I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 583: Ding! The new wild female ninja has appeared! 【Six thousand】

The next day, at noon--

At the foot of the mountain where Kanto Village is located-

"Finally down the mountain..." Ah Ting, who was holding the grapes, said with emotion as he looked at the plains of the Pingchuan River in front of him.

Early this morning, when Ogata and the others were about to go down the mountain, the villagers of Kanto Village pointed out a shortcut to go down the mountain that only the people of their village knew.

Not only is this shortcut down the mountain much easier, it also takes less time to get down to the foot of the mountain. It took Ogata and the others only one morning to leave the mountain where Kanto Village was located and set foot on the plain again.

Ogata raised his hand and stroked the mane of the radish beside him, then turned to ask Lin Ziping beside him:

"Mr. Lin, do you really plan to stay in Ezo land and not consider going back to Japan with us?"

"Yeah." Lin Ziping replied without hesitation, "Well, I plan to go north and continue to study and map the topography of Ezo Land."

Last night, after finishing the conversation with Xuan Zhi and returning to Xuan Zhi's clinic where they were borrowing, Xu Jian informed Lin Ziping of their next plan to return to Japan.

Although Lin Ziping has a strange temperament, he is also a person who knows what to ask and what not to ask.

He did not ask what Ogata and Gennao had talked about, nor did he ask why Ogata suddenly wanted to return to Japan. He just nodded slightly, saying "I know."

As early as last night, Ogata once asked Lin Ziping if he wanted to go back to Japan with them, but Lin Ziping, who said that he "will stay in Ezo land to do research", refused.

"That's it..." Seeing that his re-invitation was rejected, Xu looked regretful, "It seems that we are really going to part ways."

"I want to go north, and you two want to go south." Lin Ziping smiled, "It's a veritable parting."

"Mr. Lin, you are going to travel alone next, but you must pay attention to safety." A Ding reminded heartily by the side.

"Hahaha." Lin Ziping laughed, "Don't worry. When I was Ogata-kun's age, I had already traveled alone to study, and I was very experienced in ‘traveling alone’."

——But the question is, didn’t you just be taken as a spy and caught in prison by the people of the Red Moon Fortress a while ago...

Ogata complained to himself like this in his heart. In order to take care of Lin Ziping's face, Ogata didn't say the complaint.

"Speaking again-do you remember the way back?" Lin Ziping asked at this time.

Ogata nodded: "When I left the Red Moon Fortress and came to Kanto Village, I always had pictures and drawings, so it is not a problem to return to Japan."

When Lin Ziping left the Red Moon Fortress and went north to look for Kanto Village, Ogata had always been drawing and remembering his way. In addition, Ogata had always been a person with a strong sense of direction and memory. He still remembered walking when he came. Which way, so it is not difficult for Ogata to return to Japan from the original route.

"That's good." After Lin Ziping nodded, he asked a new question, "Then after you return to the Matsumae Clan, is there a way to return to Japan by boat?"

"This...not at all." Ah Ding grabbed the hair from the sideburns, and then said, "After returning to the Matsumae Clan, I can only take one step and count one step to see if there is any way to get on a boat back to Japan. "

"In that case... Before leaving, I will do one last favor for you."

"Do you know the smuggling boats that help people smuggle between the mainland of Japan and Ezo land?"

Both Ogata and Amachi shook their heads blankly--this was the first time they had heard of this.

"It is very troublesome to take a boat back to Japan or go to Ezo land by proper means."

"And as you all know-there are always some people who are not convenient to travel by boat between the mainland of Japan and Ezo."

"That's why the'smuggling boat' came into being."

"When you arrive at Matsumae Castle of the Matsumae Clan, you can find a grocery store called Dingjiangya."

"That grocery store is an ordinary grocery store, but in essence, the main ‘product’ they sell is to assist people in smuggling."

"When you arrive at Dingjiang House, you will tell the person at the counter,'A piece of reed is going to cross the sea.'"

"This is their secret signal. As long as the secret signal is reported, they will start to help you arrange the smuggling."

"By the way-when I came to Ezo Land this time, the ferry boat from Dingjiangwu was what I took."

"Dingjiangya...'A piece of reed is going to cross the sea'..." Ogata repeatedly chewed the name of the store and this sentence, keeping them in mind, "Thank you, Mr. Lin. This is so useful for us."

Ogata sincerely thanked Lin Ziping.

"No thanks, it's just a trivial favor."

After that, Lin Ziping paused, then put on a look of regret, and said softly:

"Although I have not been with you for a long time, it is a very rare and precious experience for me to travel with the famous executioner Ichidozai, whom I have always respected."

"I have done everything I can do for you."

"Next, I can only wish you prosperous martial arts."

"Yeah." Ogata nodded vigorously, "I also wish you can complete the research on Ezo land as soon as possible."

"Ah, yes." Lin Ziping said suddenly at this time, "Ogata-kun. Can you do me a little favor before parting?"

"Little busy? Please speak."

"I don't remember if I told you about it." Lin Ziping raised his hand and touched his scalp, which was bare because of the moon generation. "I plan to write a new book."

"The content of this new book is mainly about how important it is for Japan as a maritime country to'enrich coastal defense'."

"I have compiled most of the contents of this book, and I will publish this book when I have successfully completed the topographic survey of the Ezo land and returned to Japan."

"But I don't know what title would be better."

"I have never been a person who is good at making names."

"About the title of the book, can you give me some suggestions for Ogata-kun?"

"A suggestion for the title of the book..." Ogata pondered for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "I'm not a very good person either..."

"If I can, I think of a book title that can summarize the content of this book concisely and concisely." Lin Ziping said.

"Your book is to introduce the importance of enriching coastal defense... Then you can't name it too fancy. After all, it is a serious book..." Ogata thought again, "Then... "Haikuni" How about "Bing Tan"?"

""Hai Guo Bing Tan"?" Lin Ziping raised his eyebrows.

"Perfectly meets your requirements." Ogata said in a joke. "It summarizes the content of your book in a brief and concise manner, and the name is not fancy."

"...It's indeed a pretty good name." Lin Ziping grinned after thinking for a while, "Ogata-kun, thank you for your suggestion!"

"I will give priority to making your name the title of my book in the future!"

Speaking of this, Lin Ziping changed into a joking tone.

"If I decide to use your book title later, I will consider adding a thank you sentence in the book-'Thanks to Izase Ogata for his contribution to the birth of this book'."

"I suggest you don't do that." Ogata also changed his tone of joking, "If you add this sentence to that book, not only your book will be gone, but you will also be gone. ."



Ogata and Amachi rode on turnips and grapes and headed toward the south.

Lin Ziping stood there, watching the two leave.

After the two of them were about to disappear from his field of vision, Lin Ziping looked thoughtful: "Is it "Hai Guo Bing Tan"..."

Lin Zi gently took out the paper and pen he was carrying with him.

To facilitate writing at any time, the bristles of Lin Ziping's pen are soaked in ink, and when it's time to use it, you can start writing with a little water.

Lin Ziping smeared the tip of the brush on his tongue, moistened the ink on the nib with saliva, spread the paper, and wrote the big four characters "Hai Guo Bing Tan" on the paper.

Looking at the four characters he had just written, Lin Ziping nodded lightly, his face showing satisfaction.

Afterwards, Lin Ziping put away the pen and paper, carried his luggage, and headed north, in the opposite direction to Ogata and Amachi.

One goes north and one goes south.

They all embarked on their respective journeys.



"Have you finally returned to Japan..." Amachi, who was walking side by side with Ogata, said with emotion, "The long journey of "searching for Xuanzheng and Xuanzhen" has finally come to an end..."

Speaking of this, Ah Ting suddenly seemed to remember something, turned his head, and asked Ogata:

"By the way, A Yi. When you asked me for paper and pens last night, didn't you say you want to leave something like Xuan Zhi? What did you leave for him?"

"One... something that might be useful to him in the future." Ogata sighed lightly. "Before leaving, I quietly entrusted the village chief of Kanto Village to give me the thing. Xuan Zhi is now, and I don’t know if he sees the thing I left him now..."



Kanto Village, Xuan Zhi’s home——

"Hei Chiyo, this is for you."

"The village chief, is this?" Xuan Zhi looked at the neatly folded piece of paper that the village chief handed him with a puzzled face.

"It was the Kazuto named Goro Mashima who entrusted me to give it to you before leaving." The village chief said, "It seems to be a letter. But don't worry, I didn't read the contents."

"Thank you..." Xuan Zhi slowly accepted the letter.

"Ping Chiyo..." After handing this letter to Xuan Zhi, the village chief looked at him with complicated eyes, "Are you...will you change back to Ping Chiyo now?"

There are two people boarding in Xuan Zhi's body-this has never been a secret in Kanto Village.

When Xuanzhi first came to Kanto Village, because of his first split in personality, he frequently switched back and forth between the two identities of Xuanzhi and Ping Chiyo.

In the beginning, many villagers disliked the mentally abnormal Xuan Zhi and proposed to drive Xuan Zhi out of the village.

However, a sudden incident became an opportunity for the villagers to change their views on Xuan Zhi-a little girl in the village accidentally fell off the hillside while playing and was seriously injured.

There was no doctor in the village, and when everyone was at a loss, it was Xuan Zhi, who was still unstable at the time, stepped forward and rescued the little girl.

Since then, the villagers began to change their views on Xuan Zhi and eventually accepted him slowly.

And Xuanzhi's master character has gradually become "Ping Chiyo".

Now, all the villagers are keeping Xuan Zhi's secret and protecting Xuan Zhi to outsiders, while they look at Xuan directly and get along as if they were their own people.

The head of Kanto Village is one of the people who have the best relationship with Xuan Zhi, so as early as last night, the head of the village had found out-this person is no longer the Hei Chiyo he is more familiar with.

"...The village chief." Xuan Zhi's haggard, dull face slowly burst into a big smiling face, "I don't know when I will return to Ping Chiyo. After all, I can't control this. Conversion of'identity'."

"Maybe it will change back later."

"It may take a long time to change back."

"But-whether I have changed back to Heichiyo or not, I have all the memories of Heichiyo and all the feelings for you."

"I will always be that Hei Chiyo."

"...That's it..." The village head slowly smiled with relief and joy, "Then we always call you Hei Chiyo, okay?"

"Of course." Xuan Zhi said without thinking.

"Today, my son hunted a very fat deer." The village chief said, "You cured my wife's waist disease before, and I haven't had time to thank you. Come to my house to eat venison pot tonight."

"Okay. I will definitely go."

After finishing all the things that should be done and saying all the things he wanted to say, the village head left Xuan Zhi's home with a satisfied expression.

After the village chief left, Xuan Nao unfolded the letter that Ogata entrusted the village chief to give him.

On the letter, there are only 3 sentences written in neat handwriting.

The first sentence is:

[This is where your brother Xuanren lives now]

The second sentence is the place where Xuanren lives now, which is the address of the village at the foot of the Huluwu base camp.

As for the third sentence:

[May this paper help you who want to see your loved ones in the future]

Looking at the two simple words written on this piece of paper, Xuan Zhi seemed to have been casted on by some magic, and stayed in place.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

The sound of sobbing slowly appeared in the originally silent room.



At this moment--

Ezo Land, in a deep mountain valley——

The fog is permeated, like a fairyland—this is what this valley looks like.

If you have no knowledge of hot springs, you might really think this valley is a fairyland.

But in essence-these "fairy mists" are nothing but mists vaporized by hot springs.

In the deepest part of this valley, there is a large natural hot spring that can hold 30 people soaking in it.

"Fairy fog" floated out of this natural hot spring.

There are natural hot springs in the valley, and a lot of mist evaporates: this should have been a beautiful scene.

But the people who are immersing in this hot spring have "sullied" this beautiful scene.

At this moment, in this natural hot spring, a strong man with an extremely fat figure is soaking in it.

The appearance of this strong man is not ugly.

With dark skin and a plump body, this brawny man has a belly as big as a pregnant woman. Because of his fatness, his chin has three layers.

The curly long hair that grows to the shoulders, the hair is extremely strong, the chest hair on the chest, the chin and the beards on the cheeks are so thick that you can see the skin under the hair.

No matter the eyes or the ears, any part of the facial features are ordinary, but the combination produces a strange chemical reaction, which makes the whole face look very ugly.

In a nutshell-this ugly man is so ugly that people don't dare to look more at his face for fear that his eyes will be contaminated.

This ugly man leaned against the corner of the hot spring so carelessly, with his eyes closed, enjoying the natural hot spring.

It is because of the presence of such an ugly man that the original picturesque scenery has been tarnished. It's as if a large mass of mud fell on the beautiful silk.

"Master YT! Master YT!"

While the ugly man was enjoying the hot spring in silence, a young man who could compare himself with his ugliness, hurriedly rushed to the side of the ugly man, and then leaned over towards it. What the ugly guy said.

After the young man's whispers fell, the ugly man's closed eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes burst into light with a color of surprise:

"Are they really here?"

The young man nodded vigorously.

"Hurry up and invite them all in!"

While shouting loudly, the ugly man stood up suddenly from the hot spring.

"Come here! Bring me all the clothes for a change of clothes!"

As soon as the ugly man's voice fell, several guards who had been guarding not far away immediately rushed to the hot spring pool with a set of clean clothes of the ugly man.

With the help of the guards, the ugly man quickly stuffed his fat body into his clothes, and then walked quickly to the southwest of the natural hot spring.

To the southwest of the natural hot spring, there is a huge cave.

As soon as he stepped into this cave, the ugly man saw a group of people sitting in the middle of the cave.

The head of this group is a handsome man with a very handsome appearance.

The beautiful man slowly showed a gentle smile after seeing Yitong: "Lord Yitong, it's been a long time."

"Hahahaha!" The ugly man called "Yittong" opened his arms, posing as if he wanted to embrace people, and laughed, "Mr. Miyabe! It's been a long time since I saw you!"

Miyabe...that is, this beautiful man, whose appearance is very different from that of Anttone.

If Antcom is so ugly that people can't bear to look directly at it, then Miyabe is so handsome that it's hard to look away.

Exquisite facial features, fair skin. The only shortcoming is probably that he has a hairstyle that is not popular in this era: he didn't shave his head, only combed his long hair with a high ponytail behind his head.

If he keeps the most popular and trendy moon generation head in this era, walking on the street will surely become a female killer of all ages.

After Yitong appeared, Miyabe took the initiative to greet him, and then gracefully bowed to the point where he couldn't find anything wrong.

And YT also changed a gift with a twist.

"Miyabe-sama!" Anttong asked Miyabe impatiently, "Why are you here suddenly? Where's Mr. Kinoshita? Did Mr. Kinoshita come?"

"Master Kinoshita did not come." Miyabe smiled slightly, "I waited for the order of Master Kinoshita to come to say hello and give gifts to Master Anttone."

"Say hello, gift?" Yitong was puzzled.

"Master Kinoshita, he has never forgotten the friendly cooperation with Master Anttong." Miyabe said with a smile on his face, "Master Kinoshita told us more than once in public and privately: Master Anttone One of the best partners he has ever met."

"Although I left Ezo Land for various reasons, there is no way I can cooperate with you anymore. Mr. Kinoshita still hasn't forgotten you."

"Master Kinoshita knows that at this time of the year, you will take a boat to Ezo Land to enjoy the hot springs."

"So I was sent here to send a long-lost greeting and gift to your old friend."

After that, Miyabe winked at the men behind him.

After receiving Miyabe's wink, the subordinates who had formed a tight square immediately moved quickly in an orderly manner-four people carried up two large boxes.

After the four people brought the big box up, they opened the box.

The cave, which was originally a little gloomy due to the dim light, immediately became a little brighter-these two large boxes were filled with gold.

Antcom has been a pirate for so long and is extremely sensitive to things like money.

He quickly figured out how much money is in these two big boxes—3000 taels of gold at a glance.

Antton smiled so that both eyes were narrowed.

"Hey!" Yitong shouted to his men behind him, "Prepare the most luxurious meal tonight! Treat the guests!"



Ezo land, somewhere—


A wild dog howled aloud, and then rushed towards a black-robed man in front of him.

This wild dog was extremely skinny, and when it rushed towards the black-robed man, saliva dripped from his mouth-it must be extremely hungry.

Its four claws alternately grip the ground quickly, like a gust of wind.

However, just a few steps away from the black-robed man, and when it was almost able to pounce on the black-robed man, the black robe on the black-robed man shook fiercely.

Three shurikens flew out of the black robe-one shot empty, and the other two hit the wild dog's head and neck respectively.

"Woo..." The wild dog whimpered and fell to the ground.

"Hmm!" A triumphant voice came from under the black robe~www.readwn.com~ how? Is the shuriken shot by Ninja delicious? ! "


As soon as the black-robed man's imposing words fell, a sound of "cuckoo" sounded very abruptly.

"Woo...so hungry..."

Puff through.

The black-robed man fell to the ground with hunger.



Today's chapter has 6000 words, and the content is not enough. It has been a long time since I asked for a wave of monthly tickets!

Forget who is YT, the author reminds you: it is the pirate who specializes in human trafficking mentioned in the previous chapters.

PS: "Sea State Soldier Tan" is a real book in reality. According to historical facts, "Hai Guo Bing Tan" was published in the third year of Kuanzheng (1791).

If you want to know more about this book, you can search for "Zhang Zhaozhong Lin Ziping" at station B. The famous bureau has introduced this book and Lin Ziping.

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