I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 612: I am really old! (1 throw the chain) (on) [seven...

  Edo, the place where the gourd house and the group of people hide——

   "Where the **** is Mamiya..." Makimura whispered, lying on the tatami.

   "Who knows." Asai replied, who was sitting beside him and putting oil on his saber.

   When they woke up early yesterday morning, they found that Mamiya was out at some point.

   When asked where Lin Mamiya had gone, Lin only said, "He's going to do something", other than that, she didn't reveal anything about Mamiya.

   As of now, Mamiya has been missing for almost a day.

   They don't worry much about Mamiya's personal safety. After all, it is hard for them to imagine who else could threaten Mamiya's life in this Edo city.

The biggest impression Mamiya gave them was that they were reliable-no matter what he was asked to do, he could basically complete it with ease. When asked how he accomplished this task so easily, he said lightly, "I used to Have been studying ××".

  Makimura and others are now more curious about what Mamiya did so quietly "disappearing".

   "...Mamiya shouldn't he go to find the photo he secretly hid in Edo, right?" Makimura said jokingly.

   "It's even more impossible." Asai replied without hesitation, "Do you think Mamiya is the kind of person who is close to women?"

"That's right." Makimura nodded, "But there is no absolute in the world, people will always change. Maybe after coming to the flowery world of Edo, Mamiya's originally dull heart began to move around, and then secretly behind us. I found a friend in Edo."

   "Then one day, I brought a girl back and told us: Everyone, tell you about it, this is my wife."

   "Makimura. It's a pity that you don't become a Kabuki playwright." Asai spit out Makimura very skillfully, "Mamiya suddenly brought a woman back? How is this possible."

   After that, Asai shrugged and let out a sneer.

   "Are you confident about Mamiya's conduct." Makimura raised his gaze and looked at Asai.

   "Of course." Asai nodded, "I usually count the number of times that Mamiya and Mamiya have cooperated and partnered the most. I don't know how much Mamiya is not like a girl."

   Makimura: "It seems that you are really confident in Mamiya's conduct."

   "That is." Asai, who was always expressionless, had a rare confident smile on his face, "I'll just tell you like this--"

   Speaking of this, Asai seriously picked up the knife oil beside him.

   "I have confidence in Mamiya's character, so I can pat my chest and tell you: If Mamiya returns with a woman one day, I will drink the oil on the spot."

   咚, 咚, 咚!

   Asai’s words were just finished, the corridor outside the room suddenly sounded "Boom boom boom" footsteps.

   "Makimura-senpai! Asai-senpai!"

  The paper sliding door was suddenly opened by Shimada.

   "Shimada, why are you in a hurry?" Asai cast a suspicious look at Shimada.

   "Mamiya-senpai, he's back!" Shimada yelled in astonishment, "You may not believe it-Mamiya-senpai he brought a young girl back!"

   Shimadahara thought that after he told such a breaking news, whether Makimura or Asai, he would stand up immediately in shock.

   However... the scene that was actually presented in front of Shimada, the two of them first looked at him in shock.

   then silently turned his gaze to the bottle of knife oil held in Asai's hand...



  Mamiya returned with Atake who was successfully rescued, and Vairocana.

   Including Genichi, who was still drinking silently until Mamiya came back, everyone in the gourd house gathered to listen to Mamiya's explanation of what he was doing yesterday and what happened to the girl Azhu.

  Since I have to explain what happened to the girl Azhu, naturally there is no way to avoid explaining his own life experience.

   At this moment, for the first time, Mamiya confessed his life experience to the other partners of the gourd house except Lin: Yamada Asemon Yoshitsune, the eldest son of the seventh generation of Yamada Asemon's patron.

   was supposed to succeed as the head of the family and became the eighth-generation head of Yamada Asemon.

   "Mamiya-senpai, are you...are you from Yamada Asemon's family..."

   Among all the people present, except for Genichi who was relatively calm, and seemed to have expected where Mamiya was from, the faces of the others were unstoppable shock.

   "I'm sorry, I kept it from you for so long." Mamiya Oki Shimada smiled, "After all-although there are good things about the past to me, there are also many things that are not worth remembering."

   Shimada and others were shocked by Mamiya’s true identity for a moment.

   After all, beside this time palace, there is a bamboo who is even more concerned.

   "...Your name is Atake, right?" Lin, who was sitting right in front of Mamiya, turned her gaze to look at the 15-year-old girl sitting behind Mamiya.

   After noticing Lin's gaze, Azhu subconsciously hid behind the person who rescued her last night, his eyes full of panic.

   She is now wearing the new clothes that Yi Chao prepared for him, and her complexion has changed a little bit, but she just got out of hell, the panic in her eyes is still not so easy to remove.

   Looking at Azhu, who was full of horror, Lin pursed her lips. After a moment of contemplation, she said loudly to everyone around her:

   "You all go out first, so many people gather here, it will make her feel scared. Ah, Mamiya can stay."

   Lin deliberately left Mamiya, which Atake currently trusts most, so that she can feel safe enough.

   Everyone who knew Lin’s intentions filed out, leaving Lin, Mamiya, and Atake in the room.

   "Senior Asai, what's the matter with you?" As soon as he got out of the room, Shimada asked Asai, who was beside him, with a puzzled face, "Why has his face been so dignified? Is there any physical discomfort?"

   Shimada has noticed since just now—Asai’s complexion is very bad, as if he is not feeling well.


   Asai asked in a deep voice.

   "If you drink a bottle of knife oil, will people die?"

   Shimada:? ? ?



   After Yuanyi, Mucun and others had left, Lin turned her gaze back to Azhu.

   "Well, now there is no one else here. Only the three of us are left."

   Lin is not a person with rich expressions, 90% of her expressions are expressionless at the end of the day, but at this moment, she is struggling to lift the corners of her mouth and try her best to show a friendly smile that she thinks.

   "You don't need to be afraid. We are not bad guys and we will never do anything to you."

   "I assure you: we will definitely **** you back home all the way."

   "But before that, can you please tell me-what have you encountered before, how did your body become so resilient?"

   Maybe it's because Lin and she are both female and she is relatively small, so Lin gave Azhu a little sense of intimacy and security, and the anxiety and fear in her eyes disappeared slightly.

   She raised her gaze, glanced at Mamiya, who rescued her from **** last night, and the panic in her eyes faded slightly again.

   "I, my name is Atake... from Osaka..."

   Atake speaks, and he speaks the standard Kansai dialect.

   With a trembling voice, she slowly explained her past.

   Her past is not complicated, but Lin's brows are slowly frowned.

  According to Atake, she is the daughter of an ordinary craftsman in Osaka.

When returning home one evening, she suddenly heard rapid footsteps behind her. Before she could turn her head to see what was going on, she felt a heavy blow to the back of her neck and then fainted. .

When    opened his eyes again, he found himself locked in a dark place, like a prison.

Not long after she woke up, two people went to the prison and forced to feed her a piece of meat the size of a fingernail. Because Azhu never eats meat, she can’t tell which animal it is. Meat.

   After forcibly feeding her this piece of meat, she forcibly stuffed a strong medicine pill into her mouth and forced her to swallow it.

   After being fed this piece of meat and that medicine, Azhu felt very hot in his body, so hot that he felt like he was being burned on a fire.

   After the heat in his body faded, Azhu was surprised to find that his body had a terrifying resilience.

   no matter what kind of injury occurs on his body, the injury will recover extremely quickly. When the injury recovers, the wound will not feel any, painless and itchy, and the injury will heal silently.

   Since eating the weird meat slices and pills, she hasn't been fed anything weird or done anything.

   was kept in jail forever, occasionally a few people would come and cut a wound on her body with a knife, as if observing the recovery of her wounds and the speed of recovery.

There is no day in the prison. I don’t know if it’s day or night. I can’t tell what time it is. Even if we cry and pray for her to go home, no one cares about her. If she is too noisy, she will even be beaten up. Fan, was warned not to make any more noise.

   I don’t know how long I have been in custody, how my body has become like this, or how long I will be held in custody.

  The only thing she knows is those people in prison, who all call her "Ding Ling Er San".

   Until one day, Azhu smelled a strong smoke and smell.

   This is the peculiar thick smoke and odor after flames are raging everywhere...

   Immediately afterwards, Azhu saw a woman suddenly come to his prison door.

   The woman blindfolded herself tightly, showing only two eyes, so Azhu couldn't see her face clearly, she could only tell from her voice that she was very young.

   The mysterious woman just said to Azhu "Quickly go" coldly, and then opened the door to the prison.

   This young woman secretly released her... No, it should be said that she released many people in other prisons, including her.

   Until then, Azhu didn't know that so many people, like her, were locked in such a dark place.

   If I remember correctly, there were about a dozen people rescued by the mysterious woman, including her.

   When they were rescued, the mysterious woman gave out a small cloth bag one by one, and each cloth bag contained two hundred pieces of money.

   Then, after escaping with the help of the mysterious woman, Azhu and the others found flames and smoke everywhere. Under the cover of the fire and the leadership of the mysterious woman, they escaped from this dark place.

   Azhu remembered it very clearly—they got out of a cave in the first place. As soon as I got out of the cave, I saw cascading mountains.

   Before they could be happy, they chased soldiers behind them.

"You run separately, and keep walking in that direction to reach someone's place. I will save you some flowers. I will try my best to help you distract the chasers." ——This is what Azhu heard from the mysterious woman. In the last sentence, when she said this, the mysterious woman pointed in a certain direction.

   Azhu and the others followed the mysterious woman's order and escaped separately, but since then, Azhu has never seen the mysterious woman again.

   Azhu ran desperately until he couldn't even move a toe.

   She was lucky—when she was too tired to move, there was no sound of chasing soldiers behind her.

   She is very unfortunate-when she first started to escape, there was a man and a woman about her age who fled in the same direction with her. But when Azhu was too tired to move, both the man and the woman were gone.

   Whether they are physically weak and fall behind halfway, or whether they ran on another road halfway, it is not known.

   In short, Azhu walked aimlessly forward in the mountains of ridges and ridges alone.

Although the mysterious woman had shown them the way before, but at that time Azhu had fled to a certain place where he couldn't even tell which direction the north, south, east and west were. Unfortunately, he forgot which direction the mysterious woman was pointing to... …

   So, she can only walk forward aimlessly.

   Then, a lucky thing and an unfortunate thing happened to Azhu.

Fortunately, she walked aimlessly and managed to get out of this mountain. Just off the mountain, she found a village. After inquiring about the village, she knew that she was in Kii. The port is not far from here.

   Azhu was just an ordinary 15-year-old girl. At that time, she didn't know what to do except when she went home. She didn't know where to go.

   In order to get on the boat to Osaka, Atake headed for the port resolutely.

   The current public security situation is generally not very good, but Azhu, who was alone, actually managed to get to the port smoothly.

   Unfortunately, after arriving at that port, she met an unscrupulous boat merchant.

  The ship merchant said that their ship was heading to Osaka, and that as long as they paid enough money, they would let Azhu get on the ship.

   Azhu hasn't been deeply involved in the world, and he can't distinguish between good and evil in people's hearts, so he stupidly gave most of the things that mysterious woman gave her to the unscrupulous boat merchant.

   This mouth claims that his ship is a ship merchant to Osaka, and the destination of his ship is actually Edo...

   Atake arrived in Edo in a daze.

   She had no culture and didn’t know how long it would take to go from Kii to Osaka. It was not until after she arrived at Edo Port that she realized that she had been deceived...

   She also didn't have the courage to argue with the fierce ship merchants, she could only swallow the bitter fruit silently.

   She wanted nothing but wanted to go home.

   Unfamiliar with her birthplace in Edo and desperate, she can only pin her hopes on the government. I hope people from the government can help her go home, or help her withdraw her entanglement from the unscrupulous ship merchant.

   As a result... She was entangled by two ground rascals before she even reached the door of the Edo Magistrate.

   Then... I ran into Wenxian and Yichao who happened to pass by here.

What happened after   , I don’t need to repeat it.

   The above is what happened to Atake Zi after he was kidnapped in Osaka.

   Lin and Mamiya’s expressions are very complicated now-Atake’s experience is so miserable that neither of them knows what kind of expressions they should show...

   While recalling and telling her own story, Azhu, her eyes have been red since just now.

   The tragic experience of her made listeners like Lin couldn't help but be moved.

Looking at Azhu whose eyes were red, as if she might cry at any time, Lin sighed lightly, then walked to Azhu's side, and then opened her arms like a mother bird and a chick defending herself, and sighed Azhu. Hugged into his arms.

"It's okay." Lin gently patted the back of Azhu's head with one hand, and stroked Azhu's back with the other hand. "

   Lin’s comfort caused Azhu’s already very fragile psychological defenses to smash away in an instant.

   "Wow wow wow wow -!"

   Azhu hugged Lin tightly, with his face resting on Lin's shoulder, crying loudly.

   Lin did not shy away from Azhu's tears and snot wiping her clothes on her clothes, she just continued to embrace Azhu silently and pat on the back of Azhu's head and back.

   After Azhu's mood gradually stabilized and she stopped crying, Lin let go of Azhu in her arms.

"Azhu, do you still remember the cave where you were imprisoned, probably where it is?" Lin asked suddenly, "Or-you can lead us along the route you escaped and return the same way. Did you find the cave?"

"I... don't remember..." Azhu shook his head, "After escaping, I flee aimlessly regardless of direction... so I can't take you back the same way... and don't remember the cave. Probably where..."

   "That's it... then forget it." Lin smiled at Azhu slightly.

   Lin's smile at this time was much softer than the friendly smile that she had forced out just now.

   "Thanks for your hard work, do you want to go to rest first? Is there anything you want to eat?"



   Lin actually still has a lot of questions to ask the child.

   Like the meat and pills she was forced to eat, what did it taste and what color.

   But she didn't want to get too tired of asking the child in one go, so she decided to take her time and eat her meal one bite at a time.

   Lin asked Mamiya to take Azhu down to rest, and asked Mamiya to go to the kitchen to count how many ingredients are left. She will make some delicious food at noon today to replenish the poor girl's tortured body.

   After Mamiya took Azhu to leave, Lin got up and left the room.

   As soon as he got out of the room, he saw Genichi, Makimura and others waiting for news outside the room.

   "Master." Mucun asked first, "How did it turn out? Did you ask anything? I just heard the girl cry very loudly."

   Lin did not answer this question from Mucun, but first said in an unquestionable tone:

   "Our next itinerary has to be changed. Let's not go back to Owari for now. After that, we will go to Osaka in Kansai first."

When    finished speaking, Lin turned her head and looked west.

   Her sharp gaze seemed to penetrate thousands of miles and see the Osaka in Kansai in the distance.

   "I didn't expect it..." Lin whispered in a low volume that only she could hear, "I have information about'immortality' so silly..."



   About a month later——

   Owari, somewhere—

   "Then, in order to practice apnea, we have to put our faces into the basin filled with water every day, and use this silly method to train."

   "Is it actually a washbasin for training?" Ah Zhu vomited very timely.

   "It's convenient after all." Ah Ding said, "Training also has to pay attention to the cost. It is a waste of time to run to the river and stream to train and hold your breath."

"Hey, the two of you don't chat for now." Ogata, who was sitting on the radish, said to Amachi and Azuchi who were sitting on the grapes next to each other. "The ground in front is pitted. Be careful not to bite. Tongue."

   When the horses are walking on potholes, don't talk, as long as you want your tongue not to be bitten by your teeth-this is the cold knowledge that every rider knows.

   It has been more than a month since it landed in northern Oshu.

   For more than a month, Ogata and others have gone straight to Owari all the way south.

   For more than a month-calm and calm,

   Although there is no human skin mask, Ogata has always used hats and other things to cover his face, and has not encountered any trouble caused by revealing his true identity.

   And along the way, I didn’t encounter any remnants of Iga...

   With Ogata's permission, Azuki was on the road following Ogata and Amachi, as always, wherever he went, he sold his straw sandals and the "Yunjin" training manual.

   However, as of now, Ogata has not encountered half of the Iga remnants who were attracted by Azuki...

  Azuki is a cheerful child, and at the same time a cheerful child, she is also a good child. Whatever Ogata asks her to do, she does what she does.

   In simple words-she is a very worry-free child.

   This long journey of more than a month has gradually made Ogata, Amachi, and Azuchi become familiar.

  Since everyone is a companion at present, it is naturally impossible for Ah Ting to keep his identity as "Nin Ninja in Shiranui" all the time.

   When Azhu first joined the company, Ading informed Azhu that she was also a ninja.

   After learning that Ah Ting and her are the same female ninja, Azuchi showed excitement: Regarding Shiranui, she said that she had only heard a few words from her grandfather, so she didn't know much about this ninja.

  Amachi, who is also a female ninja, and Azuchi, who are also very curious about Shiranui, often talked with Amachi about various issues related to Shiranui as just now.

   Although Ah Ting does not have a good impression of Shiranui, she did not keep secret of her previous experience in Shiranui.

   After Ah Zhu asked various questions related to Shiranui, Ah Ding patiently answered one by one, and occasionally told stories about his previous life in Shiranui.

   And Ah Ding is indeed very talented in telling stories...or water stories.

   has been traveling together for more than a month, and Ah Ding’s "The Past in Shiranui" hasn’t been finished yet...she seems to be only telling the story when she was 12 years old...

   Although Ah Ting has watered her past for a long time, she also told her past to be rather tortuous and wonderful while she was in the water, which made A Zhu still be obsessed with her past.

   Now, Ah Ding will haunt A Ding almost every day, and let A Ding talk about her past.

   After Ogata Ryomachi and Ozuki stopped talking, they both closed their mouths very obediently.

   It wasn't until after crossing the potholes that Azuki had just closed his breath in the water. He opened his mouth and breathed out, and then asked Ogata:

   "Master Idozai, how long will we have to walk to reach the village where your friend is there?"

   "It's coming soon," Ogata replied, "It will be here in a while."

As soon as Azuki joined their team, Ogata told Azuki what they were going to do next—go to Owari, find his well-connected friends, and ask if he knows where there is a great swordsmith. .

   Ogata and the others are now heading towards the village that has been blessed by the gourd house and has a close connection with the gourd house.

The headquarters of    Gourd House is located on the mountain behind that village, and the village is a bit similar to the outpost of Gourd House.

   That village, Ogata has been here twice before. The first time was after leaving Butterfly Island, at the invitation of Mamiya and Mucun, to visit their gourd house headquarters.

   The second time was before leaving Kyoto and going to Edo, and was invited to rest there.

   The two visits to the Huluya headquarters are of great significance to Ogata.

   For the first time as a guest, Ogata met Genichi, Lin and others.

   As for the second visit, let alone. The second visit to Ogata and Amachi is of extraordinary significance.

   After crossing a very familiar mountain and dirt road, finally-a village like a paradise appeared before Ogata's eyes.

   "We're here!" Ogata yelled at Azuki who was next to him, then squatted slightly to speed up the turnip's horse.



   "Master Ogata, why are you here?" The head of the village where he went out to greet him, looked at Ogata who had just dismounted in front of him in surprise.

   "The village chief." Ogata took off the hat on his head and smiled, "It's been a long time."

   Ogata has been here twice before and after, so almost everyone in the village knows Ogata, and they all know that Ogata is a guest of the gourd house.

   After a brief greeting with the village chief, I went straight to the subject:

   "Ms. Lin, are they here?"

   "Kinoshita-sama and none of them are here." The village head shook his head. "Since you went to Edo together before, they haven't come back."

   "Haven't come back?" Ogata was surprised~www.readwn.com~ Various doubts surfaced in Ogata's mind——

   How long has passed since they went to Edo together and prepared to deal with Shiranuiri?

   Have they stayed in Edo all this time? Or did you go somewhere else?

   "Master Ogata, are you looking for Master Kinoshita for something?" the village chief asked back.

   "Hmm..." Ogata scratched his hair, "I really have something to find them..."

   After hesitating for a while, Ogata asked the village chief tentatively: Do you know where there is a great knifesmith?

   The result-as expected, the village head shook his head.

   The main responsibility of this village is to help the gourd house to take care of the nursing home, so Ogata also expected that most of them would not know any important information, so Ogata was mentally prepared for the village head shaking his head.

  ——I’m in trouble...

   Ogata secretly said in his heart.

  ——Lin and the others are not...Where are they going to find a great knifesmith...



   Before I knew it, it was almost December, and 2021 was almost over...


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