I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 575: 1 Dao Zhai——to embark on a journey again [6 thousand and one hundred characters]


Shimada laughed a few times until Lin's voice fell for a while.

"Is my father back..."

Shimada raised his hand and grabbed his hair, his expression tangled.

"I'm going to leave Edo in a while and return to Owari's base camp." Lin continued at this time, "Before we leave Edo, you go and meet your father."

"Huh?" Mucun intervened at this moment, "Master, are we going back?"

"Yeah. After all, we don't have any reason to stay in Edo anymore. We will return to Owari in some time. However, the specific time and method of going back are yet to be determined."

After that, Lin turned her gaze back to Shimada in front of her again.

"Go home and see my father... Is this an order..." Shimada asked.

Lin shook her head: "Although you are my subordinates in name, I don't want to get too involved in your private lives."

"I just suggest that you go home and have a look. It's up to you to decide whether to go home or not."

"...I see." Shimada said softly, "I'll think about it..."

"Yeah. Think about it." After that, Lin turned to look at Mamiya and the others. "I seemed to have heard you talking in full swing. What are you talking about?"

"We are discussing the recent'disappearance incident' that seems to be very hot recently." Mamiya answered honestly.

"'Missing Incident'? What is that?"

Mamiya and others briefly explained to Lin the general content of the incident.

"There has been a large-scale disappearance of people in the Kansai area..." Lin frowned. "It seems that there is now a fairly rampant human trafficker group in Kansai..."

"I think so too." Mucun answered, "So many people are missing, there must be some group who is abducting people in an organized way. But they even abducted men and old people-this really makes me incomprehensible."

"If you don't understand, don't be too entangled." Lin is not very interested in this "disappearance incident". The matter, let the shogunate slowly investigate and deal with this matter."

"It's almost time for lunch. I'm going to cook. In about half an hour, you can wash your hands and eat."

After finishing the words, Lin turned around chicly, and walked quickly towards the kitchen with her hands behind her back.

Cooking is one of Lin’s few hobbies. On weekdays, Mamiya and others’ three meals a day are arranged by Lin.

After Lin's injury was so good that she could cook, she picked up her old job as a "cook" again.

After watching Lin leave, Mamiya raised his hand and patted Shimada on the shoulder: "I think the lord was right. You have been away from home for a long time. Now that your father has returned to Edo, go home and have a look. Him."

"Let me think about it..." Shimada gave a wry smile, "Mamiya-senpai, as you all know, my relationship with my father is not very good..."

Shimada let out a long sigh.

"I thought he would stay in Osaka until the winter was over. I didn't expect to come back so soon..."

"Shimada, if you decide to go home later and want to find someone to accompany you, I welcome you to come to me." Makimura smiled, stretched out his right thumb, and compared to himself, "I still want to I met your father."

"Do you want to see Shimada's father?" Asai asked, "Why?"

"It's not why, I just want to see what the acclaimed Shimada Soichiro looks like."

"The Kansai region, centered on Kyoto and Osaka, has many temples and shrines, so it has always been the main work area for the officials of the temples and shrines."

Shepherd slowly said.

"When I was still working as a force in Kyoto, I heard that Shimada's father, the temple shrine, practiced Ginmono dispatch: the name of Shimada Soichiro."

"I heard that he is an outstanding talent. He handles the complicated management of temples and shrines in an orderly manner."

"Shimada Soichiro once came to Kyoto once to attend a banquet with a bunch of high officials. I also participated in that banquet. Unfortunately, because of my low level, I was separated from Shimada Soichiro one hundred and eight thousand miles. I can't see what Shimada Soichiro looks like."

Temples and shrines-one of the largest officials of the shogunate. Responsible for the management of temples, shrines and their territories across the country, and formulating religious policies, and also responsible for the investigation of lawsuits and criminal cases in the temples and temple territories. Because the official rank is very high, it is generally assumed by the genealogical daimyo.

However, the temple shrine practiced ginseng transfer service-it can be understood as the right and left hand of the temple shrine, assisting in the various tasks that the temple shrine is responsible for. It is also a very high-ranking official. Compared with Kyoto Yuli, Makimura once served is nothing like it.

"Ah, I remember--" Mamiya said suddenly, "When Shimada first joined our gourd house, Makimura was shocked when he learned that Shimada was the son of Shimada Soichiro. Jumped up and was quilted."

"Ah." Said Asai, "what you said... I remembered it, it seems that there is indeed such a thing."

"Senior Makimura, if you want to accompany me, I don't have any opinion..." Shimada gave a tired smile as if he was exhausted, "but this has to wait for me to consider whether I want to go back and see my father again... "

"To be honest-I don't really want to go back to see my father..."



At this moment--

Edo, the mansion of the Shimada family——

The Shimada family, which owns 9,000 Shijialu, is a veritable wealthy family among the Kimoto samurai.

Since it is a wealthy family, the mansion will naturally not be shabby.

The luxury of the Shimada family mansion is enough to make many poor names feel ashamed.

In a room deep in the luxurious Shimada mansion, a middle-aged man with half-white hair and beard is holding a handle and hitting a knife, looking carefully at the sunlight coming in from the window. Hold the blade of the knife in the palm.


At this time, an old male voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in." The middle-aged humane called the master.


The paper sliding door was opened, and a well-groomed old man knelt in front of the paper sliding door on one knee.

"Master," said the old man. "An answer came from the Yamada Asemon family."

"What did they say?" the master asked.

"They said-they can't get any manpower right now. If you want to try the knife, it will take some time."

"That's it..." The master slowly retracted the knife in his palm into the scabbard.

"Wait for the Yamada Asemon family to have spare staff?" the old man asked.

"Of course." The master replied without hesitation, "It's rare to get a good knife like'California Lives in Fujishima and Heavy', and you have to test the knife by a group of professional executioners."

After all, the master turned his head and smiled kindly at the old man.



Red Moon Fortress, Kunoya’s clinic—

"Have you packed your luggage?" Kunoya leaned against the wall behind her, and asked Ogata and Amachi in his usual lazy tone.

"Yeah." Ogata nodded, "It's all packed."

"Don't miss any valuables. If you miss any valuables, I won't take care of you later." After saying this jokingly, Kunoya sighed lightly, "I'm used to it now. I can see the days of both of you every day when I come to the clinic. You are leaving tomorrow, which makes me a little bit sad."

Looking at Kunoya, who was always lazy but rarely regrettable now, a smile with mixed emotions appeared on Ogata's face.

"During this time, I really took care of you." After that, Ogata stood up and bowed to Kunoya.

And Ah Ding, who was on the side, followed closely behind, and got up to salute Kunoya.

As the undoubted greatest hero who saved the Red Moon Fortress, Ogata was flattered by the luxurious treatment he received during the incident of staying in the fortress to recuperate.

Priority is given to high-quality medicine. Although the daily meals are tailor-made for them by Kunoya, the ingredients used are of the highest quality.

As Ogata's wife, Amachi was also one of the great heroes who saved the Red Moon Fortress. She also received this high-quality treatment.

In such a superior recuperation environment, whether Ogata or Amachi, the body is recovering at a fast and stable rate.

The first to heal is that the injuries suffered are basically ordinary skin trauma, and there is also Ogata who has an abnormally high value of "vitality".

Then, five days ago, Ah Ding's body was also healed. Except for a more conspicuous scar on the collarbone, everything was restored as before, regaining the vitality of the past.

At the same time that Ah Ding recovered, Lin Ziping's body also recovered seven or eighty eight, and he was fully able to withstand the suffering of the long journey.

So after both Ading and Lin Ziping recovered, Xu Jian and Lin Ziping discussed "when to leave the city fortress". The final decision-to leave the city fortress tomorrow.

Therefore-tonight is the last night Ogata and the others stayed in this crimson fortress.

Ogata and the others had long told Chanup and the others the time when their couple and Lin Ziping left the fortress, so starting from this morning, Ogata and their acquaintances have come to say goodbye to Ogata.

Chanup, Esuma, Ayzan, Ahili...

Skulucci didn't come to say goodbye.

Because Skulucci is also going to lead his men to leave here tomorrow morning.

Skulucci has been in a state of "can leave at any time" a few days ago. When he leaves, it all depends on Skulucci's mood.

Except for Ogata, Skulucci has no other acquaintances in the Red Moon Fortress.

After learning that Ogata was about to leave tomorrow, Skulucci, who knew that it would be meaningless to stay in the castle, decided to leave with Ogata and the others at the same time, so he chose to leave the farewell to tomorrow. Morning.

People who are acquainted with Ogata and others have basically come to see them.

Ogata and Amachi didn’t have much luggage, and they are all packed now.

Now there is nothing else to do except sleep and wait for the coming of tomorrow.

"If there is nothing else to do, just go to bed. After tomorrow, you will have to hurry." Kunoya left the wall that she had been leaning against since the beginning. Your home is resting. You guys should take a break soon."

"Before I go back, let me confirm again-you are planning to leave just after dawn, right?"

"Yes." Ogata nodded.

"Then I will try my best to get up as early as possible tomorrow and send you to the gate of the city." Kunoya smiled, "but I may not wake up on time. If you don't see me at the gate of the city tomorrow morning, don't blame me. ."

"It's okay." Ogata smiled. "I won't care about this kind of thing. I have received your thoughts. If I can't get up tomorrow morning, I will continue to sleep."

"Excuse me." As soon as Ogata's voice fell, an old male voice suddenly came from outside the clinic door, "Is Ogata-kun here?"

"Oh?" Kunoya turned to look at the door of the clinic, "boy, it seems that someone else is coming to see you off."

"This voice is..." Ogata muttered.

"Should you let him in?" Kunoya asked.

Ogata: "Of course."

Kunoya personally walked to the door and opened the door curtain. Behind the door curtain is the soup **** whose body is wrapped like a mummy...or Shendu.

"You talk slowly." Kunoya took out her cigarette from her arms, "I'll go home first, remember not to talk too late to affect tomorrow."

After giving Ogata a simple word, Kunoya strode out of the clinic with her newly lit cigarette in her mouth.

"Sorry. I'm still bothering you so late." After Kunoya left, Shinto walked slowly in front of Ogata, and then sat down cross-legged.

"It's okay," Ogata said. "Anyway, I and Uchiko generally don't go to bed so early."

Since leaving Edo with Amachi, Ogata and Amachi have unknowingly developed the habit of going to bed late due to extreme physical exercises with Amachi every night.

Ogata glanced at Shinto's left arm hanging from his chest and his tightly wrapped right hand-the heaviest injury to Shinto's body was the spear stabbing on his left shoulder. The right arm was severely strained due to overwork.

Shinto noticed Ogata’s gaze, so he shook his right arm lightly, and said with a wry smile: "You young people’s bodies are really more vigorous than our old people’s bodies. You are all alive and kicking. And I still look like this."

What did Shinto do in the fortress when he went out to ask Skulucci and others for help, as well as the true identity of this "pet merchant", Ogata had heard from Amachi and others during this period.

"Kunoya did they say when your body will probably heal?" Ogata asked.

"Kunoya and they said that my body may not be able to recover to the state before the injury." Shenduyun said lightly, as if he was talking about something that has nothing to do with him, "I am old. It’s older, and the physical condition is not as good as you young people."

"Having suffered such a severe injury, the vitality of the body has been damaged. Even if the injury is recovered, the body will become much weaker than before."

"But it doesn't matter. I've lived enough anyway. I was originally at the age when I die."

"What's more--this battle is probably the last wanton action in my life." Shinto smiled, raised his eyes, and looked at Ogata. Fighting side by side, I also die without regret."

After defeating the shogunate's army, Ogata's true identity was completely exposed. However, because Chanup and the others live in a paradise far away from the land, neither Chanup nor Skulucci and others do not know how loud the "Ogata Ishi" is in Japan. Name-except for Shendu and Lin Ziping.

Both Shinto and Lin Ziping lived in Japan before, so it is natural to know who Ogata Yishi is.

However, both of them chose to keep secret with great tacit understanding, and did not tell anyone how famous this young samurai who saved the city was in Japan.

"It is also my honor to be able to fight side by side with the legendary Bujinsai." Ogata said modestly.

"Hahahaha." Shendu laughed a few times. "It is me who should be honored. Since I can let the nickname that Yidaozai remember me, which I thought had long been forgotten by the world."

After laughing, Shinto tightened his lips and looked at Ogata with complicated eyes.

"Ogata Ichitosai, I really... envy you..."

"When I was about the same age as you, I was wearing a sword at my waist, following the example of Miyamoto Musashi, going around and gaining fame and fortune, but I didn't get anything other than forge a bunch of enemies."

"If you talk about fame, it's not too loud. The name'Bujingzhai' is only spread in Ou area... After Ou, no one knows my name."

"In the end, I was discouraged, living in seclusion in the Matsumae clan and selling pets for a living."

"But you became famous all over the world at such a young age, you left your name in history, you became a family, and you have such an excellent wife. It really makes me envious..."

"Famous all over the world..." Ogata slowly showed a wry smile, "Tang...ah, no. Mr. Shinto, I am indeed a'famous' in Japan, but this'famous' is not a'good name', but "Notorious"."

"I now live a life where I usually have to hide my face with a human skin mask."

"Even so, do you still envy me?"

"Iichitozai, you don't know about it." Shendu shook his head, "I don't know if you have investigated-you are just having a bad reputation in the shogunate and the imperial court."

"But in the folks, your good name is far greater than notorious."

"You have to know-the reputation of the shogunate is not good among the people."

"You fought against the shogunate repeatedly, but many people were so addicted."

"I have witnessed civilians on several occasions praising you for killing tyrants and attacking Nijo Castle."

"The first time I heard your name was when I was drinking in an izakaya and heard several civilians praising you for killing the tyrant."

"After knowing your name for the first time and knowing what you have done, I had only one thought left at the time: there really is something that can easily do things you can't do in this world. Genius..."

Bujinsai continued to look at Ogata with a complicated gaze. He was smiling, and a faint look of loneliness slowly appeared in his eyes.

"Now there is no place in the world for an old man like me who is not talented and weak."

"To live more wonderfully and dazzlingly, Yidaozai."

"I am looking forward to hearing from now on--you are a new legend of a young man who has what I have been eager for at a young age."

"Don't die casually. If you die casually, it will make me... No, it will make us samurai who are mediocre to spend our lives in a very tangled mood."

"A new legend..." Ogata said in a half-joking tone, "Then I can only ask you to wait without expectation. I'm not sure I can make anything that can be called a "legend" in the future. Oh things."

"Then I'll just follow what you said-waiting without expectation." Shendu smiled.



The next day--

Red Moon Fortress, at the city gate——

"Ogata-kun." asked Lin Ziping, who was beside Ogata, "have all the luggage and everything prepared?"

"It's all here. How about you?"

Lin Ziping smiled and raised his hands: "This cloth bag on my back is all my luggage."

Now the sky was just turned white, but at the gate of the inner city wall of the Red Moon Fortress, many people, led by Chanup, had already stood up.

Senior officials headed by Chanup and Retannoe.

Ogata’s acquaintances headed by Ayzan, Ahili, and Kunoya.

They all came to see Ogata, Skulucci and others.

Ogata, Amachi, and Lin Ziping were standing next to the radish and grapes, doing the final baggage inspection.

Turnip is a lucky horse, carrying Ogata on the charge, but he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

After Ogata and others checked their luggage, Chanup and others came forward one by one to offer farewell words to Ogata.

Aizan: "Ogata-kun! I wish you a smooth journey!"

Ahili: "Please don't forget us! If there is a chance in the future, please come and see us!"

Kunoya: "I successfully got up, but I'm so sleepy...haha~~"

Shendu: "Remember what I told you last night-don't just die casually."


Ogata accepted everyone's farewell one by one.

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Skulucci walking towards him.

"Ogata-kun. If you have a chance in the future, goodbye."

"Yeah." Ogata nodded vigorously. "Each each other."

"Ogata-kun. Although you asked you to bring me a message to Mr. Kinoshita before, if you see Mr. Kinoshita again, can you bring me a new sentence?"

"Huh? Please speak."

"You tell Mr. Kinoshita;'Although I became a notorious Cossack for my livelihood, I have never forgotten what I always wanted to do." You have to understand ~www.readwn.com~Okay..." Although Ogata didn't understand what this meant, he still silently wrote down, "If I see Yuan Da Yuan later, I will bring your words to him. "

Skulucci smiled brightly: "Then I will trouble you."



The farewell to Ogata and others lasted for nearly half an hour.

The farewell was finally over after everyone came up and sent the farewell words.

In the farewell voices of everyone, Ogata, Ading, Lin Ziping-the three two horses slowly drove away from the Red Moon Fortress.

Executioner Ichidozai-once again embarked on the journey.



I really want to go to Koyasan and get some good materials... I don't know how long it will take to travel abroad normally...

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