I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 661 Ark of the Covenant

Wonder Woman said: In the original meeting of heroes, your plan ended with the 'Antimatter Flow Controller', and you only said that you would adapt accordingly later.

Do you have any final plans now?

If so, and it proves that it has certain operability, we are willing to listen to you.

Harley said helplessly: The Anti-Monitor didn't come, I've never seen him, and I've never experienced an antimatter cloud.

For me, the time to adapt to circumstances has not yet come, but you.

Harley Quinn, don't you realize there's something wrong with your grand strategy?

Wonder Woman looked at her seriously and criticized: You have to be the commander, you have to control the overall situation, and you have to directly feel the antimatter cloud to make the final plan.

Then you should have immediately gone to the parallel universe that was suffering from the disaster a few months ago, when the Herald came to see you for the first time.

When you have the information you need, return to Earth and become a five-ring general giving orders.

Instead of like now, as the commander-in-chief who formulated the plan, he has never seen the antimatter cloud.

We plan executors have already experienced the despair of antimatter clouds destroying the universe countless times.

Although the heroes did not speak, they all nodded in agreement.

Bateman said: We should understand the Fifth Ring Admiral. She is not a timid person who is afraid of death.

Many people wanted to refute, especially the mages standing at the door listening.

Bateman continued: She didn't leave with the pioneers, not because she was afraid.

Rather, they worry that after they leave, they will not be able to come back, or that things will be different when they come back.

We now see with our own eyes that her Manhattan power is preventing Earth 0 from entering the Hades universe.

Not to mention the consequences of entering the underworld, this at least shows that her worries at the time were reasonable.

Harley poked Cyborg's shoulder with her finger, Why are you dazed? Hurry up and figure out the change curve of the limit value, estimate the lowest point, and then store the excess positive matter energy.

Cyborg wanted to take action, but couldn't help but look at the three Zhenglian giants for instructions.

Harry, I also know that going to the Hades Universe is not the best option, but the Monitor Satellite exploded. If you don't leave now, if you can't find a better way to save the world in the future, we will use the Hades Universe as Plan B. It's impossible. Superman frowned.

Bateman said: Cyborg, you can control the tuning fork. As long as you have enough energy, if you don't leave now, can we go to the underworld by ourselves later?

Cyborg said: You can move Earth 0, but you don't have the coordinates of the underworld.

This Bateman also hesitated and turned to Harley, You said that day that with the tuning fork, there was a 70% chance of resisting the antimatter cloud.

If the Anti-Monitor takes action himself, and the Pharaoh knows the universe well, do you still have the confidence to defeat him?

Of course I don't have the confidence to defeat the Anti-Monitor, but I have confidence in the ghost. Harley said confidently: I believe that the wrath of God can at least serve as a coordinate to help us use the underworld as a backup tire.

Uh everyone was stunned.

Kent, can a ghost do that? Bateman asked.

Doctor Fate touched his chin, No need for ghosts, I have already locked the location of the Hades universe and am still monitoring several universes inside.

Because of the obstruction of the antimatter cloud, I cannot receive information from the universe, but I can get a rough idea of ​​their status.

Harley glanced at him sideways, Why didn't you say anything before and why did you still want me to ask you in person?

Because I think the plan of entering the underworld and acting as a watcher is the safest right now.

Harley looked around and said to the surrounding heroes and sergeants: Many of you may not understand what the differences between me and the Pioneer are.

If all the remaining single universes go to the Hades universe, wouldn't it be the new Wan Tian Yi?

Some people understand what that means, but more people don't.

The universe will restart.

Restarting can be understood as reloading the game.

For people who play games, this is great, as it can make up for previous mistakes.

But unfortunately, only the monitors are gamers.

All the rest of us, including Superman, Wonder Woman, and the godlike Dr. Fate, are merely characters in the game.

If I were not the five-ring general that you place your hopes on, I would still make the choice I am making now and not enter the underworld.

However, my determination will not be as strong as it is now.

Because I am also a game character, but I can escape from the game.

I can protect myself.

But now I am a five-ring general, and I have to take on the basic responsibility of protecting the earth.

Protecting the earth actually means protecting your life and destiny.

Now, my plan is to ignore the pioneer and let her scream there. We will continue our previous strategy of adapting to circumstances and use entering the underworld as a backup.

If you agree with my plan, return to your posts.

If you don’t agree, go back to your post and vote with all your heart.

As long as your will is strong enough, I can't stop you.

Everyone looked at each other and left the tuning fork console in twos and threes.

I want to remind you something. Wonder Woman waited for everyone else to leave, then approached Harley and said seriously: If you use the underworld as a backup, it will make the heroes of the other four universes feel grudges. Then dissociate from us.

But one day, we will form a coalition to go to the antimatter universe to deal with the Anti-Monitor.

How many Superman are left now? Harley asked.

Wonder Woman was stunned and said: There is a Super Girl on Earth 1, an elderly Superman on Earth 2, and then there is the Superman of our universe.

Harley shrugged, Supermen are all good people and will always forgive their enemies, not to mention the reasonable calculations of allies?

As long as Superman doesn't mind, there's no need to care about the attitudes of other heroes.

Wonder Woman said with a dull face: There is a Wonder Woman in the underworld.

Well, you want to remind me that Wonder Woman is a petty person?

Wonder Woman glared at her and turned away.

Harley, the limit is rising. Cyborg said with a strange expression.

“Public opinion has been reversed?”

Well, now more and more people are on your side, ready to use Hades Universe as a backup tire. Cyborg said.

Oh, everyone wants to have a spare tire, so people's hearts are not old! Harley sighed with a smile.

After laughing for a while, she said doubtfully: Even if those heroes and generals were convinced by me before, they are only an insignificant part of the entire universe.

Cyborg was startled, Indeed.

There is only one possibility. The will of Earth's heroes is far more important than aliens. Harley frowned.

It's possible, but why? Cyborg asked doubtfully.

Harry's eyes flashed and he changed the topic: How much more positive matter energy is there in the tuning fork? Why hasn't the pressure on me been relieved?

Cyborg said with a frown on his face: There is only an energy pool inside the tuning fork. How long can you sustain it if there is no way to store energy separately?

Hearing this, Harley's face became paler, sweat started to form on her forehead faster, and she said angrily: When you reminded me, I realized that my blood tank is almost empty and I won't be able to hold on any longer.

The corners of Cyborg's mouth twitched twice, Whatever you want to do, just say it directly.

Estimate the minimum energy required to move the tuning fork, use the total energy in the tuning fork now, subtract the limit value, then reserve one third, and store the rest excluding the tuning fork, Harley said.

Where is it stored? Positive matter energy is very unstable. Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, Last time you absorbed part of the positive matter energy and said you wanted to study its characteristics.

Well, its characteristics are very special, I don't understand it. Harley said.

It's not a characteristic. Cyborg stared straight at her, The key is that you can absorb positive matter energy. Could it be that you have gained a lot of benefits and now you want to extract them?

——Shit, this guy is a rugby player. A player should have well-developed limbs and a simple brain!

The former gymnast thought to himself.

Junior, you didn't tell anyone else about senior's secret, right? Harley's smile was very gentle and sweet.

A football player in the past would most likely blush with his heart pounding right now.

It's a pity that Cyborg is now a cyborg, and all the fluid flowing in his body is engine oil, without even a trace of hormones. Let alone the gentle words of the senior sister, even...


Actually, I don't want to hide it from Superman and the others. I trust them very much. Senior sister Harley sighed with clear eyes and said slowly: It's just that the earth is famous for information sieves.

A few days ago, General Lane asked Superman to spy on the alien generals, you know?

Well, General Lane also asked me to monitor the electrical signals of alien allies. Cyborg said.

Harley sighed: “Even the aliens know the secret that Superman’s innate skill, the solar flare, comes from the blood river in Wonderland.

So, you understand why I hide my cards?

I'm not afraid that aliens will know their trump cards. The key is that the anti-monitors must also be keeping an eye on the earth. They must also know information that even aliens know.

The trump card has to do with your ability to absorb positive matter energy? Cyborg asked doubtfully.

It's not me who absorbs the positive energy, but my treasure. Don't struggle, I'll let you see something.

Harley opened her mouth, and a golden light enveloped the steel frame and pulled it into her stomach.

Wow, this is your stomach? Why is it so golden? Cyborg looked around, unable to distinguish up, down, left, and right, the entire space was golden.

What you see is not my stomach.

There are many green tentacles growing on the surface of her stomach wall, but they are not pure gold.

Harley's mental power turned into a projection and appeared next to Cyborg.

check it out.

She had a solemn expression and recited a spell that she didn't even understand, but the mysterious sound echoed in the space of her stomach pouch.

It was a long spell that made Steel Bones feel solemn and awe-inspiring.

Buzz-- Harley's palms glowed with bright golden light, and an ancient wooden cabinet that exuded a sacred aura appeared in front of her.

This is... Cyborg was surprised, his electronic eyes flashed red quickly, and he compared the words on the cabinet and the surface of the cabinet in front of him with the photos and information in the electronic brain database. Gradually, an incredible answer was coming out.

Harley said nothing, just looked at him with a smile.

The answers you find yourself are the most authentic and trustworthy.

The legendary Ark of the Covenant? Cyborg exclaimed.

Harley gave a thumbs up, but said seriously: I didn't say anything, you didn't see anything, nothing happened today, do you understand?

Cyborg nodded and asked again: Is this your trump card?

He thought of the 'anti-matter energy flow control device' she had planned as early as the hero meeting, thought of the positive matter energy that had disappeared before, and then thought of her relationship with heaven.

The truth flashed through his mind like lightning.

The Ark of the Covenant can contain an unlimited amount of positive and antimatter energy? Enough to drain the Anti-Monitor's energy?

Harley smiled and said nothing.

At least we don't have to worry about antimatter clouds anymore, which is great!

Cyborg found all the answers he wanted in his mind. He couldn't help but feel surprised and happy, and a long-lost relaxed expression appeared on his face.

No wonder the senior sister has always advocated forming small groups and has always rejected the monitor's plan - even if she has never actually seen an antimatter cloud.

How could she not be confident in God's arrangements?

Moreover, she had verified last time that she had indeed absorbed some positive matter energy.

Today it may be proven again that there is more energy to absorb in the tuning fork.

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