I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 599: Not to lose to the plumpness of Ah Ding【Five Thousand Eight Hundreds】

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"Presumably both of you know that since Tianming 7 (AD 1787), Matsudaira has initiated a series of reforms since he assumed the position of the old man. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test"

"For example: to dismiss the former party of Numa Yoshiji, and rebuild the Laos-China agreement system with the three imperial families as the core and the backing of the genealogical daemon."

"Another example: the revitalization of the martial arts family Tsunuki. Encourage the samurai to practice martial arts, ban prostitution and geisha, prohibit mixed male and female bathing and **** literature... and so on."

——I know more than these reforms of Songping Dingxin, and I have chatted with Songping Dingxin more than once...

Ogata murmured like this silently in his heart.

The current shogun: Tokugawa Ieaki, who is still very young, is only 18 years old this year, and is still at the age of relying on Matsuhira's letter.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call Matsuhira Matshinbu as the de facto leader of the shogunate.

If we let people know that the current most wanted criminal and terrorist of the shogunate had chatted and laughed with the chief of the shogunate, I am afraid that many people would be shocked.

Although he spit out in his heart, Ogata still kept quiet, and continued to quietly listen to Naoshuzai's impassioned speech.

"These so-called reforms of Matsudaira Masabashi. Each of them is just to allow the Edo shogunate to continue to rule...no, enslaving this country."

At this time, Zhi Zhou looked angry.

"The reconstruction of the Laos-China agreement system with the Yusanjia as the core and the backing of the genealogical daemon is the best example! Matsudaira’s reform of the Laos-China agreement system, to put it bluntly, is to make people surnamed Tokugawa and Matsudaira. , Can rule this country for a long time, so that no one or any force can threaten their status."

"Matsuhira's reforms shattered any expectations of the Edo Shogunate."

"So since Matsuhira Masahiro came to power and took over as the old middle, we began planning and running for the purpose of defeating the Edo shogunate."

Speaking of this, Naoshu paused, probably while resting, listen to Ogata's insights on what he said just now.

And Ogata didn't let him down either, and as soon as Naoshu stopped, he asked immediately.

"...Since you want to collapse the curtain... Then you are going to collapse the curtain? With all due respect, the Edo Shogunate, which directly governs a quarter of the country's land, can't be collapsed without you shouting a few slogans."

"Also-assuming you really defeated the Edo Shogunate, what do you plan to do in the future? Don't tell me: You want to build another'Osaka Shogunate' in Osaka or somewhere else."

"Ichitosai-sama, good question!" Naoshu's eyes beamed. "Although the Edo Shogunate is very weak now, it is really not a good persimmon."

"So-we have to take advantage of our strength."

"With the help of Satsuma, Choshu, etc., who are not closely related to the Edo shogunate, they will destroy the Edo shogunate."

"After the defeat of the Edo Shogunate, follow the example of Tangdo and build a new country centered entirely on His Majesty the Emperor!"



Naoshu talked endlessly about how they planned to win over dynasties such as Satsuma and Choshu who were at odds with the Edo shogunate, and how to build a nation centered entirely on the emperor after the Edo shogunate was defeated.

To put it simply-Naozhou and the others want to return Japan to the Nara and Heian eras hundreds of years ago.

In 646, after Japan initiated a major reform and comprehensively studied the advanced systems of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it has entered two historical periods-the Nara period (710-794) and the Heian period (794-1192).

In these two eras, the time when the capital was moved was the beginning of the era. When you moved to Heijokyo (Nara), the Nara era began, and when you moved to Heiankyo (now Kyoto), the Heian era began.

These two eras are both eras when the emperor is the head of state who truly holds the power of the country.

It was not until 1192 that the power of the country was usurped by the samurai group headed by Genji, and Genji established the first shogunate in the Kamakura area: after the Kamakura shogunate, the emperor became the empty title as it is now, but there is no power in it. Mascot of the hand.

After experiencing the Kamakura shogunate, the Muromachi shogunate, and the current Edo shogunate, the emperor has been the mascot for nearly 600 years.

The purpose of Zhi Zhou was to make the Emperor once again become like the emperor of China, a tangible head of state, to rule and manage this country.

I have to say—Zhou Zhou and they took out the banner of "Zunhuang" to defeat the Edo Shogunate. They were quite clever.

Although the emperor’s current sense of existence is extremely low, people in some remote areas may not know that there is still a big man called the emperor living in Kyoto, but the emperor’s influence should not be underestimated.

After all, the emperor itself has a strong religious color-the imperial family is considered to be the descendant of the creation **** Amaterasu, who was sent by the **** Amaterasu to manage this country.

All people, including the shoguns, are responsible for the administration of the country on behalf of the emperor.

Therefore, as long as you move out of the emperor's banner, claim that the other party has usurped the power that should belong to the emperor, and then call the other party an "enemy of the emperor," then you will never lose morally no matter what.

As for Zhizhou's claim that he relied on Satsuma, Changshu and other daimyos to defeat the Edo Shogunate, there is also some truth in it.

Satsuma and Choshu are well-known feudal vassals with strong strength and weak relations with the Edo shogunate.

When the Edo shogunate was founded, many foreign daimyos, headed by Satsuma and Choshu, were only forced to surrender due to the powerful strength of the Edo shogunate.

These forced vassal kingdoms and the Edo shogunate have always been at odds with each other. It was indeed a good choice to draw them in against the Edo shogunate.

It’s just that it’s easy to ask God to give it away. It’s easy to draw them in against the Edo Shogunate, but it’s hard to let them not have ambitions after the fall of the Edo Shogunate.

Maybe the Tokugawa shogunate was gone, and then a "Shimadzu shogunate" and "Mori shogunate" appeared.

Although what Naoshu said was not something that could not stand scrutiny, Ogata heard Naoshu saying that their goal was to return to the Nara and Heian eras and establish a country centered on the emperor. Fang no longer has the desire to continue listening.

——I criticized the Edo Shogunate for a long time, but in the end, I just wanted to obey a certain feudal landlord as the master, and instead obey another feudal landlord as the master...

After listening carefully to the speech given by Naozhou and the others, Ogata also has a basic understanding of Naozhou and them-they are simply the rebels.

Dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Edo shogunate, attempted to overthrow the rule of the Edo shogunate.

But... Use the sentences that Ogata has learned in class to evaluate Naoshu's words... Naoshu and the others are very typical people who have not broken away from the limitations of the times.

Although he tried to launch an uprising to overthrow the Edo shogunate's **** of the country, he just wanted to change the family to rule the country.

It's not about turning over the table, just wanting another group of people to come to the table to play cards.

But Ogata also understands this very well.

In Japan, which still adheres to the country's lock-up policy, it is a bit difficult for Naozhou and the others to break through the limitations of the times and put forward views such as "breaking the feudal system".

From a certain point of view-Zhi Zhou and the others are one of the most enlightened people in this era. At the very least, they would not be foolishly loyal to the Edo shogunate, and they also knew how to shout out such words as "smash the decaying Edo shogunate."

Ogata has no feelings for Japan, so what will happen to this country in the future-Ogata doesn't really care much.

After hearing that Naoshu didn't say anything that made his eyes shine, Ogata lost interest in what Naoshu and the others called great ambition and righteousness.

Naoshu seemed to have noticed Ogata's lack of interest in what he said, so he quickly changed the subject:

"The reason why I want to ask Ichitosai-sama to help me wait is because you are now one of the few warriors in the country with rich combat experience, and you also have unparalleled tremendous energy."

"Although we want to rely on the power of foreign daimyos such as Satsuma and Choshu to overthrow the Edo shogunate, we do not want to entrust the formation of important military forces to Satsuma and Choshu."

"After all, if they do this, if they are malicious, I will be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered."

"So we are now using the methods we are good at to cultivate our own armed forces."

"I am now the owner of Isshiki Sword Museum in Osaka."

"I am now secretly looking for and gathering people who are dissatisfied with the rule of the Edo shogunate and who are interested in falling the shogunate, and then secretly train them."


Zhi Zhou smiled bitterly.

"My level is limited, I really can't train them into samurai who can stand alone."

"This country has been around for a long time, and there are very few warriors with real abilities."

"The current samurai, including me, can only wield the Dojo Sword."

"And the'Dojo Sword' can hardly be used in real battles."

"The period in the history of our country where the most need to dance knives and guns, and where the samurai are most needed to perform their skills, is undoubtedly the turbulent times of the Warring States two hundred years ago."

"How did the samurai fight at that time?"

"The first place to fight is very different from the sword hall with comfortable tatami mats. You have to fight in mountains, rivers, places full of gravel, and places full of mud."

"The weapons used by the opponents are also strange. They are not limited to swords. In a life-to-death battle, the enemy basically uses whatever weapon is easy to use. But there is no way to be comfortable in the sword hall. Fight with your opponent with a sword."

"How effective can the swordsmanship practiced on the comfortable tatami be used in real combat?"

The bitter color on Zhizhou's face became more intense.

"Today's battle with Ryoma and the incoming pirates perfectly proved this point: After all, the'Dojo Sword' is only a'Dojo Sword', and its role in a real death match is extremely limited."

"That's why I told you I would like to invite you to my sword hall to be the swordsmanship teacher of my sword hall."

"I would like to invite Master Ichidozai to teach and train the aspirants I have found who are interested in falling the curtain! You who have experienced a lot of battles will definitely be able to teach better than me, a person who has not fought a few actual battles!"

"Not only that, with your joining, it can also greatly increase the morale of our waiters."

"It's true-many of us admire you very much."

At this point, Zhizhou glanced at Isshishi next to him subconsciously.

As for Isshiki's eyes, there was also a strange light flashing at this time.

"Your feat of slaying the tyrant and breaking through the Nijo Castle in Kyoto makes me so excited."

"There should be more and more people like you who will challenge the decadent Edo Shogunate!"

"Rather than being foolishly loyal to someone who is not worthy of allegiance at all."

"If you can come to help us, there will be countless people who admire your name will gather."

"With your joining, by then, my plan to fall back on the curtain will surely be accelerated by at least 5 years."

"So-Master Ichidozai, I solemnly invite you here."

Naoshu leaned down abruptly, and once again unearthed a seat for Ogata.

"Please join us!"

After Naoshu knelt down in the position of sitting down on the ground, Isshiki hesitated for a while as it did in the daytime today before slowly taking a seat on Ogata.

"Of course, we will not just let you pay, and I will wait and pay nothing."

"As long as you can join us..."

Naoshu probably wanted to say something to lure Ogata.

However, he hadn't finished his enticement conditions, and Xu Yi raised his hand to stop him from speaking.

"Mr. Isshiki. I understand everything you said."

"Thank you for your appreciation of me and your kindness to me."

"Being so trusted by you, I am also flattered."

"I appreciate your kindness. Please forgive me for rejecting your invitation."

"I'm busy with something right now."

"I don't know how much time and energy this matter will consume me."

"Therefore, please forgive me for my inability to contribute my meager effort to your great cause."

"Please rest assured. I will rot in my stomach when I hear these words from your mouth tonight, and I will never tell any outsiders."

Seeing Ogata's refusal without hesitation, Naoshu's face showed anxiety.

"Master Ichidozai..."

"No need to say more." Ogata interrupted again, "Mr. Isshiki, I have decided."

Ogata's tone became a little serious.

"Please stop stalking."

"You stalker like this will make me quite embarrassed."

"...I... I know..." Zhi Zhou Chang sighed, "Since Ichidozai-sama, you have no intention to join me, then I won't force it anymore."

"Please don't worry, Ichidozhai-sama-I will never reveal your whereabouts to outsiders."



Naoshu and Isshiki left Ogata's room one after another.

After turning into an unmanned corridor, Yishi lowered his voice and whispered with a volume that only he and his grandfather could hear:

"Grandpa... are you really going to give up like this?"

"What else can you do if you don't give up." Zhizhou smiled bitterly, "Different ways are not conspiring. Since that adult didn't intend to join us, let's continue to go our own way."

"That adult has shown his resolute attitude just now."

"It's our rudeness to stalker again."

"So instead of stalking and provoke the adult's disgust, it's better to give up."

"Let's go, find a hotel, take a good rest, and set off at dawn tomorrow, and continue back to Osaka."

"Look for a hotel..." Yishi mumbled, "Actually... you don't need to work hard to find a hotel, isn't this hotel very good."

"This hotel?" Zhizhou frowned slightly, "This hotel... but it's very expensive."

The hotel that Ogata and Naoshu are now in is a veritable upscale hotel.

Not only is the room bright and comfortable, it also comes with a bathhouse dedicated to the residents.

In short, this hotel is good for everything except that it is a bit more expensive.

The reason why there are such high-end hotels in Fengnan Town is probably related to the fact that many travelers and tourist associations pass by here.

When he first entered this Fengnan town, Yishi bumped into many people with different accents.

"Just as compensation." Isshiki said, "We have been floating at sea for so many days, and unfortunately we ran into a pirate today."

"A night of rest in a luxurious hotel is regarded as compensation for our exhausted body and mind."

Zhi Zhou turned his head and glanced deeply.

"...You have taken a fancy to this hotel's own bathhouse, so you want to spend the night in this hotel, right?"

As soon as Zhizhou's words fell, he smiled in a jealousy.

He wanted to say something but stopped, and he wanted to refute but didn't know how to refute it.

"...Never mind. You make sense. The days of wandering at sea have also made me exhausted physically and mentally. Just sleep in this hotel for the whole night, anyway, it's pretty enough to be entangled."

Seeing that his proposal was accepted, he unabashedly showed the joy on his face.

The two came to the counter of the hotel and opened an ordinary two-person room.

This hotel has 3 floors. Ogata's room was on the third floor, while Isshiki's room was on the second floor, and the room for the two of them was a little far apart.

As soon as Yishi and his grandfather entered the room, Zhizhou suddenly puffed up his face and preached to Yishi:

"Take a bath and rest early tonight, and leave at dawn tomorrow morning and return to Osaka."

"I also want to take a shower and rest early...but there must be a lot of people in the bathhouse now, I'll go there later."

"Remember not to delay too late. Don't delay too late, there is no hot water in the bath."

"I know. I'm not a fool."

While talking, Isshiki sat cross-legged on the ground.

While sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yi Shi untied his high-beamed ponytail, and his waist-length hair was scattered.

After sitting on the ground, Yishi put his hands behind his clothes and his back, as if trying to untie something.

When Ishiki pulled his hands out of his back, he brought out a long, strap-like thing.

Then...like a magic trick, Isshiki's original flat, unwrinkled fabric on his chest was bulged up in one breath.

If Ogata was present, he would be surprised to find that--in terms of the extent of the bulging...this was a plumpness that was not lost to Amachi.

At this time, Zhi Zhou sat down by the window with a tired face.

Looking at Zhi Zhou, who was full of exhaustion, Yishi couldn't help but feel relieved:

"Grandpa, didn't you just say that you are not conspiring with each other, so don't be upset that that person doesn't want to join us anymore."

"I'm not upset because that adult doesn't want to join us." Zhizhou replied, "I have already looked away."

"I'm upset with all the things I have to deal with after returning to Osaka."

"We have been out for so long, there must be a mountain of things waiting for me to deal with."

"After returning to Osaka, I must be busy for a long time."

At this moment, Nao Zhou suddenly turned his head and looked at Isshiki as if he was recalling something.

"When I go back to Osaka, in addition to dealing with those important matters one by one, I also want to start arranging your marriage."

"Marriage?!" Isshiki jumped up like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Ryoma...no, Xiaohua. I can't continue to spoil you anymore." Zhizhou said sternly, "Do you know how old you are this year? You are 21 years old this year."

"You go and look at the entire city of Osaka. Except for those who are really in poor conditions, is there any other woman who has reached this age like you and is still unmarried?"

"When you introduced an excellent Junjie to you before, you kept rejecting it on the grounds that you couldn't find the person you like."

"I thought a lot during the time I took you out for a trip."

"If you procrastinate like this, you will become an unnecessarily old woman."

"I'm now determined-I won't be used to you anymore."

"When I get back to Osaka, I will find a suitable candidate for you."

"Within this year, I want to see outstanding son-in-law appear before my eyes."

"Let you be willful again, and my Isshiki family will be cut off from your generation."

His face was blue and white, and he stared at Zhi Zhou fiercely.

"I do not want!"

"Don't make any decisions for me!"

After all ~www.readwn.com~ sat cross-legged with his back to Zhi Zhou, leaving only a back view of Zhi Zhou.

"When looking for a marriage partner, I should be the one who is looking for it. Why are you looking for grandpa for me?"

"If you don't want us to help you find it, then you can rely on your own strength to find a handsome guy who can be accepted by us." Zhizhou said with a serious face, "All in all-within this year, I want to see mine. There is an excellent son-in-law in front of me."



Ask for a monthly ticket to Poland! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass (Leopard has a headache and cry. jpg)

In the previous article, the foreshadowing of Isseki's disguise as a man is not enough. Everyone went back and reviewed the plot of Yishi's appearance. You can find that Yishi's posture and tone of speech all carry a girlish atmosphere.

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