I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 636: The blast of a licking dog of one color flower! 【Six thousand】

——Sure enough, I shouldn’t be obsessed with makeup...

The color of the flower with its head drooping slightly, with a lost tone, secretly said in his heart.

On the way from leaving Isshiki Sword Hall to arriving at the All Soldiers Hall, Isshika's self-confidence has been continuously lowered.

Originally, Isshiki spent a lot of time on herself with the red lips and eyebrows that she painted with confidence.

However... when leaving the Isshiki Sword Hall and heading to the All Soldiers Hall, Isshika met many girls with very beautiful makeup on the way.

The economy of Osaka is so developed, girls with beautiful makeup can be seen everywhere.

Looking at the beautiful girls one after another, Yi Shi Hua couldn't help but slowly lower her head subconsciously...

I subconsciously want to hide my poor makeup...

——I’ll still find a chance to wipe off the makeup on my face later...

When Isshikayu secretly figured out how to remove makeup from her face, Shibata's phrase "Huh? Mashima-kun?" interrupted Isshika's thoughts and let Isshika join her grandfather and others. Cast a suspicious look at Shibata not far away.



"Mr. Mashima, who is this?" Naoshu looked at Shibata who was rushing towards them, and then at Ogata.

"This is someone I know." Ogata explained.

When Ogata had just explained to Naoshu who this person was, Shibata happened to be in front of Ogata.

"Master Isshiki, this is the first meeting." Before and after coming to Ogata, Shibata did not immediately talk to Ogata, but first bowed to Naoshu very politely and said hello, "I am a disciple of Yuanmingkan—— Shibata Dragon."

Zhi Zhou nodded to Shibata.

"Shibata." Ogata asked to the cheerful, brawny man who had a good opinion of him, "Are you...coming to participate in the ‘big test match’?"

"Hahaha, not really."

Shibata smiled heartily.

"I haven't gotten the honor of participating in the'Big Test Combination'. I just came to watch it."

"I am an apprentice at the Yuanming Hall. Before serving as the guard of Miss Chuguang, I was one of the apprentices at the Yuanming Hall and I have been studying in the Yuanming Hall."

"Even if I am now Miss Chuguang's guard, I have never left the Yuanming Pavilion, and I still go to the museum to continue to hone my swordsmanship in my spare time."

Yuanming Pavilion-one of the four major sword museums that participated in the grand "Experiment Combination", teaching swordsmanship without exodus.

Wuyuu is also a well-known genre of swordsmanship. It is known for its high actual combat value. Many people call Wuyuu the "killing sword".

"Although I didn't participate in the ‘Big Test Combination’ on behalf of Yuanming Hall this time, I was fortunate enough to be favored by the master and allowed to come and watch. Hahaha, I didn’t expect to meet you here by chance."

After speaking, Shibata looked at the Naozhou and others on the side.

"Mashima-kun, were you originally a member of Isshiki Sword Hall?"

"No." Ogata shook his head, "I was only invited by Isshiki-san to come to watch the match-making outsiders."

"Hey! Shibata!"

At this moment, a young man not far away with an extremely strong appearance and a horizontal hideous scar on his forehead shook his hand at Shibata vigorously, and then shouted:

"Shibata! If you have time, please come over!"

"Oh oh! An Yun, wait a moment, I'll go right away!"

After Shibata waved his hand vigorously at the brawny man who was calling him, he turned his gaze back to Ogata.

"Mr. Mashima, my friend seems to be looking for me for something now, so I will leave first."

"If there is a chance later, let's talk about it again!"

"Yeah." Ogata nodded softly, "Okay."

After watching Shibata walk away quickly, Ogata followed Naoshu and the others towards the seating area of ​​their Isshiki Sword Hall-the southern part of the dojo.

Zhi Zhou is undoubtedly sitting at the front.

And Ogata sat a little behind Naoshu to the left.

As for Isshiki Hana, she sat side by side with Ogata.

As the granddaughter of the well-known Dajian Museum in Osaka, the education that Isseki has received since childhood is naturally an elite education that ordinary people can't match, and it is a standard lady.

After Yu sat down with her knees bent on the slightly cold floor, Yi Shi Hua placed her hands on her legs in a regular manner.

The waist is straight, and the graceful swan neck is retracted slightly without squinting.

The temperament of "everyone girl" can be put into full play at this moment.

After sitting down on the floor with Isshiki, Okinawa couldn't help looking sideways at Isshiki.

What she looked like at this time, compared with the "One Color Ryoma" that had been seen on the ferry boat and in the inn, although she had the same appearance, she looked completely different from the two.

Ogata thought to himself: This is probably the real Isshiki flower. A well-educated Yamato Nadeshiko.

If the cold aura on her body can be collected, the appearance of that color flower at this time really resembles the human form of the title "Yamato Nadeshiko".

Yishihua's face has always been expressionless, and her face and eye pupils without any emotion can remind people of "Frost".

An ice-cold aura of "don’t get close to strangers and acquaintances" all the time, like a large block of human-shaped ice standing on the ground.

There is still a short period of time before the "big trial match" officially begins. Many guests can still be seen coming in one after another.

Countless people who are proficient in socializing are walking around in this short period of time waiting for the start of the "big trial",

As the owner of the Isshi Sword Museum, Zhi Zhou is naturally in a constant stream of people who come to greet him and greet him.

Almost everyone who came to say hello to Zhi Zhou asked Zhi Zhou who was the man sitting beside him.

In the face of these inquiries, Zhi Zhou took out his already prepared answers such as "He is a friend I have recently met" to start a dripping response.

It's not just that Zhizhou is "popular".

Isshiki Hana sitting next to Ogata is also extremely popular...



"Miss Isshiki, well, long time no see!"

Ogata glanced at the shy young man who was standing in front of Isshiki, who bit his tongue out of tension when he said "Long time no see".

If the count is correct... Ogata remembers that this should be the third person who came to say hello to Isshiki...

"Toriyama-kun, long time no see." Isshiki nodded to the young man expressionlessly.

The young man exchanged greetings with Isshika very enthusiastically, but Isshika's response was extremely cold.

Ogata noticed that-no matter who came to say hello to Isshiki, Isshiki always looked cold and indifferent to answering questions.

After the shy young man had spoken everything he could say to Isshiki now, and after he left in front of Isshika, Ogata couldn't help but half-jokingly, only he and Isshika could hear clearly. At the volume, whispered to the beautiful woman beside him:

"Miss Isshiki, you are really popular..."

"Sorry, I made you laugh..." After responding in a low voice, Isshika let out a light sigh, and a bit of fatigue appeared on her face.

Sensitively caught the somewhat tired Ogata on her face, and slowly said:

"It must be very hard to be sought after and pursued by so many people?"

"Yeah. Very hard work." Isshiki said without hesitation or shyness, "It's like dozens of mosquitoes flying around my ears."

"Mosquito..." Ogata laughed blankly, jokingly, "Hearing your evaluation, those who pursue you hard may cry."

"In my eyes, they are indeed similar to mosquitoes." Isshiki said without hesitation, "I have always expressed my dislike for them very bluntly."

"Never give them any good looks."

"Never show kindness to them."

"But they still can't drive away like mosquitoes, they keep buzzing in their ears."

"Do they think that as long as they show their favor to me persistently, my impression of them can be changed... It's stupid..."

Speaking of this, Isshiki sighed again with fatigue on her face.

"I really hope that they won't come to bother me today at least...This is the first time I have come to watch'Big Test Combination', and I don't want to make too many unpleasant memories because of it..."

"I think it's difficult," Ogata said.

At this time, a beautiful yellow butterfly flew over Ogata's body suddenly.

Ogata, who was involuntarily attracted by this beautiful yellow butterfly, continued to say in a calm tone:

"Miss Isshiki, you were very beautiful, but now you have become more beautiful after makeup. It should be difficult for your suitors to stop disturbing you within today."

His eyes were drifting away from chasing that beautiful butterfly, so Ogata didn't see—Isshiki Hana next to him, his face blushed.

"Well, this kind of compliment is spared..." Isshiki raised her two colder hands quickly, hugged her hot cheeks, and cooled the temperature of her cheeks, "I don't know how to make up, just I only apply lips and eyebrows. I feel that my makeup is not so good now..."

"Yeah... then this shows that Isshiki-san, you are really beautiful." Ogata finally retracted his gaze from the flying butterfly, smiling at Isshiki who was still covering his face and cooling down, "Even if it is still not turned Mature makeup can still become so beautiful."

The cheeks that finally cooled, warmed up again.

The high temperature not only "burned" his slicked cheeks, but also his ears.

"Thank you..." Isshiki whispered.

While whistling, a happy smile slowly appeared on Ishiki's face along with the corners of his slightly upturned mouth.

This was the first time Isshiki smiled since leaving Isshiki Sword Hall today.



After chatting briefly with Isshiki, the somewhat formal atmosphere between the two disappeared.

The two talked in a harmonious atmosphere, and before they knew it, the two actually talked about the origin of this "big trial match".

"The'Big Test Combination' was originally proposed by the previous master of the military hall." Isshiki said slowly, "The original intention is to enable the sword halls to better communicate and learn from each other."

"It has a history of 10 years since it was held."

"Counting this year, it is the 10th time to hold a'big trial'."

"The previous'Big Test Combination' was quite interesting."

"But the'big test combination' of the past two years has become boring."

"This year's'Big Test Combination' will surely be very boring."

"Bored? Why?" Ogata asked.

"Because of the previous'big trials', the competition was quite fierce, and no one knows who will die."

"But since the genius of Beiyuan Shigekuni in the whole military hall, it has become easier to guess who the final winner of the'big test combination' will be-it will definitely be Beiyuan."

"Kitahara is the one who spoke harshly to you at the gate of the sword hall just now."

Kitahara's handsome face, but whose appearance was dragged by Tsukidai's hairstyle, appeared in Ogata's mind.

"Kitahara is a talented genius. He received a certificate from Katori Shinto-ryu to pass his permission at a young age."

"A few months ago, he became the normal generation of the military hall."

"Two years ago, Kitahara participated in the'Large Trial Combination' for the first time, and he was already the leader of the'Large Trial Combination' with an almost crushing advantage."

"Then last year, Kitahara participated in the'Large Test Combination' for the second time, and once again took the lead in the'Large Trial Combination' with a nearly crushing advantage."

"At present, Kitahara is the first person to win the'two consecutive victories' since the'Big Test Combination' was held."

"In this year's'big test match', there are not any powerful new characters appearing."

"This year's leader, probably will be acquired by Kitahara again."

Speaking of this, Isshiki paused.

Then there was a faint cunning color in the pupils of the eyes.

"I really hope someone can interrupt Kitahara's winning streak..."

"Huh? Miss Isshiki, don't you like that Kitahara?" Ogata asked.

"Well, I really don't like that Kitahara." Isshiki nodded, "But it's not the reason why I want his winning streak to be interrupted. The reason is that I simply don't like the whole military hall. "

"Because the whole military hall has a history... that I don't appreciate very much."

"The National Army Museum is the oldest sword museum in Osaka. It was established at the end of the Warring States Period more than two hundred years ago."

"When the original owner of the All-Hyokan built this sword museum, it coincided with Oda Nobunaga's death due to a rebellion, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi inherited Oda Nobunaga's mantle and soared into the sky to start the National Unification War. "

"At that time, the original owner of the All-Hyokan was to support Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had no rivals in Japan, and kept singing praises to Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

"Because the owner of the whole army was a well-known swordsman in Osaka at that time, he was met in private by Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

"When I met with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the original owner of the All Hyokan was able to say all the good things, the horses were all shot, and even the family heirloom sword was given to Toyotomi Hideyoshi."

"The result-after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the decline of the Toyotomi clan, Ieyasu Tokugawa, who was originally a subordinate of the Toyotomi clan, rose up and usurped the power of the Toyotomi clan, and the original owner of the whole army changed his face very quickly. , And fell to the ground to support Tokugawa Ieyasu."

"It is said that when the Tokugawa clan finally succeeded in defeating the Toyotomi clan, the Osaka Natsu no formation, the owner of the whole military hall secretly helped Tokugawa Ieyasu."

"I really hate this kind of grass on the wall towards Qin Muchu."

"So even I can't help but have a prejudice against the whole military hall."

"But Beiyuan's winning streak was ended or something... I can only think about it."

"After another year of training, Beiyuan must be stronger now."

"Of all the people who participated in the trial this year, no one should be able to match Beiyuan."



Ogata didn't notice it--it was just that he was having a normal chat with Isshiki Hana, and he unknowingly attracted a lot of hatred...

"Damn..." Kitahara cursed in a low voice, "How long does that **** have to talk to Miss Isshi..."

Kitahara...No, it should be said that the suitors, headed by Kitahara, who have not yet stepped forward to greet Isshika, are now scolding Ogata in their hearts.

Ogata, who has been chatting with Isshiki, makes them unable to come forward to say hello to Isshiki for a long time.

When others are talking to others, or doing other things, they rush forward to greet them-this is a well-known very rude thing.

As the suitors of Isshika, Kitahara and the others naturally didn't want to do anything rude in front of Isshika.

So they waited and waited... they waited until now that even the "big test match" was about to start, and they didn't wait for any sign that the two people's talks were about to stop.

Can't find a chance to come forward and say hello to Isshiki-this is not what makes Kitahara the most annoyed.

What annoys Kitahara the most is that Isshiki, who is chatting well with Ogata, has a smile on her face...

Knowing Isshika for so long, he almost never saw Isshika smile at him in a chat with Isshika...

Who the **** is that **** wearing a hat? !

Why does Miss Isshi seem to know him very well? !

What are they talking about? Why does Miss Isshiki look happy? !


If it wasn't for his own image, Kitahara wanted to rush forward and question Ogata and Isshiki one by one with these questions.

Time passed mercilessly.

When the time came to five o'clock (8 o'clock in the morning), a middle-aged man with half-white hair got up on time and walked slowly to the center of the dojo.

"Everyone! Please be quiet!" the middle-aged man shouted.

"This person is Hoon Nanjo." Isshiki turned her head to help Ogata introduce, "The current owner of the All-Hyokan."

After helping Ogata finished the introduction, Isshiki sat down properly and stopped talking with Ogata.

The suitors headed by Kitahara finally waited for their long-awaited time for Isshiki to stop chatting with Ogata-but now the "big trial match" has begun...

They can only sit in their respective positions angrily and continue to curse Ogata in their hearts...

Hoon Nanjo, who suddenly appeared on the stage, actually came forward to announce the official start of the "big trial".

Throughout the ages, this type of opening statement has been the most boring.

In order to pass the boring time, Ogata rolled his eyes and looked around.

At this time, more than 100 people were seated on the four sides of this spacious dojo.

Among the four sword halls, the one with the least number of visitors was the Isshik sword hall, with fewer than 20 people.

Just now Isshiki Hana briefly introduced to Ogata where the members of each sword hall are seated. There are the most people in the military hall, there are almost 40 people.

Nanjo's opening remarks were neither short nor long.

After he finally finished his opening remarks, and after leaving the center of the dojo, the "big test" finally officially began.

The contestants in each match of the "Big Test Combination" are randomly selected on the spot.

After the announcement of the players in the first competition, the scene issued a low exclamation.

Ogata couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

According to Isshiki, Kitahara, who will probably win him three consecutive hegemonies this year, has to appear in the first competition.



——Okay... Calm down, Shigekuni Kitahara.

Kitahara, who was selected as the player in the first game, is now tying his sleeves with a cuff off the court, and is constantly taking deep breaths to adjust his mood and state.

——The man in the hat should just happen to be an acquaintance with Isshika.

——This does not mean anything.

——He can be treated so courteously by Mr. Isshiki, it must be because he has some incredible back.

-But so what?

——Miss Isshiki She likes men with strong swordsmanship! Not a man with a good background!

Kitahara continued to comfort himself like self-deception in his own heart.

——I am the first one to play now...This is a godsend!

——Let’s do a good job in front of Miss Isshiki!

After exhaling a heavy breath, Kitahara got up, strode towards the central dojo, and then stood on the east side of the dojo.

After getting up, Kitahara, who had fairly good hearing, heard a round of discussions that made the corners of his mouth curl up:

"The leader of this year's'Big Test Combination' is probably Kitahara again."

"Yes, after all, Kitahara-kun is a genius."

"Three consecutive tyrants... Tsk tsk tsk, it's really incredible..."


These discussions ~www.readwn.com~ made Kitahara's self-confidence continue to rise as the corners of his mouth turned upward.

Kitahara's opponent in this competition... is someone Ogata is familiar with.

It was the brawny man with a scar on his forehead whom Shibata called away just now.

When the staff responsible for arranging the contestants for each competition just announced the first contestant in a loud voice, Ogata heard the name of this person: An Yun Younosuke.

An Yun is now standing still on the west side of the dojo, carrying the wooden sword casually on her shoulders, yawning in a bored manner.

The referee standing between Kitahara and An Yun, seeing that both of them had entered the arena and stood still in their respective positions, they shouted: "Salute!"

Kitahara and An Yun used their left hands to stick the wooden knife to their left waist, then slowly squat down, bowing to each other and simulating the action of drawing a knife, slowly pulling out the wooden knife attached to the left waist, and then using both hands. Stand up from the ground with a knife.

When this set of etiquette for the discussion is done, it is the moment when the discussion begins.

——Be sure to play awe-inspiring in the first game! Let Miss Isshiki look at me!


A breaking wind suddenly exploded.

A wooden knife slashed heavily between Kitahara's left shoulder and left neck.

Beiyuan let out a scream, then fell heavily to the ground, then... fainted.

And the person who held this handle and stunned Beiyuan with a single blow...Naturally, it was An Yun who was against him.



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! QAQ

I don’t know if you have discovered that Ah Ding has the attributes of a "village girl", she is actually an uneducated village girl. I didn't realize until recently: I always create village girl heroines unconsciously. The female number one in my last novel was also an illiterate village girl.

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