I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 653 A superior breed that doesn’t care about the environment will take root as soon as it la

The essence of natural disasters is the collapse of the laws of the universe, and Nabu, the god of order, began thousands of years ago to create a parliament of earth, water, wind, and fire elements that is unique to the earth, and a parliament of life composed of the green of all things, the red of all living things, and the black of decay. .

Relying only on the two major parliaments of elements and life, the earth is like a small universe, which can be stable at least until the last moment before the destruction of the universe.

Where is the chance to win? It seems that the situation has been developing in a bad direction, and we can only passively defend. Lana Long asked.

Harley held out three fingers, We have at least three methods to deal with the anti-monitor behind the scenes. First, the monitor is our ally, and he has prepared a complete set of methods to solve this crisis.

We can rely on Him and His plans.

Second, God is merciful!

Halle made the sign of the cross on her chest, and the Holy Mother's Seal blessed her body. Not to mention the two reporters in front of them, the audience in front of the TV felt that her plump, heart-shaped face became whiter and seemed to be filled with holy light.

She looked divine, and her expression and tone were more pious: Everything that is happening now, what will happen next, and the future outcome are all in the destiny arranged by the Lord.

The merciful Lord has not given up on us.

He arranged for the messenger to come to the world, waiting for the ultimate enemy-the Anti-Monitor to appear. God's messenger will punish him!

In front of the screen, a Reuters reporter murmured: Admiral Wu Huan seems to be a true believer. This is not consistent with the rumors that she is a Taoist godfather and a black magician.

The important point is God's arrangement, who the messenger is, and how sure we are. Old Hans frowned and looked at Lana again, criticizing: This question is very important, why don't you ask?

On the TV, Lana Lang didn’t ask anything, just listened to Harley continue: “Third, ourselves.

We already know that the person behind Crisis on Infinite Earths is the Anti-Monitor.

He is powerful, but our strength cannot be underestimated.

I personally have extensive experience dealing with powerful beings.

To be honest, among the enemies I have encountered, the Anti-Monitor is barely even in the top three. Superman alone can fight him back and forth.

As long as we work together, it's not impossible to defeat the Counter-Monitor directly.

Coupled with the arrangements of the monitor and the messenger of God, this crisis is bound to be a near miss.

Alas! Old Hans sighed again and said in a tone of hatred: Lana Lang, you are really not a qualified news anchor, at least not suitable for this kind of celebrity interview.

Yes, why did you go directly to the next topic without asking anything? You actually asked her what she has been busy with these days? You are interviewing the golden nuclear bomb that the whole universe is paying attention to, not having fun with others.

“The arrangements of the Watcher, the messengers of God, the plans of the Five-Ring Admiral himself, each deserves the most in-depth exploration.

You'd better ignore such an important issue. It's really annoying!

The reporters also complained one after another, looking at Lana Long with disdain in their eyes: This ignorant girl wasted her opportunity!

Photographer Depay was also puzzled: Lana, I was confused during the interview. You originally prepared a lot of questions, but in the end you didn't ask them.

For example, why the golden nuclear bomb can defeat the Shadow Demon.

For example, how much energy is left in the yellow light of the golden nuclear bomb, and whether it can last until the end.

Lana sighed: This interview was originally intended to analyze in detail the details of the crisis and the five-ring general's response strategy, so as to relieve the public's fear of the changes in the celestial phenomena and restore order to a society that has fallen into chaos.

But when I actually sat opposite the general on the Fifth Ring Road, I suddenly understood one thing. This is a public program. Whatever the public knows, the enemy must also know.

Therefore, not only should we not ask about the strength, trump cards, and battle plans of the Fifth Ring General, but we should try our best to conceal them.

This all the reporters were stunned.

Lana Lang continued: I changed my original plan and tried to minimize the leakage of useful information during the interview, adding some small questions about life details, and only showed that the Fifth Ring Admiral was confident, confident and calm at this time.

As the leader and main force of the battle, the golden nuclear bomb becomes more confident, and there is no reason why we should not follow suit.

Anyway, after talking to her, I felt much more at ease.

The reporters were silent.

The 45-minute interview was completed in one go and there was no lag in the content.

Throughout the whole process, Lana Lang's presence was extremely low, making the audience feel like she didn't even say anything.

The Five Rings Admiral seemed to have said a lot, but it was all trivial matters, and the audience did not remember any useful information.

But after the show ended, even the most picky reporter couldn't deny one thing: after watching the show, I felt much more at ease.

If you ask some 'explosive' questions, this interview will shock the entire universe and make you a celebrity in the universe. Old Hans said with a complex expression.

Lana Lang smiled bitterly and said: That is because this universe can still exist. If the universe is eventually destroyed by the wave of antimatter, what is the use of being as famous as Lois Lane?

I apologize to you, Reporter Lang, you are a real reporter! The old man saluted her.

Contrary to Louise's praise that day, after Lana Long's interview was aired, netizens and viewers called her a bad reporter with poor professional skills.

Originally, they were worried about the end of the world. Not to mention scolding reporters, they even planned to give up their jobs, families and their own lives.

Now they have the mood and energy to watch the violent female online anchor because after watching the interview, they were indeed infected by the confidence and indifference of Golden Nuclear Bomb who talked and laughed freely.

In the days that followed, a group of reporters were stationed at the foot of Quinn Manor.

It's not the world's famous journalists, it's the photographers arranged by their newspaper to cover the famous journalists.

The pictures of the admiral riding a dog were all processed by famous reporters into a golden nuclear bomb on the daily way to work, a golden nuclear bomb on the daily way to get off work, and a calm and ordinary day for a golden nuclear bomb.

All in all, it was an ordinary day for the golden nuke.

No matter what happens on earth, it is all under her control, and there is no need to panic.

People's hearts are indeed much more stable, but the situation in Crisis on Infinite Earths keeps getting worse.

Deterioration visible to the naked eye.

As Harley said in the interview, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes... all kinds of natural disasters came one after another, but they were quickly suppressed within acceptable limits by the cooperation of mages.

Doctor Destiny suspended the Tower of Destiny directly over the city of Manhattan. Even mortals could see lightning arcs as thick as arms, dozens of kilometers long, and as dense as spider webs, spreading from the tower to the void everywhere.

Arc is actually the manifestation of the laws of the universe in the material world.

At this time, it was like a house was about to collapse, and the Tower of Destiny stood up as a pillar.

And the earth is the backbone of the Earth 0 universe.

On the morning of the fifth day, Harley was guiding a few new superpower heroes in the Heroes Hall of Liberty Island. Suddenly, a crisp click sound appeared in her heart, making her scalp numb and the hairs on her hair standing on end.

My dear, the river of time is broken?!

She quickly ended her training and quickly flew to the Tower of Destiny.

Did the river of time collapse?

At this time, the Tower of Destiny has gathered most of the mages on the earth. Not only the grand masters, but also the archmages and official mages have been recruited.

For example, Helen, the bartender of the Forgotten Bar, Detective Orangutan, and Master Dark Night, the boss.

They sit cross-legged on each node of the giant magic circle, contributing their own strength to the law network that supports the earth.

The river of time in our world is very stable, but Dr. Destiny's eyes were filled with golden light, as if he was looking at the landscape invisible to ordinary people, there are incomplete rivers of time that have crashed into the river of time in our world.

Two rivers of time collide? Harley asked.

Doctor Destiny said: “It’s not crossover, time is losing its meaning in some areas on the earth.

The past, present, and future are both present and absent.

If the multiverse is hardware, and time and the laws of the heavens are the operating system, then countless individual universes are destroyed, almost all the hardware is damaged, and the system loses its meaning of existence.

Originally, there were countless rivers of time in the super-time flow. They were many and complex, but they never collided, because they all moved along the direction of 'past-present-future', moving forward in the same direction, parallel and without intersection.

Now that time is blended together, the flow of time has lost its direction. The past, present, and future all appear at the same time, and they are all collapsing toward our 'quality' reality at this time.

However, time does not collapse on the entire earth. There is a strip of time chaos. I will try my best to compress the time chaos zone into one place so as not to affect the normal life of the people on earth.

Harley's expression was solemn: Is the final moment coming?

Dr. Fate nodded first, then shook his head slightly, This is a sign of the end of the world, but this alone cannot destroy our universe.

It is not matter that is attached to time.

Time has meaning because of matter.

As long as this world exists, our river of time will not disappear.

This is not a time restart, the timeline is not distorted, it is just a lot of garbage suddenly dumped on the river. Therefore, Harley's level 10 connection power defense expertise to stabilize her own timeline is not touched.

Harley, please read the news. Superman called and said excitedly: A Tyrannosaurus Rex appears outside Metropolis. Oh my God! I am fighting dinosaurs. Jurassic Park has become a reality.

Jurassic era chaos is just the beginning.

Golden lightning streaked across the sky, and at the same time appeared a double-decker antique aircraft before World War I, and a small airship with a futuristic sci-fi style - it was not an alien spacecraft, nor was it an alien spacecraft piloted by earthlings.

In the eighteenth century, Robert Livingstone was stopped by a Gotham patrolman on his way to Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Liberty in his carriage.

Ho ho ho - On Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, Animal Man controlled a group of mammoths to run out of the city. A group of primitive people wrapped in fur and holding wooden spears chased the mammoths.

A middle-aged woman wearing a strange jumpsuit shouted at the live broadcast camera: Hey, it's 2015 now? Is this World War I or World War II?

What, it’s been more than half a century since World War II ended?

Alas, it’s only been more than half a century. As an American, it’s normal for me to not remember clearly. Oh, I was born on May 13, 2946.

Golden nuclear bomb?

What a bad name, I’ve never heard of it.

God, it's a living Superman. Nonsense, who doesn't know Superman and the Justice League?

They are the greatest heroes of all time, the forerunners of the modern Legion of Super-Heroes.

The Hall of Justice is a base for patriotic education. There are statues of every hero there. We all went there when we were in elementary school.

Your Superman is actually an American hero? A veteran American general who claimed to have fought in the war for 40 years was stopped by soldiers when he went to his 'own' office in the Pentagon.

As expected of a general, he does not panic when encountering difficulties. After asking about the reason, he said with a complex expression: We also have Superman on earth, who is also an orphan from Krypton.

His spaceship landed in Czechoslovakia, and when he grew up, he called himself the 'Overlord' and defeated the entire Europe with the strength of his body of steel.

In the once free European and American world, only the American continent has not yet been conquered by him, and the war has been going on until now. Oh, I haven't heard of Harley Quinn, but we have Uncle Sam.

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