I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 608 Zha Kang Returns

Seeing Duoduo, the three sages finally understood the reason why the Holy Son lived in Quinn Manor.

I also understand the relationship between the Son and Harley.

Fuck, the Holy Son not only has a dog mother, but also a witch master. How ridiculous is this?

Or, awesome?

Dr. Fate had mixed feelings in his heart.

It is obviously impossible for Jebi to become a mortal believer like his brother.

At least not as mainstream as Christ Jesus.

Holy Son Yebi, what is your mission? Zatanna asked first.

Calm down the elemental disorder and redeem the undead in hell. Dog Shengzi said loudly.

Sage Aoqi asked the second question: How to calm the elemental disorder and how to redeem the undead in hell?

The Dog Saint Son bowed his head and saluted the three sages, and said sincerely with a dog's face: I should ask the sages for advice, teach me the knowledge of the mysteries of the universe, and teach me the secrets of magical elements.

I also ask the elders in the world and the sages in hell to teach me the principles of living people and the pain of the dead, and help me find a way to redeem the souls crying in hell.

——This is a humble and polite dog!

Sage Aoqi nodded slightly, with a look of approval on his face.

Finally, Doctor Fate asked: When will the elemental chaos subside and the undead in hell find salvation?

Dog Shengzi thought for a moment and sighed: No matter where I live, earth, hell or heaven, only when the power of the elements in the entire multiverse can be stabilized will the elemental disorder be ended.

My mission will be completely over when the number of souls entering hell equals the number of souls emerging from the sea of ​​suffering.

Dr. Destiny bowed respectfully again, held a piece of gold at the feet of the Dog Son, and said: Thank you Son for everything you have done for the world. You should enjoy all the honor.

Thank you. Dog Shengzi bowed his head and bowed in return.

Sage Aoqi saluted respectfully, placed a box of frankincense in front of the Dog Saint Son, and said: Thank you Saint Son for your sacrifices for the world. You should be regarded as a saint in the world.


Zatanna presented a piece of brocade and said: ! The saint is a glorious general.

The brocade disappeared out of thin air, and Zatanna turned pale.

One day in the future, when the Dog Son completes his mission, today's blessing will be fulfilled, and the brocade will turn into a brocade robe and be worn on the Dog Son.


After asking questions and giving gifts, the three sages bid farewell to the Dog Son and the Dog Mother.

Dog Shengzi didn't go out to see them off, and they didn't really leave Quinn Manor.

The three sages were invited to the side hall to have breakfast.

What's the point of this? Harley asked curiously.

Our three questions, corresponding to the three answers of the Holy Son, contain all the information that humans need to know. Isn't this considered meaningful? Kent said.

No. You don't need to be so solemn. If we all sit together and chat, won't things be made clear?

Sage Aoqi shook his head and said: This is the most appropriate and simple etiquette. Think about it, two civilizations have just come into contact and lack mutual understanding and trust. How can they sit together and chat?

Can you clearly explain your respective policies in the future during the chat? Can you believe it?

Harley mused.

Now you believe it's not me who is causing trouble, right? With my ability, I can't create such an awesome Holy Son, she said.

Jehovah is worthy of being Jehovah. Mortals like us can't plan for Him. Dr. Destiny sighed.

Why did God choose Duoduo? Zatanna asked doubtfully.

How can we guess God's thoughts? Harley said with an innocent look on her face, spreading her hands.

Sage Aoqi solemnly said: Harley, I suggest you not to leave Yebi on the earth at this stage.


The Holy Son is not God. He may die or die young. There is a mixture of fish and dragons in the world. An alien may descend from the sky and take the life of the Holy Son. But not everyone can go to hell, and there is no way to find the Holy Son. . Sage Aoqi said.

How come nothing happened to Jesus in the first place? Hallie asked.

Jesus is dead.

Nothing happened to Jesus when he was growing up. He lived for decades. Harley said.

Doctor Destiny said: If the news about the exchange between the three of us and Yebi today spreads, the magic world will reach a tacit understanding. At least human mages with normal minds will not provoke Yebi for no reason.

At the time of Jesus, almost all supernatural beings on Earth came from the magical side.

If the Master did not interfere in Jesus' life, Jesus would only be a mortal in his life.

Now in the supernatural world, the magic side even occupies a weak position. Those mutants and aliens don't care about the unspoken rules between heaven and earth.

Harley nodded and said, I understand, thank you for your warning.

The three of them looked at each other, stood up and said, Then let's say goodbye.

Wait. Actually, if you don't come to me, I will come to you in two days.

Harley stopped the three of them and told them all the information related to the Pharaoh Crisis, the Crisis of Infinite Earths, and the Monitor's Harbinger Crisis.

I've also noticed this, Dr. Destiny said with a frown.

What did you notice? Sage Ochi asked.

He and Zatanna were shocked when they heard for the first time that the Herald was looking for heroes to form a team to deal with the crisis within the multiverse.

Doctor Destiny said slowly: After the last invasion of Apokolips, I have been paying attention to Darkseid's movements, worried that he would retaliate against the earth.

Soon I discovered something unusual about Apokolips.

The dark elites who were fighting outside led the demons back to Apokolips one by one.

To date, there has been no conflict related to Apokolips in the multiverse.

I was puzzled and stared more closely.

Then starting from three days ago, I couldn't keep track of it because Apokolips disappeared without a trace.

What does disappearing without a trace mean? Does it disappear from your sight, or disappears from its original location? Harley asked doubtfully.

Probably hidden in a secret place by Darkseid. Doctor Fate said.

This Harley said in disbelief: Did Darkseid sense the danger and run away?

I guess that's the case, so I'm worried about the next crisis. Doctor Fate sighed.

It's hard to imagine who else in the universe can be afraid of Darkseid? Zatanna murmured.

Doctor Destiny shook his head, It's not necessarily fear, Silver City seems to be planning to close its doors.

Is Silver City also hiding? Is God still shameless? Harley asked doubtfully.

You are the Duke of Paradise Mountain. Wouldn't you know it just by asking yourself? Dr. Destiny said.

Harley decided to go to Silver City to find Rachel later.

What are your plans for the upcoming crisis? she asked, looking at Dr. Fate.

First send a message to all human masters and establish a temporary wizard council again. Gather everyone's strength to monitor the Wan Tian Yi, determine the disasters that occur in other universes, and then formulate response plans.

Perhaps, this time the wizarding world will take the initiative to join forces with the Justice League, which represents Earth's extraordinary heroes. Dr. Destiny said slowly.

Ahem. Harley coughed a few times and pointed to herself, Kent, I am the real boss of superheroes and criminals. If you have anything to say, just tell me. You don't need to go to Zhenglian.

You? Dr. Destiny shook his head, Superheroes all have ideals that they stick to with their lives. Their ideals are higher than their lives, as well as traditional rules and social authority.

You may be able to influence their judgment and decisions, but you can never control their hearts.

You are wrong. I have always infected my companions with my great spirit, noble sentiments, and passionate fighting spirit. I have never thought of controlling anyone's thoughts. Harley said with emotion.

Dr. Destiny's mouth twitched a few times, and he forced a smile and said: If I need to unite super criminals, I will come to you. Your methods are very practical for them.

After the three sages left, more than ten visitors came one after another.

Harry had only heard of many mages, but today was the first time he saw them.

However, they did not visit rashly. They were all introduced by Harley's acquaintances, such as Madam Xanadu, Jason Blood (PS) and Swamp Thing.

Like the three wise men, they used ancient rituals to communicate with Yabi, and they all sent blessings and gifts before leaving.

It is much more valuable than the symbolic gold, frankincense, and brocade. It is either an artifact or an artifact-level rare item or treasure.

Before robbing the goblin market, Harley would have been greedy. Now, she put them away and put them all in the manor's treasure house.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Harley got to know many powerful but mysterious human mages.

Well, those who came were all human extraordinary beings.

The Dog Son respected every visitor, and the conversations between them were not as formal and serious as those of the 'Three Sages'. They involved the power of elements, the power of faith, and God. The topics were so in-depth that Harry couldn't even get in the middle of the conversation.

Later, she simply left the mages in the living room and took Xanadu and Swamp Thing to the backyard to bask in the sun and chat.

Xanadu just clicked his tongue in amazement, exclaiming that Harry was so lucky to have a pet dog named Son of God.

Swamp Monster's expression was very complicated, but he was not angry, nor did he shout excitedly.

That's fine. Mo Ya can be a normal girl and live a normal life. Previously, because of her status as the Holy Son, I didn't dare to leave her for a moment.

Now that she is no longer the Holy Child, she can leave the swamp, return to the big city, go to school, live an ordinary life, and live a safe and stable life.

There was a sense of relaxation and a sense of loss in his tone.

Perhaps, you can send Mo Ya to Gotham. The manor is very big, and a girl will be born soon.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief.

The combined attitudes of Dr. Fate and other mages were not as relieved as Swamp Thing alone.

Swamp Monster is her friend, and she cares about his thoughts and opinions, but other human mages are insignificant nobody.

Let's talk about it then. Abby will not let her leave her for at least two years.

Because there were always visitors coming, and Harry was not sure that every wizard had good intentions, he stayed at home and did not go to Silver City for the time being.

It wasn't until the evening when the Time Master of the Shadow Bureau, a neon little lolita in her early ten years, took the Frankensteins and his wife to say goodbye and left. Then Harley closed the door and tiredly said to the Dog Shengzi: Second brother——

Please call me 'Yabi', thank you. Dog Shengzi interrupted her.

Okay, yeah.

Dog Shengzi's eyes widened again.

Harley threw herself on its plush and soft back and said to herself: The three sages asked me not to keep you in the world for a long time. What do you think?

Dog Shengzi was excited. He suppressed his excitement and said calmly: Sages naturally don't talk nonsense. I think I'd better take my mother back to hell.

What I mean is that you will still make your home in the manor. When I come home, you will come home too. If I leave, you will go back to wandering in hell.

——But I just want to avoid you!

Dog Saint closed his eyes and said calmly: It's up to you.

Harley was about to let him go back to hell first and go to heaven by himself, when a familiar but very surprising voice came from outside the door: Hey, Harley, Holy Son, my 'sage' is not here yet. Is it too late?

Constantine? Harley rubbed her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

(ps: Jason Blood is a human knight who merged with Etrigen, a knight of King Arthur, and was once summoned by Harley to deal with the demon Duke Nergal.)

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