I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 622 Confirmation of the Big BOSS, the Anti-Monitor (I solemnly apologize to all readers for

What nonsense are you talking about? God knew about today's crisis more than a thousand years ago? Did you prepare in advance? I remember you don't believe in God. Harley looked at Xanadu and asked in surprise.

I actually believe in God. Well, the ancient ancestors believed in every powerful and great being. Xanadu said.

God hates false believers like you the most, Harley complained.

To be honest, Xanadu said with a serious expression, I told you before, I have encountered the Phantom Stranger many times in my life.

I will pick out a few important ones.

In the first Arthurian era, he seemed to be involved in the fusion of Etrigan and Jason Blood.

At that time, he told me that this was the fate arranged by the Lord for the crisis that would follow.

Later, I met him in the capital of the Mongol Empire, met him during the French Revolution, and met him in Manhattan, USA. That was thirty years ago, and I witnessed the birth of the ghost with my own eyes.

Do you know what the ghost's name is?

You mean the ghost's host? I really don't know that, Harley said.

Is the ghost like the war hawk and the dove, using a mortal body to bear the power of the gods? Bateman suddenly asked.

Xanadu looked around the conference room and found that many people had strange looks in their eyes, so he sent a message to Harley: There are a lot of people here.

The ghost's secret can be made public, and no one can plot against it. Harley replied.

——It was really planned, and she could just make a few sarcastic remarks and vent her anger.

Xanadu thought so and said, The host of the ghost is Jim Corrigan, a hot-tempered and impartial policeman in Jersey City.

At that time, he was investigating a case. The Stranger disguised himself as an informant and deceived him into an ambush by Gotham criminals. He was beaten into a hornet's nest by a machine gun, and his body was thrown into the Hudson River afterwards. It was so tragic that he died in silence.

Although I told myself not to be surprised, this is the Stranger, I still couldn't help but be amazed - that guy is really tricky sometimes. Harley sighed.

Jim Corrigan thought so too, Xanadu nodded in agreement. At that time, the resentment over his death was too strong. I was alarmed and ran to the river to check. I saw a vengeful spirit fighting with his soul on the surface of the river. Fusion.

Stranger was also present.

The new ghost wanted to settle accounts with him, and the stranger said - this is God's arrangement, there will be a crisis in the future, and you need to resolve it.

She looked at Harry and said with a complicated expression: Now it has come true to what the stranger said that day.

The Stranger didn't lie thirty years ago, so he didn't lie outside King Arthur's castle, in the palace of the Mongolian metropolis, or in Paris during the Revolution a thousand years ago.

He is serving God, and God is planning his destiny a thousand years from now.

You were deceived by a stranger. God can't even control the fate that is so close at hand. He also arranges for it a thousand years later. Harley looked disapproving.

By observing the river of time, you can arrange the fate of ordinary people, not to mention God. You can even do it yourself, but prepare for the crisis of the multiverse thousands of years in advance. Hey, if God knows the cause and inevitability of the crisis, it may be possible.

Harry was startled, then waved his hand and said: Ghosts are the limit of what God can do to help us.

Now, let’s talk about what we humans should prepare.

Bateman, or Superman, tell everyone what happened to 'Hero Luthor' and Earth 3.

Bateman looked at Superman, then at Luthor and Lois, took the initiative to take over the task, and recounted what he saw in the watchtower yesterday afternoon.

Even the hero Luther's video was played publicly.

My and Louise's son.

‘Bad Luther’ subconsciously glanced at Louise’s big belly.

It's unimaginable that parallel universes are real, and... Louise said with a look of difficulty accepting it.

You're no hero Luther, Bateman said, looking at Luther.

The hero Luther's wife is not you either, he said, looking at Lois again.

You are two different people in different universes. Don't bring too many useless personal emotions into it.

Well, that makes sense. Louise said quickly.

I need that time-travel machine. Luthor looked at Harry and said seriously: 'Lex Luthor is the smartest person in the universe' has been verified again.

Redbeard Luther is the only person in his universe who has discovered the secrets of the multiverse and developed the technology to travel through time.

I believe that by getting that time-travel machine, I can investigate its principles in the shortest possible time and improve the prototype into a mature multi-spaceship, which will be of great help in preventing and defending against antimatter crises.

The machine is in the hands of Zheng Lian. Harley said.

Luthor, you are not 'Hero Luthor', we cannot believe you. Superman said rudely: The words 'Lex Luthor is the smartest man in the universe' are your own words and have no factual basis. We don't approve.

Even if you get the time-travel device, you may accomplish nothing.

Even if you are smart and build a time-travel machine before the antimatter wall comes, will you use it to serve the earth, or will you immediately run away with all your belongings when the situation turns bad?

Luther said: Harley, you are a five-ring admiral. Is this war time? Is the five-ring admiral the real power?

The White House representative said: In view of the orphans of Earth 3 who appeared yesterday, Mr. President has applied to Congress for the fourth time - to temporarily not enter a wartime state, to keep the antimatter crisis and the annihilation of Earth 3 secret from the outside world, but to grant Congressman Harley Quinn The position of real power of 'Admiral of Five Rings'.

Probably tonight, or tomorrow morning, a reply will be given after internal discussions in the parliament.

The congressional representative immediately said: It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, Earth 3 is not an Earth, but the entire universe. If a universe is annihilated, what is it if it's not a crisis?

Moreover, the General of the Fifth Ring had already issued an early warning of the 'Pharaoh Crisis', and the congressmen were mentally prepared.

The fourth time? Harley was a little confused, Have I already been a five-ring admiral three times?

The invasion of Apokolips also counts. The President and Speaker made it up afterwards. You have harmed too many superpowers from alien civilizations, and you need the status of a five-ring general to legalize your actions. The White House representative explained.

Harley, since you are the five-ring general, you have the final say as to who will own the hero Luther's time travel device. Luther looked at her expectantly.

Well, since I am a five-ring general, of course I have to make the best choice for the earth, Harley spread her hands to him, I'm sorry, Zheng Lian is indeed more trustworthy than you, and I'm afraid you'll run away alone.

Pfft. Xanadu covered his mouth and snickered.

Luther's expression was stiff, and then his face turned green and red, Harry, your words are so hurtful. We have been dating for many years.

Don't get excited, Luther. I didn't mean to insult you. Regarding the time-travel machine, I, like you, will not participate in research, development, or transformation.

Harley glanced at the smiling giants of the Zhenglian Alliance, Superman is the person in charge of researching the time-travel machine, and the Flash is his deputy. No other heroes are allowed to participate, just like me and Luthor.

Cyborg was stunned. Zhenglian had originally asked him to take charge of the research process, with Superman assisting, but the Flash did not participate at all.

Is Cyborg more suitable than me? The Flash hesitated.

Harley said: Cyborg, Luther, Dr. Stone, and other scientists have other tasks. To put it bluntly, time travel machines are the most suitable for escape, but we are representatives of the people of the earth, not a private society.

It is impossible to abandon billions of people, abandon the earth and the universe, and move to other single universes.

Therefore, the time travel machine is not the focus. I hope everyone will focus more on antimatter.

Superman, Bateman, and Diana all looked at her approvingly.

Louise also looked at her in surprise, and couldn't help but think: If she hadn't spoken plainly, this kind of awareness and determination would really be worthy of the honor of 'Admiral of Five Rings'. I hope she can successfully lead her like the previous three times. The earth is out of the woods.

Miss Quinn, we don't know anything about antimatter, but the performance of the antimatter wall in the video goes against the common sense of physics we know.

It's like, it bears the name of antimatter, but it is not antimatter. Daddy Cyborg, Director of the Red Room Laboratory, and Dr. Stone said.

Yes, matter Earth 3 should have a big explosion. The annihilation of matter and antimatter produces a large amount of energy, and only a creation-level big explosion can release it, Luther continued.

Green Lantern said slightly impatiently: There is no need to discuss this issue. I don't understand the scientific principles, but the antimatter wall is obviously controlled by someone. If I were the person behind the scenes, I would definitely not waste the energy in vain.

Since the hero Luther has made it clear that it is antimatter, our first step should be to find an instrument or something else to restrain antimatter, and finally consider where the energy goes.

There are only two ways to restrain antimatter, Harley held up two fingers. First, use an equal amount of positive matter to offset it. However, the positive matter in the entire universe cannot withstand the annihilation of the antimatter wall.

This method eliminates it.

Second, no matter what method is used, control the flow of antimatter energy and keep it away from our universe.

This should be the direction of our research.

Sheli glanced at the several scientists and asked, Do you have any different opinions?

——In order to absorb antimatter and activate the expertise, she must first control the antimatter and control its flow to the expertise jar.

Just like when you turn on the food defense specialty, you must at least eat the food into your stomach. The bread in your hand cannot be absorbed.

Therefore, she needs to borrow the wisdom of the entire earth to build a device to control the flow of antimatter.

Let the energy flow to her tank.

You can try it. Dr. Stone nodded.

After Superman and other scientists agreed, Harley changed the topic, The best defense is offense.

Although it is a bit overestimating our capabilities, I still want to say that we should gather all the superpowers together and form a super army to kill the man behind the scenes.

——When she upgrades her antimatter defense expertise to level nine, she can lead the superheroes to eliminate the black hands who control antimatter energy.

Who is behind the scenes? Bateman asked.

Harley glanced at Green Lantern, Xanadu, and the always-playing Father Time, Have you ever heard of the 'Anti-Monitor'?

All three shook their heads.

I heard you mention the Monitor - the backstage of the Green Lantern Corps. Are the Anti-Monitors the enemies of the Monitor? Bateman said.

they are

Harley hesitated for a moment, but still did not say that the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor were brothers.

It is easy to say that they are brothers, but then everyone will definitely be curious: Who are the parents of the two brothers?

Not a word of Pappetua's information can be revealed to the outside world!

Harley said: They are all the universe administrators of the sixth dimension.

Since the Monitor sends pioneers to recruit men everywhere, the only ones left who are qualified to become the Monitor's enemies are the Anti-Monitors.

I even suspect that the monitor and positive matter, and the anti-monitor and anti-matter, have a close connection based on rules.

Afterwards, she explained to others the identity of the Monitor as the manager of the multiverse.

Luther's eyes flashed and he said: Is it possible that the conjecture of the antimatter universe is true? This can explain the origin of a large amount of antimatter energy.

The Monitor rules the multiverse, the positive matter universe.

The Anti-Monitor rules the antimatter universe.

Now the two founders have fallen out and want to compete for the hegemony of the universe of matter and antimatter?

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