I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 624: Please 1 Dao Zhai to be your bodyguard [five thousand two hundred]

Ogata and the others returned to the carpenter's shop opened by Senbei approximately in the evening.

When they first returned to the carpenter's shop, Feng Mo happened to have finished chatting with this old man who hadn't seen him for a while.

Senbei tried his best to keep Fengma, and let Fengma and Ogata live directly in their home.

Xianbingwei’s home and his carpenter’s shop are one. The first floor is the shop, and the second floor is their home. Their home is not spacious. After living in Xianbingwei and their family, the whole home is basically There are not many vacancies left.

If they live in Xianbingwei's home forcibly, it will cause a lot of inconvenience to the lives of Xianbingwei and their family.

Therefore, in order not to cause too much inconvenience and trouble to Senbei and his family, Ogata and the others declined the invitation of Senbei to let them live in their home directly, and instead spent money to live in a certain ordinary house. Tong's hotel.

Ogata and the others stayed in this ordinary hotel for the first night since they arrived in Osaka.

The next day—

It is mid-April, and it is the most pleasant time of the year. It is neither hot enough to make people want to sleep naked, nor cold enough to make people want to leave and be me.

Immediately after the sun rose from the horizon, Okinawa woke up under the action of his biological clock, then let go of Acho who was not in his arms, climbed out of the bed, and put on clothes.

Amachi and Azuchi always wake up later than Ogata.

Ogata, who was thinking about buying some breakfast while he was out now, left the room where he and Amachi lived after getting dressed.

As soon as he left the room and came to the hallway outside the room, Ogata happened to see the wind demon coming out of the next room at exactly the same time.

It is naturally impossible for Ogata and the others to live in the same room. They all opened 3 rooms, one for Ogata and Amachi, one for Fengma, one for Azuka, and the three rooms happened to be lined up. a row.

After seeing Ogata who happened to be walking out of their respective rooms at the same time as him, Fengma took the initiative to greet Ogata, "My brother, good morning!"

"Good morning, too." At this time, Ogata found that Fengma's eyes had dark circles, and there were a lot of red blood on both eyes, as if he was not sleeping well.

"Master Feng, did you not sleep last night?" The corridor where Ogata and Fengma are standing is not a private occasion after all, so Ogata only calls "Master Feng", not "Master Fengma".

"Yesterday, because I reunited with my long-lost old subordinates, I was a little too excited last night. I won't fall asleep until around 8 o'clock in the morning (2 in the morning)." Feng Mo showed a somewhat silly smile.

Feng Mo's eyes have been bursting with excitement since he saw Xianbingwei yesterday.

Ogata also felt the feeling of reunion with the long-lost family-like subordinates of Fengma.

Ogata thought to himself: Last summer, his mood when he reunited with Amachi in Kyoto was probably the same as Fengma's mood at this time.

Seeing Fengma's happy appearance, Ogata couldn't help smiling.

"Since I didn't sleep well yesterday, do you want to make up for it now?"

"No need, no need." Feng Mo waved his hand, "Although I didn't sleep long last night, I am in good spirits now."

"Even if you want to make up your sleep, wait until you have done the right thing before you go to make up your sleep."

Speaking of this, Feng Mo laughed a few times, and then continued:

"When Komachi and Xiaozhu both wake up, I will take you to meet the ‘Dasaka Master’s Master’ who is old acquaintance with me. I will try to help you find the Yuji Master as soon as possible."

"Go to your old friend today?" Ogata raised his eyebrows, "Master Feng, don't you go to accompany Mr. Senbei?"

Feng Mo waved his hand: "It's not urgent to accompany the fairy guard or something."

"Anyway, I have seen him yesterday and said hello to him. After I help you find Master Yuer, I will talk to Xianbingwei slowly, and it’s not too late to relive the past."

Now that Fengma has said so, Ogata no longer said anything else, and bowed to Fengma, saying, "Thank you, Master Fengma."

Fengma waved his hand again, indicating that Ogata didn't have to say thank you, and showed a weird expression:

"Before going to see my old friend, let me give you a reminder-the place where my old friend is... is special, so you have to be psychologically prepared."

"Special?" Ogata wondered.

Feng Mo's expression became even more weird at this time.

"My friend... lives in Shinmachi, a place where all the men in Osaka are dreaming. He is the owner of a Yumeya called'Seven Thatched Cottage' in Shinmachi."

"Compared with Yoshihara in Edo and Shimabara in Kyoto...the people in Shinmachi want..."

Feng Mo suddenly fell silent at this time, as if thinking about what to say next.

After a while, he said quietly:

"Much more enthusiastic."

"So you...especially you, brother, you must be fully prepared psychologically."

About half an hour later—

Osaka, Shinmachi—

"Two guest officials! Are you interested in coming to our Sanye House to sit down?"

"Guest! What kind of girls do you like?"

"Two guest officials..."

After Ah Ding and A Zhu woke up one after another, Feng Mo led the three of them, as he said, towards Xin Ding where his old friend was.

As soon as he stepped into Shinmachi and worked in Yoshihara, Ogata immediately smelled that the air in Shinmachi had the same smell as that in Yoshiwara: the faint smell of feminine powder.

The layout of Shinmachi is the same as Yoshihara...No, it should be said that the architectural layout and architectural style of the three places of Yoshihara, Shimabara, and Shinmachi are basically the same.

There is a shop window on the first floor of each Younv’s house, which is only blocked by a wooden fence. When night falls, the girly girls sit behind the shop window and pose to attract and choose from.

Because it is morning, it is the time for the wandering girls who have worked all night to rest, so at this time, you are rarely seen on the roads of Shinmachi and in the windows of your house.

However...Although Shinmachi is simply Yoshihara shrunk from the outside, after entering Shinmachi, Ogata quickly and keenly perceives that Shinmachi is completely different from Yoshihara.

First of all, Shinmachi, like Shimabara in Kyoto, does not have an organization that specializes in managing them like the Shirobei Club, like Yoshihara.

Secondly... the people in Yoshihara are not as... enthusiastic as the people in Shinmachi.

As soon as they stepped into Shinmachi, there were two or three Kaniseiban (people who were specially responsible for setting up a pedestal near the main entrance of Yunyuya to solicit guests) and advertised their respective Yunyuya.

Although Yoshiwara's Jianseban would also take the initiative to solicit guests, but it is far less enthusiastic than Shinmachi's.

Maybe it's because the enthusiasm of the people in Osaka is so enthusiastic and unrestrained.

As women, Amachi and Azhu are naturally ignored by Jiansefan, and Fengma is too old, and they are also ignored by almost all Jiansefan. Almost all Jiansefan who surrounds them are directed at Ogata. Come.

Although Ogata is wearing a hat and a face towel, he can still tell from his bare palms and other skin that he is very young.

These Kanisefans just gathered around Ogata, and introduced Ogata to their respective Yumeya.

Now it happens to be the time when Shinmachi has the least amount of people, so there are a lot of people around Jianshifan.

For these encounters, Ogata can only smile awkwardly but politely.

He didn't dare to show the slightest interest in Jian Shifan's advertisement-after all, Ah Ting was standing by his side now.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed: Ah Ding beside him has been quietly looking at his face with scrutiny gaze.

This made Ogata's forehead a little cold sweat.

If I show a strong interest in a certain "advertising word" from the world... Ogata can't imagine how Amachi would react to him...

While maintaining a polite smile, Ogata dismissed the entourage of these people.

"Master Feng." After sending another Jianshifan away, Ogata couldn't help but ask the Fengma in front of him, "hasn't he reached the place where your old friend lives?"

"It's here." Feng Mo said, "Look—the seven-thatched house in front is the Yu-nu's house run by my friend."

Ogata hurriedly looked forward.

At the entrance of the street in front of me, there was a girl's house that looked much more luxurious than the rest of the surrounding counterparts.

A plaque was hung on the door of this luxurious and extremely luxurious girl's house, which read: Seven Thatched Cottage.

Fengma led Ogata and the others to stride towards this seven thatched cottage.

As soon as he stood in front of the gate of the Seven Thatched Cottage, Feng Mo said loudly to the two young people who were cleaning the ground in front of the Seven Thatched Cottage:

"Thanks to your boss to take a look at this, and then inform him, just tell him: old friends are visiting."

After all, Feng Mo took out a small fan from his arms, and then handed the fan to the two young men.

Suddenly there came an old man who had never seen him before, and as soon as the old man showed up, he said directly, "Go and tell your boss", and gave them a fan—this made the two young men look dumbfounded. Forced, looking at each other.

"Go and report to your boss. I'm not a suspicious person. I am an old friend of your boss." Feng Mo changed into a half-joking tone at this time. Oh."

The wind demon's convincing appearance successfully frightened the two young men.

The two who thought "If this old man is really a friend of the boss, you can't delay", one person stayed at the gate, the other took the fan handed by Feng Mo, and then hurried to find their boss.

After a while, the young man who had gone to find their boss returned.

"Please come with me." The young man who returned returned the fan that Feng Mo just handed him back to Feng Mo, and then saluted Feng Mo in a respectful manner, using the highest honorific saying, "Our boss is waiting for you upstairs. ."

The seven thatched houses have 3 floors.

The young man took Ogata and the others directly to a room on the top floor.

"My lord!" the young man said loudly into the house, "I'm bringing the guests here!"

"Yeah." As soon as the young man's voice fell, there was an old but breathless voice in the room, "Bring them in."


The young man opened the door.

As the door opened, the scene of the room caught Ogata's eyes.

Behind the door is a room that looks rather simple.

The furniture has only a bookcase, a cabinet and a bookcase full of books.

An old man in his 70s who felt almost the same age as Feng Mo, sat behind the only book case in the room, flipping through a book on the case.

This old man... The first impression that Ogata made was "a personable old gentleman."

There is no ugly head of the moon, nor is it a bald head like the wind demon, with a very thick silver hair combed back into a big back that is not outdated even in modern times.

Although the cheeks are densely wrinkled due to age, and there are age spots in the forehead and other places, the skin is quite shiny and red.

On the bridge of the nose, there are quite rare thin-framed glasses, and the slender eyes behind the lenses are shining with the light that is unique to people who are full of poetry.

After Ogata and others entered, the old man waved his hand to the young man who led them in and signaled him to step back first.

After the young man stepped back and closed the door of the room, the wind demon sat down opposite the old man with a grin, and then smiled at the old man:

"Long time no see, right and left Tianweimen. Your hair...still so much..."

For some reason, Feng Mo, who was still smiling and greeted the old man at first, his expression changed from smiling to a heavy face in the second half of the sentence he had just said.

"Well, it's really been a long time since I saw you."

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, the old man named "Yoshidaemon" by the wind demon, while talking, raised his hand and stroked back the thick silver hair on his head vigorously.

"I don't know how I should call you now?"

"You just call me ‘wind’."

"Is the wind...then-Mr. Feng, who are the three behind you?"

"is my friend."

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be such a young friend at your age."

After that, the left and right Tian Weimen stood up and bowed to Ogata and the others in a very graceful manner.

"We met for the first time, at Shimotaemon."

The bowing of the right and left Tianweimen was so graceful that Ogata and the three of them could not help but wonder whether this person was a noble child who had received strict education since childhood.

"Meeting for the first time." Ogata returned. "In Shimotomashima Goro."

"This is Majima Town."

"I am Azhu."

"Right and right Tianweimen." Feng Mo suddenly said at this time, "I'll be straight to the point-I have something to ask you, the "Dasaka Master" to help."

Feng Mo is very direct, straight to the subject.

"Go ahead."

Regarding Feng Mo's directness, the left and right Tian Weimen, who sat back on the tatami, smiled slightly, with a strange appearance.

"But before listening to your request, let me correct the mistake you made just now-the name ‘Dasaka Master’ is really bad for me."

Left and right Tian Weimen smiled bitterly.

"If I really have the ability to know everything in Osaka, I don't need to open any more girls' houses."

"So I don't guarantee all your requests, I can respond to them."

"It's okay." Feng Mo said, "just do your best."

The wind demon informed Utsuda Eemon that they were looking for the swordsmith Yuji.

After the wind demon's voice fell, the left and right Tian Weimen nodded:

"So that's it... Are you looking for Yuer..."

"How?" Feng Mo asked, "Do you know where Yuer is?"

"...Your luck is very good." Right and left Tian Weimen smiled slightly, "I just know where Yuji lives. I know a friend who happens to be friends with Yuji. Under the introduction of my friend, I He Yuer is an old acquaintance."

"That's great." Feng Mo slapped his thigh. "Then tell us where Yuji lives in Osaka."

"...Kaze-kun." Tianweimen, who was silent for a while suddenly and strangely, tapped the book case in front of him with his fingers with a rhythmic frequency, "I want to tell you Yuji's residence... it's okay, but it's okay, but You...no, you have to do me a favor."

"Hey." Feng Mo's brows frowned suddenly, "Do you have to exchange such small jobs at the same price?"

"It's normal, this kind of small favor, I'm sure I will help you free of charge without saying a word." Zuo Tian Weimen smiled bitterly, "but I happen to have a little trouble now. I need your help."

"Don't worry, it's not a trouble to ask you for help."

At this moment, Utaemon suddenly shifted his gaze to Ogata and Amachi.

"The two are called Majima Goro and Majimacho, right? I don't know the relationship between the two?"

"Husband and wife." Ogata answered honestly.

"Husband and wife..." Right and left Tianweimen nodded lightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face, "...Majima-kun, can I take the liberty to ask you a question-I don't know how good your skills are?"

The right and left Tianweimen asked him inexplicably about his skill-Ogata couldn't help but raise his brow.

Although I don't know why Tian Weimen asked this suddenly, it was not a question that could not be answered directly, so Ogata pondered for a moment, after thinking about the appropriate words, he quietly said in a tactful tone:

"Unarmed combat, riding and other skills, I dare not say how powerful it is, but when it comes to swords, I have an experience that is many times richer than ordinary people."

"That's good." This time I changed the left and right Tian Weimen and patted his thigh, "Then-Mr. Majima, Ms. Majima, I would like to ask two of you to do me a little favor."

"It's easy to help."

"Tonight, a distinguished guest has spent a lot of money to invite the ace artist of our Seven Thatched Cottage-Chuguang to perform."

"I hope Ms. Majima can serve as Hatsumi's assistant tonight." The right and left Tianwei gatekeeper fixed his eyes on Amachi's body. "The job content is very simple. Before Hatsumi enters the field, help Hatsumi to hold her shamisen. After entering the arena, hand her the shamisen, and then you just need to sit next to Chuguang and wait for the end of Chuguang’s performance."

"And Mr. Majima is here to serve as Hatsuko's guard." The left and right Tianweimen turned his attention to Ogata's body. "The task of the step is even simpler. All you need to do is to coordinate with Hatsuko's other guard and guard Hatsuko's. Beside, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can prevent anyone from coming forward and hurting Chuguang."

"As long as you are willing to do me this favor, I will tell you Yu Er's residence immediately afterwards."



ps: Regarding Chuguang, you can look back at the end of yesterday's chapter.

------Off-topic ------

Shinmachi in Osaka still exists today. The predecessor of the "Xintian Enclave" that everyone may have heard of was Shinmachi.

However, it is said that "Xintian Enclave" has a lot of shops that pit people's money, and to be honest, there is nothing to go to in that kind of place, so even if you come to Japan in the future, don't get close to that place easily.

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