I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 622: Ogata·Business genius·Yase [7 thousand four hundred]

The Kyoto Imperial Palace in Kyoto is not to mention foreigners, even for locals in Kyoto, it is synonymous with "mystery".

Because the Kyoto Imperial Palace is the emperor's palace.

It is the first forbidden place in Kyoto.

The emperor has almost no real power in his hands, and his daily routine can basically be described by the term "doing nothing".

If the shogunate of Edo followed the Seihyo Sero system, then the imperial court of Kyoto can be said to be worse than that.

Almost all official positions in the imperial court were hereditary and replaced by families such as the photographer, the Tsinghua family, the ministers, the Yulin family, and the famous family. The official position that can be held or promoted is determined by family history.

This group of people who can serve as officials in the court from generation to generation is called the "public family." The samurai who served as officials for generations in the shogunate were called "samurais".

Although their privilege of being an official in the imperial court for generations seems to be very powerful, they are actually just a bunch of mascots.

To be precise, it was the mascot of the entire Kyoto court. Even the emperor who is in charge of the court has no real power, so what right do these officials have in the court?

They are nothing but resounding official titles, and the only thing they can do every day is to recite poems, compose fuss, and cling to elegance.

Ordinary officials from the emperor to the imperial court can only do nothing every day. Therefore, as the emperor's palace, the Kyoto imperial palace has always been very quiet.

However, what is rare is that today's Kyoto Imperial Palace is quite lively.

The reason is that there are VIPs visiting today.

Kyoto, Kyoto Imperial Palace—

"Master Laozhong." Da Nayan, who was sitting in front of Matsudaira Matshin nobu, said to Matsuda Matsuri in a very standard manner, "Your gaffe this time really makes His Majesty the Emperor extremely dissatisfied."

Danayan: The three official positions of the imperial court are the emperor’s close attendants, responsible for the administration of government affairs to the emperor, and also responsible for declaring the emperor’s edicts to the emperor. This official position has been held by the Habayashi family, masters, and half of the family for generations.

The so-called Yayan is a special speech tone used by the court officials to show their status.

At this time, Songping Dingxin, wearing a black cap, dressed in the official uniform of the court that I didn’t know when I wore it last time, knelt down on the ground, and said in a very standard elegant words:

"This time the gaffe, the official can't shirk the blame, and the official will bear all the responsibilities."

For Matsudaira, a veteran of the shogunate, “speaking elegant language” is one of the skills that must be mastered.

The official uniforms of the imperial court and the shogunate are quite different.

The official government of the shogunate is quite simple, compared with the official uniform of the imperial court, which is much more gorgeous.

Almost a thousand years ago, when Japan initiated the "Dahua Reformation" to comprehensively study the advanced system and culture of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, they designed their Japanese imperial uniforms using the Sui and Tang official uniforms as a template.

Since the millennium, the style of the official clothes of the imperial court has not changed much, so until now, you can still see some shadows of the official clothes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties thousands of years ago.

"Master Old Master." Da Nayan, with white makeup, lipstick, and black teeth, continued reluctantly, "Your Majesty, he is extremely puzzled by this defeat, why the 10,000 army Will you lose to a mere Ogata?"

"Also—why hasn't I caught the thief Ogata Ishie until now?"

In addition to speaking elegant words, the court officials often do one thing in order to show their identity, that is, make-up.

The face was painted white, the lips were painted red, and the teeth were stained black—this was the standard appearance of court officials.

In ancient Japan, whitening the face, red lips, and black teeth were symbols of elegance and nobility.

"This defeat was not just because of a surprise attack by Ogata's Ishigami." Matsudaira said slowly, "It is also because we underestimated the tenacity of the Ezos in the Red Moon Fortress..."

Matsuba Dingxin slowly told the person in front of him the whole story of the fiasco a few months ago.

In front of Matsuba Matsuri, there was a curtain seat.

And behind the curtain seat sat a man wearing an ridiculously tall black hat.

Because this person has a curtain to cover his face, it is difficult to see his appearance.

According to the regulations of the Japanese imperial court, the higher the black hat, the more noble the status.

Throughout the court, there is only one person who can wear such a high black hat-the emperor.

The person sitting opposite Matsuhira Matshinbu with a thin curtain is the current emperor of Japan: Emperor Kanjin.

In order to maintain the emperor’s mystery, the emperor would sit behind the curtain when summoning others, so that outsiders could not see his face.

At the same time, the emperor basically can't speak, and when he wants to talk to the people he meets, he will let the emperor's close attendant Danayan pass the message on his behalf.

While explaining the whole story of this defeat, Matsudaira has been quietly looking at the emperor behind the curtain.

Although there was a curtain to cover the emperor's face, Matsudaira could roughly guess what the emperor looked like at this time—probably he was smiling smugly.

He smiled triumphantly for being able to succeed in disgusting enough to make him feel confident.

In fact—Matsuhira Dingxin guessed it right.

The emperor sitting behind the curtain did indeed have a somewhat triumphant smile on his face.

He was looking at Songping Dingxin outside the curtain with gleeful eyes.

Matsudaira entered the Kyoto imperial palace to meet with the emperor this morning.

As a result, it was not until the afternoon when he dragged his tired body back to the temporary residence located in the pursuing house.

As soon as he returned to the temporary living room, Matsuba Dingxin saw his little surname: Tachibana greeted him with three steps and two steps.

Tachibana did not have the qualifications to meet the emperor, and at the same time, he did not need someone else's attendant to meet the emperor this time, so Matsohira Maasanobu left Tachibana in the observatory and did not let him go with him.

"Tachibana." Matsudaira took off his high hat, "Is there any tea?"

"Yes!" Tachibana nodded vigorously, and then quickly served Songping Dingxin a cup of hot tea.

Matsuhira Dingxin sat cross-legged on the ground in a more casual posture, sipping his tea.

Tachibana, who was kneeling and sitting next to him, quietly looked at Matsudaira's clearly tired face, and then couldn't help but complain softly:

"Whether it's your Majesty, or the court officials, they don't understand your hard work..."

"His Majesty, he must want to retaliate for the honour incident two years ago!"

At these words of his own little surname, Matsuhiro Dingxin smiled, and then slowly said: "Their noise, forbearance."

Although the Emperor has no real power, he is the nominal head of state after all.

Legally speaking, the Edo Shogunate only borrowed the power to administer the country from the emperor.

It stands to reason that everything in the Edo shogunate and the various domains, whether it is money or the army, belongs to the emperor, and the emperor has the power to withdraw the country from the Edo shogunate at any time-of course, just logically speaking.

Therefore, in the face of the emperor, certain necessary face must be given to him.

For example, this time-suffered a fiasco that has never been seen since the establishment of the Edo Shogunate. Although it did not hurt the bones and bones, it was completely ashamed.

It was lost to an Ogata Yishi.

The emperor personally questioned the shogunate about this shameful fiasco.

In order to give the emperor face, Matsudaira had to go to Kyoto in person to explain to the emperor the whole story and the reasons of the fiasco.

Matsudaira knew that there was a considerable part of the reason why the emperor would personally condemn this matter, and it must be to retaliate against him.

The last emperor: Emperor Taoyuan died young, had no children under his knees, and the imperial family had extinct heirs, so Prince Kanhito entered the prefecture and became the current emperor.

Two years ago, Emperor Kanhito wanted to give his father the title of "Emperor Taishang", but Matsudaira Matshinori tried his best to obstruct him on the grounds that he was "unethical."

The emperor had no choice but to give up in the end because he could not reach the power of Matsuhira Dingxin.

This incident is now called the "Zunhao Incident." Since this incident, Matsuhira's relationship with the emperor has been extremely poor.

Now that I have finally encountered something that can be disgusting and calm down, how can the emperor let it go?

He can't help Songping Dingxin, but he can still do it if he is disgusted and disgusted.

Even if he knew that the emperor's reprimands this time must be ill-intentioned, Matsudaira still had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush to Kyoto.

Today's half-day meeting with the emperor was nothing more than the emperor's constant condemnation of Matsuhira Dazunbu, and Matsuhira Dazunbu kept bowing his head and said that he would take full responsibility.

When there was only half of the tea left in the cup, Matsuhira Masahiro drank the remaining tea in one breath, and then handed the empty tea cup back to Tachibana.

"His Majesty the Emperor and the court ministers, don't need to care too much."

Songping Dingxin said slowly.

"They can only open their mouths and say some noisy words."

"What they say should go in the left ear and out the right ear."

"Compared to them, the real troublesome guys are all in Edo."

Speaking of this, Songping Dingxin's expression became serious.

"After knowing that the war in the north has failed, those who hate me must now be like cats that smell fishy..."

"Those who are waiting for opportunities and ready to pull me off the horse are the big threats and the big troubles."

"Tachibana, go and make arrangements tonight. Tomorrow morning, I want to see that our team is ready to return to Edo at any time."

"Will you return to Edo tomorrow?" Tachibana asked in surprise.

Matsudaira nodded: "His Majesty has seen him, and there is no reason to stay in Kyoto anymore. Since there is no reason to stay here anymore, then go back as soon as possible."

"Yes." Tachibana nodded vigorously, "I understand, I will make arrangements immediately!"

When Matsuba Matshinbu, who slightly nodded, was about to wave his hand to signal that Tachibana could retreat first, a loud announcement suddenly sounded outside the door:

"Old Master! Here comes the urgent mail sent to you by Dabancheng!"

The owner of this voice is one of Matsuba Dingxin's personal attendants.

"Daban Chengdai?" Songping Dingxin frowned slightly.

Osaka Castle-one of the prominent official positions with the same name as the Kyoto master.

Responsible for the shogunate to monitor the shogunate's weak control of the Western country daimyo.

"Present it."


The attendant opened the door, then rushed to Songping Dingxin with a sealed envelope, and presented the letter with both hands.

Songping Dingxin accepted the letter, and after confirming that the seal was correct, he opened the envelope with one hand very handsomely and pulled out the letter paper.

An urgent message sent by Daban Chengdai to Laozhong—you know it is definitely not a greeting letter for Laozhong to ask for warmth and flatter Laozhong.

Tachibana wanted to see what was written in this letter.

But without Laozhong’s permission, he is just a small surname, and naturally it is impossible for him to have the qualifications to read the letter.

So Tachibana could only hold back her curiosity and waited quietly.

Songping Dingxin's reading speed was very fast, and soon he put down the letter in his hand.

"...Tachibana, tomorrow's formation needs to be changed." Matsuba Dingxin said lightly.

"Huh?" Tachibana was surprised.

"I won't go back to Edo tomorrow." Matsudaira's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes gleaming brightly, "I will change my journey to the south and go to Osaka tomorrow."

The Kinki Plain, where Kyoto and Osaka are located, has been sufficiently developed thousands of years ago, and this area can be regarded as one of the most developed regions in Japan.

Ogata originally thought it would take them about 3 days to reach Osaka, but because the infrastructure between Kyoto and Osaka is so good, it's far beyond his imagination, and there are straight roads everywhere. So in the end, it only took 2 and a half days to reach the destination of their trip-Osaka.

Osaka, in a downtown area—

"Is this Osaka..." Ogata raised the hat on top of his head slightly, looking at everything around him.

The three of Ogata, Amachi, and Azhu have never been to Osaka. At this time, these three people are looking at this strange city like a country boy who has just entered the city. Only the wind demon looks calm and unpredictable. Lead the way for the two of them.

"Look at it! The latest Nanban glass beads purchased!"

"Kumamoto's citrus! Kumamoto's citrus!"

"Edo's soba! The most authentic Edo soba!"

Because I was in a downtown area, I put cigarettes on both sides of the street and looked everywhere. There were shops and merchants chanting.

Because it was in Osaka, all the authentic Kansai dialects that were introduced to Ogata’s ears gave Ogata an inexplicable weird feeling. There was a feeling that a lot of Amachi was talking...

"It's a'world's kitchen'..." At this moment, Ashuki, who was walking beside Ogata, murmured, "Nanban glass beads, Kumamoto tangerines, Edo soba noodles, Oshu crabs... I saw commodities from all over the world in Osaka..."

As soon as he entered Osaka, Ogata felt keenly-although it is one of the "three cities" as famous as Kyoto and Edo, the atmosphere permeated in the atmosphere of Osaka and the atmosphere of the other two cities are extremely obvious. s difference.

To be precise, it should be said that the atmosphere of the three cities is different.

The reason why the atmosphere of the three cities is different is probably due to the different labels of the three cities.

If Kyoto, as a thousand-year-old capital, is labelled as culture, and Edo, as the center of the Tokugawa shogunate, is labelled as politics, then the label of Osaka is probably economy.

Osaka is located in the Kinki Plain, adjacent to the sea, with extremely convenient waterway transportation, and is located right in the middle of Japan. This unique geographical location makes Osaka a "circulation base" for the distribution and distribution of materials throughout the country.

In Osaka, you can see commodities from all over the world, especially special products from all over the world, so it is called "the kitchen of the world".

As a huge economic city, Osaka has also attracted and cultivated a large number of giant businessmen who can really be said to be a wealthy country.

These giant merchants in Daban are so terrible that the folks have a saying: When the merchants in Daban are angry, the princes of the world will be shocked.

Because of the defects of the system, the gradual collapse of the small peasant economy and the emergence of capitalism, most of the vassal states have fallen into the dilemma of making ends meet.

In order to get rid of the dilemma of the bankruptcy of the vassal government, a large number of vassal states had to borrow money from the great businessmen of Osaka to survive-including such vassals as Satsuma.

The Satsuma clan has a total stone count of 770,000 shi, making it one of the most powerful vassal states in the world, but in essence, the Satsuma clan’s finances have always been ugly, and it has always owed an astonishing amount of debt.

It is estimated that the Satsuma clan now owes 5 million taels of gold to the outside world. Even if the entire clan does not spend a penny for the entire year, it will take hundreds of years to pay off...

It is precisely because most of the vassal kingdoms now rely on borrowing money from the great merchants of Daban to survive, that's why there is a saying that "the merchants of Daban are angry and the princes of the world will be shocked".

If one day, none of the big businessmen in Osaka would borrow money from the vassal states, then more than half of the vassals in the world would collapse directly, and the lord would not even be able to drink porridge.

"How?" At this moment, the wind demon who was walking in the front suddenly turned around and chatted to Ogata and the others, "The city of Osaka is very lively, isn't it?"

Ogata nodded, "Well, it is indeed more energetic than Kyoto and Edo."

"I used to seriously think about whether to move to Osaka or not." Fengma laughed. "Compared to Kyoto, I actually prefer Osaka, which is more lively. But in the end, my plan to move was still due to various reasons. It's gone."

"I'm the opposite." Ogata smiled, "I like Kyoto better than Osaka."

"Oh? Why?" Fengma cast a curious look at Ogata.

"There is no particular reason. How can I explain it to you... Simply put, I prefer the more soothing, slower-paced atmosphere of Kyoto."

Speaking of which, Ogata changed into a half-joking tone:

"If one day in the future, I find a place to settle, I might choose to settle in Kyoto."

"Ha ha ha. Do you live in Kyoto..." Feng Mo laughed again, "Kyoto prices are very expensive."

While talking and laughing, they finally arrived at the door of a carpenter's shop with an ordinary appearance.

This carpenter's shop is the carpenter's shop opened by Fengmo's old subordinate, Xianbingwei.

Fengma was originally prepared to be invited by his old subordinate to visit his old subordinate in Osaka, and at the same time help Ogata to find the said to be very powerful knifemaker: Yuji.

So after arriving in Osaka, they planned to meet Xianbingwei first, and then slowly find Yuji.

Xianbingwei has a very good woodworking craftsmanship. Before the wind demon was disbanded, the wind demon and the others relied on the umbrella and wooden crafts made by the fairy to subsidize the cost of the wind demon.

After the wind demon disbanded the wind demon, Xianbingwei moved to Osaka with his family and opened a small carpenter's shop in Osaka until today.

Ogata and Amachi: "Mr. Senbei, I haven't seen him for a long time."

In Kyoto last summer, Ogata and Amachi had met Senbei. After seeing the long-lost Senbei, they both saluted him.

When Senbei saw that Ogata had come here with Fengma, he was surprised at first, and then quickly reacted, entertaining them with great enthusiasm.

Ogata and Amachi only met Senbei who had returned to Kyoto last summer to visit Fengma. They were not very familiar with him, and Azuki didn't even know this person.

So in order to avoid embarrassment, and to leave enough room for Fengma and his old subordinates to reminisce about the past, the three of Ogata, Amachi, and Azuchi said hello to Senbei, and then left Senbei. In the carpenter’s shop, hang out on the street outside to pass the time.

In a short while, they passed by a tea house where the fragrance of tea was constantly wafting out.

The three people who were spitting off by the tea fragrance went into the tea house, found a seat at random, ordered three cups of tea and a few plates of snacks, and watched the street where people came and went. Talking about each other.

"I always feel that the people in Osaka are so warm and hearty," said Azu, who sipped the hot tea in both hands, "It's very different from the people in Kyoto."

"Maybe the character of the people in Osaka is like this." Ogata picked up a stick of glutinous rice dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth.

"The Kansai dialect of the people in Osaka is quite different from my Kansai dialect." Because his mouth was stuffed with a lot of glutinous rice dumplings, Ah Ding spoke a little vaguely.

The three of them showed great interest in the city they visited for the first time. The three of them quickly drank the tea in their cups and wiped out the snacks they bought, and they were going to continue to see everywhere in Osaka.

But the three of them just left the door of the tea house—

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah -!"

The three of them heard the sound of howling and crying from the door of the tea house.

The three people who were startled by the crying hurriedly followed the sound to look over—the owner of the cry was a girl who was about 12 years old.

She hugged a big package, crouched by the door of the tea house, buried her face in the big package in her arms, and howled.

The girl’s cry not only shocked Ogata and the three of them, but also shocked the passers-by, but after almost everyone glanced at the little girl, they took their gaze back and continued to do their own things—except Ogata and the three of them.

"Little girl, what's the matter with you?" Ah Ding walked over quickly, leaning down and patted the little **** the back.

Suddenly a stranger leaned forward, so that the little girl was so startled that her crying stopped briefly.

Maybe it was because Ah Ting was beautiful, so it seemed to be particularly friendly. After Ah Ting’s kind words persuaded, the little girl gradually explained the reason for her crying.

It turns out—this girl is an apprentice in a certain grocery store.

She got a task from her boss today: to sell the batch of tooth powder in the store that was too late to sell.

The so-called tooth powder can be understood as the toothpaste of this era. Using tooth powder to wash your teeth can not only clean your teeth, but also freshen your breath. However, in this era, the importance of tooth brushing and dental health has not yet been universalized, so not so many people like to brush their teeth, so tooth powder is not a good seller.

The little girl held the dozens of packs of tooth powder stuffed by her boss, and has been selling it along the street since early morning. As a result, it has been afternoon until now, but only three packs have been sold.

The delay in selling the toothpowder makes the little girl very anxious-if she fails to complete the task, she will be scolded by the boss.

She was extremely anxious, and her psychological defenses collapsed across the board, and she couldn't help crying loudly.

"...I can understand this feeling." After knowing the whole story, Azhu cast a sympathetic look at the little girl. "When I practiced the exercises under my grandfather's guidance, I often couldn't complete the instructions from my grandfather. I was so anxious to cry because of the task."

A Ting, who was still patting the little girl's back, also had a sympathetic light in her eyes. As the "Ninja Ninja", she also understood the anxiety of not fulfilling the task.

Unlike Amachi and Azuchi, Ogata has no obvious mood swings, and has always been expressionless.

However, after the little girl talked about why she cried out loud, Ogata said to the little girl a sentence that made Amachi and Azuchi seem surprised: "Don't cry. I'll help. You sell these tooth powders so that you can deal with your boss? Anyway, I am very free now."

A Ding, A Zhu, and the little girl: "Huh?" *3

The three people spoke out a "Huh?" at the same time very tacitly

"Mashima-sama." Azuki's eyes beamed. "Are you still selling things?"

—Master Ichidozai is really a superman!

From time to time, Ogata was able to show Azu that he was better than swordsmanship, which also made Ogata's image in Ozu's heart gradually become strange.

"No." Ogata answered honestly, "I have never sold anything. The only business-related skill I know is planning to sell."

He was planning to use this skill point, which was given to him by "Hara Ogata". When he was the warehouse officer of the Hirose clan, he spent more time with an abacus than a sword.

"Selling things-you don't have to shout loudly along the street." After adding this sentence, Ogata smiled and raised his hand to touch the hilt of Dashaten's knife at his waist. "Someone once taught me to sell things. Secret."

"If it goes well, I will be able to sell these tooth powders in about 2 or 3 sticks of time."

"Miss Isshiki. Thank you for coming with me to buy a knife." A young man who was very handsome but kept a very neat moon head, smiled gracefully, and turned towards the one walking beside him. The beautiful woman in a goose-yellow kimono bowed and thanked her.

"You're welcome." Isshiki said coldly, "The medicine you gave to my grandmother before is very useful, so I'm just paying you back."

"Ms. Isse, I recently bought a batch of good tea from Tangtu West Lake. Let's try it together tomorrow."

"Well, good." Isshiki answered without thinking, and then added, "Wait when I have time."

While they were talking, the two had come to an intersection.

"You can send it here." Isshiki said in a very polite tone, "Kitahara-san, see you later."

"Miss Isshiki, let me take you to the gate of your sword hall." The handsome young man known as Kitahara said hastily, "Recently, the public security in Osaka is quite bad, and there are so many small thieves."

"No." Isshiki responded without thinking again, "You don't have to continue sending each other away."

Seeing Isshiki's attitude so determined, Kitahara couldn't be embarrassed to say more.

Just when Beiyuan planned to follow the intention of the same color flower, when he was separated here, Beiyuan suddenly caught a glimpse—Many people around were rushing towards a nearby intersection and heard these people say in excitement:

"It seems that there is going to be some great performance over there."

"What performance?"

"I don't know. UU read www.uukānshu.com and have a look."

Hearing these conversations with people around him, Kitahara's eyes lit up.

"Miss Isshiki." Kitahara hurriedly said to Isshiki, "It seems that there is a very interesting performance going on over there. Before going home, let's go and have a look?"



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Asking for a monthly pass while the leopard is crying! (Leopard has a headache and cry. jpg)

The Satsuma clan mentioned in this chapter owes a foreign debt of 5 million taels of gold. It is not the author’s ignorance, but the real history. For details, see "The Writer's Words" below.

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