I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 618 I would like to call you the strongest in the universe

At this time, Harley actually boxed with someone? Where? Luther frowned.

The 'Cosmic King of Fighters Tournament' has been held for more than ten years. It is only inferior to the four major sports leagues in the United States because of its restricted rating. Haven't you watched the live broadcast on the paid channel?

Aquaman stood up and took out an 8.3-inch tablet from his butt pocket, Amanda, can you give me a beer? Watching a boxing match without beer is as tasteless as eating French fries without ketchup.

What beer do you want?

Budweiser, Heineken, Silver Bullet are all fine.

Amanda called a boy in a suit from outside the door.

This meeting was not organized by Harley? Luther asked confused.

This 'Heroes' Meeting' is the general trend and must be held. It not only summarizes the gains and losses of the Brainiac crisis, but also prepares for the next 'antimatter crisis'. Bateman said solemnly.

Amanda Waller explained for BOSS: Director Quinn's boxing match was scheduled early. She originally planned to have a meeting tomorrow morning. The Justice League wants to do it as soon as possible.

We can't be unhappy, there are too many things waiting for us to do. Superman sighed.

When did Harley say she would come over? Luther looked at his watch, Has the boxing match started yet?

Director Quinn said that the battle with Big Barda would end in three minutes. We couldn't wait for a few minutes. In fact, everyone has not arrived yet. Director Quinn is not the last person, and there are still representatives from several heroic teams who are not here. Amanda said .

It started early. It's the 23rd game now. There are 24 games in each game. Aquaman lowered his head and watched the video. The last game against Big Barda will start soon.

I've watched the King of Fighters fight a few times, and it was boring, like a fake match, Luther said.

When the beer came, Aquaman took a big sip, burped with satisfaction, and said seriously: I can guarantee this. The King of Fighters Contest is the most fair and transparent among all professional leagues, and there will never be any match-fixing.

I didn't say Harley was having a fake match. The matches that other people played against her were too simple and one-dimensional, like a fake match - she stood there motionless, casually receiving the opponent's attacks, and then knocked the enemy down with punches and kicks, and it was over. .

Luthor shrugged, I don't understand why she is obsessed with such a boring competition, and even delayed an important meeting to save the multiverse for this reason.

You are not a martial artist, so you cannot understand the exquisite martial arts skills contained in it. Shui Xingxia said scornfully.

Luther stared at him and asked, You seem to be just a fisherman's son, but you also know martial arts?

Aquaman pursed his lips and said, Watch the boxing match and learn kung fu.

He once didn't know Kung Fu, but when he was young, he met a strange man at the beach who claimed to be his mother's courtier, and taught him many of the profound martial arts of the undersea people.

Since then, he gradually gave up his hobby of drinking beer and watching football games, and instead drank beer and watched the King of Boxers fight.

Today's game is a bit special. Earth's Golden Nuclear Bomb VS Apokolips' Nemesis, Earthlings VS New Gods, I want to go and see it in person. Diana stretched her head to look at Aquaman's tablet.

Apocalypse? Luther was surprised, Is it Darkseid's Apokolips? The 'Nemesis Team' under the dark elite's kind grandmother?

Amanda simply turned on the big screen behind the conference table and tuned in to the live broadcast of the King of Fighters fight.

Before they could see the competition on the field, a magnificent picture appeared in front of everyone: the arena that was originally the size of a football field was rapidly opening up. Amid the exclamations of tens of thousands of spectators, the auditorium, which was shaped like a round pumpkin, seemed to have been cut into sixteen pieces by a knife, extending outwards and rising, leaving a wider open space in the center - —A mixed ring of rocks and steel plates.

Harley seems to have considered fighting at this level. Superman said in surprise.

The boxing championship used to be called 'Gotham King of Fighters,' and later it was changed to 'World Boxing King.' It was renamed again two years ago and became 'Universal Boxing King.' You can guess what she was thinking from the name. Bateman said calmly.

Gentlemen and ladies, this afternoon's finale is about to begin. Big Barda, the goddess of revenge from Apokolips, challenges Earth's boxing king Harley Quinn.

Taking into account the peerless martial arts of the two female warriors, we decided to upgrade the fighting field from the 'mundane martial arts level' to the 'violent god level' - a level that can withstand the battle between gods!

After hearing the host's explanation, the panicked shouts in the audience turned into excited cheers.

But everyone heard something different: the host deliberately downplayed Harley's status as Admiral of the Five Rings, Golden Nuclear Bomb and Hero of the Human Race, and only called her the King of Fighters of the Earth.

It seems she doesn't plan to use deceit today. Wonder Woman said.

You mean, we will lose on the Fifth Ring. We will lose in public? the White House representative asked worriedly.

Without the use of external forces such as the Yellow Light and Satan's Punishment, without the use of tactics, and relying solely on her true strength, Harley Quinn wouldn't even be in the top 100 on Earth's combat power list, Diana said.

How can the golden nuclear bomb not use the power of the yellow light? I think the five-ringed general will be able to defeat the goddess of Apokolips. The Pentagon representative said nervously.

The next moment, the five-ring general in white training uniform broke his illusion.

Big Barda, I won't use the yellow light energy today. Let's compete in martial arts and magic, she said.

Martial artists use weapons, so weapons were not banned from the beginning in the King of Fighters competition.

At this time, Harley chose throwing knives and flying needles, and Big Barda used her Megaton short staff - transformed into a long staff without a spear tip.

Well, it's said to weigh one million tons.

Oh my god! Several government officials shouted, The goddess of revenge across the way is still wearing the armor of Apokolips, and the golden nuclear bomb is only wearing ordinary clothes, and does not use the power of the yellow light. This is a big deal.

It is true that she is a bit arrogant. If nothing happens, she will be crushed. Because her physical fitness is much worse than that of the Furies. Her strength, defense, reaction, speed, and recovery will be crushed in all aspects. Wonder Woman commented. road.

Bateman's eyes flashed slightly, She just wanted to compete with the female warriors of Apokolips and didn't want to win.

She can also use magic. Louise was also a little nervous.

Before, she was reluctant to elevate the identity and status of the golden nuclear bomb too high in her show, but now she is afraid that she will lose the aura of the nuclear bomb.

There's no magic in her at all, Wonder Woman said.

Amanda, you said she can take care of this big alien in three minutes? Louise said.

She only said the fight would be over in three minutes.

Several people fell silent. The battle between the female boxing champion of Earth and the Nemesis of Apokolips has begun.

Hey, I made a mistake. Wonder Woman was shocked first.

Harley was not knocked down by a single move, nor was she crushed, at least she didn't appear to be crushed yet.

Big Barda was fast and powerful, and the long golden stick made a sound of wind and thunder. Harley was unarmed, but her body was like catkins. She took two steps lightly to the side. While avoiding the long stick, she also raised her right leg and pushed her knee against the big barda. Barta lower body.

Well, it's not that Harley wants to attack the vital point, it's just that she is a bit petite - compared to the large female warrior who is nearly 2.2 meters tall.

Bang—— Big Barda couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to charge and hit Harley's knee. There was a muffled sound from the skirt. The female warrior of Apokolips only took half a step back, then stabilized her figure, waved her arms, and golden The long stick swept across, and Harley raised her right elbow to block.

Buzz! A thin magic shield with broken edges and a black vortex in the middle appeared, and was instantly shattered.

But Big Barda staggered back two steps, her head dizzy.

Harley flew out like a baseball.

However, she was still in mid-air, and her body still maintained balance. She stepped hard on the air and stepped back with her feet, as if they were rubbing against the ground. A stream of white smoke came out from the soles of her shoes. She only glided in the air for more than ten meters before decelerating and hovering. Half empty.

Ah—— the 70,000 to 80,000 spectators at the scene exclaimed in unison.

This is unscientific! Luther shouted.

No one answered him.

Aquaman stared straight at the screen, forgetting to put the beer glass to his mouth.

Whoosh whoosh- While Harley was still stepping on the air and retreating, she had already thrown out eight flying knives with both hands.

Big Barda easily knocked off two of them and dodged the rest.

Like lightning, she rushed towards Harley quickly, and anti-gravity flying discs appeared under her feet. The new gods of Apokolips, including Darkseid, could not fly. They used anti-gravity flying discs the size of saucers to fly close to the soles of their feet.

Ah, be careful! Diana couldn't help shouting.

Ah, this is unscientific! Luther shouted again.

This Bateman's eyes widened with shock.

But when Big Barda rushed forward, several more flying knives were shot at it. One of them was obviously going to miss. Suddenly, a flying needle flew from behind and hit the handle of the knife, causing it to deflect slightly and shoot from the side. Neck to the big barda.

Fortunately, the live broadcast camera was advanced enough, otherwise the audience would not be able to see what was happening at all.

Big Barda was hit, only scratching a layer of oily skin, and his charging action was not interrupted. He got closer and punched out a sonic boom.

Harley seemed to predict her punch, twisted her body flexibly, dodged again, and took the opportunity to kick the opponent in the chest.

This time Big Barda was not careless and raised his knees to block it.

Bang! A magic shield exploded at the collision point between the sole of the foot and the knee. Big Barda seemed to be hit by a mysterious force again. Her body trembled and her expression was slightly distorted - the vortex shifted and absorbed the attack from the zero-level jar. Returned, fell on her knees; the anti-injury magic mind spell after Harley was injured, the mental impact on the brain.

Double retaliation.

In mid-air, Harry was as flexible as on the ground. He walked around behind Big Barda in a few steps and struck with Wing Chun Ziwu, punching out the afterimage with his fists, Bang bang bang—bang!

The quantum critical strike was triggered, and the existence field attack with double power broke the bones of the lower back with a click. Big Barda let out a roar and leaned back suddenly without turning around.

This move was beyond Harley's expectations. Although her speed force defense expertise allowed her to see the opponent's movements clearly, her body's reaction speed could not keep up with what she was thinking because she did not predict it in advance.


Harley seemed to have fallen face down on the cement road from a height of 200 meters.

The bridge of the nose was broken, the lip was chipped, and the sternum was cracked.

BOOOM! Several cracks were created in the rocky ground.

Uh, how miserable. In the conference room, the heroes bared their teeth.

Amid the screams of tens of thousands of people in the audience, Hallie stood up like a carp, jumped up again, wiped the blood from her nose and mouth, laughed and faced the killing Big Barda again.

Is her sternum broken? Luther swallowed.

Yeah. Diana nodded.

But she's smiling.


The subsequent battle was almost a repeat of the previous moves. Harley relied on her seventh defense expertise to clearly see every move of Big Barda, including the bulging of muscles and the raising of shoulders and elbows, thus predicting her movements.

While dodging, he also launches a little quick counterattack, with critical hits as the main damage.

Until Big Barda figured out her way, she beat Harley into a bloody gourd with a few fake moves.

As expected of Apokolips' number one Valkyrie, I lost. Seeing that the experience jar no longer bubbled and it was difficult for him to reach the opponent, Harley lay in a pool of blood and groaned: Big Barda, I would like to call you 'The strongest in the universe'.

Harley Quinn, you have won my respect. You are also a great warrior without relying on conspiracy. Big Barda held the weapon, clasped his fists, and said solemnly.

Her condition wasn't very good, her waist was broken, her legs were lame, her left eye almost exploded, her nose was also broken, and her face was covered in blood.

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