I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 609: Flying like a dragon in the night sky of Edo! (On)【Six thousand】

"Jiu Lang wants to spend the night here tonight?" Wen Xian's face was expressionless as he looked at Yi Chao, who was kneeling in front of him. .

"Yes!" Yi Chao said loudly, "My elder brother, he said he wants to spend the night here so that he can chat with me who hasn't seen him in a long time."

"...Didn't he just say that he will only stay here for a while?" Wen Xian asked rhetorically.

Yi Chao opened his mouth, and when he was about to say something, Wen Xian said again:

"Well, it doesn't make any difference whether he stays here for an hour or until tomorrow." Wen Xian waved his hand. "Go and tell him that I will only keep him until tomorrow morning. After tomorrow morning, he must leave for me."

Wen Xian watched Yi Chao's departure.

After Yi Chao left, Wen Xian slowly got up from the tatami, and then walked straight to a room deep in the mansion.

This is a room with an ordinary-looking door.

But behind this seemingly insignificant door is a small Buddhist hall.

In the center of the temple, there is a small Buddha statue that is only one person tall.

This Buddha statue has folded hands and half-closed eyes, looking forward, as if looking at everything.

Those who have a deep understanding of Buddhism will be able to immediately recognize that the true face of this Buddha image is the most noble Buddha in Tantric Buddhism: Vairocana.

However, after entering this small Buddhist hall, Wen Xian did not look at the Vairocana Buddha statue all the way, but walked straight to the front of the Buddha statue and to a knife stand placed in front of the Buddha statue.

Only one hammer is placed on this knife holder.

The arc of a blade is extremely large, and the scabbard and handle are both black and purple.

Wen Xian took the knife from the knife holder with both hands, and then slowly pulled the blade out of the sheath.

Cang Cang.

As the blade was pulled out of the sheath inch by inch, Wen Xian's eyes were illuminated by the light reflected by the blade.

The light reflected by this knife had a weird purple light... and Wen Xian's pupils were covered with a circle of purple light.

Yamada Asemon's residence, room in Haramamiya

"How?" asked Yoshizhao, who had just returned from Mamiya.

Yi Chao nodded: "It's very smooth. Father agreed to keep you until tomorrow morning."

"That's good... So Yi Dynasty, I will trouble you to bring lunch and dinner."

"My elder brother, you... won't you come to eat with us?"

"If I eat with you, the atmosphere will be embarrassing." Mamiya smiled, "With my father...Mr. Yamada Asaemon's current relationship, I have dinner with him, I'm afraid who it will be. I think the food in front of me is hard to swallow."

"So it's better for me to eat alone."

After all, Mamiya stood up.

"Well, Yi Chao, let's go to your room."

"I stay here under the name'to be able to talk with you more', so it is better to stay in your room, it is not easy to be suspicious, and staying in your room is more convenient for us tonight. action."

"Yeah!" Yi Chao nodded his head very hard, "Just tonight, let that girl get out of this Hell of Abi..."

About half an hour ago

Yamada Asemon's residence, room in Haramamiya

"A girl who can regenerate organs?" Mamiya's eyes were shocked and stared as if they were about to fall out of their sockets. "...Yisha, quickly tell me what is going on?"

"Everything... has to start more than a month..." Yi Chao lowered his head and said slowly, "One day more than a month ago, I was ordered by my father to go to the execution ground to execute the execution of prisoners. Go with me and check my current skills..."

When the younger generation first started to take over the work at the execution ground, the older generation supervised and gave instructions. This is one of the unwritten rules of the Yamada Asemon family.

"After successfully executing the executed prisoner that day, I went home with my father."

"But on the way home, my father and I suddenly heard strange noises coming from the alley nearby."

"When I went into the alley, it turned out that it was two bullies who were bullying a little girl."

Mamiya listened carefully and nodded from time to time in response.

Edo, with a population of one million, naturally has no people. It is only a very common scene that land ruffians cause trouble everywhere.

"The two ground ruffians wanted to insult the little girl. When my father and I arrived, one of the ground ruffians had already taken out a knife to cut the girl's clothes."

"Encountering this kind of thing with my own eyes, naturally, there is no reason to turn a blind eye."

"I drove away the 2 scumbags by myself."

"Things are still normal..."

"But the next scene that happened before my eyes was completely abnormal..."

"When the two ruffians were cutting the girl's clothes with a knife, the knife accidentally cut her forearm because the girl was struggling desperately."

"I wanted to take that girl to a doctor for treatment."

"But when I went to help the girl, the girl resisted desperately, saying'Don't touch her.'"

"At first I thought it was just that the girl had just been frightened, and she hadn't gotten over."

"However... when I just lifted the girl up, I saw the girl's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye."

"Just blinking a few eyes, the girl's injury is completely healed."

"At that time, I and my father who was standing next to me were both frightened..."

"I've grown up so much, I've never seen such a scene...has subverted my understanding of everything in the world."

"And when I didn't know what to do... Father had already recovered first... and started to act..."

"Father knocked the girl unconscious, and then took the girl home..."

"Sometimes... I really think my father is a terrible person..."

"Having witnessed such a horrible scene, while I was still dumbfounded and at a loss, my father had quickly recovered his mind, and immediately thought of this girl's usefulness..."

"Father started the test after forcibly bringing the girl home."

"He wants to test if the girl can recover from the damaged organ if the wound can heal so quickly..."

"So... Father shut the girl in the basement and started the test..."

"The test result...makes my father smile..."

"The girl's organs will regenerate by themselves..."


Yi Chao hadn't finished speaking yet, Mamiya, who was already gloomy, had already said the rest for Yi Chao:

"So my father imprisoned the girl, and constantly took the girl's guts, and used this girl's guts to make people's guts."

"...Yes..." The painful Yi Chao closed his eyes, "The girl is very young, although she is a little malnourished, but her gall is a high-quality gall suitable for medicine..."

"Yi Chao." Mamiya asked in a deep voice at this time, "Apart from you and your father, who else knows the existence of this girl?"

"Except for my father and myself, no one else knows that such a magical girl is locked in the basement below our mansion." Yi Chao replied, "Father did not inform anyone about the existence of this girl, nor did he tell anyone about the existence of this girl. The shogunate reported. Father, he probably wanted to monopolize this girl so that this girl can help him continuously produce high-quality human guts."

"...Yisha. Are you involved in this cruel medicine?" Mamiya asked.

"No!" Yi Chao suddenly opened his eyes and denied, "I have never participated."

"When my father first started using this cruel method to make medicine, I thought it was too cruel and inhumane. I kept persuading my father not to do this cruel thing anymore and let my father set the poor girl free."

"But my father said, ‘There will be countless people who will be saved because of high-quality human courage. Is there any reason not to do this kind of thing that can benefit the public?’"

"...Huh." Mamiya sneered, "It's like... what he can say..."

"Father can treat this girl as a pharmaceutical tool without mercy, but I...can't do it..." Yi Chao continued softly, "In order to reduce the guilt in my heart as much as possible, I have been chatting with that girl and doing my best. Comfort her as much as you can..."

"Although she has a very magical body, from her words and deeds, no matter how she looks at it, she is a very ordinary girl."

"She said her name was Azhu, from Osaka, and she was the daughter of an ordinary craftsman."

"She cried over and over again, begging me to let her go and let her go home..."

"I really can't bear this kind of torture to my conscience... So not long ago, I secretly let the girl go while my father was not at home."

"However...I just let the girl away, my father came back, and when I found the girl escaped, my father took me to chase him. I thought I was as old as Edo, and my father probably couldn't find the girl, but I don't know why. What is the matter with God's attachment to his father, but the result is that he really got the girl back..."

"When I saw my father actually found the girl, I...I wanted to stop my father and give the girl time to escape..."

"but I…"

A blatant look of guilt quickly appeared on Yi Chao's face.

"Without the courage to stop in front of my father... In the end I can only watch my father catch the girl back again..."

"...You are not to blame." Mamiya whispered, "You have done your best to do what you can."

Hearing Mamiya's comforting words, Yisha's expression slightly improved.

"After my father caught the girl back, I was thinking about new ways to help the girl get out of trouble."

"The girl is not familiar with Edo's life and place, so she can only escape by herself, she can't escape at all."

"So if you want that girl to escape from here, the best way is to let a reliable person take her away."

At this moment, Yi Chao raised his gaze and looked at Mamiya.

"...So that's the case." Mamiya whispered, "That's what you said just now, "I am the best person to take that child out of here"..."

Yi Chao nodded gently:

"I didn't think of the best person to take that girl out until just now, after you mentioned Ren Dan Wan, and it's right in front of me now."

"Have a trustworthy character and the ability to take people out of Edo."

"Brother, you are so timely."

Yi Chao's face slowly became serious at this time.

"Brother...I sincerely hope that girl can escape from here soon..."

"So can I ask you to take that child out of here?"

Late that night

Yamada Asemon's residence, Yoshimoto's room

"My elder brother, it's almost time." He was neatly dressed, and the sleeves on both sides of the kimono were **** with cuffs. Toward him, he was also dressed in front of him with the sleeves **** with cuffs. road.

"Yeah." Mamiya grabbed the Sabre placed beside him, "Let's go."

The plan drawn up by Mamiya and Yoshitomo was quite simple and rude and started to act late at night, entered the basement, and brought the girl out.

For this purpose, during the day today, Mamiya asked Yoshito to go and Wen Xian panicked that he was going to spend the night here to chat with his younger brother for a while, and then stayed in Yoshi's room, waiting for the night to come.

The current time, converted into the time unit of the modern earth, is about 11 o'clock in the evening.

At this point in time, Yamada Asemon's house, from the head of the house, Bunken, to the ordinary attendants, had fallen asleep.

After Yi Chao and Mamiya came out of the room one after another, they walked in the direction of the basement without making any noise.

Yamada Asemon is a family that often deals with corpses, so people who don't know much about the Yamada Asemon family have compiled many urban legends related to Yamada Asemon.

For example, in order to exercise the younger generation's "patience" towards corpses, Yamada Asemon will force young children in the clan to eat at the corpse since childhood.

Another example: Yamada Asemon's house has piles of corpses like a mountain.

These urban legends are basically false.

For example, "The Yamada Asemon family will force the younger generation in the clan to eat at the corpse" is purely nonsense.

But "stacking like mountains of corpses in the home" is also right and wrong.

Yamada Asaemon does bring back the corpses that have just been executed on the execution ground and put them at home, but he will not store as many corpses as a mountain.

Because these corpses are consumed very quickly, the business of "testing knives" has always been very prosperous, and there is no shortage of customers. The corpses that are being taken home in the morning may be dragged to someone to try the knives in the afternoon.

Because the corpse is consumed quickly, there is no need to worry about the corpse being stored for too long and it will stinks.

If there is a corpse that stinks, the person who will be cleaned up in time by Yamada Asaemon is not a pervert without a nose, and the corpse will feel sick if it stinks.

The place where the body is stored is the basement.

Below the mansion of the Yamada Asemon family, there is a very spacious basement. The basement is relatively shady, so the corpse is stored in the basement, and the corpse is not easy to rot.

The basement below the mansion is also a refining pharmacy for refining human gall pills.

Yi Chao: "Here..."

At this time, Mamiya and Yoshiho were standing in a remote corridor corner of the mansion.

There is nothing here, nothing.

On the corner of this empty corridor, Yi Chao crouched down, took out an iron key, and inserted the key into an inconspicuous hole at his feet. After turning a few times, the corridor under his feet issued a "click". "A soft sound.

"My elder brother, let's go." Yi Chao said while holding the key and pulling up.


Just like the door being opened, the key still inserted in the hole is the doorknob. Holding the "doorknob" lifted up, Yichao easily lifted up a large piece of wood in the corridor under his feet.

Behind the wooden planks, there is a staircase extending towards the underground. Because the light is too dim, only the staircase leading to the ink-like darkness can be seen.

Mamiya took out the oil lamp prepared in advance and lit it.

"Let's go." Mamiya took the lead and walked down the stairs towards the basement.

The key to the basement door is that only two of them have the Patriarch Wen Xianhe, who has been determined to be the next Patriarch's Yi Dynasty.

Because of the dim light and the narrow stairs, both Mamiya and Yoshiro walked slowly.

When both of them were walking slowly downwards, Yoshiasa, who was walking behind Mamiya, suddenly said nonchalantly:

"Brother...Thank you..."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for helping me free that girl..."

"No thanks," Mamiya said lightly. "I just don't want to let my father... Yamada Asaemon Fumaken continue to do such a cruel and inhuman thing."

"Moreover, the girl's miserable experience makes it hard for me to ignore it."

In fact, Mamiya concealed a reason from Yishina that he was willing to save the Osaka girl named Atake, and because this girl might have something related to "immortality" that they had investigated in the gourd house for a long time. clue.

After all, the injury healed extremely quickly, and even the internal organs were able to repair themselves, all of which were consistent with the characteristics of the "immortal body" in Mamiya's perception.

Therefore, regardless of public or private, Mamiya could not abandon the girl.

"Speaking of it" Mamiya turned his head at this moment and looked at Yi Chao behind him, "Since you and Wen Xian are the only two who know the girl's existence and also have the key to the basement, then you privately After releasing the girl, did Wen Xian question you anything?"

"No..." Yi Chao shook his head, "After I left the girl privately last time... Father should have suspected that it was mine."

A complex smile appeared on Yi Chao's face.

"After all, no matter how you look at it, I have the highest suspicion."

"But my father hasn't told me anything until now."

"He probably... he wants to let me go..."

"...After successfully rescuing the girl this time. Bun Xian might not let you go anymore." Mamiya turned his gaze back to the front, "Are you conscious?"

"Yeah." Yichao's eyes were firm, "I've been awakened a long time ago. At most, I was beaten up by my father."

During the conversation, the two had already reached the bottom of the stairs.

There was a smell of blood in the air in the basement.

Although this basement has designed vents, corpses will be disposed of immediately if they stinks, but this place is always a place where corpses are piled, and the smell will naturally not smell good.

"My elder brother, here." Yi Chao walked to the front of Mamiya and showed the way to Mamiya.

When following Yi towards the corner of the basement, Mamiya used an oil lamp to light the candles hanging on the walls along the way.

The originally dim basement gradually became brighter as the candles were lit one after another.

The corpses are often piled up randomly, but until now, I haven't seen a corpse, probably because the corpse has been used up. This is also a common occurrence.

The basement was not very spacious. After a while, Mamiya saw a girl in the corner of the basement in front of him sitting with a chain.

The thick iron chain is connected to the wall at one end and tied to the girl's neck at the other end.

The iron chain is fairly long, so the girl's range of activities is fairly wide, covering a small half of the basement.

Within the scope of its activities, there are commodes, food, clean water, changing clothes and other things.

Mamiya saw this girl, and the girl naturally saw Mamiya and Yoshinobu.

Seeing Mamiya and Yoshiasa walking slowly towards her, the girl's face first appeared in terror at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after seeing that the leader was Yi Dynasty, the panic on the girl's face slowly dissipated, and she became a little calmer.

"Azhu, don't be afraid, it's my Yichao." Yichao quickened his pace a little, then knelt down on one knee to the girl...that is, in front of Azhu.

"Master Yi Chao..." The girl looked timidly at Mamiya, who was standing behind Yi Chao, "Who is this..."

Mamiya secretly said in his heart at this time:

It seems that what Yi Chao told me before that he often chats with this girl is not a fake.

According to the scene before her at this time, it is not difficult to see that the girl trusts Yizhao very much.

"Don't be afraid, this is my brother, he is here to rescue you with me."

"Meeting for the first time." Mamiya bowed to Atake, "In Shimamiya Kuro. Don't be afraid, just as Yoshito said, I'm here to save you."

Now the distance between Mamiya and Atake is only a few minutes away, so Mamiya can see Atake's appearance more clearly.

He is only about 15 years old, and his looks are not good-looking, but they are not ugly either.

She was wearing clean clothes. Although her complexion was not very good, her spirit was still much better than Mamiya had imagined.

Mamiya originally thought that being kept in this dark basement for so long, and being cut open frequently to get his courage, the girl's mental condition would definitely be very bad.

Yoshizhao seemed to have seen through what Mamiya was thinking at this time, and he explained aloud:

"Every time my father takes the guts, he will first give Azhu a strong drug to relieve his pain...Ah, sorry, Azhu, I won't talk about it."

Yichao's explanation came to an abrupt end because Azhu in front of him heard the word "take the courage" from his mouth, his cheeks became pale and his body shook directly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Say these things slowly later," Mamiya said, "Give this child's iron chain first..."

Slap, slap, slap, slap...

Suddenly the sound of footsteps from behind Mamiya and Yoshito interrupted Mamiya's conversation.

The moment after hearing these footsteps, whether Mamiya or Yishao, the expressions of the two changed.

The footsteps sounded from the darkness behind the two of them that could not be illuminated by the candlelight.

With this sound of footsteps, a figure slowly appeared from the darkness.

The person who appeared from the darkness was a middle-aged man with a black and purple knife on his waist.



Ask for a monthly pass! Asking for a monthly pass while crying with a headache (Leopard crying with a headache.jpg)

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