I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 598: About asking Ogata to bring down the Edo shogunate [Five...

At this moment, a lot of questions emerged from Ogata's mind.

-Swordsman? me? Want me to be the swordsman in your sword hall?

—Are your brain ill...? Want me, the most wanted criminal in the shogunate, to be your teacher in the sword hall?

Suspecting whether there was a problem with Naoshu's head, Ogata couldn't help looking at Naoshu with a weird gaze.

Although Ogata’s reputation is not unheard of among the people, in the eyes of the shogunate and the court, Ogata is undoubtedly the “first terrorist”.

Not to mention asking Ogata to be their swordsmanship teacher. Just to provide Ogata with a hiding place or to provide Ogata with other help, the shogunate may not be able to spare you.

Ogata suppressed the urge to question Naoshu "Your head is not sick" and cleared his throat:

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have no intention of being a swordsman."

After all, Ogata pulled the reins of the radish, preparing to get around Naoshu and Ryoma.

Regardless of how busy Ogata is now, even if Ogata is very free now, he will not be a swordsman. After all, he has no interest in being a swordsman in a sword hall.

Just when Ogata was about to bypass Naoshu and Ryoma, Naoshu hurriedly stopped in front of Ogata again.

"Sorry! I was abrupt just now!" Zhizhou said anxiously, "My'sword hall' I just mentioned is not an ordinary sword hall!"

"I hope that your swordsmanship teacher is not an ordinary swordsmanship teacher!"

Ogata raised his eyebrows: "Not an ordinary swordsman?"

"Yes! Ichidozai-sama! Can I spare some time? I'll explain it to you slowly!"

When Zhi Zhou was about to say something more, Xu Jian waved his hand first to stop him before continuing.

"No need. I'm not interested in being a swordsmanship teacher at all. No matter how different you want me to be a'swordsmanship teacher', my mind will not change."

"Please leave, if you keep getting entangled-I'm not a good-tempered person either."

After giving Zhi Zhou a warning about whether it was salty or indifferent, Ogata pulled the horse's rein again, preparing to go around Zhi Zhou.

Seeing Ogata's oil and salt did not enter, Zhizhou froze.

When Ogata was about to pull the horse's rein and pass by with Naoshu, Naoshu gritted his teeth.

"Please! Please spare some time to let me explain to you!"

"I assure you-it won't delay you too long!"

Naoshu once again ran to Ogata's body quickly, and then fell to his knees in a seated position with his forehead pressed against the ground.

Doshizaza is the highest-level gift in Japan, and Ogata couldn't help being surprised to see Naoshu even perform this highest-level etiquette to him.

In Ogata's impression, this was the first time an old man of this age offered him such a gift.

Out of respect for the elderly, Ogata subconsciously leaned sideways to avoid Naoshu's salute.

As soon as he wanted to help Zhizhou up in the past, his grandson Isshi Ryoma jumped to his side first.

"Grandpa! What are you doing?"

Zhi Zhou, who suddenly knelt on the ground, was also taken aback by Isshiki.

Although Zhi Zhou was old, but his strength was not small at all, he couldn't help him up immediately when he tried to help him.

"Master Yidaozai."

Zhizhou raised his head and looked up at Ogata.

"It really only took you a while, please. Please listen to me."

Ogata looked at Naoshu who was looking up at him.

Zhi Zhou's eyes...the warm feeling contained in it seems to be able to burn through the rocks.

This warm feeling was so strong that it seemed to have turned into a real flame, burning in Zhi Zhou's eyes.

Ogata was stunned because he rarely saw such eyes.

Ogata just stared at Naoshu.

After a while-Ogata sighed lightly: "...Well, since you have done this, I will listen to you."

"But we have to talk in a different place. If we talk in this wilderness, I am afraid that Uchiko and I will not be able to reach the town before dark."

"I plan to go to Fengnan Town not far from here. If you have anything, I will wait until Fengnan Town to talk about it."

"Yes!" Nao Zhou looked excited, "Thank you endlessly!"

Zhizhou hurriedly got up from the ground, his face was flushed with excitement and excitement.

And just when Zhi Zhou just stood up—


The sound of the bushes being pushed apart sounded.

Along with this rustling sound, there was also a childish female voice full of eagerness:

"Wait, wait a minute! Ichidozai-sama!"

The bushes a short distance away from Ogata were violently pushed aside, and a small face protruded from the bushes that were pushed aside-it was Azuchi.

Probably because of her anxiety, she was anxious to get out of the bushes and "escaped" out of the bushes.

"Master Ichidozai! I also have something to tell you!"

"Could you please squeeze some time to listen to me?"

After that, Azuki paused, and then fell to the ground in the position of sitting on the ground like Zhizhou just now.

Azhu: 〇(≧口≦) 〇 "Please!"

Azukimoto also hid like Naoshu and the others, waiting for Ogata to disembark.

But she was a step late.

Zhizhou and Ryoma rushed out of the hiding bushes first.

Ah Zhu didn't know until then-it turned out that someone like her was hiding in the bushes, waiting for Ogata to appear.

On Tuesday, the people took the lead in Ah Zhu. Although Ah Zhu was unwilling to do this, he could only wait silently. Waiting for Ogata and Naoshu to finish talking.

Fortunately, the conversation between Ogata and Naoshu didn't take long, and Azuki quickly waited for the opportunity to appear.

At this time, Ah Zhu's seat on the ground is actually following Zhi Zhou.

Although the place where she just hid was far from Ogata and the others, she could barely hear what they were talking about.

She clearly saw and heard that Ogata finally let go after Naozhou was unearthed from his seat.

—Ogata Ichitosai may not be good at dealing with people who sit down at him!

A Zhu judged with his eyes shining brightly.

Realizing that he had harvested a very useful piece of information, Azuki appeared from behind the bushes and couldn't wait to take a seat against Ogata.

Seeing Azuki who suddenly popped out and was kneeling in front of him, Ogata was speechless now.

—How come another one...Do you have something to tell me...Why do you all have to wait until you disembark before you come to me in swarms... Could you please tell me something about not getting too many people in Chengdu? Waiting to hear something...

Ogata murmured silently in his heart.

Compared to Naoshu, Ogata still knows what Azuki wants to say to him-Ogata guessed that Azuki probably wanted to ask him "Why can you master your luck so quickly" and "Did you learn it before?" "I'm lucky" and so on.

After getting off the pirate ship, the feeling of tiredness that emerged from the bottom of my heart has not completely dissipated from Ogata's body until now.

This feeling of exhaustion made Ogata, who now doesn’t want to bother to deal with their stalkers, suddenly came out and said that he had something to say to Ogata. After that, Ogata had a kind of "you also have something to say". If you want to tell me, let's just say it. Anyway, there is no more than one more, and one less than a lot.

"...Then Azuki, come with you, too." Ogata sighed lightly, "but I'm ahead of you-don't delay me too much time."

"Okay! No problem!" A Zhu excitedly said, "I will never delay you too much time!"

—Ogata Ichitosai is really not good at dealing with people who put him down!

Ah Zhu secretly said so excitedly in his heart.

Before the sky was completely dark, Ogata and others finally arrived at Toyonan Town.

Just as the crew of the ferry boat said to Ogata before-Toyonan Town is a small town.

After entering this Toyonan town, the first feeling I bring to Ogata is "lack of vitality".

This is probably also a common problem in such a small town with a lack of population.

But the sparrow is small and complete. Fengnan Town is a small home, but the hotel inside is still very complete.

From cheap hotels with tatami mats and futons full of fleas and bed bugs, to high-end hotels with their own baths.

Ogata did not hesitate to choose the most high-end hotel with its own bath.

As for the reason, it is also very simple-Ogata now has no human skin masks, and can no longer freely enter and exit places like bathhouses that must be naked.

So if he wants to take a bath, Ogata can only rent a hotel with its own bath.

After opening the room and having a hasty dinner, Ogata, Amachi, and Azuchi sat down opposite Naoshu and Isshiki in the hotel room opened by Ogata.

"Well, Mr. Isshiki, if you have anything you want to say to me, please say it quickly." Ogata said lightly.

Adhering to the "first come, first come" philosophy, Ogata decided to let Naoshu and the others first, and Azuchi as the second.

Naoshu nodded solemnly to show that he made peace. He turned his eyes and glanced at Amachi, who was sitting on the left side of Ogata, and Ogata, who was sitting on the right side of Ogata very familiarly, for some reason.

"Master Ichidozhai, can you please withhold outsiders first?"

As soon as Zhizhou's voice fell, A Zhu spit out his tongue very consciously, then got up and left the room: "Then I will go outside the hotel for a while...I'll be back later."

Ah Zhu moved, but Ah Ding did not move.

"This is Uchiko." Ogata looked to Amachi on the left, "I have been in honor and disgrace for a long time, just like my half-length. So she doesn't have to leave."

Seeing Ogata said that Amachi didn't have to leave, Naoshu didn't say much anymore.

In the room, only Ogata and Amachi were left sitting in pairs with Naoshu and Isshiki.

After Ah Zhu left, Zhi Zhou still didn't start the topic immediately, but first used his eyes to signal Isshiki next to him, and let Isshiki check the room around.

After checking the room, there was no eavesdropping outside the room, and after sitting alone by the door and monitoring the movement outside the door, Naozhou finally cleared his throat.

"Master Yidaozai, in order not to delay your time, I will tell you straightforwardly."

Naoshu stared at Ogata's eyes, and then said every word:

"Ichitosai-sama, I hope you can help us defeat the Tokugawa family!"


After hearing Naoshu's words just now, the first words that emerged from Ogata's mind were-"Huh?"

After savoring and digesting Naoshu's words just now, Ogata's eyes were slightly rounded in astonishment.

Ogata's reaction was fairly calm, but Amachi sitting next to Ogata was different-Amachi's eyes were so wide that his eyes were almost falling off, and his face changed drastically.

Unlike Ogata, Amachi is not a traveler, but a veritable person from the Edo period.

What Naoshu said just now will undoubtedly be even greater for Amachi, a native of the Edo period.

"...Down with... the Tokugawa family...?" Amachi whispered, "Do you mean... to bring down the Edo shogunate?"

Naozhou nodded solemnly: "That's right. I want to do justice to the Edo shogunate, which has become a worm that harms the world."


Zhi Zhou Chao Ogata cast a fiery gaze.

"I would like to ask Master Yidaozhai to help me wait."

"As long as Master Yidaozhai helps, I am like a million people... No! I am like a million army!"

"After all, your name and your influence alone are worth a thousand troops..."

Before Zhi Zhou had finished speaking, Xu Jian raised his hand to signal him to be quiet.

Seeing Ogata's gesture, Naoshu also closed his mouth consciously.

"This is a bit far behind what you told me before, isn't it?" Ogata said solemnly, "More than an hour ago, you clearly told me that you wanted me to be a swordsman teacher."

"Why did you ask me to help you shut down after more than an hour?"

After listening, Zhizhou smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, this is my responsibility. I didn't make it clear before."

"I will explain to you slowly now."

"I will explain the reasons why I waited for the decision to fall, and what I would like to ask Master Ichidozai to do it one by one."

After that, he cleared his throat vigorously.

Probably because of getting older, Zhizhou is a little bit phlegm.

After clearing his throat, Zhi Zhou straightened his back and sat upright.

"As I just mentioned: I waited for justice, and decided to punish the Edo shogunate."

"To put it bluntly-the reason why I am waiting to fall is to let the people all over the world live a good life."

Zhizhou paused again and cleared his throat.

"I wonder if you two have heard this famous saying: Let the farmers half die is the secret of governing the country."

"This sentence is extremely vicious."

"If farmers don't have to worry about eating, they tend to think randomly."

"If farmers can't eat, they are prone to riots."

"This extremely vicious remark is simply a means of stupid people-although farmers will not starve to death, but life is not good, there are only a handful of days to eat. In this way, farmers will eat for food. Working hard and full of food."

"It not only prevents the peasants from having bad thoughts because of their poor life, but also prevents them from rioting in groups because of their poor life."

"This very vicious sentence is what the inaugurator of the Edo Shogunate: Tokugawa Ieyasu said."

"For the past two hundred years, the Edo Shogunate has faithfully practiced this ancestral motto."

"Everything done since the opening of the Edo Shogunate has been for one purpose-to maintain one's own rule."

"So looking at the history since the opening of the Edo shogunate, you can find that the Edo shogunate never thought about how good the lives of the samurai and the people would be improved from the beginning to the end."

"Let’s take farmers as an example. Thanks to the “good intentions” of the Edo Shogunate, the lives of farmers have never been improved in the past two hundred years. Barely to be alive' going back and forth between these two states."

"The various actions of the Edo Shogunate in order to maintain the rule are much more than that."

"For example, the issuance of the national lock-up order-a large part of the reason for the national lock-up order is to prevent the southwestern daimyo from doing business with foreign countries to strengthen themselves, and to prevent the power of merchants and Chichidan from growing, threatening the Edo shogunate against The rule of the world." [Chezhidan: The name of the Catholics in Japan in the Edo period]

"Another example-misinterpreting'Bushido'."

"I wonder if the two of you have studied the history of the development of the so-called'Bushido'?"

"The original'Bushido' is not as deformed as it is now..."

"Bushido originally required the samurai to possess the following qualities: righteousness, courage, benevolence, courtesy, sincerity, reputation, loyalty, self-denial."

"But gradually-the taste of'Bushido' changed."

"The current'Bushido' only requires the samurai to possess these three qualities: fame, loyalty, and courage."

"Loyalty and bravery are linked to fame. A samurai, no matter how good other qualities are, but loyalty and bravery lack one, it will be cast aside and be denounced as a samurai."

"Only a loyal and brave warrior is a real warrior."

"This is...now'Bushido'."

An expression of resentment slowly appeared on Zhi Zhou's face.

"And the one who caused the taste of'Bushido' to change is the Edo Shogunate."

"The Edo Shogunate...or the Tokugawa family, castrated the'Bushido' in order to maintain their control of the world."

"Emphasis on'loyalty'. It is best for the samurai to be loyal to the shogunate, and it is best to be completely loyal, and will not betray under any circumstances."

"Emphasis on'brave'. Let the samurai be transformed into warriors who are not afraid of death and become useful chess pieces."

"Then I will emphasize that only by possessing'loyalty' and'courage' can one obtain'famous name'."

"The Edo Shogunate relied on this misinterpreted'Bushido' to control the samurai, and let the samurai do their lives stupidly for them..."

Hearing this, Ogata involuntarily frowned slightly.

Because he remembered...the Hirose domain samurai headed by Nanahara...

Although he hated to wash the Qihara and others at Sakura Sword Museum with his own hands.

However, Ogata also had some pity for Nanahara and others—the lord they defended with all their loyalty and courage did not treat them as human beings in the end.

The way Matsuhira Genouchi kicked Nanahara's first class away like a football at that time, Ogata still vividly remembers.

"All in all-the idea of ​​governing the country of the Edo shogunate is just to maintain their rule."

"As long as the rule can be maintained, everything else can be ignored."

"They never thought about how well the world and the country would be governed, so that the samurai and the common people would live a happy life."

Speaking of this, Zhizhou made a few self-deprecating laughs.

"I originally... still had some expectations for the Edo Shogunate. I hope that the Gungun shoguns of the Shogunate will no longer only care about maintaining the rule, but will start to work hard for the happiness of all people in the world."

"However... Matsubaru, who came to power 4 years ago, ruthlessly shattered my expectations."

"I waited until Matsuhiro Dingxin came to power before I decided to bring down the Tokugawa family."

Suddenly hearing the name of an acquaintance from Naoshu's mouth, Ogata raised his brows.



PS: If nothing happens, the author will [take a leave of absence] tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a long-lost family trip, and the whole family will go to some temple to worship a Buddha. Because this volume happens to involve a lot of Buddhist content, the author also happens to get some material.

I like my role as a swordsman in ancient Japan, please collect it: () I was a swordsman in ancient Japan with the fastest update speed.

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