I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 585: A petite girl holding a pipa [four thousand four hundred]

"Our rule is that samurai are forbidden to board the ship."

Shirataro, who was holding the Kokanjin that Ogata had just thrown to him, added like a fragile object.

"So if you don't mind hiding your saber and pretending to be a civilian, you can indeed board the ship."

"But remember not to expose the identity of the samurai after boarding the ship, otherwise neither you nor I will be in trouble..."

"Our ship has many escorts hired to ensure the safety of the ship."

"Although it won't kill you or throw you off the boat, it will definitely teach you a person who doesn't follow the rules."

As soon as Shirataro's voice came to an end, Xu said without hesitation:

"No problem, I can hide my saber and pretend to be a civilian."

"As for the issue of identity exposure-please don't worry about this, as I just said: I am not the kind of samurai with a problematic head. I will never make trouble on the ship. I will stay honestly until I disembark."

As a traverser, Ogata is naturally not the kind of "Magic Samurai" who does not allow his saber to be touched by others and must wear the saber on his waist at all times when going out.

For Ogata, hiding the sword and disguising himself as a civilian is not unbearable.

"In that case-then pay the money." Shirotaro said, "The smuggling fee is 20 silver per person. The landing place is a secret port in the Ozhou area."

"We happen to have a boat leaving in 3 days."

"Now, after paying the money, I will wait patiently for 3 days, and come back to us in the early morning after 3 days, and we will take you on the boat."

"Then, float on the sea for another 5 or 6 days, and you will be able to reach the mainland of Japan."

As soon as Shirataro's voice fell, Okinawa suddenly continued:

"In addition to carrying people, can your ferry boats carry horses?"

"Huh? Horse?" Bai Taro's eyes widened.

"Well, yes, horses." Ogata said, "We have two horses, and if we can, we want to take them back. If your boat can carry horses, the price will be negotiated."

The two horses mentioned by Ogata are naturally radishes and grapes.

It is quite inconvenient to bring horses into the castle, so Ogata and the others now hide the radish and grapes somewhere on the outskirts of Matsumae Castle.

These two horses have accompanied Ogata and Amachi for a long time. Turnip and Ogata have a life-and-death relationship. In the battle with the shogunate, it was Turnip who carried Ogata to the front.

Therefore, when it is not a last resort, Ogata does not want to abandon these two horses.

"Horse... Our ship can indeed carry horses, cattle and other livestock. We have also had many experiences in carrying livestock. But... the price is not cheap." Shirotaro said in a tentative tone, "If you If you want to ship the horses, you will give us your horses the day after tomorrow, and we will ship your horses in advance. The freight is 70 silver per horse."

Seeing that their boat can carry horses, Ogata secretly relieved.

As for the expensive freight that Shirataro said...

"Since we can carry horses, then everything is easy to say. Then when we carry our horses across the sea, can you help take care of our horses? You only need to help us feed them on time and clean their feces."

"This is okay... but you have to add extra money."

Ogata didn't say aloud to answer Shirataro's words.

He only silently took out a purse full of large sums of money from his arms...

Now that the savings are enough for him and Amachi to use Ogata for a lifetime, they don't even take the money seriously.

That night—

Matsumae Clan, Matsumae Castle, inside a hotel—

"Ah... it's tatami..."

As soon as he entered the room, Ah Ting leaned over the soft tatami in a "big" shape.

"It's still comfortable lying on the tatami..."

Amachi pressed her body tightly on the tatami mat, as if she wanted to blend her whole body with the tatami mat.

"It seems... the news of the defeat of the shogunate was really blocked." Ogata sighed in a low voice, unfastening the saber on his waist and sitting by the window with the saber in his arms.

After paying the money and coming out of Dingjiangya, Ogata and Amachi decided to go shopping in the Japanese society for a long time because the time was still early.

On the one hand, it is to pass the time, and on the other hand, it is to find out about the "hot news" nowadays.

After all, they have been away from Heren society for too long. During the time when they left Heren society, there may be some "big news" that needs to be understood in Japan.

The two of them wandered from day to night. After inquiring about the news, from the final result, the two gained quite a lot-after they visited most of Songqian City, they had two gains.

The first harvest: When they were coexisting with the wind and snow in Ezo land, nothing big seemed to happen on the Japanese mainland.

The second harvest: The news of the defeat of the Shogunate's attack on the Red Moon Fortress seems to have been blocked.

Songqian City still looks like singing and dancing. Ogata asked many people about the "shogunate march" and found that almost all of them did not know how the shogunate army was fighting with the Red Moon Fortress.

According to common sense, after such a long time, the news of the defeat of the Shogunate should have spread throughout the entire Matsumae clan, and the news of the defeat on the Japanese mainland has also begun to spread on a large scale.

However, the people of Matsumae Castle had no idea that the Shogunate had been defeated.

The only clear explanation is that the shogunate deliberately blocked the news.

Ogata still understands the shogunate's move to block news.

After all, this battle ended with the fiasco of the shogunate.

Not only failed to achieve the strategic goal of winning the Red Moon Fortress, but also suffered heavy casualties.

The culprit responsible for their fiasco was the shogunate's faceless Ichitosai.

Regardless of the angle of view, the shogunate must do everything in its power to blockade this vicious scandal. It can be blocked for as long as it can be blocked, and the longer it is blocked, the more beneficial it is for the shogunate.

"The 10,000 army was defeated-for such a big scandal, even if you try your best to block the news, there must be no way to keep it blocked." At this time, Ah Ding got up from the tatami and smiled slyly, "I'm really curious. …If the people of the world know how the people of Ogata Ichitosai will react after killing the tyrant and breaking Nijo Castle and breaking the shogunate army."

"I will probably be regarded by those loyal supporters of the shogunate as a national thief who has never seen anyone before." Ogata said in a half-joking tone, "I'm actually more curious to wait until the news is completely blocked, my bounty How much will it rise..."

"It doesn't matter how much it goes up," Ah Ding said. "There shouldn't be any bounty hunter's idea to hit you on the head."

After all, Ah Ding lay back on the tatami again.

"The boat won't leave until 3 days... Ah Yi, how are we going to spend the next 3 days?"

"How can I spend it? Just spend it leisurely." Ogata replied without hesitation, "We have been busy these days."

"In order to find Xuanzheng and Xuanzhi, I first came to the Red Moon Fortress by accident, and then became embroiled in the war."

"After the war, I went all the way north to Kanto Village. After finally finding Xuanzhi, I didn't make any rest. Then I went all the way south and returned to Songqian City."

Looking back on the experience of the past few months, Ogata couldn't help but sigh.

"To be honest: these few months have been too busy, making me feel a little tired physically and mentally..."

"So-let's treat these 3 days as a holiday, let's take a good rest."

"Then take a good rest for 3 days..." Acho echoed softly, "Then what do you plan to do when you return to Japan? Do you want to go straight to the Koyasan in Kansai?"

"No." Ogata shook his head, "I plan to find a knifemaker who is good enough to help me repair the knife."

Ogata slowly pulled out Oshaten from his arms.

Looking at the shattered blade of Oshaten, Ogata slowly said:

"Next...probably we will face the man behind the research on ‘immortality’."

"Since they have a way to organize such a large-scale'immortality' experiment, it means that their power is definitely not small."

"If there is a fierce conflict with them... if you use the now broken Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai to fight, I am afraid that you will be too weak."

"I'm used to these two knives. And qualified substitutes are not so easy to find."

"So—in order to prepare for the future, after returning to Japan, I plan to fix my knife first."

"Find a knifemaker to repair the knife... But where are we going to find a good knifemaker?" Ah Ding asked.

"At this time—" Ogata smiled slowly, "I have to ask a friend for help."

"After returning to mainland Japan, let's go to Owari first."

"Owari?" Amachi realized something, his eyes widened slightly, "Are you looking for someone from the gourd house to help?"

"Yeah." Ogata nodded. "The Gourd House has a large network of people. If you ask them for help, you may find a swordsman who can repair Da Shiten and Da Ziyou."

"Anyway, if you are going to Kansai, Owari is a must pass."

"So—before going to Koyasan, find the gourd house for help, and see if they know a good knifemaker."

After he finished speaking, Ogata slowly retracted Da Shiten into the sheath

3 The sun was overcast, and it passed quickly.

After tasting the long-lost leisure time, in the early morning three days later, Ogata and the others came to Dingjiangya again.

Earlier yesterday, Okinawa followed Shirataro's previous instructions and handed over the carrots and grapes to them and asked them to ship the horses in advance.

As soon as they arrived at Dingjiang House, the two of them were invited to the second floor to wait for a while.

Not long afterward, they were taken out of Dingjiangwu and taken to the coast where their smuggling boat was located.

It’s not far from Matsumae Castle to the coast where the ferry boat is located. Starting early in the morning, before noon, Xujian smelled the unique salty smell of the ocean, and then saw a gentle coastline with a pretty boat docked next to the coast. Big ship of scale.

On the coast near the big ship, there are many people standing now. These people are of different ages, and the number is about 30 people. The only similarity of the more than 30 people is that they have no sabers on their waists.

Ogata guessed that these people are all smugglers like him and Amachi, and they are all preparing to take this ferry to Japan.

As he walked slowly towards the group of people who were waiting to board the ship, Ogata turned his head and whispered to Amachi beside him:

"A Ding, remember not to call my name wrong next. I am now the merchant Goro."

Amachi nodded vigorously, and answered Ogata with motion.

Ogata’s waist is no longer stuck with his saber-Dasakuten and Dazuzai are now removed, put together with other luggage, tightly wrapped in cloth, and carried on Ogata’s back.

Because these two knives are placed together with other messy luggage and wrapped tightly with cloth, it is difficult to see from the appearance that there are 2 knives in this cloth bag.

In order to perfectly conceal his identity as a samurai, Ogata has already set up a brand new and complete personality for himself—

He is a merchant who specializes in Ezo products: Goro. Both are from Kansai with his wife Ading. Two years ago, I felt that selling Ezo products would have a good future, so I brought his wife to Matsumae Clan and opened a "Ezo products specialty store".

But it's a pity that the limited ability and the poor world have made the shop's income deteriorating, so I decided to sell the shop and plan to return to my hometown in Kansai with all the property in my body to seek further development.

As for the two horses, carrots and grapes, they were bought with the money from the shop. They are ready to be given as gifts to the father-in-law who loves horses when they return to their hometown.

Ogata also set up a brand new personality for Amachi—the daughter of a certain landlord in Kansai, who loves horses especially.

He bought these two horses at a high price and brought them back to Japan, ready to dedicate them to his father-in-law.

Ogata’s complete set of characters is logically impeccable, and no major loopholes can be found.

Ogata and other stowaways stood on the shore for a long time.

It wasn't until it was almost noon that the ferry boat was finally ready to sail and allowed Ogata and the others to board the ship.

The cabin of this ship has 2 floors.

The first floor of the cabin is where the crew and the smugglers like Ogata live.

It seems that the second-story cabin was originally used for stacking various sundries, but now a large area of ​​space has been freed up to store carrots and grapes.

Just boarding the ship, Xu convenient went to the lowest cabin to check the status of Erma-Erma was the Don hippopotamus who accompanied the Cossacks across the sea to the Ezo land. He is no stranger and fearful of the ocean. The horses are in very good condition now.

After confirming the status of the carrots and grapes, Xu Jian returned to the cabin where the smugglers lived.

As soon as he returned to the cabin, Xu Jian saw a few crew members standing in the middle of the cabin, shouting loudly: "Ready to sail! Ready to sail! We are all seated!"

For boat rides, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Ogata and Amachi are not newbies who have never boarded a boat.

Before the boat sailed, Ah Ding lay flat on the ground very well.

Ogata sat beside Amachi.

The former is very self-aware to welcome the coming seasickness.

The latter is very consciously preparing for Amachi who takes care of seasickness...

"It's really annoying to take a boat..." After that, Ah Ting closed his eyes as if he had resigned.

"Be patient." Ogata stroked Amachi's hair with a wry smile.

Not long after the crew shouted to remind the ship that the ship was about to sail, the ship under Ogata and their buttocks started to move slowly.

This large ship docked on the shore slowly moved away from the coast and passed away toward the sea horizon in the distance.

With the gradual distance from the coast, the shaking of the ship became more and more intense.

Ah Ding's face also became paler because of seasickness.

at this time-

Dang Cang.

A melodious piano sounded suddenly.

After the sound of the piano sounded, Ogata was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look in the direction of the sound of the piano.

At the end of the direction where the sound of the piano came, was a petite girl with a beautiful face holding a pipa.



The author is not feeling well today...so today’s update is a little bit less, Guangzhou’s autumn is so fast this year, I probably have a cold (leopard has a headache. jpg)

Thank you book friend [Zhanyue Cup Shadow]! Yesterday, I voted for 82 monthly tickets for the book... When I saw this number, I was shocked... Thank you very much for your support!

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