I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 625 Starting the journey of experience harvesting

Although Arkham Asylum often has jailbreaks, Bruce did not break his promise to Harley when he took back control of Arkham: to transform it into a more advanced, more humane, and tighter modern prison.

At this time, there are only three prisons in the United States that can hold super criminals: Stryker Island in Metropolis, which can hold Superman's enemies. It once held Zod and now holds Brainiac, which belongs to Superman's territory.

Gotham's Arkham Asylum not only imprisons Bateman's enemies, but also often sends super criminals from nearby cities.

Belle Reve Prison in Louisiana is a super prison controlled by the Eyes of Heaven.

At this time, three days have passed since the ‘Heroes’ Meeting’.

Amanda Waller holds a tablet as she walks in front of a special cell at Belle Reve Prison.

Bang bang bang! She suddenly stopped and knocked several times on the alloy door without any cracks. Giant girl?

The heavy breathing inside stopped, and a thunderous and angry female voice shouted: It's so late at night, don't disturb me. Just fuck myself.

Amanda's black face twitched a few times and said: You know General Harley Quinn of the Five Rings, right? She is currently inspecting Belle Reve Prison. You are a special talent and you were named by her.

Harley Quinn? A woman's voice sounded behind the door, a little excited, She finally realized how powerful I am and gave me a hero order? Who is the enemy this time? Which city is in trouble?

Amanda said: There is indeed a crisis, but she is not looking for you this time for the Hero Order. The situation is a bit special. You come out first, and we will talk as we go.

If you agree, I will not inject you with anesthetic; if you object, and the objection is invalid, I will numb you and drag you to her.

I want to see her too, Harley Quinn is the second woman I'm interested in. The giant woman said excitedly.

The alloy iron door opened, and four heavily armed special police officers entered and escorted out a tall woman wearing a two-finger-wide black collar around her neck.

She has thick long red hair, is two meters tall, has a strong body and long hands, and looks like a female version of Schwarzenegger.

Although she is very strong, her face is actually pretty good, and she is prettier than most American girls.

Amanda shook the remote control in her hand, There are no handcuffs or shackles, but you'd better be smart.

The bomb around your neck comes from the Kryptonian civilization and can kill even Kryptonians.

The bigger the giant woman's body is, the stronger her strength is. At her strongest, she is as tall as dozens of floors, and her strength is enough to rival Superman in his normal state.

Nowadays, ordinary people of height may not be able to beat Bateman.

Have you heard of the 'Pharaoh Crisis'? Amanda asked as they walked on the road.

The giant girl thought for a while and said: Is it one of the three major crises Harley Quinn mentioned at the Heroes Conference?

Yes, now the crisis is coming, in the form of an antimatter energy wall. We need to find a way to restrain antimatter and recruit a group of super warriors.

The General of the Five Rings is patrolling various cities where heroes are stationed, and personally feels the power attributes of local heroes and super criminals, thereby selecting members of the Hero Legion. Amanda said.

You think I can fight antimatter energy? I can only get bigger.

The reason why Gigantamax possesses the ability to become gigantic is not because she is favored by the gods like War Eagle and White Dove, nor is it a pure accident like Mirror Master, nor is she born with awakening.

She is similar to Doctor Octopus. In order to cure herself, the medicine she developed failed and her body mutated.

People who have the ability to mutate themselves are definitely not illiterate and naturally know what antimatter is.

When you meet the Fifth Ring Admiral, go ahead and tell her. She wants to see all super criminals. Waller said.

At the prison gate they met another team.

My dear, Leopard Girl, what's wrong with you? the Giant Girl shouted.

The same prison officer led four special police officers to escort a prisoner.

The prisoner is a woman with the head of a leopard, like a leopard spirit.

It's Wonder Woman's number one fan, Cheetah.

Leopard and Gigantamax, just like the Joker and Bane, are core members of a hero fan group.

However, the Bateman fan group rarely cooperates. One person is often a dragon, and a group of people is a worm.

The Wonder Woman fan group is very harmonious, and they often act together for the common idol, and the relationship is not bad.

At this time, Leopard Girl's body was dripping with blood and there were scratches everywhere, especially her chest, which had been turned to pulp by repeated attacks.

Hearing the giant woman shouting loudly, she did not react at all. Her arms were held up by two prison guards respectively. The leopard's head drooped feebly, and its feet dragged on the ground, like two brushes, leaving two traces wherever it passed. A shocking bloodstain.

The leopard girl is dead? the giant woman said excitedly.

If you die, you don't have to be dragged back to prison. Waller said calmly.

This makes sense, but the giant woman became even more excited, What did you do to her? Even criminals have human rights. I want to find my lawyer, and I want to sue you for abusing prisoners.

Don't be stupid, this is Belle Reve. Ward shook the remote control in his hand again.

Then, she reassured: We did not harm the Leopard Girl. Like you, she was also named by the Five Rings Admiral to test her strength attributes. After a sparring match, she accidentally suffered a minor injury.

Is that a small injury? The giant woman was almost swollen with anger, Is Harley Quinn a pervert who likes to torture others? With blood flowing all over the floor, is it just a small injury to Leopard Girl?

We are about to arrive at the super martial arts arena. You can ask the five-ring general yourself.

Belle Reve is not Arkham Asylum, and there is no underground fighting arena specially built for Harley to exercise.

The so-called martial arts arena is actually the airport next to the prison.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, sixteen 2,000-watt giant lights illuminated a piece of ground the size of a football field as bright as day.

The Gigantamax first saw a big green shark on the outside of the field - the shiny ion shark, and then saw Harley in the center of the field.

She was talking to another woman in an orange prison uniform.

The first time she saw the real-life General of the Five Rings, two thoughts flashed through Gigantamax's mind: She was younger and more beautiful than on TV. Compared with the brave and determined Wonder Woman, her appearance and temperament were sweeter; For a moment, thinking of Leopard Girl's tragic situation, her sweet heart-shaped face turned into a mask to hide her perverted heart.

Dr. Cyber, have you decided, what are you going to compete with me on? In other words, what is your best trick? Harley asked the woman with partially mechanized limbs opposite him with a smile.

The giant woman turned her head and asked Amanda, What are you doing?

This is a test of strength. You'll have to wait a few minutes.

Waller stopped a few meters away, and the four SWAT officers and the Gigantamax stopped moving forward.

I know Dr. Cyber. Gigantamax asked in confusion: Why are the people being tested all the old enemies of Wonder Woman?

Divided into different categories, it's just time for you.

The giant woman stood there, and when she saw the five-ringed general waving, a special police officer walked over with a box, which contained Dr. Cyber's weapons.

Then, the Fifth Ring Admiral and Dr. Cyber ​​were ten meters apart, holding weapons and standing opposite each other.

The Fifth Ring Admiral used a Browning and raised his hand first to shoot Dr. Cyber.

Ding dong. The bullet bounced off Dr. Cyber's metal cheek.

Dr. Cyber ​​raised his metal arm and stabbed a light blue arc of electricity, causing the five-ringed general to take two steps back.

The Fifth Ring Admiral fired another bullet, and Dr. Cyber ​​shot an electric arc.

The giant girl said blankly: What is this doing? Isn't it about testing strength attributes? What can be measured in this way?


I don't know how many rounds of shooting, Dr. Cyber ​​suddenly screamed. Her lower abdomen was shot through, breaking a hole as big as a wine glass. Blood spurted out and she fell backwards.

This is impossible, how could my armor be penetrated by a brass bullet? she cried in disbelief.

Sorry, I saw that the bullet had no effect, so I wrapped the bullet with a layer of yellow light energy. Harley said with a smile.

I’ve exhausted all my experience and won’t play with you anymore.

Are you still having fun? she asked.

I admit defeat. Dr. Cyber ​​said dejectedly.

The Fifth Ring General waved his hand, and four special police officers walked over, removed the mechanical equipment from her body, and dragged her away, adding another trace of blood on the ground.

Dr. Cyber, your armor is more suitable for close combat. Even if you face Wonder Woman head-on, you can still fight back and forth. Why abandon the strong and use the weak?

When Dr. Cyber ​​passed by her, the giant woman couldn't help but say.

Alas, I can only have a few back and forth moves with Wonder Woman and Bichi. Leopard Girl can seriously injure her, but you didn't see Leopard Girl's tragic condition. Dr. Cyber ​​shook his head and was dragged away.

Harley, this is Gigantamax, the last 'enemy of Wonder Woman.' Amanda walked over and said.

Get ready to change to the next group.

Harley waved to the giant woman, invited her to sit across the table, and asked, Do you know the rules?

The giant woman shook her head, Aren't you here to test your strength attributes?

While looking at this strong female man, Harley said: Test it through fighting. The way of fighting is your choice.

If you defeat me, you will automatically get a hero order to help the earth survive the crisis, and you will be free.

Even if you fail, you can still make a small request within reason.

For example, if Dr. Seb doesn't like Belle Reve's food, I will arrange a Michelin chef for her.

Can I refuse to fight? the giant woman asked.

Of course, you can stand there and don't do anything and let me beat you. Harley said with a smile.

The giant woman clenched her fists and said angrily: What if I beat you to death?

You still need to ask? The nearby guards will ask you to kill me on the spot. Harley said.

The giant woman stared.

Harley glared at her, Why are you glaring at me? I asked you to test my strength attributes and combat prowess to select members for the Legion of Super-Heroes. Is it still reasonable for you to kill me for no reason as I work hard for the people of the earth?

My specialty is the super strength and super defense brought by becoming gigantic. The giant woman gritted her teeth.

Then let's play a boxing game. You punch me, and I punch you. It's turn-based, fair and just, how about that?

It couldn't be better.

After taking off the pressure-sensing bomb around her neck, the giant woman gave Harley a sinister smile, and her body expanded from two meters to one hundred and fifty meters in a few seconds.

Roar - The sky and the earth were shaking gently, the dark clouds dispersed, and the bright moonlight fell on the giant's face and body.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world! Harley looked up and found that she was not as big as the other person's toes.

Hahaha, stupid Harley Quinn, I've killed countless people, and I'm still afraid of threatening you with my own life?

Boom! Like a world falling from the sky, the fist caused a small storm within a few hundred meters, and even light-weight people would be blown away.


There was a huge pit ten meters deep on the ground.

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