I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 646: There are turmoils in all directions, but sit still at the hot pot table

Psycho Pirate Bateman never told me. Superman murmured.

General Lane said disapprovingly: It's useless to tell you. Apart from questioning the pioneer, being persuaded by her, and finally accepting the status quo, what else can you do?

Should we let those brainwashed super criminals go free?

Let them die freely in the antimatter cloud together with the billions of ordinary people who don't want to die?

What are you talking to me about now? Superman frowned.

General Lane shook his head slightly, I just experienced today's battle, and I have some questions in my mind. I want to talk to you, a person who has participated in many parallel universe defense battles.

Understand the war situation in other universes, and then report the information to the White House and the United Nations Council.

Even the aliens began to raise their bets crazily, and the Earth's army also had to increase.

Although Harley has snatched many alien spaceships and weapons, Earth soldiers cannot operate them skillfully, and their individual strength is far inferior to that of alien space soldiers. There is no need to add more. Enough people have sacrificed today. Superman said sadly.

Superman, the earth belongs to all of us, not the territory of the Justice League. We have the responsibility to protect our country and our country, and we have the right to die with honor. General Lane said seriously.

That was not what I meant.

General Lane waved his hand, Your work is done and you can leave.

Superman sighed and walked towards the dock.

General Lane frowned slightly, as if talking to himself, and whispered: Your child is about to be born, don't do anything sorry to your wife, otherwise her father will beat you into a sieve with kryptonite bullets.

Superman paused, did not look back, and continued walking forward, He has no chance.

Of course General Lane knew his son-in-law's true identity.

Superman also knows that he knows.

But Superman never calls General Lane 'father-in-law', and General Lane only treats reporter Clark as his son-in-law.

Before today, General Lane had never spoken to Superman about anything other than work.

This is an unspoken understanding.

But today is a special situation.

Even though Louise was reluctant at all costs, General Lane helped her take two months of maternity leave at the Daily Planet and forced her into the Aki airship.

Clark Kent didn't stop.

Now that his daughter is gone and his son-in-law reunites with his beautiful old lover, the father-in-law is inevitably a little worried.

Well, General Lane wouldn't care about Clark Kent's old story, and theoretically shouldn't know about his son-in-law's first love, but Superman's secret files in the Pentagon are more detailed than the 'Harley Quinn Files' in the Batcave.

Superman's passionate love affair with Lana Lang in high school was also one of the main reasons why the 'Superman Psychological Evaluation Team' believed that Superman could be tamed.

Before Superman's figure completely disappeared from sight, a beautiful female major with short hair and extraordinary appearance walked up to General Lane and asked in a low voice: Father, do you want me to come and take a look?

General Lane frowned slightly, Lucy Lane, this is not the Lane home, and we haven't taken off our military uniforms. You should call me 'General Lane'.

It's almost time to get off work now, Lucy said.

After get off work? General Lane glanced at his second daughter, Do you think Shadow Demon would agree? If I were the counter-monitor, I would take advantage of the night to launch another sneak attack.

Lucy shook her head gently, He won't. Even without alien equipment or a mage who can turn day and night upside down, our earth's original technology would have already made the difference between day and night long ago.

But our human body can sense the difference between day and night. General Lane pinched his eyebrows tiredly, Help me arrange a small airship and call Quinn Manor first. I have something urgent and need to see Harley Quinn immediately. , and then notify the Presidential Palace, I will be there in two hours.

Where's Superman and his old flame? Lucy asked.

Superman won't mess around after my warning.

If the father-in-law's threat is effective, there will be no son-in-law for a lover in the world.

Lucy pouted, but still picked up her phone and started arranging the tasks assigned by the general's father.

Ten minutes later, the father and daughter arrived at Quinn Manor.

Harry was preparing to cook the hot pot, and immediately waved with a smile: It's better to come early than to come late. This morning, when I was destroying the 'Beer Pirates' in the YAMAHA galaxy, I encountered a star beast that looked like a giant dragon.

It is the mount of Pirate King Jacks. Now it has become a pot of meat on the table. Come and have a taste together.

Smelling the aroma coming out of the giant mandarin duck pot, Lucy's belly rumbled a few times.

Ryan didn't eat dinner either. He was a little hungry, so he didn't refuse and took his daughter to the table.

Wow, this tastes great! She picked up a palm-sized piece of dark purple meat with chopsticks, rinsed it three times in a clear soup pot and stuffed it into her mouth. Before she could eat it, Lucy exclaimed intoxicatedly. stand up.

I thought the meat would be very old. How can such a smooth and tender texture survive in the harsh environment of outer space?

Harley said: That star beast is the same as a superpower. Its strength comes from superpowers, not just physical strength. And if I want to make hot pot, of course I have to choose the tenderest meat.

Well, that's it.

While eating, General Lane told Superman everything he heard and saw, Basically, alien volunteers and undersea people can use it.

I am afraid that the war will become a protracted war.

If the anti-monitors see that they cannot knock down the tuning fork of our universe for a long time, they may quietly contact those aliens and make promises and benefits to make them rebel.

Well, General, you have thought very carefully, Harley said strangely after swallowing a mouthful of meat slices, It's just that if you really wait until the anti-monitor 'descends his dignity', he plans to fight with the inferior fourth-dimensional 'material man' When dealing with someone, who do you think he will choose to bribe first?

Us? Lucy said in surprise, taking the lead.

Harley nodded slightly, At least he asked us first. When we refused, he became angry and went to eat inferior 'food'.

That makes sense. General Lane hung his chopsticks above the hot pot and fell into deep thought for a long time.

Harley's words seemed to open the door to a new world for him

Should we surrender and guarantee the bottom line? His tone was a little sneaky.

Lucy looked at her father in shock, forgetting to chew the pieces of meat in her mouth.

You can consider it.

Lucy was ten times more shocked and turned to look at the five-ring admiral with a natural expression.

Harley continued: Don't refuse bluntly first, it depends on the conditions and sincerity of the counter-monitor, and also the trump card of the monitor.

If the counter-monitors lie and deceive us, if the monitors turn against the wind, we will surrender.

Harry, you are very thoughtful. General Lane said with admiration in his eyes.

Lucy's eyes scanned the table, hoping to find a dissenter.

Ivy didn't respond and prepared a fruit plate for everyone, while the legendary Dog Son gnawed on the bones.

It's only the first day of the war. It's not good to discuss surrender, right? Lucy said weakly.

We must work hard to win. If it turns into a hopeless war of attrition, this is a plan. We cannot surrender later than our allies. Harley said.

Yes, no matter how good the treatment is, surrender is not as comfortable as the winner, but surrender is a retreat. When it comes to surrender, we must be there before our allies. General Lane fully agreed.

In just over half an hour, the Ryans and their daughters had round bellies and were full.

Harley and Dog Shengzi were still munching away.

After a few polite words, they took their leave and left for Washington.

You're lying again. Gou Shengzi muttered.

Who did I lie to?

You won't surrender at all, you don't even trust the monitor, how can you entrust all your wealth and life to the counter-monitor?

Of course, according to your style, when the counter-monitors come to you, you will still surrender, fake surrender.

What you are saying to General Lane now is to appease him and Washington. Dog Shengzi said.

Harley glanced at it and said, Yebi, how did Yang Xiu die? Do you know now?

Dog Shengzi sighed: Yang Xiu died because he liked to act clever in front of his master who was stupider than him, causing his master to feel ashamed and annoyed that he had completely seen through me.

If his master is smarter than him, he will appreciate his quick thinking and excellence with enough confidence and a condescending and tolerant attitude.

Good boy, you didn't read this book in vain!

With a confident smile on her face, Harley patted the dog's head in a condescending manner.

Dog Shengzi glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He couldn't figure out whether she was really happy or whether she was hiding a knife in her smile. He could only lower his head and chew the bones silently.

Harry, something big happened!

Suddenly a green light flashed in the night sky outside the window, and Hal Jordan's anxious voice appeared outside the door.

Without any courtesy, he opened the door and hurried in. He said with a panicked expression: Oua was attacked, and the Guardians and most of the Green Lantern Corps were wiped out.

Dead? Harry tried not to laugh, but tried to look frightened and angry, making his expression a little distorted.

They are not dead. They are trapped in a beam of time and space. Time and space are frozen and they have become prisoners.

Oh, who did that?

Harley didn't even bother to pretend to be shocked and angry, her tone was calm, and she picked up a chopstick and chewed the meat slices.

Have you had dinner? If not, come over and eat together. Ivy, give Hal a pair of dishes and chopsticks.

Harry, stop eating and come to Oa with me quickly.

Hal tried to pull her arm, but she dodged him.

Sit down, eat, and speak clearly. Harley said solemnly.

Hal sighed helplessly and sat down next to Yebi, After the meeting, Kilowog and I are going to return to Oa to persuade the Guardians to send the Green Lantern Corps to Earth.

But before we could leave, we received a call from the guardians.

The Guardians have been observing the battle taking place on Liberty Island, and they made the decision to mobilize the Green Lantern Corps without our having to persuade them.

At that time, I smiled and said to Kilowog that this would save a lot of effort.

As a result, when I returned to Oa, I saw a sky-reaching light pillar penetrating the atmosphere, and the guardian and thousands of green lights were sealed inside like bugs in amber.

The guardian's face still maintained a look of shock and fear.

So, you don't know the murderer? Harley asked.

At this time, I can't think of anyone else with this kind of power except the Anti-Monitor.

Harley was silent for a moment and said, After you finish eating, go find Dr. Destiny. His understanding of time and space far exceeds mine.

Hal Jordan forked a few chopsticks at random, left the manor, and went to Liberty Island.

Only an hour had passed before Dr. Destiny and Hal arrived hand in hand.

The Pillar of Time is not a dead thing. The power of creation from outside the universe is constantly pouring into it. My strength is not enough to break it.

Even if I could do it, I wouldn't dare.

Break the Pillar of Time, and the people inside will shatter like glass. Dr. Destiny said.

Have you eaten yet? Ivy, give Kent a pair of dishes and chopsticks. Harley said.

Thank you. Kent sat down next to Dog Shengzi unceremoniously.

Harry, are you still eating? Hal was excited, Can you at least take a look?

Don't be anxious, don't panic! Harley said calmly: Don't forget that we also have a supervisory boss. When the pioneer arrives, the problem of the Pillar of Time will be solved.

What's the use of letting me go now? What can I do that Dr. Fate can't do?

Don't you have the power of God?

Harley rolled her eyes at him, You might as well let me kill the Anti-Monitor, because I have the power of God.

Hal reluctantly sat down and continued eating meat, When will the pioneer come?

I've never been to the Monitor Satellite. Harley's heart moved and she smiled: However, the Monitor Satellite can monitor every world, so our side should be the top priority, and there are only five left in the universe.

You go to Liberty Island, stand on a tuning fork and shout, or write a few words in the sky, which should attract the attention of the Watchers and Heralds.

Harry, you are so smart! Hal randomly took a few chopsticks and ran away quickly.

Harley poured Kent a drink and the two continued to eat and drink.

Less than an hour later, Hal came again, taking Bateman with him, looking more anxious than the first time, Harry, something bad happened, the watcher is dead!

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