I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 566: Ogata is back!

Today, the weather is still quite bad.

After the blizzard yesterday, the dark clouds that had finally dispersed slightly gathered again, layered on top of each other, without even a trace of sunlight penetrating in.

Although it was dawn, the brightness was only slightly better than the dark night due to thick dark clouds blocking the sun.

Today is the 13th day Ogata leaves the Red Moon Fortress.

Today is the 11th day of the offensive and defensive battle of the Red Moon Fortress.

In the main formation of the shogunate army, Inamori embraced his arms and stared blankly at the scarred fortress in the distance.

"Victory is finally about to be seen." At this moment, a voice that surprised Inamori came from behind Inamori.

"Old Master..." Daamori turned his head to look at Matsubaru, who was slowly walking towards him with his hands behind his back.

"I thought the barbarians could only last for 3 or 4 days at most." Matsudaira walked to Inamori's side, looking at the fortress in the distance like Inamori just now, and then said slowly." In the end, it lasted until the 11th day...Although it was just a bunch of barbarians, they have to admire their perseverance."

"...Hmm." After a change in expression on Inamori's face, he nodded with difficulty, "Although I don't want to admit...but these barbarians behave more like samurai than some of us fallen guys these days."

Inamori turned his attention to the Red Moon Fortress again.

"According to yesterday's battle report, this group of barbarians who lost the outer city wall and are also incapable of fighting are now at the end of the battle."

"Today is the last day of this battle."

"I'm ready now-the Second Army will continue to attack the city, and the cavalry and iron gunners will rush in after the city gate is opened to suppress the diehards who are still resisting."

Matsudaira nodded: "In this fortress, plug in the "Sanye Aoi" of our Edo Shogunate."

Inamori: "Yes!"

Red Moon Fortress, inner city wall—

When the genius was just slightly bright, the remaining soldiers of the Red Moon Fortress were basically in their respective positions.

Days of **** battles have basically turned the soldiers who can still stand on the walls of the city into overly young young men.

No matter how stupid people are, they can feel it from yesterday's difficult battle-they will be quite difficult today.

They might not be able to keep the city congested today.

The dark clouds pressing extremely low in the sky are like the spiritual portrayal of most people in the Red Moon Fortress.

Faced with this heavy-hearted situation, everyone showed different reactions.

Some young people looked terrified.

Some young people look resolute.

There are also young people who look calm.

But no matter what kind of emotions are shown on his face, the young people are now firmly standing in their respective positions, and no one flinches.

Chanup, Retannoe, and Lin Ziping are now standing in the middle of the inner city wall.

"...The time to wait for the army to attack is really exhausting." Retanoer said abruptly toward Chanup next to him.

"Yeah," Chanup said.

"Now there are not too many people who can come to guard us, so when the army attacked..." Retannoe suddenly smiled at this moment, "Don't die by accident. "

"Yeah." Chanup also smiled like Retannoe at this time, "Retannoe, so do you."

Ah Ting sat where she was yesterday, and gently wiped her Kentucky long rifle with a handkerchief.

The members of her "shooting team" have not yet arrived, so currently only Ah Ding is sitting alone in this place.

The Kentucky long rifles previously picked up by the Cossacks who attacked China Village in the palm of Ah Ding have made great contributions since yesterday.

Since the body returned to a state where he could walk normally and fight on the city wall yesterday, Ah Ting had no plans to return to Kunoya's clinic to lie down.

Today-Ah Ding will continue to fight today with these rifles of hers.

After wiping the five rifles one by one, Ah Ding raised his head and looked out of the city.

His eyes seemed to be looking for something.

At this moment, an old male voice came into her ears from Ah Ding's side.

"I remember... your name is Ah Ding, right? We really have a wonderful fate, right?"

Following the voice, Ah Ding cast a surprised look at Yushen, the owner of the voice.

At this moment, Yushen, who is holding his snow-white Japanese sword in his left hand, is slowly walking towards Ah Ding.

Yushen originally wanted to walk down the stairs to his post, but as soon as he walked up the stairs, he saw A Ding, who was sitting near the entrance of the stairs.

For Ah Ding, Yushen is naturally no stranger.

After thinking for a while, out of courtesy, Tang Shen finally decided to come forward and say hello to the person he knew.

Although he had a good night's rest, Tang Shen's face still had a tired look that could not be concealed.

Although the right arm no longer trembles lightly, every time the muscle of the right arm is moved, there is still a thigh of pain that penetrates into Tang Shen's mind, stimulating Tang Shen's nerves.

"Mr. Yushen." After closing the surprise in his eyes for a while, Ah Ding Chong Yushen smiled faintly, "We are indeed very destined..."

"Since you started to climb the city wall and fought with Mr. Chanup and the others, I have always heard of your heroic deeds."

"I didn't expect that... the pet merchant who used to talk and laugh with us was such a skilled swordsman..."

Although Ah Ding has been lying in Kunoya's clinic to recuperate during this period, it is not that he is blind to the outside world. She has been inquiring about the current situation from Kunoya.

Therefore, Ah Ding naturally knew about the fighting of people like Yushen and Lin Ziping.

"A skillful swordsman...You really lifted me up." Tang Shen smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Now I am just an old man whose muscles still have the memory of how to swing a sword and a gun."

After that, Tang Shen shook the Japanese sword held in his left hand.

"In a few years, I might not even be able to swing the knife."

At this time, Ah Ding's gaze moved up and down with Yushin's wagyu.

"Um...can I ask a question?" When asked this sentence, the hesitant color on Ah Ding's face flickered several times, but in the end-"curiosity" defeated "hesitation".

"Huh? You can ask."

"The style of the knife you use is very different from the ordinary sword... Is this your modified sword? What is the thing hanging on the hilt?"

As a "manufacturer", Amachi, who had also modified his own Wakisashi, was full of curiosity about the suspected modified knife in Yushen's hands.

"Is this?" Tang Shen shook the Japanese sword in his left hand again, and the ear of the sword hung on the hilt also shook.

"This knife was not modified by me either. It is not a knife, it is a Japanese sword."

"Japanese sword...?" As if recalling something, Ah Ding's pupils shrank slightly.

"This is a kind of Tangtu sword. It combines the characteristics of Japanese swordsmanship and Tangshu Tangjian." A light smile hung on Yushen's face, looking at the knife he was holding in his left hand, "Although The blade is very similar to the knife, but the difference between the widow and the knife is very big. The weight and center of gravity are very different...Huh? Miss Ading, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Yushen realized that Ah Ting's expression was a bit strange.

"It's nothing... It's just... I just remembered the rumors I heard before." Ah Ding raised his eyes and looked up and down Yushen several times with weird eyes. "A few months ago, my husband and I had heard of Decades ago, there was a swordsman who wielded a Japanese sword and gained a reputation in the Ou area, but in the end there was no news..."

"And that person... his name is Shendu Rouzao, also called Shendu Bujingzhai."

Yujin's expression changed rapidly as Acho's voice fell.

In the end—this rapidly changing complex expression turned into a bitter smile with a bit of helplessness.

"I didn't expect it... After so many years, I can still hear the name'Shendu Bujingzhai' from people other than Chanupu... I thought the world might have forgotten me long ago..."

"So... are you really...?" Ah Ding's expression was already shocked.

In response to Ah Ding’s surprised look, Yushen’s response was—nodded gently.

Afterwards, A Ding had time to further respond to Yushen’s nod, and Yushen asked A Ding back:

"Miss Ading, can you tell me briefly about the rumors you have heard about me before? I'm a little curious."

Speaking of this, Tang Shen paused.

Then he turned his head and looked out of the city while showing a complicated expression.

"If you don't listen now, maybe there will be no chance in the future..."

"There are not many rumors about you that I have heard..."

A Ting used as simple language as possible to explain all the rumors he had heard about Shendu Bujingzhai, concisely and concisely.

After talking about "the last rumor that Shendu appeared, it was Shendu who raised a certain Yakuza", Tang Shen laughed as if he was amused.

"It is rumored that this kind of thing... really three people become tigers..."

After stopping his laughter, Tang Shen shook his head bitterly.

"Miss Ading, tell you the truth-many of the rumors you have heard are wrong."

"These rumors portray me like a free and easy knight."

"But it's not like that."

Tang Shen took a breath, then raised his head, looking at the dark clouds above his head, while showing memories.

"I am not as beautiful as those portrayed in the rumors."

"I was born as a samurai in the Yonezawa Domain. I have lived a poor life since I was a child."

"The only valuable things in the family are the treasured sword that I have passed down from generation to generation in my hand, as well as the ‘Japanese Sword Technique’ and Tang Tu’s ‘spear manipulation’ which are also handed down from generation to generation."

"Since I can remember, I have suffered from poverty."

"So after practicing the ‘Japanese sword technique’ and ‘spear manipulation’ that the family is so proud of, I started to practice martial arts."

"My purpose is simple-to follow the example of Miyamoto Musashi two hundred years ago, use a knife in the palm to make a name for himself, and then be hired as an official to get rid of the poor life."

"In other words—every time I swing my sword, I go to glory and wealth."

"So at that time, I only did things that helped me improve my fame and fortune-such as killing some famous swordsmen who had no grievances against me."

"Anything that doesn't help me improve my fame and fortune, or something that will cause me huge troubles, I will never touch it-such as helping poor villagers solve corrupt officials."

Tang Shen shrugged while laughing self-deprecatingly.

"It's a pity... the times have changed. It's not the chaotic times of the Warring States two hundred years ago."

"In the troubled times of the Warring States two hundred years ago, Miyamoto Musashi was able to earn high-ranking officials thanks to his reputation."

"And now, no matter how hard you try, no matter how you gain fame, in this era where there is no war, there are very few big names who are willing to hire this kind of foreigner who has no talent other than a good sword to be an official."

"Of course—maybe simply because my luck is worse. After all, I have worked hard for a few years, and I am still a low-level samurai who has no big name to hire."

"Not only did you fail to build an inch, but you also made countless enemies. Someone will come to your door to seek revenge in two or three days."

"But-the rumor that'I appeared in the public eye for the last time was to resolve a bunch of Yakuza', which is correct."

"By chance, I passed by a small town and ran into a little girl whose parents were killed by Yakuza."

"Then I didn't know what to think, and took the knife and solved the gang of Yakuza."

"At that time, seeing that I had no hope of finding an official position, I was already disheartened. I gradually felt awkward towards the enemies who kept coming to seek revenge."

"So after solving the gang of Yakuza, I simply went to Ezo Land to live in seclusion."

"Then I met Chanup, who was also a young man at the time, by various chances, and then became close friends with Chanup. Of course, these are all things to follow."

"In other words, have you been friends with Mr. Chanup for decades?" Ah Ding asked rhetorically.

"Well, that's it."

"Then you and Mr. Chanupu have a very good relationship." A Ding smiled, "In order to inform Mr. Chanup of the'commercial crime', I came here alone to find Mr. Chanup."

"Now holding the knife again, fighting alongside Mr. Chanup."

"Hahaha." Upon hearing Ah Ding's words, Yushen smiled, "Miss Ah Ding, you are making a mistake."

"I ran to inform Chanup of the'coming with others', and stayed here forever, persuading him to run for his life-this is indeed for friendship."

"But I chose to pull out the knife to help Chanupp, not just for friendship."

"I think..."

When Tang Shenhua spoke, he suddenly got stuck, his mouth slightly opened, as if he was thinking or hesitating about something.

Seeing that the **** of Tang was still not speaking, when Ah Ding was thinking about whether or not to call the **** of Tang, he heard the second half of the sentence of the **** of Tang:

"...It's more valuable to keep Chanup alive than to keep someone like me alive, so I stand here with a knife."

Ah Ding could clearly hear the tone change of Yushen's words.

The tone in front is still a bit low.

But the latter words seemed to be said with a smile—as if they suddenly let go of a heavy burden.

In the second half of the sentence, Tang Shen's eyes also showed dazzling brilliance.

"Thank you. Miss Ading." The corner of Tang Shen's mouth was pulled up, and a soft smile slowly bloomed on his face. Happy."

"There is not much time now. I should also go back to my post."

After that, Tang Shen took the knife and turned and left.

After turning his back at Ah Ding, Yushen raised his right hand to Ah Ding without turning his head, "I wish you good luck, Miss A Ding."

Outside the city, the shogunate army, the whole army's main line.

"Master Inamori." Inamori's confidant replied, "All troops are ready."

This brief sentence of confidant made Inamori let out a long sigh as if he was relieved.

"Finally... this time is up."

"Yes..." The cronies who had just reported to Inamori nodded and agreed, "It's finally time to capture the Red Moon Fortress. We really waited too long..."

"The gods were still against me yesterday." Inamori smiled bitterly and raised his head, looking at the sky above him. "At the most critical moment yesterday, the snow and wind blew up, which delayed the attack of our artillery array."

"And now, the gods finally stand by my side."

"This dark cloud, it shouldn't be long before it will disappear. I'm not afraid of anything now, I'm just afraid that God is not beautiful, and there will be some extreme wind and snow, and our attack has to be postponed."

At this moment, the thick dark clouds in the sky are now showing a tendency to disperse, and their thickness is much thinner than this morning.

Originally, when he woke up early this morning and saw such thick dark clouds, Inamori was still a little worried whether there would be a sudden snowstorm today that would affect their offense.

Now it seems-there is no need to worry about this.

"Send the order to the Second Army." Inamori straightened his waist, waved his arm in his palm, and said loudly, "Offensive!"

Woo—! Woo—! Woo—! Woo—!

In these days, the sound of anxious conch pierced into Tang Shen's ears every day.

Yushen, with a Japanese sword in his left hand and his arms hanging down naturally, looked at the shogunate army outside the city that slowly moved with the sound of the conch.

Tang Shen feels very strange now.

Obviously the battle will start again soon.

Obviously they have fallen into an absolute disadvantage here, and they may not be able to survive until this evening.

Obviously he might be dying today.

But Tang Shen just feels very relaxed.

Faintly, I also felt a bit of joy.

Tang Shen is no stranger to this feeling.

He remembered this feeling.

The last time he felt this way was decades ago.

It was the last time he appeared in the public eye.

It was when he came out for the girl whose parents were killed by Yakuza.

It was a bit too long, and Tang Shen couldn't remember the details of what happened at that time.

I just remember that I was single-mindedly trying to get the appreciation of a certain name, and I was named a high-ranking official, but I ran for many years-nothing. In this age of Qing Shilu, it is difficult to climb up.

I only remember that I just passed by that small town by chance, and then I ran into the little girl whose parents were both killed by Yakuza.

I just remember that after listening to the little girl telling her story, she was like her head getting hot for a while, carrying a knife into the gang of Yakuza's lair.

I just remember that the gang of Yakuza are not easy to deal with small characters, not only a large number, but also many of them are skilled "former samurai".

Although Tang Shen didn't remember the details of these things clearly.

But there is only one thing that Tang Shen still remembers very clearly-it was the first time he didn't do it for his own fame and fortune, but simply wielded a knife for others.

When he strode towards the nest of Yakuza with his own Japanese sword, Tang Shen felt at that moment very much like now... No, it should be said to be exactly the same-he was clearly doing something to himself. Nothing good, but I feel very relaxed, and there is a little excitement in the faint.

Destiny makes people — clinging to fame and fortune, he wields a knife in order to obtain high-ranking officials. The last time he wielded a knife in the public eye, it was not for fame and fortune.

Tang Shen didn't know why he would feel this way again.

But Tang Shen found out: What he is doing now is very similar to what he did when he was in her early days for the little girl-they are doing things that are not good for him.

And what I did this time was even crazier—I just drove out a group of Yakuza to extinction last time, and now I was battling the shogunate's army.

Regarding why he suddenly changed his mind, resisted the fear of death, and drew a knife to Chanupu to help—Tang Shen never told anyone.

Or rather...I never knew how to explain it to others.

Until just now-until after chatting with Ah Ding, Yushen told outsiders why he was like this for the first time.

When he personally said what he wanted to do and why he did it, Tang Shen instantly felt that the big stone that had accumulated on his chest fell to the ground.

The mood has also become a slightly joyful mood in this weird lightness.

Chanup is not much younger than him. He is obviously a lot of age, but he is still willing to do everything he can do for what he insists on.

But after seeing the hopelessness of gaining high-ranking officials, he completely abandoned this ambition and became a pet merchant in Ezo, living a life without goals for decades, just to live.

He is just an old man who is no different from an empty body.

And Chanup's body has not yet become an empty body like him.

Tang Shen felt a little ashamed of this.

At the same time I feel a little envious.

The city fortress at my feet is the home of so many people and the "refuge" that Chanupu dreamed of establishing.

Rather than let this old fellow who is no different from an empty shell live, it is better to let this significant city fort survive.

So, with this idea in his mind, he grabbed the knife and boarded the city wall. Have been fighting until now.


He is now again drawing his sword for something that is not good for him.

In order to allow this kind of city fortress that is far more worthy of survival than his old fellow to continue to stand!


"Come on!"

The shouting and killing of the people who launched the charge outside the city has been heard.

"It's in a good mood..."

Tang Shen subconsciously murmured.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly unconsciously.

Tang Shen felt that his body was very hot now, and the blood in each blood vessel seemed to be burning.

This feeling that his whole body seemed to be burning, made Tang Shen couldn't help but recall the scenes when he was fighting against a powerful enemy when he was still "Shendu Bujingzhai".

This sensation of blood burning has never been felt since she lived in Ezo land.

"Quick! Take the ladder! Take the ladder!"

"Climb up! Climb up!"

Hejun's long ladder has been set up on the inner city wall.

Tang Shen tore off the coat of his upper body, and his left hand opened the carp of the Japanese sword stuck on his left waist.

At this moment, Tang Shen felt the young past slowly recovering in his body.


He felt as if he had become the glorious and young self who was once again a spirited, vowed to gain fame with a knife in his palm, and still has lofty ambitions.

I am not the pet merchant Tangshen who is greedy for life and fear of death, and does not even want to cause trouble.

I am "Bujingzhai" Shendu Rouzao.

I am no one else.

"Kill all these barbarians!"


The first group of soldiers who climbed up the city wall along the long ladder, holding various weapons, besieged the soldiers and Chaotang God who appeared in front of them.

"...Japanese sword art."

Tang Shen...No, it should be said that Shendu slowly pulled out the Japanese sword from his waist and raised it high above his head.

"Shendu Rou made!"

Shendu's tone is high.


"bring it on-!"

The roar of the old man whose blood has not stopped burning resounded throughout the world.

The sword shadow shook.

Flesh and flesh fly.

The cold light flickered.

What came to the left ear was screaming and roaring.

What passed into the right ear was the clanging of the guns and swords.

Lifting your head is like a rain of locust arrows.

Looking down, there are dead bodies everywhere.

The Ainu over there stared red eyes, and slammed another Japanese soldier down the city wall.

The Kazuto here wailed while holding his bone-exposed arm.

The desperate Ainu people refused to give up.

When the spear was gone, he drew out the mountain knife.

When the mountain knife was gone, he grabbed the arrow.

When the arrow is gone, go grab the weapon of the peacemaker.

Nothing, just use the most primitive human weapons such as fists, elbows, knees, and teeth.

They tried their best to fight against powerful enemies.

This is a battle that is destined to leave a strong mark in the thousand-year war between the Japanese and the Ainu.

This fortress is the stage of this great battle.

Ten thousand soldiers, more than a thousand Ainu people, staged this battle on this stage.

The Kazuto who has decided not to drag any other day, and the Ainu who will never retreat, coincided with this day, pushing the battle to the climax of determining the final victory.

It's creepy, but it's also exciting.

The battlefield where brain plasma and blood fly together is tragic and shocking at the same time,

The sky seemed to be looking at this battle, the speed of the dark clouds dissipating further accelerated, and more and more sunlight leaked from the gaps in the dark clouds, spreading across the fields.

As the main commander of this battle, Inamori looked indifferently at the fortress now turned into a flesh-and-blood mill.

And Chanup, who was also the main commander of this battle, stood at the forefront, fighting the enemy bravely, while boosting everyone's morale.

Even though the front line was being continuously compressed, Chanup and the others resisted to the death.

There is only one place.

There is only one place where the front line has not been compressed.

"Hey! Here are some more people! Here is a difficult master!"

"Isn't there just reinforcements here?"

"It is indeed here! But the reinforcements who had just arrived were killed in a short while!"

"What? How could it be possible?! The reinforcements who came to your side just now didn't have 20 full...

Before the soldier had finished speaking, he saw the tip of a spear zooming in his field of vision at a speed that his eyes could not catch—when he recovered, the spear had already pierced his head.

Shendu holds a spear in his left hand and a Japanese sword in his right.

Use a spear to attack enemies at medium and long distances, and use a Japanese sword to kill enemies that rush to his eyes.

Shendu is not very clear about his family background either.

I only know that one of my ancestors was a general of the original Ming army who traveled east to Japan after the fall of the Ming Kingdom in Tang Dynasty.

Both the Japanese sword technique used by Shendu and Tangtu's spear manipulation technique were derived from this ancestor of his own.

At this moment, Shendu was doing everything he had, using what he had learned all his life, blocking all the soldiers of the Japanese Army who appeared in front of him.

Facing Shendu's spears and swords, all the He army that surged up could be described as defeated.

The spear and sword formed a fierce storm-like attack, causing one Japanese soldier to fall.

The blood flowing out of them was red everywhere, converging into red creeks, dripping from the city wall.

The Japanese soldiers who encircled Tangshen yelled, roared, screamed, and wailed—their voices were all suppressed by Shendu alone.

Only in this place where Shendu was, the front didn't retreat a bit.

Outside the city, the shogunate army, the whole army's main line—

"...The battle is still quite fierce." Sitting next to Inamori, Matsubaru, who used a telescope to check the battle, said softly.

"Old Master, please rest assured." Inamori, who was also checking the battle situation with a binoculars, said while holding back his smile, "After a while, the barbarians will not be able to hold it."


Shouts similar to this are becoming more and more on the city wall.

Chanup and their front lines were about to be compressed to the various steps of the inner city wall.

If the front retreats further, the ladder will fall.

The fall of the stairs is equivalent to the fall of the inner city wall.

And the fall of the inner city wall is the fall of the Red Moon Fortress...

Retannoe clenched the arrow in his palm and used it as a dagger, piercing the neck of a Japanese soldier in front of him.

But at this moment, one of the soldiers was standing not far from Retanoer, waiting for an opportunity, and the soldiers looked at the timing, and pierced Retanoer's belly with a spear.

The tip of the gun plunged into Retanoer's belly. Reitanoer was stabbed directly by a single shot!

"Mr. Retannoe!"

"Quick! Help Retanoer up!"

At almost the same moment, somewhere not far away, a similar sound rang.


"Hurry up and lift Chanup to a safe place!"

Just now, facing the Japanese soldiers in front of him like a sea of ​​people, Chanup was accidentally slashed in the chest, and the blood on his chest instantly stained his clothes...

After another sword pierced the body of a Japanese soldier, Shendu wanted to take the Japanese sword back, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his right elbow.

This is not pain from injury.

This is the pain that comes after the body is overwhelmed.

The severe pain slowed Shendu's movements by half a beat.

And it was this half-time action that made Shendu reveal the flaws.

A soldier not far away looked at the timing and pierced Shendu's left shoulder with a shot.

Shendu, who was too late to dodge, took the shot abruptly on his left shoulder, piercing a big blood hole.

This injury made Shendu's face hideous, and he was no longer able to hold the spear in his left hand, and the gun fell to the ground in his palm.


"Wound him!"

The soldiers of the Japanese Army who surrounded Shendu cheered.

It's just—they didn't have time to cheer for long, and the scene in front of them immediately stopped their cheers.

They saw Shendu, who had lost the spear, still holding the Japanese sword in his right hand, staring at them closely, and set up a sword posture.

He still doesn't fall.

Still not retreating.

Although Chanup and the others have tried their best, the material gap is hard to make up with spirit.

The front line pushed by Chanup and the others, Inamori and Matsohira, they can see clearly with their telescopes.

"Hahaha." Inamori put down the binoculars and laughed with his palms. "It probably takes less than half an hour before the Red Moon Fortress can be completely captured."

Inamori smiled relievedly.

Songping Dingxin also smiled at this time.

"I'm okay..." Chanup covered his chest with his left hand and stood up. "It didn't hurt to the point."

"Mr. Chanup! What should we do now?" A young voice was called out from Chanupdi's side in an anxious tone.

Chanup looked around—he was already densely packed with Japanese soldiers in front of him.

And behind him is a staircase in the inner city wall.

There are not many people left around me.

In this situation, there are not many things that can be done.

Chanup was silent for only a moment, then put down the hand that was covering the wound in his chest and grabbed his bow again.

"People who are still willing to follow me! Follow me!"

Chanup knew that they could no longer hold the wall.

They have been defeated.

But even if he was defeated, at the last minute, Chanup wanted to fall back on the counterattack.

Chanup led the few warriors, roaring and launching a passionate but desperate counterattack to the people in front of him...

Similar scenes of despair can be seen everywhere on the inner city wall.

Many people, knowing that they could no longer defend themselves, abandoned the defense and launched a counterattack against the Kazuto in front of them that had completely disregarded their own lives...

"Miss Ading! Miss Ading!"

Now Ahili, who was also covered in blood, found Ah Ding in the chaotic battle.

Like yesterday, Ah Ting, together with the members of his "sniper squad", carried out shooting support that was a drop in the bucket, but he had been resolutely doing it all the time.

At this moment, there were not many warriors who surrounded Ah Ting and the others, defending A Ting and other archers.

It probably won't be long before the Hejun soldiers can completely break through the defense and kill them in front of Ah Ding.

"The wall can no longer be guarded! (Ainu

After Ahili found and ran to Ah Ding's side, he said quickly with a sad expression on his face.

"I'll take you to find a place to hide inside the fortress! Maybe you can survive this way!"

Ahili didn't want his favorite Ah Ding to die in the war between their Ainu and He.

So she just tried desperately to find Ah Ting, and then persuaded Ah Ting to follow her. She took A Ting to hide somewhere in the fortress, so she might be able to survive.

Facing Aheli's anxious persuasion, Ah Ding's reaction was—indifferent.

When Ahili had just found him, Ah Ding inexplicably left the "assisted sniper" mission aside, raised his head, and looked to the southeast of the fortress—as if he was looking at something in the distance.

Seeing Ah Ting made no response, Ah Ting, who was in a state of anxiety and panic, remembered that-without bringing an interpreter, Ah Ting might not have understood what she had just said.

Just when Aheli was thinking anxiously about where to find an interpreter to come and persuade Ah Ting with her—

"...Ahili. Be happy."

"Huh?" Although Yaxili could not understand Japanese, she understood the name "Axili" and knew that Ah Ting was calling her.

With a smile, Ah Ting retracted his gaze from the southeast, and looked at Ahili.

Ahili noticed that Ah Ding's body was trembling slightly, and his eyes were slightly red.

"The miracle—it really happened."

Outside the city, southeast —

Most of the dark clouds in the southeast sky have dissipated at some unknown time. The clouds burst out with golden light, twisted into a huge beam of light, holding the sky and the earth.

"...Ogata-kun, we seem to have arrived in time."

"Yeah. It should be. But the situation inside the fortress doesn't seem to be optimistic."

"It's okay! It's okay to catch up! We are speeding up one by one. If we don't catch up, then I will die of depression."

Under the beam of light that held the sky and the earth, two knights emerged from the horizon one after another.

The one who walked behind among the two had red hair and a scalpel full of exotic features.

The person walking slightly ahead was a yellow race with black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a set of blue and gold armor, and the armor reflected dazzling light under the sunlight, like a **** descending to the earth.

"Ogata-kun." The red-haired young man glanced briefly at the 10,000 army in the distance, then looked at the young man in blue and gold armor walking in front of him, "Which direction do you plan to attack?"

"Of course it attacked from the direction closest to the enemy's main formation." The young man in armor-that is, Ogata whispered.

As soon as Ogata's voice fell, the sound of "Kara" and "Kara" stomping on the ground came from behind the two.

I saw the horizon behind them, like a high tide, slowly rising dozens of knights in a tight wedge-shaped formation.

Red Moon Fortress, inside the city—

"Mom! What are you in a daze? Hurry and hide with me!"

Ahili's mother tried to persuade Ahili's grandmother.

At this moment, Ahili's mother and grandmother are in a clearing in the Red Moon Fortress.

Mother just heard that the city wall was about to fall, so she anxiously took her grandma to find a place to hide.

However—just now, grandma seemed to have seen something extraordinary, she was stunned and stared at the sky in the southeast.

The mother yelled several times, but grandma was unmoved.

Just when my mother didn't know what to do, grandma finally reacted.

"The one that penetrates the sky and the earth... soars into the sky and the pillar of fire..."

Grandma whispered something her mother didn't understand.



Yesterday I got 600 monthly tickets, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has greatly exceeded 350 monthly tickets, and I feel the enthusiasm of all the book friends (LSP)! I'm done with that!

Although today's chapter is even later, the author himself feels that this chapter is not only large in quantity, but also in quality. In the past two days, I feel that my condition is surprisingly good, and my inspiration is flooding.

The last time I felt this way, it was the "Battle of Two Dragons" and "Battle of Nijo Castle" in Volume 5.

Based on today’s update volume and quality, ask for a monthly pass, not too much (leopard has a headache. jpg)

It’s rare that the climax of Volume 7 collided with the double monthly ticket time, so the author also offers a rare monthly ticket as a reward:

As of the issue of this chapter, the monthly ticket is 638. Before 12:00 noon tomorrow (October 3), if you can reach 850 votes, the author will explode another 10,000 votes tomorrow (October 3). Let you see It's cool.

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