I Was a Swordsman in Ancient Japan

Chapter 524: Single man with two swords and two guns, alone in the barracks of three thousand troop

Feeling that he was being supported by someone, Amachi tried to open his eyes.

After opening his eyes, the first thing that came into view was the face of someone who was familiar to her and also very important.

"Can you still move your hand? Press this pressure with your hand to stop the bleeding." This person said in a calm tone.

Afterwards, this person untied the scarf from his neck, used the scarf as a bandage, and tied it to Ah Ding’s wound, doing temporary treatment for Ah Ding’s injury.


At this time, the top roar sounded fiercely.

"Who are you? Are you the one who killed nearly 30 of my subordinates?"

Without the most special order, the men next to him raised their long spears at this time, pointed their sharp spear points at the samurai who appeared suddenly, and surrounded the samurai in a semi-circular formation.

Regarding the roar of the top and the surrounding of these generals, the samurai had nothing to do, and concentrated on temporarily bandaging the wounds of Ah Ding.

"My luck has been really good lately." The top sneered, "I didn't expect another person with important information to come out so soon. Hey! You guy... um...? Yours Face……?"

At the very top, his somewhat arrogant yelling was only half way out, and his arrogant yelling was replaced by a question full of surprises.

Because up to this moment, the top did not find out-the face of the guy who suddenly appeared... He seemed to have seen it somewhere...

But for a while, he couldn't remember where he saw this face.

Just when he was thinking about where he saw this face at the top, the samurai had already bandaged Ah Ting's wound.

After finishing the bandage, the samurai took his sword, slowly got up and turned, facing the top class who was surrounding them in a semi-circular formation.

Ah Ding raised his hand to cover the wound that had now been simply bandaged, and looked at the back of the samurai who was standing between her and the highest class, who was now holding a knife and facing the top of them, his pale lips fluttered:

"A Yi..."

He whispered his love for this samurai.

Either Ah Ding, or the top class, did not hear a sound at this time.

Because this voice sounded in the mind of the samurai.

【Ding! The host enters the state of selflessness! 】

As the voice that only the young samurai could hear fell, the top screamed:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh face full face full of shock and faint the face of the face on the face of the face on the face of the face on the face of the face of the face of this time the full of the faint fear at this time.

Because I finally remembered it just now.

I remembered when I saw this face.

I remembered who this person was.

After thinking of this person's name, fear is like a big hand holding and wrapping his whole body.

There is not much time to savor this fear.

Because—the samurai rushed towards them with a sword.



The dense system sound that is unique after entering the "Selfless Realm" exploded in Ogata's mind.

Ogata's state of mind quickly changed to a state of "nothing in his heart" peculiar to "the state of no self".

Just now, after hearing Ah Ting's yell, Okinawa rushed out of the hunting lodge and rushed in the direction of Ah Ting's voice.

What happened next... there is nothing to elaborate on.

When Ogata rushed to the distance that his eyes could see Amachi, he happened to see the scene where Amachi was nailed to a tree with a spear...

I happened to hear the top sentence "Take her away! After breaking her fingers, I will see if her mouth can be so firm!"

Seeing this scene and hearing this, there is no need to say more.

It is very clear what to do and what to do now.

At this moment, Ogata’s heart that calmed down after entering the "Selfless Realm" had only one thought--

Draw a knife.

Just like a teleportation, Ogata, who was still standing a few steps away, just made a mistake and teleported to the soldier closest to him.

With his left hand, he held the spear of the soldier who had not reacted at all, twisted his waist with luck, and slashed forward.

Sakurahara One Sword Style · Dragon Tail.

After the knife slashed the soldier's throat, the remaining force remained unabated, and the throat of the other soldier on the right was also cut open. Kill two people with a single blow.


A soldier on the left side of Ogata finally reacted. While screaming, he subconsciously thrust his spear towards Ogata.

Using his left foot as the axis, Ogata made a half-turn to avoid the spear, and a horizontal blade of light appeared again.

Dragon Tail Flashing Body.

"Quick! Surround him! Kill him! Kill him! The archer, the iron gunner prepare!" The top screamed.

The top scream is still useful.

After hearing this scream from the top, all the soldiers calmed down, and in accordance with the command of the top, surrounded Ogata. As for the archers and the iron gunners, they were also preparing for shooting at this time.

The four soldiers summoned their courage and surrounded Ogata from four directions.

The four soldiers stood in Ogata's 4 directions and attacked Ogata from 4 directions.

He was attacked from four directions, and the attack in one of them came from a location that he couldn't see. No matter what he thought, he would feel that the person surrounded by them was more ill-fortune-these four shoguns Ogata That's what the surrounding soldiers think.

With the idea that "this guy will be stabbed to death soon", the four people stab Ogata with their spears.

Faced with the situation of being surrounded, Ogata's face remained as usual, and he only pulled out Da Ziyou silently.

The expressions of the four soldiers who originally thought that Ogata would be stabbed to death with random guns soon changed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because they were surprised to find that no matter how they stabbed, they couldn't pierce Ogata's body.

From the beginning of the fight, Ogata's feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, and he didn't take a step back.

The swordsman, who had already been promoted to the master level and was still further enhanced in the "Selfless Realm", shined brightly at this time.

Ogata swung the knife, shook it away, bounced back, and danced the knife in his hand impermeably, forming an invisible protective shield around his body. Isolated from this protective cover.

Whenever the guns of these four soldiers were about to pierce Ogata's body, Ogata's sword was able to intercept their guns first-even if the attack came from Ogata's rear.

After opening a spear head that was almost able to stab him in the chest, Ogata's footsteps flashed slightly in his eyes, and he used the pad step to quickly intersect the four soldiers' formation.

Unlike the samurai who likes to shout loudly when attacking an enemy with a sword, Ogata has never had the habit of shouting loudly when attacking an enemy.

Ogata silently broke through the encircled formation of these four soldiers, and fluttered under the guns of these four soldiers, leaving only four sword lights behind him.

Knife light and blood fly together.

Ogata didn't even look at the back, holding a pair of **** swords, facing the top and the rest of the soldiers. The four soldiers behind him fell to the ground one after another.

The system prompt sounded four times in Ogata's mind.


There was a sound of liquid falling to the ground.

Ogata slammed the double knives in his hands, and the blood attached to the knives fell on the ground, turning into plum blossoms on the snow.

"Hey hey..."

"Ah...Who is this person...?"

"Wait... this man's face... I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

Looking at Ogata who is like a ghost and Shura, the morale of the surviving soldiers fell rapidly like an avalanche.

At the same time, some soldiers realized that afterwards, they began to realize that the samurai in front of them, they seemed to have seen somewhere before...

As for recognizing the top of Ogata a long time ago, now I only feel that the big hand named "fear" has given his body to the tightly held hand, and has tightened it a little bit.

——Why, why...Why is Ogata Ichitosai here——? !

The top screamed loudly in his heart.

After hearing Amachi's shout, Ogata rushed to the place where the sound was sounding like a conditioned reflex.

In a hurry to check what happened, Ogata didn't have time to slowly put on his human skin mask again.

So now Ogata-does not wear a human skin mask.

His face right now was not the face of Goro Majima.

It was his original face—the face of the executioner Ichidozai!

Ogata didn't make any stop after tearing a gap in the semicircular formation formed by the best.

After shaking off the blood attached to the double-sword sword, Ogata once again turned into a afterimage, and rushed straight to the top.

Along the way, all the soldiers who stopped in front of Ogata were beheaded by Ogata.

Kill one person in one step-this is Ogata's current state.

No one can stop Ogata's attack, even with a single knife.

No one can hold Ogata's footsteps, even a little.

The soldiers blocking him and the top were melting like snow in a raging fire.

Finally-Ogata got to the top. It is only 3 steps away from the top.

"Come on, come on!"

Just now, when I saw Ogata killing him straight, the top had the urge to escape.

But the dignity of being a samurai is at work at this moment.

Reason told him to escape.

But the dignity of the samurai controlled his feet, making it difficult for him to move half of his steps.

In the end-it was the education that was instilled since childhood, or the dignity of the samurai slightly prevailed.

He would rather die in battle than run away, falling into fame.

"Come!!" The top yelled again boldly, "Let you see the Wu Yong of the'Xianzhou Seven Spears'! Let me also see how useful the sword of Yidaozhai is!"

Ogata's reaction to the grand and pompous shouting from the top was dull. ,

The expression on his face is still expressionless.

Nor did he say anything to the top.

Only silently took out his flintlock-Mei Ran. Aim the muzzle at the top chest in front of you.

Ogata has countless "plans" on **** the top.

But in order to let the best go to see Amaterasu as soon as possible, and also to make the best feel the pain as much as possible, Ogata decided to use the simplest and most convenient method-to draw a gun.

The pain of being shot and the bullet left in the body is not comparable to the pain of being chopped.

First shot him out of combat effectiveness, and then rushed to make up for it-this was Ogata's plan.

The top armor is very thick, and using the weak Xia Nai, it may not be able to break the armor.

So Ogata decided to use the most powerful Umezen.

Looking at the muzzle of Mei's black hole, he was taken aback, and then he hurriedly swung the sickle in his hand.




The sound of gunfire, the sound of something breaking, and the sound of something breaking almost all sounded at the same time.

At the top, his sickle spear that hung across his chest in time blocked Mei Ran's bullet.

The bullet broke the barrel of the sickle gun, and then continued to fly forward, hitting the uppermost breastplate, exploding a little bit of armor fragments.

"Puff! Cough cough..." The top only felt that his hands and feet were soft, and he couldn't hold the sickle gun that had been broken into two pieces.

Ogata hadn't expected to kill the top with a single shot.

After letting the highest point lose his fighting power, Ogata stuffed Umeran back into his arms, preparing to make up for the highest point in front of him.

But at this moment-Ogata heard strange noises from his side.

Ogata heard: This is the vibration of the bowstring, and—the sound of the firing gun.

Like a conditioned reflex, the thread jumps back.

After jumping back, 10 arrows were inserted where he had just stood.

In addition, there were three more small black holes shot out by bullets where Ogata stood just now.

Ogata looked in the direction where the arrow had just been shot—only ten soldiers were holding archers with bows and arrows.

In addition to the 10 archers, Ogata also saw three soldiers squatting and holding arquebuses.

The three musketeers are now hurriedly refilling their muskets with projectiles.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat! Archers, iron gunners cover!"

At this time, the top lieutenant-Sakaguchi finally couldn't bear this one-sided defeat, and replaced the injured leader with an order to retreat.

"Quick! Take away the Supreme Master! Bring the Supreme Master back to the camp for treatment! You guys cover the Supreme Master and leave!"

Instructed the surrounding soldiers to lift and take away the top, and move the top to the back of the top horse.

"Hey." From appearing to the present, Ogata finally said the first words to them, "Where are you going?"

Having said that, Ogata once again rushed toward the top of the front.

"No, don't be afraid! Stop this guy! Master cover leave!" Sakaguchi commanded the soldiers to cover.

Several courageous soldiers, under the command of Sakaguchi, stopped between Ogata and Makami.

Although none of these soldiers were Ogata's enemies, it would take some time to behead them one by one in the face of their desperate obstacles.

When Ogata finally cut down the soldiers in front of him one by one, the wounded top had been dragged onto the horseback of his horse, and then disappeared in the wind and snow under the cover of several soldiers.

Looking at the direction of the most successful escape, Ogata squinted his eyes slightly. Since the start of the battle, his expressionless face has finally changed a bit - a little more gloomy.

After taking a meaningful look at the direction where he left most, Ogata slowly turned his gaze to look at Sakaguchi, who was not far away from him.

"Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Sakaguchi, who was a little relieved after successfully covering the top evacuation, was also ready to evacuate.

Sakaguchi hurriedly climbed onto the back of his warhorse.

But as soon as he climbed onto the horseback of the warhorse, a soldier next to him screamed in horror:

"My lord! That guy is here!"

Sakaguchi panicked and looked in the direction where Ogata was-Ogata, who was already bloodied, was killing him.

The morale of the soldiers is now on the verge of collapse.

There are very few soldiers who dared to stop Ogata again.

More and more soldiers screamed while leaving from this Shura Hell, and more and more soldiers began to rout.

Sakaguchi screamed in fright, knocked his horse belly with his back heel, ready to ride his horse to escape.

However-before the horse under his hip had walked a few steps far, Sakaguchi heard four consecutive gunshots.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

This is the sound of Xia Nai's mouth.

After seeing that he was still a few steps away from Sakaguchi, and Sakaguchi was ready to flee, Ogata did not hesitate at all. He quickly took out Kasana that had not been shot, and aimed at the horse under Sakaguchi's crotch. All the bullets in the chamber of Xia Nag were removed.


The horses under Sakaguchi's crotch let out a series of sorrows, and then fell heavily to the ground.

As soon as the screams of the horses fell, Sakaguchi's screams sounded immediately-because the fallen horses directly pressed Sakaguchi under him.

The soldiers around witnessed the scene of Sakaguchi falling to the ground.

The sound of gunfire, the sound of Sakaguchi's landing, and the sight of Sakaguchi falling to the ground caused the morale of the remaining soldiers to finally collapse.

The remaining soldiers who had not escaped directly seized the way and fled. Ordinary soldiers, as well as the archers and iron gunners who were originally responsible for sniping Ogata, all lost their intent to fight.

Only a few soldiers remained unwilling to give up the "dignity of samurai."

The courage of these soldiers is commendable, but the spiritual strength cannot fill the gap in strength.

After cutting down the soldiers who rushed up and made a suicide charge, Ogata carried the double swords that had been stained with red blades in blood, and walked slowly towards Sakaguchi, who was struggling to withdraw from the fallen horse.

Here, only Ogata, Amachi, Sakaguchi, and a place of corpses are left at this time...

As soon as Sakaguchi pulled his legs out of the dead horse, he felt the light behind him dim.

Lifting his eyes and looking back, he saw Ogata standing expressionlessly behind him, looking down at him.

"Hey--!" Sakaguchi subconsciously let out a scream full of fear~www.readwn.com~Please, please let me go..."

It's different from the kind of people who value the dignity of a samurai very seriously.

At this moment, Sakaguchi's desire to survive overwhelmed all thoughts.

Ogata looked down at Sakaguchi begging for mercy...

After a while, Ogata asked Sakaguchi quietly:

"You just said to send the adults back to the camp...that camp...is it your camp?"

Although Sakaguchi didn't know why Ogata asked this suddenly, he nodded hurriedly.

"Then you should know how to get to your camp?"

Sakaguchi nodded busy again.

Looking at Sakaguchi who kept nodding his head, Ogata's eyes narrowed slightly.

His eyes are full of meaningful colors.


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