Oh, are the Anti-Monitors too cowardly? From the start of the battle to the escape, it lasted less than half an hour. You have participated in many space defense battles before, haven't you always said you would fight for several days and nights?

Looking at the experience jar that was about to overflow with only a trace of blood remaining, Harley couldn't help but complain to Superman and other heroes who had been to other worlds.

In order to reach level 80, she first tormented American superheroes and super criminals from morning to midnight, with only two or three hours of rest - allowing the prison officials and policemen who accompanied her to rest.

After visiting the United States, I also visited various countries on the earth.

Then he went to the four kingdoms under the sea and fought fiercely until dawn, lasting several days and nights, only eating and not resting.

Later, he provoked pirates in the universe, threatening civilized countries with good reputations and relatively reasonable

It's still a quarter away from level 80.

As a result, the Shadow Demon has arrived.

Discovering the true effect of the fourth defense specialty was a surprise, and Harley was prepared for a double happiness.

But within ten minutes of her joining the battle, the Shadow Demon began to retreat.

Why are you looking at me like this if you don't answer my questions?

The expressions on the heroes' faces when they looked at the monster, and the expressions of envy and hatred on the faces of the mages, made Harley very happy.

But before feeling envious, jealous, shocked and awed, her questions must be answered first.

Harley, the power of God is so useful? Specifically to restrain the Shadow Demon? Superman calmed down and asked.

The power of God? Harley was stunned for a moment, then crossed herself on her chest with a natural and solemn expression, God is all-knowing and all-powerful. I have never doubted that God's power can restrain the Shadow Demon.

She really didn't doubt it.

If God takes action, the shadow demon will most likely disappear like a shadow in the sun in the blink of an eye.

Is it all the power of God? I used the green light ring to analyze it. The yellow light energy is very obvious, and it is also mixed with a strange golden color. Hal Jordan was unsure: There is a golden yellow strange substance that is different from the power of the yellow light. It is not certain whether it is physical matter or energy in the form of light waves.

What is that and what is it for?

Can the yellow light energy play a special role when combined with it?

Harley glanced at him, not too surprised. If her stomach acid was exposed, it would definitely be noticed by others.

But she wasn't worried about them guessing it was her stomach acid.

After the food defense expertise reaches level eight, stomach acid is no longer an ordinary solid liquid substance.

It can be a liquid substance like ordinary people, or it can be a regularized force, not just energy, but a digestion concept similar to rules such as gravity, kinetic energy, and momentum.

Therefore, as long as she didn't tell it herself, it would be difficult for outsiders to reveal the truth about Golden Stomach Acid Fog.

Well, there are some things I can't say, and I don't want to say them. I don't want my secrets and trump cards to be known to outsiders.

In short, thank you to the omniscient and omnipotent God for protecting me and caring for the earth. Harley sighed.

Superman and Hal Jordan are enlightened.

Apart from envy and awe, the rest of the people didn't have any doubts at all.

Well, Harley didn't care what they realized, she didn't say anything anyway.

She was praising God all the time, what was wrong with that?

If praising God is wrong, she is willing to make the same mistake again and again for God!

Half a day later, on Liberty Island in Manhattan, next to the tuning fork, the Legion of Heroes was stationed.

A post-war summary meeting is being held.

No wonder the Monitor wants Harbinger to invite Harley. Your restraint on Shadow Demon is too strong. If you join the Monitor rescue team, we can save more people. Superman said with a complicated expression.

Harley shook her head and said, There is no need to repeat this question. I won't go to the Monitor satellite, I won't leave this earth, and I can't even defend my own home. How can I talk about saving the world?

General Ryan said solemnly: Admiral Five Rings made the right choice. Without her today, even if we could defeat the Shadow Demon, it would only be after a brutal war that lasted for several days.

How much of a sacrifice would that be?

In just half an hour today, we lost 23 heroes, 681 elite soldiers from all over the earth, 158 alien volunteers, and people from the bottom of the sea.

Having said this, he looked at the red-haired princess opposite and said, Princess Mela, what are the damage done to the underwater people?

The 'Anti-Resistance Monitor Alliance' consists of five teams: the earth's soldiers headed by General Lane, the extraordinary army led by Dr. Destiny, the undersea people led by Mela, the alien volunteers without a leader, and the earth's army represented by Zhenglian. Superpowers - not just heroes, some super criminals are also among them.

The five legions united around the Fifth Ring Admiral - most of the teams were formed and selected by her.

Of 400 warriors, 124 died. Mei La frowned.

The battle loss ratio is a bit high. I thought the bottom of the sea was safer. Harley said.

Superman said: Based on combat experience in multiple universes, there is no difference to Shadow Demon in the air, on land, or under the sea. However, the light under the sea is dark and the shadow is more difficult to catch.

Next, stop hiding in the sea and float to the surface. Harley said.

Meila nodded slightly, she also had such a plan.

The shadow demons were defeated miserably today. Will they come again? she asked.

Harley looked at Superman. He had experienced dozens of battles with Shadow Demon in the multiverse in the past few days.

It will definitely come back sooner or later. Our earth has a tuning fork, which can block the invasion of antimatter clouds. Superman affirmed.

Luther said: But they obviously have no chance of winning. You first erupt a wave of solar flares, and the golden nuclear bombs come and go. No matter how many shadow demons come, it will be useless.

With the wisdom of the anti-monitor, there is no reason to do useless work.

Moreover, he has destroyed countless single universes. Is it necessary to keep an eye on us, a tough guy?

There is no doubt that the Anti-Monitor's purpose is to destroy all universes. No matter how high the cost, he will not give up Earth 0, because Earth 0 is the main universe.

Also because there are five universes and five tuning forks, which are equivalent to the five pillars of a house. Without the other four universes, and we are the only ones left, the effect of the tuning forks will be greatly reduced.

Four of the five load-bearing columns were broken. How could the remaining one support the entire house from collapsing? Superman said seriously.

Can't we fight back? Find the Anti-Monitor, kill him, and completely resolve the crisis. We keep defending, and there is no hope of victory. How long can we spend? Mela said.

Maybe the Watcher has a plan. Superman said uncertainly.

You haven't asked him?

I asked, and he said everything has been arranged and let us wait. Superman said.

Then just wait. Harley said in a relaxed tone.

Hal Jordan glanced at her and said, You still want to go to outer space to 'recruit troops'?

Don't go. Superman immediately advised: Judging from the results of today's battle, Harley is undoubtedly the main force against the Shadow Demon.

The shadow demons have come once, which proves that the channel has been opened, and they may come again at any time.

From today on, Harley had better not leave Liberty Island again.

No matter how many alien weapons and alien volunteers we get, they are not as important as you alone.

It's the truth, though.

Harley frowned slightly. She was only about 1% away from reaching level 80. Will the Shadow Demon come again?

She showed too much restraint against the Shadow Demon today. If the Anti-Monitor sees it, will she repeat the useless effort?

If she goes around the universe two more times, she will definitely be able to gain enough experience.

While the Fourth Defense Specialty may be the Sixth Note, what if the guess is wrong, or what if the Anti-Monitor possesses a second power besides antimatter?

At level 80, it is safer to reserve a specialty slot.

Green Lantern, now that Shadow Demon has appeared, it turns out that the earth is the key to protecting this universe.

Can you please call in the little blue guys and the Green Lantern Corps? asked Harley.

There are 3,600 Green Lanterns guarding the house, so if she slips away for a day or two, there won't be any big problems.

That's what I mean, Hal nodded. When today's meeting is over, Kilowog and I will return to Oa and ask the Guardians to summon the Green Lantern Corps and gather on Liberty Island.

With the Green Lantern Corps, Liberty Island is even more impregnable. All the heroes smiled relaxedly.

Mela glanced at everyone, pursed her lips, and the hesitation in her eyes dissipated, and said firmly: I will also send a message to my father and the other three underwater kings, asking them to arrange for another group of soldiers to come to Free Island.

Without the tuning fork, the Ocean Kingdom will also be in danger. They must understand such a simple truth.

very good.

Harry nodded with satisfaction. This Mela seemed to be somewhat of a hero.

Although the future situation is unclear, the Anti-Resistance Monitor Alliance is obviously in good shape, and everyone is becoming more and more happy.

The warm atmosphere at the scene seemed to have also infected the aliens. The representative of Lann Planet said loudly: I will immediately report the war that occurred on Liberty Island to the Supreme Leader and request to replenish a group of Lann Space Force with at least 5,000 people. .”

Thank you, Colonel Strange. People on Earth will remember the Lann people's help. Superman said excitedly.

Bah bang bang General Lane and the heroes laughed and clapped.

Harley frowned slightly, what kind of help was this?

Moreover, five thousand space troops came at once.

I will also send the battle video to the class spokesperson. The Koru people are not idiots who do not understand the overall situation. We will probably send an additional 10,000 Space Marines.

Tamaran will not sit back and watch the Shadow Demon destroy the tuning fork. I will report the situation here to the Queen of Black Fire and apply for a space army, at least 200 planet-level defense boats, and 8,000 officers.


As the aliens expressed their opinions one by one, the atmosphere at the venue almost reached a climax.

Superman said emotionally: We are so united, why worry about not being able to tune the tuning fork?

No matter how cruel and powerful the enemy's counter-monitor is in the end.

I firmly believe that with our sincere cooperation, he will definitely fail!

The aliens didn't look at him, but looked at Harley who was sitting on the main seat.

Harley looked at Ryan cryptically and said with a smile: I have never doubted the ultimate failure of the Anti-Monitor.

Bah bang bang! Everyone clapped excitedly, with smiles on their faces.

The meeting ended before evening. Superman stood solemnly on the dock, watching the coffins of martyrs being carried onto the warship, until a female reporter came over.

Hi, Superman.

She was a girl with shawl black hair and a delicate face. Her figure looked petite and slender under a long fashionable blue sweater.

Lana—— Superman was so surprised that he couldn't help but call out her name.

But then, when he saw the cameraman carrying a camera next to her, he restrained the rich emotions on his face and nodded: Hi, are you Miss Lana Long? I saw your press card, you are from CNN TV station in Kansas?

Seeing him pretending to be a new acquaintance, Lana Lang couldn't help but purse her lips and smile, Yes, I am Lana Lang from CNN. Superman, would you be honored to chat with you for a few words?


Of course Superman was willing to be interviewed by his first love, and he agreed without hesitation. Then General Lane's voice came: Superman, I need to talk to you immediately.

The old general walked over quickly and glanced at the beautiful female reporter warily.

Superman was at a loss.

After thinking for a moment, he felt that he should reject his old father-in-law, because Superman was not his son-in-law and there was no need to listen to him.

I will interview soldiers who participated in the war at the dock. Lana Lang was very considerate.

General Lane was not here to catch his son-in-law. He called Superman aside and said with a serious expression: The alien guy's reaction is very abnormal. I hope you use your super hearing to find out what those guys are saying to their 'president.' .”

Why is it abnormal? Superman wondered.

They're so positive.

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