I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 607: Standing in front of you is Mamiya·A dream·9 Lang·Yoshitsune [Six...

"I told you to drink less..." Asai said angrily toward Shimada, who was lying behind him.

"Sorry..." Shimada, who blushed so much that he could bleed, whispered, "I have to trouble you to carry me back again..."

Converted to the time unit of the modern earth, the three of Maki Village and the others drank at the izakaya until 23:00...

Even though I drank so late, Asai, who only had a drink during the whole process, and the Maki Village, who had a lot of alcohol, were still in good spirits. Only Shimada was already drunk and unconscious.

"Shimada, you can practice your drinking more in the future." Maki Village joked.

"Uh... sorry... Senior Makura... what did you just say? I didn't pay attention... Ugh..."

"Hey! If you want to vomit, hold it back! If you dare to vomit on me, I must cut you off!"

The three people in the pastoral village returned to their residence in such a noisy manner.

As soon as I returned to the residence, I ran into Lin who was still awake.

"I said..." Lin, who is short and waiting for a few people in the pastoral village, raised her head high while akimbo, looking up at them in the pastoral village. You have to be more restrained, right? What's the matter if you drink it so you can't even walk?"

Lin's words were clearly addressed to Shimada who was still lying behind Asai.

"I'm very sorry..." Shimada's face turned red because of his embarrassment. "I shouldn't be drinking too much with Senior Makimura."

"Oh..." Lin sighed, "Okay, go down and rest."

After Lin's brief revelation was over, at Shimada's request, Asai carried him to the bathroom and their residence, which in modern terms is a luxury villa, naturally has a private bathroom that ordinary people can't have.

"Hey, Shimada." When Shimada was taken to the bathhouse by Asai, Makimura said to Shimada, "Remember not to wash for too long, I want to take a bath tonight."

The last time he took a bath in Mucun was 3 days ago.

He can smell some smell from his body today. In order to avoid being disliked by his companions later, he has decided to take a good bath tonight.

In order not to waste this time waiting for the bathroom to be vacated, Makimura sat in the middle of the hall and maintained his Odachi.

And as soon as he pulled out his Odachi, Mamiya’s voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"Mucun, you are back."

"Oh, it's Mamiya." Makimura turned to look at Mamiya, who was walking slowly towards him while smiling.

"I just happened to ran into Asai who was going to the bathroom with Shimada on his back. Why did Shimada drink so unconsciously again..."

"Sorry, it's my fault." Makimura smiled bitterly. "I thought he could become more drunk this time. I will pay attention to it later and don't let him drink too much. Otherwise, I have to take him every time. Come back, blame it for trouble."

Speaking of this, Makimura paused, and then asked Mamiya:

"Mamiya, I plan to go outside for a drink tomorrow night, do you want to come together?"

"Still drinking?" Mamiya frowned slightly, "Makimura, have you been out drinking too frequently recently?"

"It's not because we are leaving Edo soon." Makimura shrugged. "When we leave Edo this time, we won't know when we will come to Edo next time."

"So I don't take advantage of the fact that I haven't left Edo and experience the beauty of Edo more. It always feels a bit wasteful."

"The so-called experience of the beauty of Edo is to go to an izakaya to drink..." After whispering, Mamiya shook his head, "Sorry, I won't go."

Seeing that Mamiya almost refused his invitation without thinking, Makura's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he took a deep look at Mamiya.

Then, he said in a joke:

"...Mamiya, since you arrived in Edo, you have been very resistant to going out. Isn't there any old lover of yours here in Edo?"

"I don't have any old lover." Mamiya responded calmly, "The reason why I don't want to go out is simply because I have a wanted person."

"Edo is a large city with a population of one million, and it is also the center of the shogunate's rule. There are government spies everywhere. It is hard to say that one of the shogunate traces the whereabouts of my wanted criminal, and then comes to the door."

"...Then I think you are a bit unreasonable." Makimura let out a few sneers, "I used to be an official for the shogunate. I know exactly what virtue the shogunate is now."

"On how to maintain the Tokugawa family's rule of the world, the shogunate's various unique skills are one after another."

"But when it comes to catching thieves and other issues related to the lives of the people, the shogunate has nothing to do with it."

Speaking of this, Mucun opened the oil at his feet and officially began to oil his Odachi.

"Anyway, I think if you have a chance, it's better to go outside. After all, if I remember correctly, you seem to have not been out for a long time."

"Go to the izakaya with us to drink, not only can you breathe in the fresh air outside, but also occasionally hear some interesting things to relieve boredom."

"We heard a lot of interesting things at the izakaya today."

"Oh?" Mamiya raised his eyebrows, and then put on a half-joking tone, "The interesting thing in your eyes...is there another beautiful girl from Yoshihara?"

"So in your eyes, do I look like this..." Makimura looked at Mamiya with a faint look.

"I just made a little joke just now." Mamiya smiled and waved his hand. "Tell me what the funny thing is. I happen to be very free now."

"Mamiya might also be interested in this matter." Makimura smiled, "Mamiya, do you know the "Edo First Swordsman" and "Demon Sword Chana"?"

"Eh? What is this?" Behind the eye film, there are Mamiya's doubtful eyes...

Makimura repeated the story he heard from the izakaya today to Mamiya in its entirety.

When the retelling was over, Mucun happened to have put brand new oil on his Odachi sword.

"...In short, the story is like this. After listening to the story, I went back to Asai and the others to continue drinking."

"Although I have heard of Yamada Asemon's daimyo before, I didn't know until tonight that the current head of Yamada Asemon is a master of swordsmanship."

"...It's really crippled, this family."

"Huh?" Makimura turned to look at Mamiya who suddenly made a comment.

"This family is really crippled." The expressionless Mamiya repeated his comment just now, "Relying on killings and corpses in exchange for fame and fortune... The more I think about it, the more I feel uncomfortable..."

"Yeah, I think too." Makimura echoed, "Their family has since become the'shogunate's sword testers', and it has lasted for hundreds of years. For more than a hundred years, the people killed by their family should have been killed. There are thousands...no, tens of thousands."

"In addition to killing people, they also used human guts to refine medicine, which made me very uncomfortable."

"How do they make human guts into medicine..." Makimura sighed lightly, "Although this medicine makes me feel very sick, I still want to buy a human guts pill to see how long the medicine is. What is it, and how to study its effect, can so many people rush to it."

"But this medicine seems to be very expensive. It has always been priceless." Makimura scratched his hair. "It is said that the quality of this man's gall pill has suddenly improved a lot recently. It must be more difficult to buy now. With all my remaining wealth, I may not be able to buy one."

"The quality of Rendan pills has suddenly improved a lot?" Mamiya raised his eyes and looked at Mucun in astonishment.

"Yes." Although I don't know why Mamiya looked at him with this look, Makimura answered honestly, "But I also heard from the construction workers who told me Wenxian's story tonight. I don’t know if it’s true or not."

In the shortest possible sentence, Makura summarized what the construction workers had heard about "the quality of Rendan pills has improved."

"...They were arguing about whether the human gall pill was useful or not, but I had already returned to Asai and the others to continue drinking, so I don't know what the final result of their argument was."

"...I'm quite curious." Mamiya smiled, "How did they suddenly improve the quality of this medicine? Did they invent a new method of refining medicine?"

"I don't know about that." Mucun shrugged, "Anyway, I don't like this medicine. For me, even if the raw material for refining medicine is the guts of death, it is really difficult for me to accept it."

"Hey! Makimura!" At this moment, Asai's voice suddenly came to Mamiya and Makimura's ears, "Shimada asked me to tell you that he has already taken a bath. You can go to bath anytime now."

"Oh! I'm going now!" Makimura picked up his Odachi that has been maintained, and stood up, "Mamiya, I'll take a shower now, and let's talk slowly later."

"Yeah." Mamiya nodded gently.

Makimura, carrying a big sword, left in front of Mamiya with strides.

Mamiya remained kneeling on the ground, motionless.

He looked down at the tatami mat in front of him, as if in a daze, but at the same time thinking.

Until the pastoral village had completely left his field of vision, there was still no movement in Mamiya.

It wasn't until an unknown long time passed before that Mamiya's faint muttering to himself sounded in the hall:


Kuro stared blankly at the wilderness in the outskirts of Edo.

The wilderness was lined with people who were forced to kneel and sit on the ground with their hands and feet tied up.

Roughly speaking, there are at least hundreds of people.

Without exception, they all shrank, with fear and anxiety on their faces.

Around the hundreds of people, there were about the same number of heavily armed warriors. They stared fiercely at the kneeling hundreds of people, asking them to kneel down and not to move.

"...Father..." Kuro looked at his father beside him, "Who are these people kneeling on the ground? Why are we here?"

"Kuro." Father said with no joy and no sorrow, "Kill these people with me, and then take their guts."

"Kill, kill? Why?" Kuro couldn't help looking again at the hundreds of people who were forced to kneel on the ground. Among them, there were men and women, but without exception, they were all extremely young, and they were basically only a dozen years old. Years old, the oldest should be no more than 20 years old.

No matter how they look at it, they are not people who will be sentenced to beheading.

It is also impossible that there will be so many such young prisoners on death row suddenly.

"The lower part of the palace is suffering from a lung disease. It is in urgent need of treatment." At this time, my father had taken out the cuff and tied the sleeves on both sides of the kimono. "So a lot of the highest quality made with young, fresh liver People who are guilty of pill to cure the disease. Stop talking nonsense, and start working." [Nakamiya: Empress’s name]

"Wait! Father! How do these people think they are not executed prisoners?!"

"They are healthy and disease-free collected from all over the government, and they are young enough to be dirty."

"Does that mean that they are all just helping innocent people? The killing of these innocent people is just to treat Zhong Gong?"

"Kuro, pay attention to your tone." Father said in a very obviously unpleasant tone. "The remarks you made just now are too disrespectful to the Central Palace."

"These people are just a lot of help. How can they be compared with the lives under the middle palace. Under the middle palace is the responsibility of the mother of the world, and she is more valuable to live than to let these people live."

"Use these filthy lives in exchange for a life under the palace, is there anything wrong with this?"

"Father! This is ridiculous! How can human lives be converted in this way!"

"...Kuro, it seems... I really shouldn't have brought you here. Forget it, if you don't want to do it, just go to the side to rest, I can do this work by myself."

"Hey! What are you arguing about there? Why don't you do it?" At this moment, a potbellied samurai strode towards Kuro and the others.

"My lord, I'm very sorry." My father bowed and apologized to the samurai. "We will do it now."

Seeing that it seemed that a big figure from the government was coming, Kuro hurriedly wanted to reflect to him that it was ridiculous to take the lives of more than a hundred people to save the middle palace.

However... before he could speak, there was a sharp pain in his side.

He looked to his side with difficulty to his father who was standing beside him, and slammed his flanks with the bottom of the hilt.

He had no defense against his father, he did not expect that his father would attack him...

This slam made Kuro’s limbs directly weakened, and when Kuro completely lost the ability to resist, his father used a hand knife to slash Kuro’s back neck.

The pain from the back of his neck made his eyes black, and his intense dizziness made his eyelids sink and it was difficult to open them.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he saw his still expressionless father and said to him coldly: "I said, if I don't want to do it, just give me a rest."

Mamiya suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

In the empty room where he was alone, there was only his low gasp.

Mamiya was a little grateful that everyone could have a room for himself, otherwise he would wake up one or two people with the movement he just got up.

In this luxurious mansion, there are so many rooms that even if the number of people in the gourd house doubles, everyone can get a room.

Because everyone can have their own independent room, Mamiya who suddenly got up didn't quarrel with anyone, and didn't wake anyone up.

Mamiya raised his hand and touched the clothes on his back, which was already wet with sweat.

He did not have nightmares.

He just recalled a certain past event in a dream, although this past event is no different from a nightmare.

Now... when is it...

Mamiya turned his head to look at the window next to him, and the sky outside the window was still pitch black. Mamiya simply estimated that it was still more than an hour away from dawn.

(Is there anything wrong with using these filthy lives in exchange for a life under the palace?)

Even though he was awakened from the dream, he still lingered in his ears about the words that the person said to him that he had just recalled in the dream.

In his mind, the person's voice just fell in his mind. The words that another person Makimura said to him before going to bed tonight, as if he had his own consciousness, automatically sounded in Mamiya's mind:

(It is said that the quality of this person's gall pill has suddenly improved a lot recently.)

Mamiya turned his head again and looked at the sky outside the window again.

At this time, Mamiya didn't even notice his eyes, and slowly became confused and sharp.

The next day, early morning

Everything is good in this luxurious mansion, but Lin was very dissatisfied with the stove. For some reason, it was built extremely high.

This makes Lin, who is only 1.45 meters tall, particularly uncomfortable.

So every time she was cooking, Lin could only find a small wooden box and step on it to cook.

"Hmm~~Cooking~~Hmm~~Boiling soup~~Hmm~~Salt~~"

At this moment, in the kitchen, Lin, who was barely stepping on the wooden box with her fair-skinned feet, was flipping the miso soup in front of her with a big spoon, while humming the song she had just thought up temporarily and composed her own lyrics. The small, well-proportioned toes cocked with the ups and downs of the tone.

Although the tunes come and go in the same tune, and the lyrics have only a few words such as cooking, soup, and salt, Lin still hums quite happily.

When she is in a good mood, Lin will be like now, cooking and humming.

Because everyone's three meals a day have always been arranged by Lin alone, she basically gets up first every morning.

Just as Lin Zheng concentrated on cooking today's breakfast, abruptly, Mamiya's voice rang behind her.


Mamiya's voice suddenly appeared behind her, which caused Lin to be so scared that her whole body shook.

Lin quickly turned her head and looked behind her, only to see that behind her was Mamiya neatly dressed and holding a brand new hat in her hand.

"Kuro?" Lin looked up and down Mamiya several times with a surprised look, "Are you... planning to go out?"

Mamiya nodded: "I have something to do. I won't eat breakfast today."

"...How long are you going out?"

"I don't know." Mamiya replied honestly, "but I will return as soon as possible."

"...I see." Lin moved her gaze back to the miso soup in front of her, "then go and come back soon."

"Lord, you... don't you ask me why I was going out suddenly?" Mamiya's face showed a few unconcealable doubts.

"How long have you been under my command? I have already figured out some of your behaviors." Lin said lightly, "You didn't tell me the first time why you want to go out. Just tell me that you want to go out. Going out. This shows that it is not convenient for you to tell me why you are going out."

"In that case, I won't ask much. When you want to tell me, come and tell me."

"...Yes." A smile slowly bloomed on Mamiya's face, "I see."

Mamiya pushed the hat very low, and walked straight forward along the street below her feet.

Because it’s just dawn, there are not too many pedestrians on the street.

In order to prevent people from seeing his face, Mamiya lowered his head in addition to lowering the hat.

Although in this way, he could not see the road ahead, only the road under his feet, but Mamiya’s pace did not stop at the slightest. If he should go straight, he would go straight, and he would turn when he made a turn. The appearance of a familiar road in a light car is like... the road under your feet has been walked thousands of times.

Mamiya, who had never stopped along the way, finally stopped in front of a mansion in the remote part of Edo.

Although it is still early in the morning and there are not many people on each street, it is also Edo with a population of one million people. No matter how few people are, there should be one or two pedestrians on each street.

But the street in front of this mansion was not like the street in front of this mansion, and it was empty.

No one passed through this street, and even this mansion was cast a little gloomy.


Mamiya lifted the hat on his head slightly and looked at the mansion in front of him.

Knock knock knock.

He knocked on the door of this mansion.

The knock on the door broke the silence of this deadly avenue and became the only sound in this avenue.


After a while, the side door next to the mansion gate was opened, and an extremely young attendant walked out following the opened side door, looking suspiciously up and down Mamiya.

"Who are you?" the young man asked, "What do you do in front of my Yamada Asemon's mansion? If you want to beg for guts, please leave. Our medicine is sold out."

"You don't recognize me?" Mamiya asked back, "That's right, I haven't seen you before. You are probably new here, right."

"Excuse me, please inform the inside and say: "Kuro Yoshitsune" is visiting."

The suspicion in the eyes of the young man became heavier.

He was just a low-ranking attendant, and the person in front of him was a samurai, and he was still a samurai who dared to say "tell me inside" plainly, which made him dare not neglect.

"Please wait a moment." The young waiter, whose tone changed unconsciously to honorifics, walked back to the mansion along the side door.

Mamiya stood in place, UU reading www. uukanshu.com waited quietly.

He didn't wait too long.

It didn't take long before he saw that the side door was suddenly opened.

Afterwards, a dark shadow rushed out along the side door at a dazzling speed, and rushed into Mamiya's arms.


"Yisha..." Mamiya smiled, touching the head of the person in her arms, "It's been a long time since I saw you, you have grown a lot taller."



If you forget who belongs to Yoshiho, you can look back at Chapter 578 "Ogata: "Huh? Pirate? Here?"", Yoshiho is Bunken's son: Yamada Asemon Yoshiho.

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