I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 628: The Manifestation of Ogata and the Thief of Koyasan【Six Thousand】

Back in time, just before Yukimura broke into Ogata's room--

The cows in the pastoral village drank the top tea from the Tangto West Lake that Yukimura had just said.

He didn't understand tea, and he couldn't taste the tea. He could only smell the tea and it smelled good, and it tasted quite refreshing.

Makimura, who loves this tea so much, drank it while waiting for Yukimura's return, who had just said, "I have something to deal with, leave for a while."

Yucun didn't let Mucun wait for too long. After only a while, Mucun saw Yucun opened the door in front of him and returned to the room.

"grown ups."

"Oh, you are back."

"My lord, I'm sorry." Yukimura said apologetically at this time. "Something happened with my father-in-law. I have to deal with it myself. I'm sorry, could you please wait here a little longer?"

Hearing what Yukumura said, Makimura raised his eyebrows, and then smiled:

"Your career has become bigger now, and sure enough people have also become busy."

After all, Makimura picked up the Odachi next to him and stood up.

"Since you still have so many things to do now, then I won't bother you."

"Anyway, I have finished talking about the important things that I should tell you."

"I will retire first."

As soon as Makimura’s voice came to an end, Yukimura hurriedly said:

"My lord, are you leaving so soon? Please sit here for a while! I haven't had time to entertain you more!"

Such a rare opportunity to deepen the relationship with the pastoral village...or the gourd house behind the pastoral village, Yuchimura did not want to miss it.

"No need." Mucun stretched vigorously, "I have already spent a lot of tea with you. I have been well received by you."

Even though Makimura said so, Yukimura still persisted.

After harassing with Mucun, Yucun finally persuaded Mucun to sit down again so that Yucun can entertain him a little longer.

Yukimura in a very serious tone instructed one of his trusted associates named "Xiao Ba" to let Haosheng entertain Hao Mucun before he returned. After all the requirements of the Mucun were met, Yukura calmed down. Leaving the room, ready to settle accounts with the guy who dared to be rude to his father-in-law...

Under Xiaoba's help, Mucun sat cross-legged back to the spot, continuing to drink tea while stuffing a few snacks into his mouth from time to time.

Since just now, Mucun's throat that keeps sending tea into his stomach hasn't stopped. After drinking a few more cups of tea, Mucun gradually felt a urge to urinate.

"Excuse me, can you take me to your toilet?" Mu Cun asked Xiao Ba who was sitting next to him.

"please follow me."

Xiao Ba brought her pastoral village to a toilet not far away.

After happily solving his physical problems and stepping out of the toilet, Mucun suddenly heard—a very noisy sound came not far away.

In this noisy sound, Makimura heard Yukimura's voice.

——What is Yukimura doing...

Driven by curiosity, Mucun, who was already panicking now, walked quickly in the direction of the noise.

Xiao Ba, who had previously been instructed by Yukumura to "all the requirements of the pastoral village should be met together", how dare to stop the pastoral village? Or make irresponsible remarks about the actions of the pastoral village?

The only thing he can do and dare to do now is to respectfully follow behind Mucun.

The noise that Mu Cun heard came from a large room with two open doors.

Walked to one of the open doors and looked into the room-Mucun was stunned by the sight of the room, his eyes staring as if both eyes would fall down at any time.

I saw the chaos in the room, a large group of gorgeously dressed young people exuding the atmosphere of "Rich X Generation", shivering.

In the room, Makimura saw Yukimura, who was standing in front of a beautiful woman holding shamisen.

And behind that pretty woman, sits a woman she is quite familiar with...

——A Ding? !

Immediately afterwards, Makimura saw a samurai who was also very familiar with...

Although this samurai was wearing a hat and a face towel, Makimura recognized him at a glance based on his figure and his two blue and gold sabers.

She did not drink.

But at this moment, Mu Cun felt that his head was chaotic as if he had drunk.

All kinds of questions impacted Mucun's brain.


Why are Brother Ogata and Miss Amachi here?

Why does Ogata wear a hat and a face towel?

Is the human skin mask broken?

Yukimura, what did he stand in front of Ogata and them? !


Because of his position, Yukimura can just see Yukimura's expression at this time-Yukimura is frowning now.

Ah Ding has no expression on his face.

Ogata couldn't see his current expression because of the cover of the hat and the face towel...

——The guy from Yukimura, he frowned and stood in front of Ogata and the others. What did he want to do? !

In just an instant, all kinds of assumptions popped up in Mucun's mind.

For example: Yukimura is looking for Ogata's fault for some unknown reason...

Another example: This guy Yukimura is looking for Ah Ding's fault for some unknown reason...

No matter what kind of conjecture it was, Mucun was in a cold sweat at this time.

Makimura couldn't know what character Ogata was.

Makimura has never seen anyone who provokes Ogata or Amachi will end well.

So at this moment, seeing Yukimura frowning and standing behind Ogata and the others, he shouted at Yukimura like a conditioned reflex:

"Yukimura! What are you doing to the VIPs I'm waiting for?!"

Subsequently, the pastoral village strode into the house.

"You didn't get what Yumura did, right? Yumura, you probably didn't do anything rude to the two distinguished guests I was waiting for, did you?"

Naturally, Makimura couldn't say bluntly, "What do you want to do to Ogata Ichitosai", so he referred to Ogata and Amachi as "their distinguished guests."

In fact, he was right. Ogata and the others were indeed the distinguished guests of their gourd house.

Calling the two of them VIPs is enough to shock Yukumura.

Then... Save Yukimura in a disguised form.

Mucun only felt relieved at this moment.

I was relieved that I succeeded in saving Yukimura's life...



Just now, when Makimura said that Ogata and Amachi were their distinguished guests, Yukimura's expression changed.

-VIP? These two people? Aren't they two of Miss Chuguang's guards and assistants?

Yukimura's expression at this time was exactly the same as the expression Makimura had just seen him standing in front of and behind Ogata and the others, frowning.

His eyes moved back and forth between Ogata and Amachi.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

No matter how he associates it, it is difficult to associate the two identities of "Miss Chuguang's guard and assistant" and "VIP of the gourd house".

In Yukimura's eyes, the gap between these two identities is the same as the gap between the frog and the shogun.

"Oh, my lord..." Yukimura stammered, who could not hide the horror in his heart, "You said these two are... your distinguished guests?"

"Will I still lie to you?" Mucun said in a somewhat impatient tone, "Quickly tell me the truth, you didn't do anything rude to them just now, did you?"

"No, no," said Yukimura in a cold sweat, respectfully, "I didn't do anything rude."

"I just see Miss Chuguang here, so I want to ask Miss Chuguang to play for you later."

"Chuguang?" Mucun was puzzled.

"This is this." Yukumura flattened his palm, and pointed to Mitsuaki. "This is our most famous artist in Osaka. I saw that she happened to be here, so I thought about asking her to play shamisen for you."

Makimura looked at Yukimura suspiciously.

But at this moment, a young male voice that hadn't been heard for several months came into Mucun's ears.

"...He was right."

The one who made the noise was Ogata.

Ogata continued lightly.

"He really just came to invite Miss Chuguang to perform with them at the meeting, and didn't do anything rude."

Ogata understood it at this time—Makimura probably misunderstood.

I mistakenly thought that Yukimura had done something rude to him and Ah Ding just now.

This Yukimura just came to invite Hatsumitsu and didn't do anything excessive, so Ogata was also happy to help him resolve the misunderstanding.

Hearing Ogata's own explanation, the cloud that had originally hung on Makimura's face disappeared slightly.

"That's it...that's good." Shepherd exhaled, "I just don't do anything rude to you..."

--Very good……

Mucun silently added in his heart.

——Yukimura’s life is safe...

At this time, Yukimura bowed to Ogata and Amachi in a very humble manner.

"I'm very sorry!" Yukumura said loudly, "I didn't know that the two of them were the distinguished guests of Lord Makimura. I was rude just now! I didn't salute the two of them, please forgive me!"

Now in this room, there are not only Miura and others, but also his own father-in-law and his subordinates-even in the eyes of so many people, Yukimura bowed humbly to Ogata and the others without hesitation and without hesitation. Body salutes.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

In the business circle of Osaka, no one knows and no one knows, Yukimura, who bows and apologizes to a very young man and a woman who looks very humble, expressing his lack of courtesy... The scene before him is full of unspeakable words. Sense of absurdity. Valley

Everyone is guessing-who is this man and woman, and this tall young man who popped up suddenly? Why can Yukimura be so humble in front of them?

Among all the people in the room, it was Miura who reacted the most after seeing the scene in front of him.

He stared at Ogata not far away, as if he had lost his soul.

Isn't this guy the one who sold tooth powder by acting on the street yesterday?

Shouldn't he be just a guy who is struggling to survive at the bottom, just by luck having a beautiful wife?

With his back leaning against the well-known Miura family in Osaka, he was nothing in front of Yukimura. Yukimura yelled at him, and he didn't even dare to speak out.

Such Yukimura humbly salutes someone he hasn't seen directly...

How hard is the backstage that this guy relies on?

Is he the son of a giant businessman?

Or the children and grandchildren of a high-ranking official in the shogunate?

The more Miura imagined the identity of this guy who covered his face with a hat and a face towel, the paler his cheeks...

I think of myself just now in front of Ogata and Amachi, proudly showing off their Miuraya commercial achievements... If this place is now sewn in order, Miura really wants to hide directly in the ground... …



"True, Mashima-kun."

Ogata heard Shibata beside him, and asked him in a low voice with a pretended calm voice:

"You...couldn't you be someone from the Wu family who went to the bottom to experience folk life?"

Ogata looked sideways at Shibata and Hatsumi next to him.

Shibata was looking at him and Ah Ting in panic.

Ogata has noticed that he seemed to have moved aside secretly just now, and distanced himself from Ogata and the others.

I don't know if it's because of the fact that Chuguang often goes in and out of occasions where big people are present, her psychological endurance seems to be surprisingly good.

Although she was also panicked, the emotions contained in her gaze at Ogata and Amachi were mainly "curiosity."

Ogata scanned his surroundings, the current situation in front of him, Ogata couldn't help showing a helpless wry smile.

The sudden appearance of Makimura made Ogata and Amachi the undisputed focus of the audience...

After letting out an imperceptible sigh, Ogata looked at Makimura whose expression had changed since the misunderstanding had been resolved.

"Mucun, why are you here?"

"Well... the reason is more complicated, and it will be difficult to tell you clearly for a while." Mucun scratched his hair. "When are you free? Let's go for a few drinks together tonight."

After all, Mucun made a drink.

Ogata immediately understood Makimura's meaning, and after looking at the surrounding environment where it was obviously impossible for Hatsuko to continue playing, he said:

"I think...I will be free soon."

"That's good." Shepherd nodded, "Then we'll go to a bar together later!"

After all, Makimura turned his attention to Yukimura.

"Yukimura, thank you for your hospitality tonight. I decided to have a drink with my brother later, so I won't continue to disturb you!"

"Hey, but..." Yukimura's expression changed slightly.

He also wants to entertain the pastoral village a little longer, and more closely resemble the pastoral village.

Before Yukimura's words were finished, she was interrupted by Makimura's hearty laugh:

"The tea you gave me tonight is delicious! I will come again later!"

Hearing Makimura's words, Yukimura's slightly changed face only improved.

"...I understand." Seeing that the pastoral village seemed to have decided at this time, Yukimura didn't want to entangle too much, "My door is open for you at any time, and you are welcome to come again at any time."

After saluting Makimura respectfully, Yukimura turned to salute Ogata and Amachi.

"I also welcome the two of you to visit. If you encounter anything that needs help in Osaka in the future, please don't hesitate to come to me!"

"Master Mucun and their friends are my friends!"



At this moment--

Kyoto, the office of the Kyoto Magistrate’s Office, and the town’s office——

"Are you really planning to go back to Edo tomorrow?"

The sacred mountain practised in Kyoto Town and also a friend of Hasegawa, asked Hasegawa in front of him, and poured a glass of wine into Hasegawa's wine glass.

At this moment, Kamiyama and Hasegawa are sitting opposite each other in the office where the town is pursuing.

"Blood mist people have come down." Hasegawa said slowly after taking a sip of the wine that Shenshan poured for him, "The finishing touch is almost done, and there is no reason to stay in Kyoto for a long time. I naturally have to go back. "

"Aren't there those two mysterious people who attacked the casino of the'Big Buddha Clan' and killed Shirakawa and others have not been found yet?" Shenshan frowned slightly.

"Well..." The corner of Hasegawa's mouth twitched slightly, and then he opened his eyes to talk nonsense. "There are too few clues. It would take an unknown amount of manpower to find the two mysterious people. , Material resources and time."

"Anyway, the two mysterious people didn't do anything harmful, and they helped us in disguise."

"So I decided to postpone the search for the two mysterious people, and deal with the other more urgent matters first."

"...Never mind, it is your responsibility to assign the priority of various tasks, and I don't interfere too much." Shenshan picked up his wine glass and took a sip of wine. "It's good for you to pay more attention to your health."

"You are not young anymore. You are almost 50 years old. At this age, you can't do what you did when you were young. As long as you sleep, all your fatigue will disappear the next morning."

"What is 50 years old." Hasegawa said grimly, "I'm only 46 this year."

Hasegawa drank all the wine in the glass.

"By the way-do you know where the old man went? Did he go back to Edo?"

It was not until yesterday that Hasegawa knew that Matsudaira had left Kyoto without knowing when.

"A person of my level, don't know what the old man is doing." Kamiyama sighed lightly, "I guess he probably returned to Edo."

"I hope that when I return to Edo in the future, I won't run into the old middle-aged man on the way..." Hasegawa, with a bitter face and a few chills, returned the wine glass in his hand to Kamiyama.

"This wine is good. Thank you for the hospitality. I still have some clerical work to deal with. After I finish the work, I will come to you for a few drinks."

"Yeah." Kamiyama smiled and nodded, "For the sake of you going back to Edo tomorrow, I will be with you anytime tonight."

"You guy who blushes after a few drinks, where did you have the confidence to say the words'be with you anytime'?"

Hasegawa laughed jokingly, then picked up his saber and stood up.

But just as he stood up, he heard the young subordinate he recently promoted from outside the office: the voice of Yamauchi——

"Hasegawa-sama, there is an urgent message from Edo-sama Imai!"

"Imai's urgent?" Hasegawa raised his brows.

Imai-Hasegawa's adjutant.

When Hasegawa led his troops to Kansai to capture the blood mist, Imai was responsible for replacing Hasegawa in Edo.

"Come in."


Yamauchi carried a letter, entered the room respectfully, and handed it to Hasegawa.

After receiving the envelope, Hasegawa confirmed that the envelope was intact, waved his hand to signal Yamauchi to withdraw first, then tore open the envelope, took out the letter paper inside, and looked at it at a glance.

"Did something happen?" Shenshan frowned slightly.

"...It's not a big deal." Hasegawa put down the letter paper in his hand and sighed. "It's just that Imai reported to me a new case: Temple Shrine is asking us for help."

Hasegawa pushed the letter paper back into the envelope and continued.

"A very powerful thief broke out on Koyasan. A large number of Buddhist supplies were stolen, and the loss amounted to 500 taels."

"The monastery has sent a large number of people to investigate, but it didn't find out why."

"In desperation, I turned to our Huofu thief for help, let us go to Gaoye Mountain, and bring the thief to justice."

Having said that, Hasegawa let out a long helpless sigh.

"The Huofu Thieves Reform is really a brick that can be perfectly embedded in any gap."

"Move wherever you need it."

Temples and shrines-senior officials responsible for the jurisdiction of the territories of temples and shrines and their residents across the country.

In the Edo period, those large temples and shrines all had a small territory under their jurisdiction.

It can be understood that every large temple and shrine is a very miniature domain. The temples or shrines in this “domain” have certain autonomy.

All kinds of affairs in these monastery territories are under the jurisdiction of the monastery, including all administrative and criminal cases in the monastery territory, outsiders are not allowed to intervene

For example, a homicide occurred in the territory of a large temple or a large shrine in Kyoto. The sacred mountain who is a Kyoto town cannot intervene in this matter. This case can only be carried out by the temple and shrine.

If any criminal escaped from the towns and towns of Kyoto to the territory of a certain large temple or shrine in Kyoto, then the officials of the magistrate under the command of Kamiyama would not be able to rush in to arrest people, otherwise it would be a very serious crossing.

Because of such regulations, the territories of the big temples and big shrines have become the favorite places for the fugitives.

Only one security force is not subject to such rules. Whether the towns, towns, temples, and shrines of the common people can flow unimpeded-that is, the Huofu Thief Reformation.

The temple shrine ran into some cases that they couldn't solve, and then handed it over to the Huofu thieves to help solve it-this is also a common occurrence.

"A new case came so soon..." Kamiyama slapped his tongue, "Koyasan... is it pretty close to this. If you alternate forward with fast horses, you can reach Koyasan in less than two days."

Koyasan ~www.readwn.com~The holy place for Buddhists all over the country. There are more than 120 temples on the continuous peaks-this place has always been the key jurisdiction and care object of the temples and shrines.

"Just solved a'blood fog crowd', and another guy who steals Buddhist supplies emerged..." Hasegawa scratched his head, "Really... even the Buddhist supplies dare to steal... Isn't that thief afraid of being condemned..." …"

"Oh? Hasegawa, when did you become a Buddhist?"

"I am not a believer in any religion, but with regard to gods and Buddhas, I have always adopted an attitude of'preferring to believe what is there, not believing that there is nothing."

"There is no way...I can only go back to Edo until later..."

"Do you want to go to Koyasan to investigate this case now?" Shenshan raised his brows.

"Mount Koya is just south of Kyoto." Hasegawa rubbed his frowning eyebrows. "Since I'm now so close to Mount Koya, I'll stop by. It saves time and effort."

"I hope this thief is a good thief to deal with."

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