I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 528: With one enemy four, Ogata VS Senshu 4 shots [five thousand six hundred...

Ikutenmu, who held a gun in both hands, quietly stretched out his ten fingers holding the gun, relaxing the fingers that were a little numb due to a hard clash with Ogata's sword.

Just now, when he swept the gun towards Ogata, he used only 70% of his strength because it was mainly temptation. Although he didn't use his full strength, Sheng Tianmu was confident in his skill.

His physical function is in his prime of life, even 70% of his skill is enough to make it difficult for most people with average skills to parry-this is the confidence that Sheng Tianmu has accumulated after countless battles and death fights with others.

But Ogata in front of him beautifully blocked his move.

Ikutenme just saw it clearly-Ogata, who was rushing straight forward, quickly stopped, and then switched to the lower posture to defend his lower body with a knife in both hands, and opened his Jihi with a single blow.

Following the powerful force transmitted from the gun body to his palm, the palms of Shengtianmu were numb.

If it wasn't for Sheng Tianmu that he reacted in time and quickly increased the strength of his fingers and gripped the gun, otherwise his Ji Fei might have just been shaken out of his hand.

Feeling the tingling sensation still remaining on the fingers of his hands, Shengtianmu's face became more dignified.

Faced with Ogata’s “get out of the way” just now, Ogata’s eyes were unmoved, and he looked straight at Ogata without fear: "... Executioner Ichitosai, I didn’t expect you, the notorious villain, to be here. ."

"I thought you broke into my camp alone, but I didn't expect you to bring a companion."

"And this companion, I still know..."

Ikutenme turned his gaze to look at Sakaguchi, who was trembling and wishing to shrink his whole body behind Ogata.

Perceiving that Sheng Tianmu is looking at him now, Sakaguchi's body trembles directly as if being pierced by a needle.

Sheng Tianmu is not a fool.

Ogata can rush to the coach's camp at such a fast speed, it feels abnormal how he wants to shake.

But if someone who is familiar with the structure of the camp assisted, then the explanation would make sense.

Sakaguchi was a high-ranking general from the Morioka clan, and he was the handful of people who were qualified to participate in high-level military meetings. He naturally knew the general structure of the camp.

Looking at Sakaguchi, who now wished his whole body shrank behind Ogata, the anger that was visible to the naked eye emerged from the depths of the pupils of Shengtianmei.

"Sakaguchi, I didn't expect you to treason and collude with the enemy, helping you to abuse." Shengtianmei's tone gradually became harsher, "You are really ashamed of the name'Samurai'!"

"I, I..." Sakaguchi lowered his head, his face was blue and white, and he said vaguely, "Master Shengtenmu...I am being persecuted..."

Okutenme ignored Sakaguchi, who was already "the shame of a samurai" in his eyes, and turned his sharp gaze back to Ogata.

"Stop here! Ichizaozai!"

Sheng Tianmu raised his head high.

"You are so courageous! After committing the evil deeds of killing the master and attacking Nijo Castle one after another, you did not **** your tail to be a human being, and now you dare to attack the military camp!"

"Looking through the history books, I'm afraid I can't find a second lunatic like you!"

"I will harass your camp this time, I just want to avenge my personal revenge." Xu was expressionless, and ignored the scolding that Sheng Tianmu had just made, "Get down. Don't die because of it."

"Should we retreat?" Sheng Tianmu was angry, "I really thought I was a world unparalleled, no one can do anything about you. No one can stop you?"

Sheng Tianmu will be stretched out, the fingers of the hands that are almost numb with no sense of soreness re-clamp the love gun in his hand.

The three people of Akizuki, Kuroda, and Tendo also cooperated with Shengtianmu to lift the spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear pointed directly at Ogata in front of him.

The four "Xianzhou Seven Guns" stood side by side with their guns, and the murderous air was scattered around the center of the four people, and the surrounding air seemed to be a little bit cold because of this.

And when the murderous air drifted to the front and back of Ogata, who was still standing naturally holding the sword, it was like the chill that had touched the flame, and it melted automatically and spread to both sides.

Ogata glanced at the 4 pointed spear points in front of him without any haste, and then—


Ogata raised his hand abruptly, and with a backhand cut down a lighting torch tied to a long wooden stick just inserted beside him.

The torch fell to the ground and sparks spattered.

Sparks are flying, like a fire spirit dancing in the wind.

The spark burst, like a fire spirit whispering.

Everyone, including Sheng Tianmu, had their nerves in a state of tension all the time, and they were shocked by Ogata's sudden move, and Kuroda immediately retreated half a step.

Ogata stretched his right hand holding the knife over the torch that fell to the ground, and used the heat from the torch to bake the cold right hand that was blown by the wind and snow.

"Then prove it to me and let me see if the four of you have the ability to stop me." He said calmly.

At this moment, the scattered sparks flew up and down around Ogata's body as if they were alive, following Ogata's orders.

The fire light reflected on the white blade of Da Shitian, reflecting a coquettish red light.

"...It seems that there is no need to say more." Shengtian said solemnly.

"Master Sheng Tianmu." A little hesitation flashed across Qiuyue's face, "Are we...really going to fight one out of four?"

As a warrior faction who was instilled in the thoughts of "Samurai's Glory" and "Samurai's Dignity" since childhood, Akizuki had an instinctive resistance to "deceiving less with more."

"With this kind of villain, there is no need to pay attention to the'dignity of a samurai'." Shengtianmu said with a serious face.

"...I see." Qiuyue took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Sheng Tianmu was united in mind, and showed his "farming style" shooting style to Ogata in front of him.

"Farming stream."

"Ikutenme, right and left Eemon!"

Qiuyue clenched the spear tightly.

"I stream."

"Qiuyue Liqian!"

Kuroda and Tiandao followed closely behind.


"Tiandao Kaoru!"

"The gun flow of the treasure house."

"Kuroda Xuanyi!"

Ogata moved his right hand holding the sword away from Manwu's fire elf, and his left hand, which had been hidden in the sleeve of his coat to keep warm, also stretched out at this moment, holding the sword with both hands.

"Sakakihara hit a sword."

"Ogata Yishi."

Ogata set up the knife, his chest rising and falling at a certain rhythm.

A strange light slowly emerged from the depths of the pupils, and the momentum was boiling.

[Ding! The host enters the state of selflessness! 】

"Bring the horse here!"

Ogata's figure disappeared in the same place as his voice fell.

In just a moment of effort, Xu Jian narrowed the distance between himself and Sheng Tianmu and others, followed by a slash that went straight to Shengtianmu's face. The trajectory of the sword is approaching in an arc.

Shengtianmei's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body first reacted to his brain step by step, and then moved back quickly, then raised the spear in his hand and faced Ogata's blade with the spear head.


The metal rubbed against the metal, making a sharp noise almost to tear the eardrum.

The expression on Sheng Tianmu's face suddenly changed due to shock, and the huge force passed along the gun barrel made Sheng Tianmu almost unable to hold the gun.

Fortunately, Tianmu Sheng-he is not fighting Ogata alone.

Akizuki and Kuroda, standing on the left and right sides of Ikutenme, flanked Ogata from left to right.

As if they had predicted the actions of Akizuki and Kuroda in advance, as soon as Akizuki and Kuroda had lifted their mid-length spears, Ogata took the lead to end the wrestling with Shengtengo, and quickly retreated with stepping steps. Akizuki and Kuroda's guns were almost the same. The clothes clinging to Ogata's chest were inserted diagonally.

"Hey ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -!"

Tiandao's spear chased Ogata, who retreated with a step.

Ogata's brow wrinkled slightly as he looked at the head of Tendo's spear that was thrusting straight into his calf.

The reason for frowning wasn't because of how threatening Tiandao's gun was to him.

It's simply because the howl of Heaven's Path is very harsh.

Ogata has experienced many battles, and can hear all kinds of calls.

But it was the first time that Ogata heard it so weird, like the howling sound of scratching with finger nails on the blackboard.

Ogata used the same way that he opened the gun of Tenmichi before-lowered the sword in his hand, placed the lower posture, and then slashed at Tenmichi's gun heavily.

No-Self-Sword Stream·Blade Rebellion.

Tiandao felt like a wild boar hit his gun.

The powerful strength made the spear almost fly out of the palm of Heaven's Dao.

Although Tiandao struggled to grasp the gun, his posture became messy because of this.

Ogata wanted to go forward and pursue Tendo, whose empty door was open due to a messy posture. Akizuki and Kuroda were the first to stop Ogata and Tendo, blocking Ogata's offensive against Tendo.

"Be careful!" Sheng Tianmu reminded loudly, "He has a lot of strength! Don't fight it hard!"

"Sir, Sheng Tianmu!" At this time, a voice trembling slightly with fear sounded from behind Sheng Tianmu, "I, I, we will help you!"

Sheng Tianmu hurriedly turned his head and looked back-only the dozen or so guards who had been guarding the front of the coach's big tent just now were carrying their spears and rushing toward them in a torrent.

"All retreat!" Sheng Tianmu shouted at the guards, "There is not enough space here! Your coming up will only hinder us! All retreat!"

The weapons used by Sheng Tianmu and Qiuyue were spears.

The swing of the spear needed a wide enough space, and the four of Sheng Tianmu and the others attacked Ogata together, and the space was barely enough.

If these guards step forward, it will only make the space that is not enough spacious enough to become more crowded, and cause constraints to the Shengtianmu, and it is extremely easy to cause accidental injury.

Of course-there is another important reason why Shengtianmu didn't let these guards come forward: these guards came forward, I am afraid they can't help much, they will only die in vain.

Previously, Ogata had only heard of his name and never saw him.

Although Ikutenme has only fought with Ogata twice so far, Ikutenme has already deeply understood why the man in front of him was crowned "executioner", "human cutting", and "Ichishosai" only with these two fights. , "Sura" and other names.

Although he is very reluctant to face this reality, Sheng Tianmu has to admit that even if he joins forces with Akizuki and the three of them, he is probably no match for Ogata...

After giving orders to the guards, asking them to stay behind obediently, Sheng Tianmu raised his Minami and rejoined the battle against Ogata.

At this time, Akizuki and the three of them were just getting away from Ogata, regaining their posture.

"Hold him." Sheng Tianmu interspersed between Qiuyue and the others, lowered his voice, and whispered in a low volume that only they could hear, "Drag to Kasuga and Hengshan to bring soldiers over, or other people bring reinforcements over. So far."

Before the war, Ikutenme had quickly worked out a plan to meet Ogata.

His plan is simple-if the four of them can directly take Ogata, they will take Ogata directly. If they can't take Ogata, they will hold Ogata instead, until Kasuga was sent to mobilize the soldiers. He Hengshan brought the soldiers over.

Qiuyue, Kuroda, and Tiandao didn't say much, but nodded silently.

Even the Dao of Heaven, who usually has an unruly attitude, did not refute the orders of Sheng Tianmu just now.

The three of them are also the same as Ikutenme-they have recognized the gap between them and Ogata in the battle just now.

"Let's go!" Sheng Tianmu shouted, attacking Ogata with the footwork of farming stream.

The sword light and the gun shadow you compete for me.

Ogata singled out the sword, fighting alone with the spears that were attacked at him from 4 directions.

The storm-like offense and defense are the same for both sides, and instant relaxation will bring fatal injuries.

The blade that pierced the air, the sharp metal rubbing sound, the slamming of the fierce officers, the snow curtain that was constantly being cut open.

Because of the advantage of the length of the spear, an ordinary person who has never learned spear skills, with a spear in hand, may be able to pick up an uncle samurai who has studied swordsmanship for many years and holds a long sword in his hand.

Four masters with long spears besieged a person who only used a knife—in the general public’s imagination, that person with a knife might not be able to survive even a round.

But such an uncommon sense scene was staged at this time and here.

No matter how Otami's attack, it is difficult to shake Ogata's defense.

When they wanted to move to the rear of Ogata and attack Ogata from behind, Ogata could always jump out of their unfinished encirclement by stepping up to prevent enemies from behind.

It doesn't matter if the 4 people fired the guns together, or they fired them from different directions in order, the result is no different-they will all be opened by Ogata's sword, or directly by Ogata.

—The oldest is the most powerful.

—The second with a scar on the top of the head.

-Qiuyue and the one next to him, who seems to be the youngest and weakest of the four, are not the same.

As Ogata single-handedly received every attack from Sheng Tianmu and the others, he kept turning his indifferent eye pupils that were characteristic of entering the "Selfless Realm", examining the four generals in front of him.

After so many rounds of offense and defense, Ogata has a general understanding of the strength of these four people.

Looks the oldest at that age, the strongest—this is no doubt. The offensive is fierce, and it can be seen that his actual combat experience is not lacking.

After recognizing which of these four were strong and weak, Ogata also saw that these four had changed their tactics.

Originally, the tactics of these four people were very aggressive, and they vowed to take down the head of Ogata.

Now, the battle of these four people has become much more conservative.

Ogata guessed that most of these four people were trying to hold him back, waiting for reinforcements to arrive, so they changed their tactics.

Naturally, Ogata didn't intend to follow their attempts obediently.

While he continued to defend, he glanced down at the thick snow under his feet.

Kuroda, who was standing to the left of Ogata, took several deep breaths in succession, adjusted the somewhat turbulent breath, and stabbed at Ogata with the spear.

Kuroda Hara thought that most of his stabbing this time was blocked or avoided by Ogata.

But who would think-Ogata neither dodge nor dodge this time.

Instead, he let Kuroda's spear head close to his body, and then when the spear head was almost 3 inches away from his body, he suddenly raised his left hand and grabbed the barrel of the spear.

Before Kuroda had time to show his stunned expression, he felt a severe tingling pain from the palms of his hands, and the skins of his palms seemed to be lifted off—in fact, they were indeed lifted off.

After grabbing Kuroda's long spear, Okinawa poured his vigor into his left arm, as if a stationary car soared to 220 miles in an instant. With all his strength, in just a moment, he used brute force. The spear was drawn from Kuroda's palm and snatched it away.

Kuroda was too late to react, and the spear that was snatched by brute force directly ripped off the large skins of his palms, revealing bright red muscles or splashing blood directly, and the joints of the fingers of both hands were also forcibly taken away by the spear in the palm. Different degrees of bruises.

Ogata's movements are too fast.

Kuroda was too late to scream, and the other three people did not respond accordingly. Xu Jian held a knife in his right and a gun in his left.

He pranced backwards, while leaping, leaning on his powerful waist, with his belt arm, he swung the spear he had just captured in the palm of his left hand.

He put the spear of the left hand spear against the thick snow-covered ground between him and the 4 Shengtianmu, and swept it from right to left, sweeping out a fan shape.

The snow on the ground splashed under Ogata's great power, and flew towards Ikutenme and others.

Looking at the oncoming Feixue, the pupils of the four born Tianmu suddenly shrank.

Sheng Tianmu and Tiandao quickly backed away, avoiding Feixue.

But Akizuki and Kuroda raised their hands subconsciously, intending to prevent snowflakes from getting into their eyes.

The originally tight semi-circular formation collapsed due to the retreat of the Tianmu and Dao of birth, and Akizuki and Kuroda did not move.

Ogata, who had just jumped backwards, had his feet back on the ground.

The next moment he stood back on the ground, Ogata stepped on the ground with both feet, and Ogata threw away the spear in his left hand, like a spring that was originally pressed tightly and then suddenly released, and bounced towards the one who was still raising his hand to block the snow. Akizuki and Kuroda.

Ogata's first target was Kuroda, who had no weapons.

Sakihara One Sword Style·Bird Stinger.

Da Shitian turned into a streamer, like a long rainbow circling the sun, shooting towards the throat of Kuroda, who was about the same height as him.


The sound of shattering armor and the sound of flesh and blood being pierced.

A bit of astonishment flashed in Ogata's eyes.

Because the object he stabbed at this time was not Kuroda, but Akizuki.

Akizuki, who was standing next to Kuroda, just put down his snow-blocking hand, and saw Ogata pounce on Kuroda, who had no weapons in his hands.

Before he could think about it, Akizuki jumped directly between Kuroda and Ogata subconsciously, trying to open Ogata's sword with the gun in his palm.

In terms of the result-Qiuyue succeeded.

Akizuki, who stood between Kuroda and Ogata in time, managed to open Ogata's sword with the barrel of a gun-although the result was a bit tragic.

Ogata's sword did not penetrate Kuroda's body, but it penetrated Akizuki's body.

The knife that originally pierced Kuroda's throat, after being opened by Qiuyue, penetrated Qiuyue's left shoulder, which was pierced with fleshy armor.

"Qiuyue! Catch him!" At this moment, a violent shout rang out.

The master of this violent drink-is Shengtianmu.

Ikutenme and Tenmichi, who had just retreated, had moved to the left and right sides of Ogata at this time.

Sheng Tianmu's face was full of enthusiasm and excitement-he felt that he saw the opportunity to win.

As long as Akizuki seizes Ogata's sword that is currently submerged in his body and prevents Ogata from drawing it, then his life Tianmu and Tiandao will have the opportunity to take this opportunity to launch a fatal blow to Ogata.

Sheng Tianmu's shout just now was actually superfluous.

Because even without his shouting, Qiuyue just happened to have this intention.

Akizuki gritted his teeth, let go of the spear, and with all his strength, he hugged Ogata's Oshaten who was inserted into his left shoulder with both hands, and prevented Ogata from drawing his sword.

Standing on the left and right sides of Ogata, Ikutenme and Tenmichi seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attack Ogata with their guns.

Ikutenme, standing to the left of Ogata, pierced Ogata's left chest.

Tendo, standing on the right side of Ogata, pierced Ogata's right abdomen.

When Ogata saw this, he didn't panic or chaos.

Only silently let go of Da Shitian, who could not be quickly pulled out from his hand.

Put your hands into your arms quickly. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Take out Xia Nai and Mei Ran.

Mei Ran on the right hand aimed at Tiandao.

Xia Nai with her left hand aimed at Shengtianmu.

Gun to gun-although the guns on both sides are not the same.

Whether it was born with Tianmu or Tiandao, they all showed an extremely unified expression now.

Sheng Tianmu/Tiandao:? ? ? ?



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