I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 579: Repair knife? Or change the knife? 【Six thousand six hundred】

Ezo land and pirates-in Ogata's concept, these are two extremely difficult nouns to draw an equal sign.

In Ogata’s impression, Japanese pirates should mainly be active in North Korea, Tsushima, Iki, Ryukyu and other places. How could pirates appear in Ezo land in the north?

Like Ogata, Lin Ziping was very confused and curious about the appearance of a pirate in Ezo land, so without Ogata's order, Lin Ziping had asked Troy what was going on with the pirate.

As Tarova explained, Lin Ziping also slowly translated it to the Ogata couple.

Since about two months ago, there has been an inexplicable disappearance in Tuohe Village.

All the missing persons were women. After the third woman in the village disappeared, all the villagers of Tuohe Village finally couldn't sit still. They concluded that someone must be abducting their villagers, so an investigation was started.

In order to find out who the culprit was, the villagers of Tuohe village set up a trap: let a young woman in the village stay alone in the mountains, pretending to be picking mushrooms.

The soldiers lurked around, waiting for the traffickers to take the bait.

Their luck was very good-their decoy operation was implemented for the first time, and it was a great success.

At the beginning of the operation, they saw four women with a faint fishy smell coming out of their bodies, preparing to take away the woman who was pretending to be a bait.

After these 4 Kazutos appeared, the soldiers lurking around immediately swarmed and captured all 4 Kazutos.

After the incident, the 4 Kazuto were severely tortured.

These four Heren are not many strong-willed people. The villagers in Tuohe Village just punched them a few times, and they told them their identity, their purpose, and everything they knew.

They are a group of pirates based on Iki Island.

Iki Island is an island located between the Japanese archipelago and the Korean peninsula. Due to its superior geographical location, pirates often appear in this area.

Different pirates have different "businesses".

Some pirates made their fortune by robbing merchant ships.

Some pirates are just sea merchants in pirate skins.

Very few pirates are explorers in pirate skins.

And this group of pirates who provoke the Tuohe village is doing the most conscientious "business"-human trafficking.

This group of pirates based on Iki Island mainly abducts and sells Koreans and Japanese, mainly young women.

Their sellers are a group of Dutch businessmen. After these young North Korean women and Japanese women were bought by the Dutch businessmen, they reselled them to Europe or the Americas. This kind of Asian women has always been a sought-after item.

The gang of pirates whose "main business" is the abduction and sale of North Korean and Japanese women, appeared in Ezo land in the north and started abducting Ainu women because of their boss-YIT Tong ugly. Goro.

Ezo Land is a treasure land rich in high-quality hot springs, and Yitong has always had a strong interest in hot springs.

So when it comes to winter, Anttong will bring some people to the north to soak in the hot springs in Ezo-di to take a vacation.

Since I don’t know when, I just wanted to come to Ezo Land to soak in a hot spring and spend a fake antong. Suddenly, I had an idea: I wonder if Ezo women are good for sale?

So Antcom and the Dutch businessmen they have been cooperating with had a discussion about the matter.

That group of Dutch merchants also sold Ezo women before. Although Ezo women are not as popular as North Korean and Japanese women in Europe and America, they are still good sellers.

Knowing that Ezo women are also very valuable, the greedy heart of Anttong, which has no conscience at all, is about to move.

Since then, every time Anttong came to Ezo to vacation in winter, it would send his subordinates around to abduct young Ezo females.

Take a vacation and make money, neither is wrong.

According to the four people captured in Tuohe Village, they started abducting and selling Ezo women at least four years ago. It's just that they have been active in the more northerly areas before, and until recently did they extend their magic claws to this area to attack the girls in Tuohe Village.

After learning that this group of people are evil traffickers, the villagers in Tuohe Village were naturally furious.

In order to get back the abducted girl, they united with other settlements that had good relations with them to fight against this group of pirates.

Although the other settlements have not been poisoned by Tuohe Village, they are not stupid, and they know that if they don't try to get rid of this group of pirates, they might be the next to be poisoned.

Therefore, Tuohe Village can be said to have echoed one hundred responses. The men from several settlements gathered into a mighty crusade team, and rushed to the base of this group of pirates according to the information said by the four prisoners.

But who knows, after arriving at the base of this group of pirates, people have already gone to the empty space. No pirates or anyone was abducted—it should be expected that the four subordinates were captured. It might reveal the location of their base area, so they evacuated in time.

They further tortured the four prisoners afterwards, wanting to find out the location of the pirates’ other bases, but unfortunately-these four prisoners said that they were just newcomers to the pirates, and they didn’t know much. Therefore, the location of the remaining base areas is not clear.

The villagers of Tuohe village tried their best to torture the four prisoners-one of them was tortured to death by the villagers, and the other three were half dead. Seeing that they didn’t really know the location of the other base areas, they had no choice but to Sorry to give up.

Since the plan of this raid on the pirate base failed, the villagers of Tuohe Village have never seen this group of pirates again, but the villagers of Tuohe Village still dare not relax. Until now, no one in the village is allowed to be in the village. Go out without the company of more than 2 men.

After quietly listening to Lin Ziping's translation of Troy's explanation, Ogata couldn't help but sigh:

"A pirate who specializes in human trafficking..."

Since leaving the domain and wandering, Ogata can be regarded as a person who has seen many worlds and storms.

Yakuza, bandits, ninjas, terrorists trying to blow up Kyoto, vicious Cossacks...

But the pirate had never encountered it.

Ogata never expected that there would be pirates in this far north.

"In short—that's it." At this time, Troy added, "At this time, I can't let the villagers leave the village at risk and come to show you the way."

"Lin Ziping, I hope you can understand us. (Ainu

After Lin Ziping translated Troy's words, he turned to look at Ogata:

"Ogata-kun, Troy, he insisted on drawing only pictures for us, and not letting the villagers come to show us the way."

"Then do it," Ogata replied without hesitation. "Since there are people who have troubles, please respect their opinions."

Lin Ziping nodded: "Well, I think so too."

Lin Ziping informed Troy of their decision.

"In that case, I'll give you a picture map later." Troy slowly said, "Lin Ziping, you have been to Kanto Village once, as long as you see the map I drew, you should be able to think of Kanto. How did the village go?"

"I don't know what you want to do in Kanto Village suddenly again, so I won't ask too much."

"But let me remind you: you were driven out by the villagers of Kanto last time."

"You have to be careful. We don't know the people in Kanto Village very well. If something happens to you, I can't help you. (Ainu

Lin Ziping smiled embarrassingly: "Don't worry, Troy. I know it. Last time it was just a small conflict with the villagers in Kanto Village. I will pay more attention this time. (Ainu

"What were you talking to the village chief just now?" Ogata asked.

"Nothing. The village chief told me: I was driven out by the villagers of Kanto last time, so let me pay more attention this time."

"Then I said: I know what I know, and I will pay more attention to it."

"I guess the villagers in Kanto Village will not turn us out of the village because of me..."

"If we were turned away from the village, it would be troublesome." Ah Ding interjected in half-jokingly at this time.

Ogata still remembers the experience he experienced when he first arrived in Kanto Village, which Lin Ziping described before.

At the beginning, it was treated friendly by the villagers. The doctor was also very friendly to Lin Ziping, and even invited Lin Ziping to his home to give him a treat.

But when Lin Ziping became curious about a closed room in this doctor's house, and asked the doctor why the room was closed, everything changed.

The doctor, who was still very friendly just now, suddenly drove Lin Ziping out like a different person.

And that doctor has a high reputation in Kanto Village. Offending that doctor is equivalent to offending the entire village. So Lin Ziping was just kicked out of the doctor’s house, and then he was kicked out of the village. .

"If you really get to the point where they are excluded from the village..." Lin Ziping smiled bitterly, "then we can only talk about it then."



Troy is also a generous person, and directly vacated two empty houses for Ogata and the others to live in.

For the allocation of these two vacant houses, it is natural that the Ogata and his wife sleep in one room, and the bachelor Lin Ziping sleeps in the other room.

The current time, converted to a modern unit, is about 9 o'clock in the evening.

Almost all the villagers in Tuohe Village have now fallen asleep.

But Ogata and Amachi have no intention of going to bed now.

They are not communicating at a negative distance.

But under the lighting of the moonlight, they maintain and organize their weapons.

Ah Ding wiped the guns, and counted and sorted the projectiles and gunpowder.

On the other hand, Ogata applied new knife oil to Oshaten and Ojiza.

In addition to making the blade less rusty, the knife oil also has the function of reducing the erosion of blood and grease on the blade after blood and grease splash on the blade and making it easy to wipe it off.

Tomorrow morning, they will set off into the mountains and head to Kanto Village, which is located in the mountains.

According to Lin Ziping: If nothing happens, you will be able to reach Kanto Village in the afternoon tomorrow.

Although it has been a long time since Lin Ziping visited Kanto Village last time, the face of Heren is very recognizable here, so the villagers in Kanto Village probably still remember Lin Ziping.

What kind of reaction will the villagers of Kanto Village who drove Lin Ziping out of the village before seeing Lin Ziping returning again? No one can tell this.

Ogata and the others have prepared for the best and the worst.

The best plan is that the villagers of Kanto Village have forgiven Lin Ziping, and then they enter the village in harmony.

As for the worst plan... the villagers of Kanto Village took weapons to hunt down Lin Ziping.

Lin Ziping helped them a lot, no matter how Ogata couldn't watch Lin Ziping just hang up like this.

So-in order to deal with this worst plan, both Ogata and Amachi are checking their weapons.

Ogata's weapon was only his two knives, so it was wiped out very quickly.

After wiping the double knives, Ogata opened his personal system interface.

【Name: Ogata Yoshie】

[Current personal level: LV40 (3606400)]

[Personal attributes:

Strength: 20

Agility: 18

Reflex nerve: 15

Stamina: 21

Vitality: 36]


【Sakihara One Sword Style: 13 levels (1118512000)

No-Self-Second Sword Stream Level: 12 levels (1306014000)

Shiranui Ninjutsu level: 8 stages (69907500)]

[Remaining skill points: 6 points]


【Sakihara One Sword Style (13 paragraphs):

Boarding: Intermediate

Water Fall: Advanced

Bird Sting: Master Class

Dragon Tail: Advanced】


【Selfless Two Swords (11 paragraphs):

Step up: Advanced

Blade Return: Grand Master

Circulation: Master Class

Breath of Source: Grand Master

Rachel: Beginner

Cicada Rain: Elementary

Starfall: Elementary】


【Shiranui Ninjutsu (8 stages):

Stealth of Shiranui: Intermediate

Shiranui Jiu-Jitsu: Advanced

Shiranui Flow Holding Breath Technique: (Unlocked)

Shiranui Assassination: (Unlocked)]



The battle with the shogunate was difficult and dangerous, but the rewards were not unreasonable.

Personal level jumps directly to level 2 to level 40, gaining 2 skill points, and saving up to 6 skill points in inventory.

Because the battle basically only used swords, so Shiranui Ninjutsu unfortunately did not gain experience points. Only Sakurawara Ichigai and Wumei 2daoyi gained a lot of experience. Although there is no upgrade, there is only a thin line of distance. NS.

——I hope I don’t get any experience points tomorrow...

Ogata said silently in his heart like this.

If possible, Ogata naturally does not want the worst situation to happen tomorrow.

As soon as Ogata checked his personal system interface, Amachi, who was sitting across from him, suddenly whispered:

"Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai... now they are all scarred..."

Hearing Amachi's muttering, Ogata was stunned for a moment, then with a wry smile, he drew out the double knives that had just been retracted into the sheath again.

The current blades of Da Shi Tian and Da Zi Zai... To give a vivid analogy, it is a bit like a saw. The blades of both knives have more than a dozen gaps, which look quite horrible.

The two knives were already "wounded all over". After the battle with the shogunate, the old wounds added new wounds, and the wounds were added to the wounds, so that the two knives are now so terrible.

"...When we get back to Japan, let's find someone to repair the knife." Amachi slowly said, looking at the double knives in Ogata's palm.

"Look for a knifemaker to repair the knife...It's probably very difficult." The bitter color on Ogata's face has become more intense. "My two knives, a knifemaker with a lower level, I'm afraid I can even repair them. I don't know how to fix it."

Ogata’s Dashaten and Dajizao are undoubtedly great swords, and he has accompanied Ogata through the trip to Choshima, Kyoto, Edo, and Ezo.

I changed it to an ordinary knife, and after playing this tough battle with Ogata, I'm afraid that even the blade has been broken hundreds of times.

This kind of quality sword can only be repaired by an ordinary swordsman.

"I don't know any superb swordsmith..." Ah Ding said.

"Me too." Ogata Okazu said, "Now... I can only take a step and watch. When I return to Japan in the future, I will slowly consider whether to find a knifemaker or...for two new knives."

After all, Ogata retracted Da Shiten and Da Ziza into the sheath.



The next day--

Today is a sunny day. God was really helpful, Ogata didn't want to stop because of a blizzard or other reasons when Kanto Village was already close at hand.

As soon as it dawned, Ogata and the others pulled their horses and set off.

Kanto Village is located in the deep mountains next to Toha Village. It is too dangerous to ride a horse on such a mountain road where only a few people have stepped out, so Ogata and the others can only dismount their horses and pull radishes and grapes. go ahead.

"Hmm..." Lin Ziping looked at the map Troy gave him this morning and nodded frequently, "My memory has recovered. I slowly remembered how to get to Kanto Village. We just have to keep going along. Just go forward on this mountain road. Kanto Village is on the side of the mountain ahead."

"Mountainside..." Ah Ding raised his head and looked at the mountain in front of him, then twitched his mouth.

"Don't worry." Lin Ziping said relievedly, "It looks like it's a long way, but the road is actually pretty easy."

"When I bring you to Kanto Village, I will have done everything I can do." Lin Ziping said in a calm tone, "The rest is up to you."

Ogata nodded vigorously, "You only need to take us to Kanto Village. Leave the rest to us."

In fact, Lin Ziping was right: the mountain roads of this mountain are not that difficult to walk, but mountain roads are always mountain roads, and no matter how easy it is to walk, it is far more difficult to walk than plains.

Ogata and the others went from the sun rising from the east until the sun had begun to slowly set to the west, and only rested twice in the middle.

Fortunately, none of the three of Ogata are physically lacking, otherwise I am afraid they will all be tired.

Needless to say Ogata.

Ah Ding has been trained as a ninja since he was a child. Although he has always been the back end among his peers, his physical fitness is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

Lin Ziping has been studying abroad since he was a young man, and has developed a strong physique.

"It's almost there." Lin Ziping shouted to Ogata and Amachi behind him, "It's almost there. If I remember correctly, if I remember correctly, I'll walk a little further and you will reach Kanto Village."

"Is it finally here..." Ogata stroked the mane of the radish next to him, and looked up at the orange sky that was approaching dusk. "It looks like he is expected to arrive before dark..."

Before Ogata's words were finished, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then immediately stopped his feet, turned his head and looked at the dense forest beside him, and subconsciously put his right hand on the hilt of Dashaten's knife on his left waist.

The reason why Ogata had such a big reaction suddenly was not because of anything else, but because--the sound of footsteps being trampled on snow came from that direction.

The footsteps were very loud, and the owner of this footstep seemed to have no intention of hiding his footsteps. Even people like Lin Ziping who were not good at martial arts could clearly hear the loud footsteps.

"Mr. Lin, hide."

After instructing Lin Ziping in a low voice, Xu Jian took the lead in pulling the radish and hid with Ah Ding under the nearby slope.

Ogata had already calculated it in an instant just now-as long as you hide under this slope, it is difficult for people who appeared from that dense forest to find them due to the angle.

Lin Ziping, who heard Ogata's instructions, also rushed under the **** with hindsight.

The footsteps are getting louder and louder.

Finally—a figure emerged from the depths of the dense forest.

He is a shaggy guy wearing Ainu costumes.

The clothes on his body and the exposed skin were as dirty as if he had just rolled in the mud.

He has long hair and a thick beard. This long hair that has not been taken care of for a long time is dragged behind his head, and the beard on his lips and chin are the same as his hair. Take care of it.

This person's face is really dirty, so dirty that it is difficult to see the person's facial features and age.

After this guy who seemed to be no different from a beggar appeared, Lin Ziping, who was secretly observing the situation outside with Ogata and Amachi, was taken aback, and muttered, "It's him..."

"Do you know this person? Is it a villager in Kanto Village?" Ogata, who was next to Lin Ziping, asked.

"Of course I do." Lin Ziping said solemnly, "This guy is the doctor who seems to have a problem with his head."



Edo, in a small alley.

"Finally I found you... I didn't expect you to be able to hide at a young age."

In this inconspicuous alley where no one would come at all on weekdays, a low middle-aged male voice suddenly sounded at this time.


After the middle-aged male voice fell, what followed was a young female voice full of fear and still childish.

At the end of the alley, a young girl in a cloak, with nowhere to go, sat slumped on the ground.

This girl is probably only 12 or 3 years old.

At this moment, she was looking ahead with fear and at the two samurai in front of her.

In front of him, two samurai, one tall and one short, all wearing large hats, blocking the girl's path, walked towards her slowly.

The appearance of these two samurai walking towards her slowly, in the eyes of the girl, is like a mountain, like a ghost.

"Go home with me, obediently." The low middle-aged male voice that just sounded from the tall samurai's mouth, "Although I am very curious about how you escaped, but now that you are found again Here I am too lazy to pursue it."

"Go back with me obediently, don't force me to be rough."

"I hope you can understand-your existence can save so many lives."

"If you run away, I don't know how many people will suffer."

"So, I hope you can understand righteousness..."

Before the tall samurai had finished speaking, the girl seemed to have made up her mind. She gritted her teeth, stood up with all her strength, and rushed towards the two samurai in front of her.

She wanted to forcefully break through the obstacles of these two samurai.

"Stupid..." The tall samurai murmured softly.

Before the girl even touched the two warriors, she saw a flower in front of her, and then a sharp pain came from her belly-the tall warrior flew a kick and hit the girl's belly.

Judging from the strength of the tall samurai, he has no mercy.

The girl who was kicked out directly hit the wall behind her heavily, and a handful of blood spattered from the girl’s mouth. Then the girl was like catkins in the wind, slowly leaning against the wall and falling softly. land.

"Really, you don't have to suffer from this kind of flesh and blood." While complaining, the tall samurai walked slowly to the girl's side, picking up the girl like a chicken.

"...Father..." At this time ~www.readwn.com~ the short samurai who had been silent since a while ago finally spoke.

"What are you doing?" the tall samurai asked.

"Please... be gentle," said the short samurai. "This girl is only 12 years old..."

"Gentle..." The tall samurai seemed to have heard some funny joke, his shoulders trembling with a smile, "My dear son, you should know very well-no matter how you beat or kick this girl, Even if this girl is broken, this girl won't die, right?"

After all, the tall samurai pulled up the girl’s upper body to reveal the part where she had been kicked—I saw the large areas of dark red skin on her belly, and the crimson faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly change to normal skin color.



Today is a big chapter of nearly 7000 words, ask for a monthly pass (Leopard has a headache. jpg)

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