I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 587: I practice sword Ogata! It all depends on my cleverness! (add a bit)【…

Prompt to take in the system sounds of martial arts genres-Ogata felt that if he remembered correctly, the last time he heard this string of sounds was in the spring of last year, on Choshima Island, he picked up "Shiranui Ninjutsu" from Amachi.

Because I haven't heard this sound for too long, after hearing this string of system sounds for a long time, Ogata can't help but start to feel shocked by this special sense of strangeness.


The word Iga reminds Ogata of the famous "Iga no Sato".

Ogata is no stranger to Iga.

In the Warring States period two hundred years ago, Iga, Koga, Wind Demon, Togakushi, and Manten were also called the Five Great Ninjas.

But in the end, Iga, who had followed the right master, became the one who had the last laugh.

Two hundred years ago, Iga nosato served the Tokugawa clan. After the Tokugawa clan usurped the Toyotomi clan, established the shogunate in Edo and became the new overlord of the world, Iga nosato’s status also increased with the tide. The Iga ninjas became the royal ninjas of the Edo shogunate until 41 years ago.

41 years ago, Iga nosato, who had enjoyed a peaceful life for more than a hundred years because of his master, was inexplicably destroyed.

There are divergent opinions on the reasons for the destruction.

However, Ogata finally learned the truth of the destruction of Iga-no-Sato until the destruction of Shiranuiri last fall-it was defeated by Genichi.

In the crusade against Shiranui in the fall of last year, a group of remnants of Iga nosato appeared to help Shiranui.

Amachi and Gourdiya and the others had seen this group of ninjas in Iga no Sato, but they didn't know who this group was at that time—except Genichi.

At that time, Ogata was fighting Shuntarou, so it happened to pass by this group of Iga Ninjas.

At that time, Genichi stopped the group of Iga ninjas alone, so that Lin and others could pursue one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" in Shiranui: Keitaro.

Until after the war, Ogata, Lin and others knew from Genichi's mouth the identity of the men in black who had been stopped by Genichi.

It was not until then that Ogata knew that Genichi, a troublemaker, had a different history from Iga nosato. The fall of Iga nosato 41 years ago was one of Genichi's handwriting.

But Genichi didn't intend to talk too much about his past with Iga. At that time, after telling Ogata that Iga nosato was destroyed by him 41 years ago, he kept secret about the rest of Iga nosato.

He did not tell Ogata the details of his destruction of Iga in the first place, nor did he tell Ogata why he wanted to destroy Iga in the first place.

Ogata didn't have much interest in this Iga Ninja, who had been destroyed for 41 years, and had no grievances with them, so Mizumi was reluctant to say more, and Ogata didn't ask much.

Compared to the grievances between Origin One and Iga Ninjas, Ogata is actually more curious why there are so many Iga Ninjas in Shiranui.

Not only Ogata is curious about this question, but the people at Gourdaya are also quite curious about this question.

It's a pity that Gen and the gang of Iga Ninjas were all cut off, and there was no room for questioning.

After the war, Genichi also frankly stated that he was negligent. When fighting the Iga no Sato, he should catch one or two of them, so that he could ask these remnants of Iga no Sato how they could be with Shiranui. Ninjas mixed together.

At that time, the battle had ended, Shiranui had fallen, and the remnants of Iga had been beheaded by Genichi. It was impossible to ask why Iga ninjas were in Shiranui.

In the end—this problem is no more.

After ending his crusade against Shiranui and leaving Edo, Ogata thought that for the rest of his life, he would no longer have anything to do with this ninja, who has long since fallen into history.

However... only a few months have passed, and inside this humble ferry boat, I ran into a girl who could use the "Iga exile forbidden technique"...

At this moment, the questions accumulated in Ogata’s mind can already be described as excessive...

The series of system sounds that hadn't been heard for a long time, coupled with the excessive questions that came up with it, made Ogata directly enter a state of stunnedness.

"That... are you okay?"

At this time, the girl's voice came to Ogata's ears.

The girl's voice in Ogata's ears suddenly came into Ogata's ears, and Ogata was relieved from the daze.

"Sorry, I just lost my mind. The punch you just made was so powerful that it scared me a little bit." Ogata panicked casually.

Hearing Ogata's compliment, a big smile appeared on the girl's face.

"How? I didn't lie, did I? Me, my books, but they all have real materials."

Ogata nodded lightly to agree, and then turned his gaze to the pile of books beside the girl: "Excuse me, can I read your books first?"


The girl grabbed a copy at random and handed it to Ogata.

After receiving the "Martial Arts Cheats" handed over by the girl, Ogata found that the book was unexpectedly thin, with a thickness of only 5 or 6 pages.

Ogata didn't start looking at the first page immediately, but turned it over roughly.

The girl’s "Cheats for Yunjin Teaching" reminded Ogata of the "Two Swords Teaching Cheats for No Self" produced by Yuanyi wholesale. Both are both pictures and texts, but the quality of the former is much better than the latter.

The so-called "pictures" of the latter are piles of stickmen that can compete with Picasso's paintings.

The former pictures are genuine pictures, depicting various pictures such as human bodies and postures in detail.

Ogata turned back to the first page.

The content of the first page is to introduce what this so-called "lucky" is.

[Grasp the timing, at the moment when the action is completed, suddenly accelerate the contraction of the muscles and send out a short, crisp burst of force, so that the power of the fists and feet increases sharply. This is called "lucky power".

Those who are proficient in "Fortune Power" can apply the power erupted by "Fortune Power" to the weapon in their hands to increase the power of the weapon and make it capable of cutting iron. 】

On the first page, the introduction to "Luck Jin" has only two simple sentences.

After reading this introduction, Ogata found that this so-called "yunjin" is similar to the famous "inchquan" in the previous life.

According to the introduction of "yunjin" in this book, this "yunjin" is indeed somewhat similar to the "inchquan" of the previous life.

However, compared to the principle of "yunjin", Ogata is actually more interested in the second half of the introduction of "yunjin".

"I can cut the iron..." After softly repeating the words written in the book, Ogata raised his gaze to look at the girl in front of him, "This book contains the power that can erupt from'yunjin'. On the weapon. Is this true?"

The girl nodded, and then smiled awkwardly: "It's true. But it's very difficult. You have to train your'yunjin' to perfection before you can do this."

"I have been practicing'yunjin' since I can remember, and until now, I can only use the force of'yunjin' reluctantly on the blade."

After all, the girl took out a threat from her arms.

Wakisashi had a very special status in the Edo period.

The shogunate prohibits civilians from wearing and using knives, and knives are the exclusive weapons of samurai.

However, the shogunate did not prohibit civilians from using or carrying the warrior, as long as you don't wear the warrior around your waist.

Therefore, some civilians who have surplus money in their hands will prepare one or two threats at home.

When going out for a long distance, he will also take the threat to his body for self-defense.

Therefore, in the Edo period, it was not unusual to see civilians taking out a threat from their bodies.

Judging from the appearance of the hilt and scabbard, the shroud that the girl took out of her arms was just an ordinary knife.

The girl did not pull out the blade, so she lifted her palm with a scabbard high. Ogata saw that the muscles of her arm contracted in a special rhythm and amplitude as before. Then, the girl was squeezing her. As he cut forward, Ogata couldn't help but raise his eyebrows with a breaking wind.

—It seems... the phrase "power can cut iron" in this book is not just talking nonsense...

Ogata just saw clearly—the power of the slash that the girl just made was not as powerful as the slash that a thin and small girl like her could wield. If you change to a samurai like her, I’m afraid they will take it. Don't come down, this girl just took the hack.

"What a great trick..." Ogata shifted his gaze to the "teaching manual" in his hand. "If this trick is your clan's ancestral self-defense... then your clan is really amazing, it's passed down from generation to generation. With such a powerful self-defense technique."

"You shouldn't be the offspring of a big family, are you?"

Ogata asked tentatively in a half-joking tone.

And the girl replied as usual: "Look at my appearance of selling straw sandals, how do you look like a descendant of a big family."

The girl grinned bitterly at the pile of straw sandals next to her.

"I'm just the daughter of an ordinary businessman."

"I actually don't know what our family's self-defense technique is."

"Perhaps because our family was a powerful family in the past. But the family has been passed down to now and has become an ordinary merchant."

Ogata has been observing the girl's expression carefully. I found that the girl's expression was not the slightest strange.

This represents two things—

One—this girl is telling the truth.

Two-This girl, like Ogata, lied, her face was not red and her heart beat.

What Ogata is certain now is: This girl can actually use this "Iga exile forbidden technique", then she is very likely to have a relationship with the Iga Ninja who has been dead for 41 years.

Ogata glanced at the "practice manual" in his palm again.

"...Why do you compile this self-defense practice method passed down from generation to generation in your family into a book, and then sell it? It's still sold so cheaply."

"It stands to reason that the martial arts passed down from generation to generation in these families shouldn't be kept strictly confidential and not learned by outsiders?"

If Ogata had just heard this kid correctly, then these books seem to cost only 30 cents per volume.

Books are not a cheap commodity in this era. Although the girl’s "practice manual" is very thin, each with only 5 or 6 pages, the price of 30 cents is indeed too cheap.

"In fact, the reason is very simple-I need travel expenses." The girl smiled, "I left home and traveled around for some reason."

"And I don't have much talent that can be exchanged for money."

"So we can only compile this cultivation technique of our family into a book and sell it everywhere."

"Although I didn't earn as much as my straw sandals, I still made some money."

"Before, the owner of a sword hall was very interested in'yunjin', and he bought 10 copies in one go. He also said that he wanted to invite me to be a patron of their sword hall, and wanted me to teach his disciples to practice'yunjin'. strength'."

"But it's a pity that I'm still busy traveling, so I turned down his invitation."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I seem to have a little too much talk, and talk a lot of things that have nothing to do with the topic just now."

Ogata's expression became weird: "So you sell the martial arts that your family has passed down from generation to generation to cheap and everywhere just to make money on the road?"

The girl nodded.

Ogata's expression became even stranger.

What the girl said just now, there was an aura called "Prodigal" everywhere...

"All in all-this book serves as a thank you for buying my 6 pairs of straw sandals!" The girl continued at this time, "If you are interested in this'lucky power', you can try to learn it."

"Now, we are going to spend a few days on this ship. If you don't understand anything in the book, you can just ask me!"

"My name is Azhu! You can call me Azhu later."

"My name is Goro." Ogata reported his new pseudonym, "Just call me Goro."

After reporting his new pseudonym, Ogata stuffed the practice manual in his palm into his arms.

"In that case, I will accept this book."

"I'm quite interested in this'lucky power'."

"Especially,'A person who is proficient in Yunjin can apply the power erupted by Yunjin to the weapon in his hand, increase the power of the weapon, and make its power slash the iron." This part of the content."

Speaking of this, Ogata changed into a joke.

"After you have trained your luck to this level, it will definitely be easier to cook meals in the kitchen, no matter what kind of melons or fruits can be easily cut."

For a long time, Ogata used Shiranui Jiujitsu to attack the enemy when fighting with his bare hands.

So after self-learning Shiranui Liurou, the rest of the unarmed fighting genres, whether Tangshou or wrestling, became an existence that Ogata didn't need to unlock and master at all.

Let Ogata spend precious skill points to unlock martial arts schools such as Tangshou and wrestling that are no longer useful. Ogata is definitely not happy.

But this "lucky" is different.

This "power of luck" not only can greatly increase the power of fists and feet, but also greatly increase the power of weapons.

With such powerful skills, Ogata couldn't help but have a keen interest in it.

"It's not easy to get to that level." At this time, Azhu suddenly changed into a serious tone. "This luck has a characteristic. It is easy to get started at the beginning, but the more difficult it becomes later."

"It takes at least 20 years of hard work to practice to be able to skillfully superimpose the power erupted by the power on the weapon."

A Zhu raised **** and said with a serious face.

"I've been practicing hard since I was a kid, and I have been practicing until now that I can barely attach the force of my vitality to the sword."

"Twenty years..." Ogata smiled meaningfully at this time, "It seems that this luck is really not very good."

"To be honest, my mind is quite flexible."

"Maybe I have only spent 2 days to master this fortune."

"That's impossible." A Zhu said with a smile without hesitation, "No matter how good a person is, it is impossible for a person to be proficient in fortune in just two days."

Hearing these words from Azuki, Ogata remained silent, letting the meaningful color on his face become more intense.

Then-Ogata silently opened his personal system interface.

-Unlock "Iga Exile Forbidden Art".

The next moment the voice in Ogata's heart fell, the system interface in front of him disappeared.

Then a series of system sounds sounded in Ogata's mind:

【Ding! Successfully consume 1 skill point to unlock the unarmed combat technique "Iga Exile Forbidden Art"]

[Currently remaining skill points: 5 points]

[The host martial arts genre table starts to update]

[The host martial arts genre table has been updated]

【School of martial arts:

Sakihara One Sword Style Level: 13 levels (1118512000)

No-Self-Second Sword Stream Level: 12 levels (1286014000)

Shiranui Ninjutsu level: 8 stages (69907500)

Iga exile forbidden skill level: 1 stage (0200)]

【Iga exile forbidden technique (1 stage):

Fortune: (to be unlocked)]

-Unlock "Fortune Power".

【Ding! Spend 1 skill point to unlock "Fortune Power", the current "Fortune Power" level: Early stage]

[Currently remaining skill points: 4 points]

With the fall of the system sound, a series of "yunjin" related knowledge poured into Ogata's mind...

At this moment—

On a certain sea area—

"Well... it's really a comfortable sea breeze." Miyabe stood on the bow, closing his eyes, letting the salty sea breeze blow on his face.

"Hahaha!" Yitong who was standing next to the palace laughed loudly, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Our luck is pretty good today! Not only the weather is good, but the wind is good!"

Miyabe slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

At the foot of Miyabe, is a huge European-style ship with a strong European style.

Outside the ship is the endless sea.

Earlier, after receiving an invitation from YT to "take them a ride", Miyabe and others were really invited to board YT's pirate ship.

Now Miyabe and the others are taking the ant boat, all the way south on the vast sea, preparing to return to Satsuma, and then take a boat back to Ryukyu in Satsuma.

"Master Yit, your new ship is really good."

"This is a boat I paid a lot of money to ask the Dutch to help me build." Anttong stomped the deck under his feet. "When I handed the money to the Dutch, I felt distressed for a long time. But it's worth the money. Got it."

"After I have saved enough money, I will buy some artillery from the Dutch!"

"By then, I can almost be a ‘Ocean Bully’!"

After the words, Antton smiled triumphantly.

"Master YT!"

At this time, a subordinate of YT rushed forward.

"Lunch is ready!"

"Oh! It's finally done!" Anttong bowed to Miyabe and gave an awkward salute, "Master Miyabe, let's go back to the cabin for dinner! Today's lunch, but the few fish we caught this morning , Very fresh!"

"Yeah." Miyabe nodded gently, "Let's go."



After writing this chapter, I was surprised to find that from now on, Ah Ding will be more tired every night...

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