I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 669 It’s better to leave the remaining brave men to chase the poor bandits

Cyborg said excitedly: Not only did the antimatter cloud that had been oppressing the border of the universe disappear, but the antimatter cloud that ravaged Wan Tianyi also began to dissipate.

Anyway, within the monitoring range of the tuning fork, Wan Tian Yi was empty.

The most obvious manifestation is that the bloody sky disappears, and the blue sky, white clouds, and sunshine come back again. A natural disaster——

Speaking of this, his excitement subsided slightly, The moon has lost one-third of its mass, and the earth is still suffering from constant disasters.

Green Lantern, how many people are left in the Green Lantern Corps? Harley asked.

Hal Jordan said sadly, Fifty-eight died in the battle, leaving thirty-two.

After a pause, he continued: But there is good news from Oa. The space-time beam that trapped the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps was shattered after the Anti-Monitor escaped.

It seems that we really hit him hard this time, but unfortunately we couldn't finish him off completely.

You should notify the Green Lanterns who are still on the earth now and ask them to go to the meteorite belt. It is best to go to the meteorite belt outside the solar system, transport meteorites of the same mass to the moon, crush the meteorites, and fill the craters.

Hal did as he was told.

Miss Quinn, the Anti-Monitor is not dead. Old Superman frowned.

Well, that's right, he ran away.

You promised that your plan could kill him completely. Dr. Guang was a little excited.

Harley raised her eyebrows and said calmly: I promise to introduce him to Earth 0 within today, and I also promise to try my best to surround and kill him.

We almost succeeded.

Just Super Girl tore most of his metal shell into pieces.

It can be seen that my judgment is correct. Even if the Anti-Monitor enters the positive material universe, his power will not be much stronger than Superman.

Choosing the battlefield in the four-dimensional material universe has great advantages for life in our four-dimensional material world.

But he escaped. Ms. Quark frowned.

If we go to the antimatter universe, the effect will only be worse. Bateman said solemnly.

If he were in the antimatter universe, he would have nowhere to escape. Ms. Quark said.

Superman said: Obviously someone drove a spaceship to pick him up before. If he were in the antimatter universe, it would be easier for him to escape.

Cyborg also said: The Anti-Monitor's spacecraft comes from the hyper-time flow, and is about the same level as the Monitor's satellite, and we can't stop it at all.

Just like people on earth who have not entered the interstellar era, they cannot stop alien spacecraft from picking up their companions trapped on the surface through tractor beams in outer space.

No, we have a countermeasure, Dr. Neon Human Light looked at Harley, Alexander has prepared a plan to track the Anti-Monitor - the Forsaken locates him, and Alexander opens the portal to surround him.

If we cannot do this, how can we rashly venture into the antimatter universe with an unfamiliar environment?

Judging from the results of today's battle, the Anti-Monitors are far less powerful than we thought. With Alexander leading us, we will surely achieve a greater and more complete victory.

As a result, you tied the leader of the Super Legion to a tuning fork, preventing his outstanding talents from being used.

He is the destined person chosen by the monitor!

Harley ignored her, looked at Kent, and said doubtfully: The behavior of the Anti-Monitor is a bit strange. Even if high-dimensional beings enter the material world, their frequency will be reduced, but what is reduced is their endless physical strength, indestructible body, and instant recovery from injuries. Buffs like this won’t reduce your strength and skills too much.”

Old Superman praised: Supergirl was so brave today. Her fists are stronger than mine and her skills are better. She is the main force in defeating the Anti-Monitor.

No matter how brave she is, the gap in life essence and energy level between the two parties is there, and it's not that easy to bridge. Harley said.

The nature of life does not mean the strength of power. Many gods are no match for me. Superman of Earth 0.

Harry said calmly: That's because the gods you encountered are too weak, and their life essences are not different enough from yours.

If the upper limit of power in the material universe is 100, both you and Supergirl can touch this limit when you are emotional.

In higher dimensions, the upper limit of power is higher than that of the four-dimensional material universe, if it is 120 points.

The gods you meet, although they live in a world with a power limit of 120 points, their physical strength is only 70 or 80 points, or even lower.

When we come to the material universe, due to the frequency reduction, the power is weakened by 10%-20%, and it is further away from the 100 point, so even powerful superpowers cannot be defeated.

As long as the supreme being is willing, the power can be increased infinitely, until the limit of the world's endurance, 120 points.

At least that's what the Anti-Monitor can do.

After absorbing the energy of the infinite universe, it's time for a pig to touch the ceiling of power.

Therefore, even if the frequency is reduced in the material universe and the power is suppressed to the limit of the universe, it should be constant at 100 points, which is at least a tie with the Kryptonians.

A situation like today would not happen. The moment we met, we were knocked down by a girl from the supermarket.

The Anti-Monitor is no weaker than us. Old Superman said.

The power I'm talking about is not only strength, but also speed and reaction. Harley said.

Dr. Fate said: I have a guess that the Anti-Monitor is not in the best condition.

He absorbed too much energy, skills, body, and will in a short period of time.

He once only controlled one antimatter universe, but now he cannot control the energy of the entire multiverse.

Harley looked at the blond woman in red robe and asked: Laila, you are the adopted daughter of the Monitor. You have been with him for more than ten years. You should know him and the Anti-Monitor well, right?

Laila thought for a while and said: Maybe Dr. Destiny is right, the Anti-Monitor absorbed too much energy.

In today's battle, he just acted clumsily and was not weak physically. He broke Super Girl's head with one punch, causing blood to flow out.

After being attacked so many times by you, he was not seriously injured or weakened.

Moreover, his energy beam attack was so terrifying that he could kill dozens of Green Lanterns in one move. No hero dared to get close to him after that.

That's right, the Anti-Monitor is just slightly inferior in melee combat skills, but his body is no weaker than mine, and his anti-matter beam is no less impressive than Darkseid's Omega. Superman sighed.

Harley said: Laila, your clone once killed the monitor, right?

It's all my fault. He raised me, but I murdered him. Laila's eyes darkened, and her eyes became moist again.

You don't need to blame yourself. His death was a script arranged by himself and has nothing to do with you. Harley comforted her casually, and then said: What I want to ask is how it feels to kill him. How does it feel.

How does it feel? Laila was stunned, and her expression became angry.

Bateman's heart moved and he said: We want to kill the Anti-Monitor, but we don't know how to kill him or how to kill him.

The Monitor and the Counter-Monitor should be the same life form.

When you kill the Monitor, that feeling of certainty that he is dead is helpful in figuring out how to kill the Anti-Monitor.

The monitor will bleed after being injured, and his body will remain the same after death, without turning into energy and disappearing.

I felt the breath of his life disappear and knew I had killed him.

Laila said as she recalled, and as she spoke, she thought about the course of today's battle.

The Anti-Monitor should also be made of flesh and blood. Maybe there is too much anti-matter energy in his body, and the enriched high-level energy causes the body to begin to energize?

Ms. Quark said impatiently: According to the situation on the battlefield today, as long as the fight continues, the Anti-Monitor will definitely be in danger of his life, otherwise he will not have to escape.

As long as you understand this, it's enough. If you have time to discuss it here, why not open the antimatter channel and end him completely immediately.

Superman asked: Ms. Quark, are you sure you can beat the energy-body Anti-Monitor to death with your fists? We launched a high-intensity attack on him that lasted at least two minutes, but the effect was not good.

Dr. Guang said loudly: If two minutes is not enough, just twenty minutes; if twenty minutes is not enough, just two hours.

We all overestimated him before. His ability to control antimatter clouds is terrible, but his real strength, especially his melee combat ability, is very poor.

Supergirl was only slightly inferior to him one on one, and we crushed him the whole time.

Laila also said: Don't forget that there are still four universes in the Hades universe waiting for us to save. Regardless of whether we kill the anti-monitor today or not, we have to enter the antimatter universe within 24 hours and find the one where the frequency difference of the universe has been reset to zero. instrument.

Let's go now. The anti-monitor is at its weakest now, destroy the frequency difference zeroing device, kill the initiator of the multiverse crisis, and win the final victory. Ms. Quark said excitedly.

Lila looked at Harley, We need Alexander Kent.

Harry frowned and said: Wash the sword before chopping wood. Now we are summarizing the war. It is not a waste of time. Moreover, there is still a large amount of antimatter energy waiting for Alexander to transform.

After completing the transformation, he also needs to recuperate. Aren’t you super girls too seriously injured and are currently recuperating near the sun?

Whoosh! As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of red light flew from the sky, and a sassy girl in a red cloak and red ribbon appeared above the tuning fork platform.

I have returned to my best condition, and I have been listening to your conversation. Supergirl took out the communication earbuds from her ears and said with a serious expression: I agree to the immediate expedition to the antimatter universe. Now, let go of Alexander Kent and let him Open the gateway to the antimatter universe.”

Bateman frowned and said, What about the antimatter energy in our universe?

Supergirl looked at Dr. Destiny, How long can you last?

The less energy you have left, the longer you can hold on. Right now, it's about 5 hours.

Harley Quinn, can you directly use the Ark of the Covenant to absorb antimatter energy? Supergirl asked.

Harley Glanced Antimatter Defense feat: Level 8, immune to direct attacks from antimatter energy.

Antimatter energy is the power of creation. It can be used to launch scarlet antimatter energy waves. It can also be used as an energy source to enhance various damages such as psychic shock, heat rays, hail, and time.

Just like the positive matter universe, there are very few real positive matter energy attacks and are only in the hands of the monitors.

The attacks from the positive matter universe are diverse.

The eighth-level antimatter defense specialty can be immune to the former, but cannot be 100% immune to the latter.

But this was enough for her to swallow the antimatter source leaked by the Anti-Monitor into her belly and slowly digest and absorb it - as long as the antimatter energy could not harm her body, she could swallow it into her stomach.

She was able to swallow and digest food before level eight, but her stomach could not withstand the damage caused by the source of antimatter.

The origin of antimatter is different from the antimatter cloud. The Ark of the Covenant cannot extract unfiltered antimatter clouds. It can absorb the origin slowly, not as fast as Alexander. Harley said.

She also said before that the Ark of the Covenant cannot directly absorb antimatter clouds, but now it cannot change the settings and can only distinguish the antimatter clouds from the antimatter source.

This is not a lie, there is indeed a huge difference between the two.

Then what are you talking about? Let's set off and take action immediately. It's better to use your remaining courage to chase the poor bandits, not to be known as the academic overlord! The female doctor Neon actually recited a poem in broken Mandarin, You Westerners may not understand this. These are the words of the great man of the East.

She also explained it to everyone.

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