I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 617: The Underground Emperor of Kyoto【Six Thousand】

After Ogata and Kazema quickly knocked down these four uninvited guests, both Amachi and Azhu also got down from the ceiling where they had just hid.

The interrogation of the two people, Scarface and Gao, who left their lives on purpose, quickly ended.

They are just a bunch of gangsters who make a living by being rapists, and they are not professionally trained dead men. When the wind demon uses a threat to resist the neck of the Scarface, Scarface immediately knows what he knows. Everything was confided.

And the tall guy who was suppressed by Ogata was even less spine-even before Ogata started threatening him, he begged for mercy on his own, and then said, "I am willing to say anything."

From the cooperation between the "Big Buddha Clan" and the "Blood Mist", to when they were commissioned by the Big Buddha Kaoru to unload ten pieces of wind and demons-these two people shook all these things completely.

After asking about their identities and their intentions, Feng Mo's usual benevolent face turned into expressionless and...unhappy.

"The Great Buddha and the Blood Mist..."

"That big Buddha Kaoru is too arrogant...His brother came to my house to steal, and I sent him to the monastery. For such a reasonable and reasonable thing, he did not teach his ineffective brother, but came to teach me..."

"Sure enough, Yakuza is Yakuza... It will only be a disaster. Normal people should do nothing. They don't do anything..."

"It's really irritating... I was inexplicably troubled by Yakuza."

Anyone with long eyes can clearly see that Feng Mo's mood is very bad now.

But Ogata can understand it very well. In other words, he will be very upset when he encounters such a thing.

He didn't do anything wrong, just defended his rights, and sent the thief from the house to the office, only to receive unreasonable revenge.

If it wasn't because they all had a little ability to protect themselves, they had been hacked to death by these four people just now.

Ogata took a deep look at Fengma with his head down and thinking, and said:

"Master Feng, how about a slight delay in the date of going to Osaka?"

"…is it okay?"

"Of course you can. It doesn't matter if you delay it for a day or two anyway."

"I'm so grateful...I really can't get rid of the Yakuza who troubled me before I leave. I really can't set off with you at ease... After all, I don't want to find my house burned after returning from Osaka... "

"If you need help, feel free to mention it to me." Ogata said, "I would like to do my best."

Based on his friendship with Fengma, and Fengma has always spared no effort to provide him with all kinds of help, whether it is on the sentiment or reason, Ogata can't think of any reason not to help. Now he is in a little trouble. Wind demon—though Ogata felt that he didn't need his help in this matter.

"Oh?" A smile finally appeared on Feng Mo's face. He changed into a half-joking tone, "Are you willing to help me? Then I don't think it's just a small group of Yakuza, even if it is with the Kyoto Magistrates Office. As an enemy, I am fearless."

Regarding Fengma's half-truth and half-fake joke, Ogata smiled: "How are you going to solve this "big Buddha clan"? Do you want to go straight to their base?"

"That can't be done. I'm not familiar with this'big Buddha family' at all. I don't even know where their strongholds are in Kyoto."

"Then do you know any friends who are familiar with the'Dafo Clan'?" Ogata asked.

"...It's true. But..." Feng Mo sighed slightly, "I don't really like dealing with him..."

Not far away, Amachi and Azuki had been listening to the conversation between Ogata and Kazema.

At this moment, Ah Zhu suddenly prodded Ah Ding with his elbow. After Ah Ding leaned his ears, he asked with a complicated expression:

"Master Feng... is this looking for those Yakuzas to settle the accounts? Are the old people in Kyoto so... sturdy?"

Ah Zhu held back the adjective "sturdy" for a long time.

In Ah Zhu’s worldview, proactively find trouble for Yakuza, who does no evil—this is a very unimaginable thing...

"...Yes." After a while of silence, Ah Ding nodded vigorously, and replied solemnly, "The old people in Kyoto are like this."

The next day, morning—

"...Master Feng, that friend of yours...couldn't it be Huiyuan's cause and heart, right?"

"Oh? Do you know Yinxin?"

"I can't talk about acquaintance, it's just a fate."

"Then I'm selling it for nothing..." Feng Mo smiled bitterly, "Yes. That friend of mine is the cause of Huiyuan."

At this moment, Ogata and others are standing in front of Shimabara's gate.

Let's go, I will take you to find my friend who must know the information of the "Dafo Clan"-this is the original words that Fengma and Ogata said before leaving home.

Now Feng Mo is being targeted by the "big Buddha family", if he stays in Feng Mo's home, he will be attacked by them again if he is not sure.

No one knows if they see that the storm has no effect, they will use some nasty and unpredictable methods to attack them.

So for safety's sake, the three of Ogata, Amachi, and Azuchi moved together and followed Fengma to find his so-called friends.

They just followed the wind demon all the way to Shimabara's gate.

Shimabara-the three famous places that are as famous as Yoshihara in Edo and Shinmachi in Osaka are the places where men of this era are dreaming.

After discovering that Feng Demon's destination seemed to be Shimabara, Okinawa immediately realized that Feng Demon's so-called friend seemed to be the cause of the fate he had once had, so he asked the question just now.

When he first arrived in Kyoto half a year ago, Ogata visited this famous Shimabara once.

But it wasn't for pleasure, but was brought here by the pastoral village to avoid the government's search.

In the depths of Shimabara, there is "Another Kyoto"-Mihara.

To put it simply, Huiyuan is a hidden slum in Kyoto, where countless people who cannot live in Kyoto in an upright and public life are gathered.

The one in charge of this filthy original is an old man named Yin Xin.

This is the old acquaintance of Yinxin and Makura. At that time, Makura entrusted Yinxin to help Yinxin hide Ogata and avoid government searches.

Although Ogata has never been to Mihara since then, and has never seen Insin, this is a stark contrast to the glamorous Kyoto, a place that helps Kyoto "hide the dirt", and is in charge of this area. Ogata’s Yinxin still left a deep impression on Ogata.

"Let's go." Fengmao Chao Ogata and the others beckoned, "Let's go in."

Although Shimabara is as famous as Yoshihara in Edo, it is far inferior to Yoshihara, who claims to have 3000 wandering girls.

Because the scale is not as large as Yoshihara, Shimabara does not have the Zashiro Soldiers Club to manage Yoshihara like Yoshihara.

Fengma led Ogata and the others into Shimabara with strides, and moved straight into the depths of Shimabara.

At this time, it is the time when Shimabara's girls are basically resting, so any corner of Shimabara is quite quiet.

After coming all the way to the depths of Shimabara, Feng Mo made a sharp turn and rushed straight to a side alley.

Ogata remembers this alley—this alley is the entrance to Mihara.

Compared with the last time I visited here, this alley has become cleaner, and there is a lot less **** on the ground.

While weaving through the alleys connecting Mihara, Ogata said to the wind demon who was walking at the forefront:

"Master Feng, I never thought that you and Huiyuan's cause and heart were actually friends."

"This because of heart... used to be an incredible figure." Fengmo said slowly, "His status and identity are a bit indescribable. Simply put-in the past, all the Yakuza in and around Kyoto were only looking forward to the cause of the heart. ."

"I once had conflicts with a Yakuza group before, and then I got to know Yinxin by various chances and coincidences."

"Among all the friends I know, it is Yin Xin that he is most likely to have detailed information on the'Great Buddha Clan'."

"Because the heart has faded from everyone's vision a long time ago, and moved to Huiyuan to live in seclusion."

"He has a lot of money and must compare, so I don't like to deal with him very much, and I don't like Huiyuan. Therefore, I haven't seen Yinxin for a long time. I hope he is not old enough. You can't explain it clearly."

While Ogata was talking with Kazema, a cold voice came from a dark place not far away:

"who is it…"

Before the person’s last syllable had time to pronounce, Feng Mo took the lead in speaking:

"I have something to find Yinxin. Is Yinxin now?"

"You are?"

"If Yinxin is there, go and report to Yinxin and say-the wind is here."

"…Just a moment please."

In the darkness where the sound came out, there was the sound of footsteps leaving quickly.

Ogata and the others didn't wait long—it didn't take long for a dwarf that Ogata felt familiar to them appeared in their field of vision, and then walked towards them quickly.

Ogata carefully examined the face of this dwarf for a while before remembering who he was—it was the attendant of Inshin who had also met once.

If you remember the name correctly, this dwarf should be named A Gong.

"I'm very sorry to keep you waiting." The dwarf walked quickly to the front and back of Ogata and the others, bowing without fault, "Please come with me, Master Yinxin is ready now. I'm ready for tea, waiting for your visit."

Feng Mo nodded: "Lead the way."

Under the guidance of Amiya, Ogata and the others passed through this dark and cramped alley and formally entered the "other Kyoto" that was long-lost for Ogata-Mihara.

The scene in Mihara is no different from the scenes and scenes seen more than half a year ago.

Because of the low terrain of the filthy original place, a lot of nearby sewage flowed here, causing most of the soil in this place to be soaked into mud.

You can see all kinds of filthy residents everywhere on the road.

Both Ading and Azhu came to Mihara for the first time. After entering Mihara, the two kept looking at everything around them with stunned and surprised eyes.

Fubara said that it was not too big. Ogata and the others quickly came to the deepest part of Fubara and arrived at their destination—a beautiful house that was completely different from the surrounding dilapidated huts.

A Gong led them into the house, and then led them all the way to the hall in the house.

In the hall, behind a large table, sits a famous old man who is old but still energetic-it is because of heart.

Opposite him, there are 4 cups of still steaming hot tea.

After bringing Ogata and the others over, Amiya bowed to Inshin, and then consciously proposed the hall.

After seeing Ogata and others, Yinxin did not say hello to them first, but first asked Fengma:

"What should I call you now?"

When asked this question, Yin Xin glanced at A Ding and A Zhu who he had never met.

"You just call me'wind'," Feng Demon replied.

"Is the wind...then—Mr. Wind, Ichitosai Ogata, it's been a long time. Come on, please sit down."

Seeing Ogata and Fengma walking together, because Xin did not show too much surprise, she greeted the two with a cordial attitude.

"Yin Xin, your spirit looks much better than I thought." Feng Mo sat on the opposite side of Yin Xin with a grin.

"It's been a long time since I didn't mix in the things that would be troublesome, so the spirit is naturally good."

After taking a sip of tea from my heart, he slowly said:

"Okay, let's talk about your intentions. If you need my help, just talk about it."

"You are really direct, because of heart." Feng Mo smiled.

"I don't know about you yet?" Yinxin smiled and shrugged. "In addition to asking me for help, is there any reason why you, who usually never ask me, come here suddenly?"

"If that's the case, then I won't talk too much nonsense." Feng Mo cleared his throat, "This is how things are—"

Feng Demon informed Yin Xin of everything that happened last night.

"...So that's the case." Yinxin nodded, "'The Big Buddha Clan"...huh, this is indeed something that Dafo Xun's stunned youth will do."

An expression of blatant disdain appeared on Yin Xin's face: "This Great Buddha Kaoru has no great skills. The reason for the establishment of the'Great Buddha Clan' was pure luck."

Speaking of this, Yin Xin took a sip of tea.

"So-are you looking for the'big Buddha family' to settle the account?"

"It's not asking him to settle the account." Feng Mo said lightly, "I just don't want to be harassed by them someday in the future, so I take some defensive measures."

"Because of my heart, tell me where they are based on the'Great Buddha Clan' and what their rewards are. It's easy to discuss."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and after he laughed a few times, he took a sip of tea.

"You don't have to pay for anything. It's just a little busy, and it won't let me ask you for a pay."

"The'Big Buddha Clan' is a fragile house, all supported by a huge pillar, and this pillar is the Big Buddha Kaoru."

"So as long as the Big Buddha is killed, their'big Buddha family' will collapse on their own in a few days."

"So—you guys go to the wisteria house in Hiyanagi tonight."

"That is the largest underground casino operated by the'Big Buddha Clan'."

"The Big Buddha Kaoru is addicted to gambling, and he goes to various casinos controlled by the Big Buddha family to gamble almost every night."

"But which casino he goes to every day is not fixed."

"So you guys try your luck-tonight, go to their largest casino to see if you can catch the Big Buddha Kaoru. Overall, the Big Buddha Kaoru has the highest probability of appearing in their largest casino."

"If you don't see it tonight, then go there tomorrow night. There will always be one night when you can meet the Big Buddha Kaoru in the wisteria house."

"On the surface, the wisteria house looks like an izakaya."

"It adopts a'cryptographic system'. As long as you say'Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong' to the person at the counter, the person at the counter will lead you to their casino."

"Can't you tell me where their base is?" Feng Mo raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Wind, I haven't been in the world for a long time." Yin Xin shrugged, "I have lived in seclusion for more than 20 years. I am not a'Kyoto Master' like before, as long as it is related to Kyoto. Things, what you ask me, I can answer you anything."

"I really don't know much about the group of the'Dafo Clan' that has just emerged. I can't help you if I want to tell you the location of their base area or something."

"...Never mind. Then do you know what the Great Buddha Kaoru looks like? Can you give me his portrait?" Feng Mo asked.

"This is fine." Yinxin nodded, "Is there anything else I want to ask or want?"

"Can you help me clean up the bodies of the four guys who dared to attack us last night?" Feng Mo said, "the four guys died of internal injuries, so it should be easier to clean them up."

Last night, after asking for the information they wanted to know, Kao and Gao's necks were twisted by Fengma and Ogata from a novel angle. Ogata and Fengma agreed on the people who tried to kill them. : There is no need to be open to them.

"That's easy to say." Yinxin nodded, "I'll send someone to your house later to clean up the four corpses. Is there anything else you want or ask?"

Wind Demon: "Nothing..."

"I want to ask—"

Fengma just wanted to say "it's gone," when Ogata sitting next to him suddenly said.

"Do you know what happened to Shimabara Yoshiya's Yuu Girl named Choyin, and another Yuu Girl named Hatsukaze?"

"Yoshiwu's butterfly sound and first wind?" Yin Xin frowned.

Choe sound - When Ogata was entrusted by Makura to arrange a hiding place for Ogata, he hid Ogata in Yoshiniya's Choe sound room more than half a year ago.

While hiding in Choyin's room for a short time, in addition to knowing Choyin, Ogata also met her friend, Hatsukaze, who had been taken care of by Choyin, who had died shortly after contracting an illness.

Amachi had heard Ogata introduce these two people, so he knew who these two were, so his face was as usual, only Fengma and Azucashi Ogata cast doubtful eyes.

"I don't have any impression of these two people." Yinxin said lightly, "You wait a moment, I will ask someone to ask. A Gong!"

Yin Xin shouted outside the hall.

Soon, the dwarf A Gong appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

"Gong, go and check what's going on with Dieyin and Chufeng in Jiwu." Yinxin quickly issued his order.

"Yes!" A Gong replied loudly and quickly stepped back.

"Brother Ogata, who are those two?" Fengma asked in confusion.

"It's... someone who helped me." Ogata replied softly.

A Gong's movements were quick—he returned after a while.

"Miss Chufeng died of illness last fall."

A Gong said loudly.

"Ms. Dieyin was redeemed by a wealthy businessman last winter. It is said that she has moved to Meinong. As for her current life, we don't know."

"...Thank you for telling..." Ogata let out a breath.

Then there was a wry smile with mixed emotions.

That night—

Kyoto, Hiyanagi, Wisteria House, in an inconspicuous alley outside the house—

"Is that the wisteria house..." Ah Ding muttered, looking at the wisteria house not far away.

"So are we really going to the casino to find the Big Buddha Kaoru?" Azhu looked at Fengma, and then at Ogata. "What if the Big Buddha Kaoru happened to be in another casino tonight? This morning, Didn’t Yinxin have said what casino Big Buddha Kaoru would go to? It was completely random?"

"We can only fight for luck." Feng Mo scratched his bright bald head, "Apart from this stupid method, we have no other methods available."

"Amachi, Azuchi, you just stay outside." Ogata lowered the hat on top of his head a little bit. "It's good for Master Feng and I to enter the casino to find Kaoru."

"You want to go in with Master Feng?" Ah Ding asked rhetorically.

"You can't just let Master Feng go in alone, right?" Ogata smiled, "It is safer and more efficient for two people to look after each other and look for the Great Buddha Kaoru together."

"I want to go with you too." A Zhu hurriedly said, "I want to see what the casino is like."

"It's good for you and Amachi to stay outside to help us guard." Ogata said, "Women are too conspicuous when they enter the casino. They will attract a lot of people's attention. If possible, I want to be as low-key and unremarkable as possible. , To get rid of the'big Buddha family'."

Ogata deliberately emphasized the words "low-key" and "inconspicuous".

Hearing Ogata's words, Azuki flattened his lips, his face was unhappy, but he didn't say anything again.

"Anyway-the outside warning is left to you two." Ogata managed the face towel covering his mouth and nose.

Gambling in a casino is a shameful thing, so many people who cherish fame and don't want to be recognized by acquaintances go to the casino to cover their faces in various ways.

Therefore, Ogata's current appearance of wearing a hat and a face towel is not uncommon in casinos.

"Master Feng, UU read www.uukanshu.com, let's go."

"Yeah." Feng Mo joked again at this time, "Joining hands with you... I feel that our combination, maybe even the shogunate can assassinate it."

"It would be great if I really have this ability." Ogata responded jokingly.



Regarding the plot of Ogata’s first arrival in Mihara, you can review Chapter 297 of Volume 5, "Another Kyoto: Mihara", and the story about Choyin, you can review Chapter 299, "Elegies of Shimabara."

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