito squatted in front of Ash and cut Ash's hem with a haunt.

The sight in front of him, and the sound that came into his ears that made Zhizhou unable to bear to listen anymore, made Zhizhou finally close his eyes in pain.

"Enough, enough!"

Zhizhou's lips that turned into blue-purple at some point were trembling.

Lou Luo glanced straight at Zhou Yi.

Then he stopped the hand drawing on Rusui's face, and raised his hand to signal Ito Seitaro and others to stop them.

Facing Lou Luo's orders, Seitaro Ito stopped the movements in their hands very obediently.

"It seems that someone's memory has successfully recovered." Lou Luo said in a playful tone.

Zhizhou lowered his head, and his trembling lips made his voice tremble.

"I... admit it. I know Ogata Isoshisai..."

"But I really don't know where he lives!"

Zhi Zhou suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Lou Luo with pleading eyes.

"I promise you with my life! I really don't know where he lives!"

"I beg you, please raise your hand and let my family go."

Having said that, Zhi Zhou dropped his head again, as if he wanted to kowtow to Lou Luo.

But because his body was tied to a wooden post, his forehead failed to knock to the ground.

Lou Luo: "..."

Lou Luo, who was still holding the knife in his hand, remained silent.

Waiting hard for Lou Luo to speak straight weeks, it feels like 1 second is as long as 1 year.

Lou Luo didn't let Zhizhou wait too long.

Zhi Zhou only waited for "10 years" before he heard Lou Luo say:

"...Then do you know where Ogata Ichitosai went after?"

Zhi Zhou: "Huh?"

"Do you know where you will go after Ogata Idoseai? Or-do you have to go until Ogata Idoseai?"

Lou Luo walked slowly to Zhi Zhou and squatted down to make himself level with Zhi Zhou's line of sight.

"For example: Ogata Idosesai will definitely appear at some time and where."

Lou Luo who suddenly approached in front of him made Zhi Zhou clearly see-behind this "sky-covered hat", there were two cold eyes like poisonous snakes.


Lou Luo's question just now caused Zhi Zhou's eyes to flicker, and the color of hesitation came out of his pupils again.

"By the way-don't break it."

Lou Luo added.

"If I later found out that you were talking nonsense to deceive me and wait... Then you will be punished not only by painting on your son's face, but by using your daughter-in-law and granddaughter as a concession. The subordinates are tools for relaxation."

These words made the color of hesitation on Zhi Zhou's face thicker, but also a lot of pain.

Straight Zhou, who dropped his head again, was silent for a long, long time.

Zhi Zhou was not in a hurry, and silently waited for Zhi Zhou's answer.

Zhi Zhou gritted his teeth and was silent for a long time--

——Master Ichidozai...I'm sorry...After everyone at home is safe...I promise you! I will definitely apologize!

After a few invisible tears shed in his heart, the trembling voice resounded in the dim room again.

"One. Master Yidaozhai's saber was seriously damaged, so a while ago, he sent his sabre to a friend of mine for repairs."

"The time for taking the sword agreed by Master Ichidozai and my friend is..."



Lou Luo hummed a small tune, and walked out of the cabin where Zhizhou and the others were being held.

Zhizhou and the others were imprisoned in an extremely remote and abandoned hut in Osaka. This kind of place is genuine "No one will come to rescue you if you cry out."

As soon as Lou Luo stepped out of this hut, a petite figure walked towards Lou Luo--a very beautiful and outstanding woman.

"Master Lou Luo." As soon as he came to Lou Luo, the beautiful woman knelt on one knee and said respectfully, "I still haven't found Isshihua."

"I haven't found Isshika yet?" Lou Luo frowned under the "Sky Covered Hat", "Hey, hey, finding someone...isn't it always your Iga ninja's strength?"

"Extremely sorry, I am incompetent." The beautiful woman dropped her head and did not refute Lou Luo's complaint just now.

The "use your daughter-in-law and granddaughter as a relaxation tool" that Lou Luo said to Zhizhou and the others just now was actually a lie to them.

Lou Luo did not catch Isse Flower at all.

After learning that Isshiki had escaped along the secret road at home, Lou Luo immediately sent a large number of Iga ninjas to pursue.

Lou Luo originally thought that letting these elite Iga ninjas get back a girl who didn't even wear shoes was just a matter of grasping.

But who knows, I haven't caught the Isshika back.

"Our people have been lying in ambush all around the office." The beautiful woman added, "If I find a trace of Isshiki around the office of the Osaka office, we will immediately catch her back."

"... Although what she wanted to ask has already been asked by her grandfather. According to the information, the relationship between Isshikihan and Ogata Ichitosai is very good, and the two of them were talking and laughing about the "big test match". "That's right." Lou Luo said sternly, "That Isshika's body may have some other information related to Ogata Ichitosai."

"Quickly grab that Isse Flower back for me." Lou Luo commanded in a noncommittal voice.

"Yes!" Gao, a beautiful woman, claimed "Yes."

After issuing a strict order to the beautiful woman, Lou Luo waved her hand to indicate that she could leave.

After the beautiful woman left, Lou Luo turned his head, and said to Seitaro Ito and the others who followed him: "Kosei takes care of Isshi Naoshu and others. You can’t let any of them go until Ogata Ichisai is dead. Leave here alone."

Seitaro Ito: "Yes."

"Also—unless they are disobedient, don't do anything rude to them. It's not okay to touch that Yishishi."

Seitaro Ito's expression instantly collapsed: "Can't you even touch that solid face and hands?"

"I have promised them-as long as I answer my questions honestly, I won't do anything to them. The thing I hate the most is to go back and forth."

"Yes..." Seitaro Ito looked lost.

Lou Luo waved to them: "Okay, go back to the house and take care of them."


Seitaro Ito led the people back to the house.

Around Lou Luo, he was the only one left.

"... God helped me wait." Lou Luo raised his head, looked at the starry sky above, and slowly said with a volume that only he could hear, "The day when Ogata Ichitosai went to fetch the sword... The day of the Osaka Spring Array... It turned out to be the same day..."



This beautiful woman who had just reported to Lou Luo on the progress of the mission is now shuttled in a remote corner of Osaka.

As she walked slowly forward, she looked around with alert eyes, checking whether anyone was following her.

In this extremely cautious way, she slowly moved forward ~www.readwn.com~ and finally came to the door of a humble wooden house.

"Mother-in-law." The beautiful woman patted the door, "It's me."

As soon as she finished speaking, a very old and rickety old woman slowly opened the door.

"You are back," the old woman said.

"Yeah. How is that woman?" the beautiful woman asked back.

"Sleep soundly."

The beautiful woman took off the straw sandals on her feet and walked quickly towards the depths of the hut.

After an arrow turned into a certain room in this house, a white figure was caught in the eyes of the beautiful woman.

This white figure is just one color flower.

At this time, her white bathrobe has been neatly arranged.

Although she and her family are locked up in different places, their circumstances are surprisingly similar-tied to a wooden pole.

However, Naozhou and the others were roughly tied with iron chains, while Isshiki was tied with a string, and the way they were tied was much gentler.

It's also a coincidence-when the beautiful woman had just arrived in this room where Isshihwa was being held, she saw Isshihwa's eyelids move.

After that, I saw Isshiki slowly opening her beautiful eyes.

After waking up, Isshiki looked at her surroundings with a confused gaze.

Immediately afterwards, the confusion turned into astonishment, staring blankly at the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Chuguang...Miss...?" With her mouth tied, she mumbled out the name of the person



Today is the last day of the double monthly pass at the beginning of the month, so don’t begrudge the monthly pass in your hand. Please count more votes for this book (Leopard Headache Cry.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

ps: Sure enough, there are many benefits to go outside occasionally. I walked outside yesterday, and I got a lot of inspiration about it.

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