I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 645: How can Ogata Hotoku compare to source 1? 【Five Thousand Four Hundred】

"Is Toyotomi... Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Toyotomi?" Amachi asked cautiously.

Lin nodded, "Yes, it's Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Toyotomi."

"Should... Where do I start..." Lin stretched out her right index finger and scratched the hair on her right temple.

"You should all remember the Shiranui that was extinguished by our joint efforts half a year ago, right?"

"Shiranuiri had a deep connection with our Toyotomi clan more than 200 years ago."

"In the Warring States period more than two hundred years ago, Shiranui was just an unknown ninja."

"It wasn't until I got the help of my ancestor Toyotomi Hideyoshi that I grew stronger."

"Shiranuiri was grown by the Toyotomi clan, and the Toyotomi clan also survived due to Shiranui."

"After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death, Ieyasu Tokugawa, who had previously surrendered to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, bared his fangs and usurped the power of the country from the Toyotomi clan. Then he launched the Osaka Winter Array and the Osaka Summer Array. Toyotomi attacked."

"The Toyotomi clan's base-Daban Castle was burned down."

"The Toyotomi Patriarch: Hideyori Toyotomi committed suicide by amputating his stomach when the city of Osaka was broken."

"The 8-year-old only son of Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Toyotomi Kunimatsu was also beheaded in Rojo Kawara later."

"Only the only daughter of Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Chiyohime survived, but under the compulsory request of Tokugawa Ieyasu, she became a nun."

"The above is the final outcome of the Toyotomi clan recorded in the official history books."

"But the real history is not like this."

"When Ieyasu Tokugawa launched the second Osaka battle, the Osaka Summer Camp, and completely destroyed the Toyotomi clan, some people risked their lives and rushed into the city of Osaka, which had been swallowed by fire and blasted into the sky, and rescued Toyotomi. Hiderai's only son: Toyotomi Kunimatsu."

"The one who risked his death to save lives--it was the ninja in Shiranui who was greatly favored by the Toyotomi clan."

"The'Toyotomi Kunimatsu" who was beheaded in Liujo Kawara was just a stand-in whose appearance is indistinguishable from the real Kunimatsu."

"After Toyotomi Kunimatsu was rescued, he was taken to the Satsuma clan, far away from the center of the Edo shogunate, and changed back to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's original surname-Kinoshita. Since then, he has lived in Satsuma under the name of Kinoshita and has multiplied to this day. "

"This is... the family background of my uncle and me."

"My uncle and I are both direct descendants of the Toyotomi clan."

As if pressing the "time still key", the room became silent as Lin's voice fell, and everyone was motionless.

After a long while, Ah Ding, with a face of disbelief, mumbled and broke the silence:

"Shiranui...Is there ever such a history..."

If anyone at the scene was the most shocked by what Lin said just now, it was undoubtedly Ah Ting who had been a member of Shiranui.

Ogata's reaction was calm and his expression was calm because of the more wind and waves he saw.

"It's normal if you don't know." Lin said, "After successfully rescuing Toyotomi Kunimatsu more than two hundred years ago, to ensure that the secret of'the bloodline of Toyotomi is not cut off' will not be revealed, this event was organized and planned. The ninjas who rescued Toyotomi were tight-lipped about this secret and didn't mention it to anyone-including their family and other companions in Shiranui."

"After these ninjas who participated in the rescue of Toyotomi clan died one by one, no one in Shiranui knew that their companions and predecessors had done such a feat."

"The only people who know about'Shiranuiri Rescue Toyotomi' are the descendants of our Toyotomi's."

In addition to Amachi, who was once a member of Shiranui, there is another person who has a wonderful expression-that is Shimada.

"Lord, lord... So you... are you actually the offspring of that Toyotomi Hideyoshi..." Shimada flushed slightly with emotion.

At this time, Shimada suddenly discovered that the three people sitting beside him, Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai, had very calm expressions...

He seems to have known Lin and Yuanyi's life experience for a long time...

"Seniors." Shimada turned his gaze at high speed, allowing his gaze to cross the faces of Mamiya, Makimura, and Asai repeatedly, "Do you all know the secret of the lord?"

"Yeah." Mucun, with arms around his chest, said bluntly, "We have known for a long time. After all, the three of us are all elderly people in the gourd house."

"Shimada, you are a newcomer who has just joined." Mamiya showed a slightly apologetic smile at Shimada. "So I can't tell you this important secret. Several of us have also joined the gourd house. 、After working under the lord’s command for a long time, the lord’s inspection confirmed that he was a trustworthy person before he was told the secret."

"So it's like this..." Shimada raised his hand and scratched the back of his head. "If that's the case, then I can understand it... After all, it is indeed impossible to tell such an important secret to a newcomer. ..."

"In other words... Am I always playing for Toyotomi?"

"I didn't expect that Shiranui Li would have such a predestined relationship with the lord..."

Speaking of this, Shimada paused as if suddenly remembering something.

"Then... this way..." Shimada looked at Lin with a weird expression, "Six months ago, our crusade against Shiranui... is it ungrateful?"

"Of course not." Lin said without hesitation, "Shiranuiori assisted Toyotomi-this is a return."

"After all, the Toyotomi clan was the first to be kind to Shiranui."

"Without the help of Toyotomi, how could there be any Shiranui?"

"So the rescue of Toyotomi Kunimatsu from Shiranui is equal to our Toyotomi clan, and no one owes anyone anymore."

"Therefore, I don't have any psychological burden in the crusade against Shiranui."

"...Although we all know the life experience of the lord..." Asai, who was very taciturn, had not spoken since just now, suddenly said coldly, "But the lord also has an older brother--I don't know this at all. "

"I don't know either." Mucun echoed.

Mamiya did not speak.

But he turned his doubtful gaze to Lin's body.

Judging from their words and actions, none of them knew that Lin also had an older brother named "Tootomi Nobuhide".

Lin's eyes dimmed slightly at this moment.

"...The reason why I don't tell you that I have another brother is because...I don't want to mention anything about that person."

Yuanyi, who was sitting next to Lin, glanced at Lin.

Seeing Lin's gloomy expression, Yuanyi let out a silent sigh.

"Next..." Yuanyi said, "Let's change to me."

"Toyotomi Kunimatsu was rescued and sent to a remote country in the Satsuma clan, and Toyotomi's bloodline continued."

"We were rescued there together with several diehard Toyotomi clan loyalists."

"The throne of the people of the world was taken away by the Tokugawa clan—the few diehards who were saved to the Satsuma clan together were not reconciled to biting their teeth and wishing to crush their teeth."

"So in order to retake the world, they strictly cultivated Toyotomi Kunimatsu, who was renamed Nobuyuki Kinoshita in order to conceal people."

"And Toyotomi Kunimatsu, under the influence of ears and eyes, also takes the restoration of'Toyotomi Jiangshan' as his highest goal, working hard to temper himself."

"However... things like rejuvenation... don't need me to go into details, you should all know how difficult it is and how low the success rate is, right?"

"Toyotomi Kunimatsu also knows that it is almost impossible to succeed in the restoration of the country with the strength of one's own generation."

"So after having his own heirs, Toyotomi Kunimatsu gave his heirs...like a brainwashing education."

"Informed their sons of the bitter history of how their Toyotomi clan survived so stubbornly to this day, and educated them: To restore the Toyotomi country, even if it takes hundreds of generations, to take back the throne of the world. "

"This education... is like a curse, passed on from generation to generation."

Genichi sneered like a self-deprecating one.

"Each generation of children of our Toyotomi clan has received the education that we will defeat the Edo Shogunate and reshape Toyotomi Jiangshan."

"Just spread it, spread it, and spread it to the present, the curse hasn't ended."

"You should know that too? Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a very poor fertility person. His wives and concubines were in groups, but he only gave birth to two children in his life. One of them was still young. Only Toyotomi Hideyoshi lived alone. Got down and grew up smoothly."

"The defect of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's difficulty in childbirth was unfortunately passed on to the family."

"Although we have reproduced for two hundred years, our Toyotomi family is still withered. When it was passed down to my generation, there were only two direct descendants of my generation-my brother and I... which is Lin's grandfather. ."

"My father is also a deeply ‘cursed’ person."

"As long as I can remember, I have been taught by my father that'Toyotomi must be rejuvenated'."

"But maybe it's because my mind is different from ordinary people."

Genichi smiled and shrugged.

"So even though I have undergone this kind of ‘curse’ education since I was a child, I have not been harmed by this ‘curse’.”

"I have always been lack of interest in "Fuxing Toyotomi"."

"In the year I was 13 years old, when I first came into contact with Sword Surgery, I became even more disinterested in'Fuxing Toyotomi's'."

"The reason why I came into contact with swordsmanship so late is because of my father's blessing. He always felt that swordsmanship can only be done with'ten enemies' and'hundred enemies' at most. This pair of Fuxing Toyotomi It is useless, and has been forcing me to learn the strategy of being able to be the enemy of ten thousand people, and the emperor's heart."

"I only came into contact with swordsmanship under various accidents of chance and coincidence." Gu

"After being exposed to swordsmanship, my interest in swordsmanship completely overshadowed my interest in'Fuxing Toyotomi's'."

"My father was furious when he saw this."

"Originally, I tried to argue with reason, and even bluntly told my father: Fuxing Toyotomi or something is completely idiotic."

"But my father has been harmed so much by that'curse' that he can't listen to me at all."

"So-in the year I was 16 years old, in order to escape my father, who was already stunned by the devil, and to travel around and further hone my swordsmanship, I left home and the Satsuma clan."

"At the beginning, when I was away from home, I tried to persuade my younger brother, who is 2 years younger than Katsuichi Kinoshita, to go."

"But-Seiichi is different from me, he was perfectly violated by the'curse'."

"Not only does he not plan to leave home with me, he also plans to report me to his father."

"In desperation, I can only leave alone."

"After I left home to practice, I also thought about going home several times-but for some reason, there are always all kinds of troubles coming to my door."

"Sometimes it's just going to a certain noodle restaurant to eat noodles in silence, and you can get involved in trouble somehow..."

"But thanks to the blessings of these troubles one after another, my swordsmanship is also advancing quickly."

Hearing Genichi's words, Ogata was taken aback at first.

Then, as if he had found a soulmate, with a weird expression full of emotion on his face, he nodded heavily.

Genichi's words just now, he felt so empathetic.

He will never forget it-in the summer half a year ago, he was just going to a noodle shop in Kyoto to eat noodles. Some officials suddenly rushed in to arrest him, and then somehow got involved in trouble. ...And then spent the longest night of his life in Kyoto.

"That's it until I was 24 years old, and I finally had time and leeway to go home."

"I came home again after 8 years-I didn't think it was all right."

"The house is still the same, but the parents are gone."

"There is only Katsuichi in the family and a strange girl — that is Kinoshita's wife, that is, my sister-in-law: Aru."

"In my return home this time, I actually want to take this opportunity to dissuade my father from being ‘cursed’ again..."

"After 8 years of traveling abroad, my horizons have grown a lot."

"It also made me firmer in the idea that'Fuxing Toyotomi is completely idiotic.'"

"After 8 years of travel, my eloquence has also been greatly improved, and I have the confidence to convince my father and win them."

"Who knows that my father has passed away..."

"Shengichi, who hasn't seen him in eight years, has grown into a heroic and martial art."

"I thought I could have a chance to make him sober."

"But who knows that after 7 years of absence, he has been poisoned even more."

"Not only did he not listen to my persuasion at all, but he also called me a traitor, a fool who only wields a sword, and got me out of his eyes."

"At that time, I was just at the age of virginity, and Seiichi was so stubborn and utterly rude to me, my anger was also rising."

"I yelled at him, ‘Then you fend for yourself! I don’t care about you!’, then I slammed the door and left."

"When I slammed the door and left, I really wanted to stop dealing with Seiichi. He would do whatever he wanted."

"Not long after I left home, I came to Nagasaki Port, the only port in Japan that is open to foreign countries, under various circumstances."

"There, I met a very good businessman friend."

"With his invitation and help, I boarded a Dutch merchant ship willing to take me abroad."

"At that time, I had already intended to travel abroad to see the wider world."

"However, because of the Edo shogunate's lock-up order, my wish has not been realized for a long time."

"There are provisions in the national lock-up order-Japanese nationals are not allowed to leave the country. If a merchant ship assists their nationals to leave the country, the merchant will never be allowed to come to Japan again."

"Because of this troublesome regulation, there will be no single merchant ship that is willing to take people abroad."

"A merchant ship is willing to take me abroad-this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"I hesitated for a long time, and finally decided-not let go of this rare opportunity."

"The merchant ship willing to carry me is a Dutch merchant ship. They want to return to Holland."

"So, I left Japan on this merchant ship and went to the Europa continent in the west."

"Originally, my original plan was to travel to the Netherlands for a year and a half, and then return to Japan."

"But who knows-accidents happen frequently."

"After a year in the Netherlands, I boarded a ship to Japan."

"However, when this merchant ship first arrived in the English Channel, it encountered a storm and the whole ship sank directly. I hugged a plank and floated to the English country."

"I only spoke Dutch and a little Chinese at the time, so I couldn't communicate with English people at all. The time when I drifted to the English country, but a hard past, I could only communicate with people by movement and momentum. ."

"After that, under all sorts of mistakes, I arrived in France on the other side of the English country."

"Then I was involved in some trouble and had to go to the Holy Roman Empire to the east."

"After arriving in the Holy Roman Empire, all kinds of troubles continued to haunt me. I went south to the Papal State, and then went east again to the Kingdom of Lucia."

"After arriving in the country of Lucia, I couldn't rest. I got on a ship to the Amerika continent and got to the America continent farther away from Japan."

"All in all-since I went abroad, bad luck has been following me. Whenever I try to return to my country, there will be various accidents and I will be farther and farther away from Japan."

At this moment, Ogata's mouth twitched.

He could no longer show the look of "I know you" to Yuan Yi like just now.

He originally thought he and Genichi were the same people, both of whom were easily plagued by various troubles.

And now...Ogata was shocked--how could he feel that his "troublesome" level was comparable to Genichi?

"After arriving in America, I finally got on a ship to Japan with the help of a friend."

Yuan's narration of his "Legendary Adventure" is not over yet.

"When I left Japan, I was a 24-year-old young man."

"When I set foot on the land of Japan again, I was 54 years old."

"Leave Japan for 30 years."

"The time spent abroad is longer than the time spent in Japan."

"Because I have stayed abroad for too long, it took me a long time to finally speak Japanese again when I first returned to China~www.readwn.com~."

"On the eve of leaving Japan, I had made up my mind-I will no longer care about Seiichi, and let Seiichi, a stubborn fool, fend for himself."

"But after 30 years of traveling abroad, my temperament has become a lot more mature, and I am no longer as impulsive and prone to upsurge as I was when I was young."

"After I grow older and my temperament, I also understand the hostility that wins against me."

"After returning to Japan after a lapse of 30 years, the first thing I did was to go back to my hometown and want to meet Seiichi and reconcile with Seiichi."

"After returning to my hometown when I was close to the sixtieth birthday...I really understand what is meant by "things are not"."

"The house in my hometown has become even more dilapidated."

"Katsuichi is no longer seen at home."

"I only saw Arro, an old man, a strange young woman, and a 9-year-old girl."

"Although I haven't seen him in 30 years, Aruo still remembers me. She recognized me as an older brother at a glance."

"Under her explanation, I knew that Seiichi had passed away long ago."

"The young woman in the house is the daughter-in-law of Seiichi and Arro."

"The 9-year-old girl is the granddaughter of Seiichi and Arro - that is, Xiao Lin."



I remember that the author once introduced to you-Toyotomi Kunimatsu was rescued to the Satsuma clan, and it was not the author who broke it. There are related rumors about the unhistorical history. According to the unhistorical record: Toyotomi Kunimatsu was rescued to the Satsuma clan and then ran to the Hiji domain. , Became the ancestor of the division of the Hinode Clan Kinoshita family, and was renamed Kinoshita Enji.

About Toyotomi Hideyoshi, there is a wild history, that is, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is a man with a green head that can run a horse. For more details, please see "Writer's Words" below.

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