I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 620 The Eighth Defense Expertise Plan

5 billion, isn't it too much?

Even though she was the Nemesis of Apokolips, Big Barda still looked a little shocked.

Five billion U.S. dollars would not even make a splash in her past life.

But now she came to Earth and became an ordinary alien alien. In order to make money to support the family, her husband even found a job as an escape room magician, with a monthly salary of only $6,000.

5 billion can bring about earth-shaking changes in the couple's life on earth.

You deserve this. Harley counted on her fingers and told her, as well as the audience, First of all, it's the bonuses accumulated in the prize pool in recent years; secondly, the advertising fees and broadcast fees for this game; and finally , spinach divided.

The key is the broadcasting fee. The 'Galaxy Sports Channel' of Tyrann Star learned that you and I were in the final battle and spent a huge sum of money to buy the exclusive broadcasting rights for aliens.

Hearing what she said, Big Barda no longer hesitated, took the bank card with a smile, put the gold plaque written by Harry under his arm, and left with a happy face.

Today's competition ends here. We welcome the warriors of the earth and the strong men from all planets in the universe to sign up for the King of Fighters competition next week.

I announce that the initial bonus of the bonus pool will be increased to US$1 billion, which will be accumulated once and increased by US$100 million with no upper limit.

Oh my god, this is crazy. Winning once is more than earning a maximum salary in the NBA for a lifetime.

I don't know if the alien guy is crazy or not, but I'm going crazy anyway. Next week, of course I'm not signing up to compete. I'm going to come and watch the competition live.

Coach, I don't want to play basketball anymore, I want to box.

Harley's voice was high and she shouted passionately: In addition to the bonus, there is also a plaque of 'The First King of Fighters in the Universe' that I personally wrote and presented.

Getting the plaque is like getting my approval.

I will announce to the whole universe that you have defeated me and I am inferior to you.

If you want money, come and sign up to participate. You can make money without losing anything.

If you want glory, come and sign up to compete. Defeat me, and your name will be resounding throughout the multiverse.

Angels and demons, gods and wizards, outsiders and aliens, God and Satan, will all praise your bravery!

Harley Quinn, can I sign up?

Harley rode a big dog to the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society. As soon as she entered the conference hall, Wonder Woman looked over expectantly.

Of course. If you are sure, you can start promoting it tonight. Harley nodded.

After saying that, she looked at the other heroes and said, You can also sign up.

I'm a little interested. Aquaman said with great interest.

OK, I'll arrange it for you, and you'll be in line behind the heroine.

I'm not suitable to compete with others. The Flash smiled sheepishly.

You can practice your skills without fighting, that's it. Harley waved her hand, not allowing Xiaodian to refute, and looked at the next one.

Without the green light energy, I'm just an ordinary person. Hal Jordan shook his head.

You can use green light energy. Harley said.

Well, if you defeat me, I will give you a plaque that says 'The Green Lantern Corps punched the Witch Harley'. Then if you carry that plaque, you can be promoted to the rank and title of the Oa Star and be promoted to the Legion Commander as soon as possible.

Everyone in the room had strange expressions.

Hal Jordan said awkwardly: The relationship between Legion and you is not that good.

Believe me, that plaque will definitely make the little blue man smile. Well, you're third.

Harley looked at Cyborg, Victor, we are still schoolmates, let my senior sister give you some guidance.

Cyborg forced out a very forced smile.

Superman, you come last.

Then Harry sat back in his seat, looked through the documents and stopped talking.

Bateman glanced at her, pursed his lips, and said in a hoarse and low voice: How is your injury? The focus now is on the multiverse crisis, and the competition can be postponed until the crisis is over.

Look at my face, Harley stretched her neck forward, I'm much more energetic than you.

Her face was indeed rosy, plump and radiant.

Bateman touched his dry, pale cheeks and stopped talking.

What do you want to do? Louise was surprised, Even if people accept your average, all depends on hard work and progress through failure and sweat persona.

But as you continue to be defeated, the deterrence of the ‘golden nuclear bomb’ will quickly decrease.”

That's not a personality. I'm just a human being. My current achievements are all due to hard work!

Harley looked at the experience jar and nodded secretly. After the battle with Big Barda, her level increased by 10%, and she was one step closer to level 76.

She has to keep working hard.

——Before the crisis approaches this earth, you must raise your level to level 80, free up a position for defense expertise, and wait for the antimatter energy to surge in. Hehehehe

Thanks to Earth 3’s ‘Hero Luthor’ for that world destruction report.

Zheng Lian only learned some vague information about the disaster, but Harley found the key to solving the crisis - the initiator of the crisis can control antimatter energy, so wouldn't it be enough to prevent it?

Well, I used sweat and blood as cement and failure as bricks to build the tower of glory today.

Standing on the top of the tower, I can only look up to higher places, and I don't mind that the people below know what the tower is made of.

Harley sighed with emotion, suddenly feeling so great.

As far as I know, you haven't failed a few times at all. You've been winning. It's easier to win than superpowers and aliens. Louise said.

I won in life, but lost in the fighting arena, Harley recalled, I was persecuted by the Holy Advent Crusaders, so I could only hide incognito and work as a nun on Bali Street.

To improve my fighting skills, I went to a local nightclub every day to practice boxing.

You are a famous reporter in the universe. You can interview more about this aspect and provide more positive energy to the people of the earth.

In the nightclub training room, I was defeated by at least ten boxers and martial artists, and then I knocked them out one by one within two days, when I was only 14 years old.

Louise looked solemn and determined to dig deeper into the origin of the golden nuclear bomb.

From an ordinary small town girl in Salta, to a star high school student at a prestigious Gotham high school, to a wanted criminal. Gotham Godfather, Mayor, billionaire, five-ring general, and golden nuclear bomb.

It seems like it can be made into a series of special topics again?

Why go to nightclubs to practice kung fu? Does it mean that in Gotham, the 'Land of Kung Fu', even nightclubs have their own kung fu training rooms? The Flash asked curiously.

Well, in this universe, because of Harley's fist competition and the world's best martial arts dojo, Gotham is really the hometown of Kung Fu.

It’s no lie that the best boxers in the world come out of Gotham.

That's Victor Sass's lair, Bateman looked at Harley with complex eyes, Sass is the executioner of Gotham Godfather Falcone, that is, the killer leader, and he is the owner of the nightclub. A place to train gunners.”

No wonder. Everyone suddenly realized that this is how the golden nuclear bomb's career began.

They looked at Harry with more understanding and admiration.

I also believed in her persona of a ‘hard-working genius’.

As for the mediocre

forget it.

With her face and figure, there is no way she is ordinary.

And, admitting that she was mediocre, who were they who were even more mediocre than her?

Therefore, she must be a genius, a rare martial arts genius!

The White House representative hesitated and said: Although winning and losing in the fighting arena is normal, there is no need to do it in public. The deterrent of the golden nuclear bomb——

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him, Some people in the media flattered me too much and praised me too much in order to gain traffic. As a result, the current reputation of the golden nuclear bomb has exceeded the upper limit of its true capabilities.

Now it is just moving from being unworthy of the name to being worthy of the name.

Louise's slightly plump pregnant face turned red, and her eyes flickered: She was talking about me, saying I was flattering and flattering her? But I have obviously been trying to be objective and fair to her.

But it was indeed her who first proposed the ‘golden nuclear bomb’ and continued to carry it forward.

Louise was extremely confused.

Harley did not notice the change in her expression and continued: Furthermore, the 'Golden Nuclear Bomb' is a name without a specific owner. It can be worn on my head now, but the future is destined to belong to all people on earth.

The nuclear bomb is the crystallization of a country's science and technology.

The 'golden nuclear bomb' that deters alien enemies and ensures the independence and freedom of people on earth should also be the result of the joint efforts of earth civilization.

I was able to grow from a 14-year-old ordinary high school student to the current five-ring general.

I believe that with the right direction and unremitting efforts, the achievements of earth civilization in the forest of civilizations in the universe will only be higher than mine among ordinary people.

Okay, that's very well said!

These words spoke to Louise's heart.

Although she has been doing Golden Bomb programs under Perry's pressure, she has always believed that the earth should not rely too much on and elevate Harley Quinn.

Therefore, she couldn't help but applaud.

After she finished shouting, she realized that she was the only one shouting, and everyone else, including Harley, looked at her strangely.

Well, that's very well said!

Superman said dryly and clapped, saving his wife from the embarrassment.

——What's wrong with Louise today? Just listen to Harley's beautiful words. She's so involved. Are pregnant women easily emotional?

he thought strangely.

That's good to say, we have to work hard together! Bateman said with a natural expression.

Well, let's work together. Diana and other heroes followed closely.

Then, Superman quickly changed the subject: Harley, if a large number of alien superpowers really come to Earth to participate in the competition, will it cause social unrest?

I believe that Zhenglian is capable of handling social security issues. After all, you have even taken in Darkseid's adopted son and woman.

No matter how big the trouble is with the alien boxers, it won't be as big as the trouble caused by the bad things on Apokolips. Harley said.

We didn't take them in, it was them who came to Earth and were discovered by us. Bateman corrected.

It makes no difference. It's a fact that they are on Earth and are still protected by you. After a pause, Harley continued: If there are alien fighters causing trouble on Earth and you can't handle it, you can inform me.

I was just in time to catch them.

Doing genetic experiments, doing soul research, or even working as a slave gladiator to fight for free in my fighting arena is extremely valuable.

Superman's expression changed slightly, and just as he was about to say something, Luthor stepped forward and said, Harley, you can completely trust the Luthor Group's biotechnology. If we want to study aliens, we can cooperate.

Superman's face became even grimmer, and he opened his mouth to scold. The Pentagon representative quickly said: The military is willing to provide technical and financial sponsorship.

Superman's expression was stiff.

A presidential representative from the White House added: This kind of thing has to be done quietly, and the FBI can help with the aftermath.

The representative of the congressman said: Perhaps, there is no need to be so sneaky, it is too troublesome.

We can set up a secret department to handle such incidents reasonably and legally.

Alas, more and more aliens have come to Earth recently, and they all conceal their identities and lurk among ordinary people, which has greatly endangered the country's public security. They must be controlled through legislation.

What do you think?

For a moment, Superman wanted to become a citizen of his country, if he knew who the people of his country were.

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