Sister Harley is too low-key and trusts me too much, so she made me the representative of the Injustice Watch. Mirror Master sighed.

Sister Harley? Didn't you call her 'captain' in the news? Are you now her little brother? The blonde girl said with a bit of envy in her tone.

I do have this idea, but it's a pity. Mirror Master shook his head regretfully, Yesterday afternoon when we escorted Brainiac and carried the skull spaceship to Washington Square, Sister Harley took the 'Fifth Ring Admiral''s name in front of everyone. Powers are returned to the President.

From that moment on, she only had the honor of being a five-ring admiral.

The Injustice Watch, formed under the name of 'Wartime Five Rings General', was officially disbanded.

So, she is no longer our captain.

But I can’t call him by his first name.”

You used to call him by his first name. Captain Leng said.

Mirror Master said solemnly: I didn't know how powerful Sister Hallie was before, but now I know, of course I have to show basic respect, just like others respect me.

People used to call me ‘Mirror Master’, but now people in the universe respectfully call me ‘Mirror Man’.

You want to change your career and become a superhero?

Of course not. Zhenglian and I are not the same person. Mirror Master is still Mirror Master, Mirror Man is just an honorary title.

Mirror Master said as he took the things out of the bag, Leonard, you have a freezing gun, but you don't have formal cold-proof clothing.

This nano space suit can survive in the harshest environment in outer space, can withstand small-caliber energy guns, and comes in your favorite colors of silver and blue.

Captain Ice picked up the clothes and compared them. The size was just right. He was even more moved and said, Sam, you are thoughtful.

Lisa, this is the force field shield that Sister Harley took off from the robot and transformed into a belt.

The force field is so strong that even the energy cannon can withstand it.

Mirror Master handed another golden belt to the golden glider.

Sam, you are so sweet, what should I do if you suddenly feel a little excited? The blonde girl leaned down and kissed the mirror master on the face, How about you let me be your female companion to attend the Congress dinner?

Mirror Master was really moved, but he glanced at Captain Ice, who had a wooden face next to him, and shook his head regretfully, Those occasions are not suitable for bringing a female companion. Several of my Injustice Watch teammates are nearby.

Weather Wizard said: What a pity, Kardashian still @you, as long as you take her for an alien interview, I will be your girlfriend.

Mirror Master's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: Which Kardashian?

Who else could it be? Kim Kardashian of course.

Alas, I like her sister better. Mirror Master struggled to say, while continuing to distribute gifts.

Each gift is carefully selected by him, very targeted, and makes the recipient very happy.

At least his feelings were felt by them.

These high-tech alien products cost a lot of money, right? Where did you get the alien coins? Captain Cold asked.

Mirror Master smiled and said: No money was spent, except for the trophies captured on Brainiac's spaceship, the rest was given by the Lalu people.

The old king with a hairy face was so enthusiastic that he opened his private treasure house and let us pick whatever we wanted.

Zheng Lian was still serious and refused to accept his refusal. We, the unjust watchmen, were not polite to him.

With these equipment, we might be able to defeat the Flash. The Weather Wizard said excitedly.

Mirror Master was stunned and said with waning interest: After defeating Brainiac, I suddenly felt that the Flash was so boring. It was like looking at a small mound of 100 meters high after seeing Mount Everest.

The rest of the Rogue Gang gave him the middle finger.

Harley asked Mirror Master to be the Press Officer for the Injustice Watch, not trusting him too much.

Although she thinks his mirror space ability is very good, she admires her little brother Deadshot even more.

If Deadshot wanted, she would put him in charge of the social activities back on Earth.

After Deadshot received a large bonus and a set of alien technology equipment, he left the team and, like her, did not spend much time in front of the media.

Mirror Master, Plastic Man, and Dr. Neuro all enjoy the feeling of being highly sought after.

But only the Mirror Master hid in the mirror and witnessed the entire battle.

Using him as a representative can more realistically restore all the scenes of Captain Harley and Brainiac's battle of wits and courage.

There is no need to exaggerate or grab the credit from Zhenglian. A true restoration of Harley's achievements will be worthy of her status as a five-ring general and a golden nuclear bomb.

Moreover, Zhenglian does not accept frequent interviews, so it is impossible for Harley to be inferior to them.

The first thing to do when returning to the manor is to deal with the ion shark.

Contrary to what the little blue man feared, Harley did not intend to merge with Fat Head.

In other words, she felt uncomfortable after getting together, and planned to separate from Fat Tou.

I didn't expect the lantern beast to have such a great influence on the host. I feel like I am no longer me. Harley sighed.

“Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, the will of green is in the middle, and the emotional attribute is the most neutral.

Compared with several other lamp beasts, my influence on the host is minimal. The fat head said aggrievedly.

Harley shook her head, it was all in comparison.

Moreover, the influence of the lamp beast on the host is not simply the enhancement of a certain emotion.

Even the user of the lamp ring will be affected by the corresponding emotions when using the power of the lamp ring.

For example, frequent use of the yellow lantern's fear power will make the yellow lantern cruel and ruthless.

The powers of the seven lantern rings were all in the hands of the little blue men. In the end, they only chose the green lantern because the green lantern's willpower had the least impact on the lantern.

Harley has visible light defense expertise and is not afraid of the erosion of the soul by yellow light and green light energy.

The shortcomings of merging with Fat Head are reflected in three other aspects: First, she has to completely reveal her soul and show her naked soul in front of the ion shark.

Because she and it are soul fused.

The higher the spiritual compatibility, the more perfect the integration.

Exposing thoughts and memories is the basis for spiritual integration.

This was a little difficult for Harley.

She didn't mind letting the fat man know that she was engaging in conspiracy, but there were some memories that she couldn't let anyone know.

This level is not completed. Harley and Fathead are only half fused, and they appear to be inseparable.

Secondly, you can only choose between yellow light and green light at the same time.

When using the yellow light energy, the green light energy must be sealed first, and vice versa.

The use of each type of energy requires skills and time to practice.

The power of the yellow light belongs to Harley, and the power of the green light belongs to Fat Head and is lent to her. Harley is definitely not willing to give up her own power and spend her time on external forces.

Finally, the side effects of soul fusion are too great.

Soul fusion represents the new soul after the fusion, which has the common characteristics of Harley and Lampmon.

The characteristic of the Ion Shark is firmness and fearlessness, which is indeed very neutral compared to the other six emotions - anger, greed, fear, hope, pity, and love.

But Harley is used to being clever and won't be reckless when she can use tricks to solve problems.

But being firm and fearless is reckless.

In this way, after the soul fusion, Fat Tou has been distorting her personality in the direction of reckless.

This is not because the fat head is deliberately causing harm. Recklessness is its characteristic. If it changes its nature, it will no longer be able to represent will and emotion.

After all, Harley is still not suitable to be Green Lantern.

The selection criterion for Green Lantern is will and recklessness.

After the fusion of the real Green Lantern and Fat Head, there is no personality distortion at all. One person and one beast have the same personality and no conflict.

In addition to Soul Fusion Symbiosis, there is another way to use Lampmon.

Harley deals with Parallax's enslavement.

However, the methods used to deal with parallax monsters cannot be used on one's own friends.

In desperation, Harley could only give up her plan to become the Emerald Nuclear Bomb.

Fat Head, what are your plans for the future? Harley asked.

Fat Tou said uncertainly: I don't know, maybe go wandering around the universe?

Alas, his experience was my experience when it came to merging with Hal Jordan.

He is very restless and likes to run around.

I have experienced a lot with him these days, which is very exciting. I am no longer as interested in wandering around the stars alone as I was earlier.

At the end of the sentence, its tone and expression showed confusion and desolation.

Harley touched its upper lip and whispered: Fat Head, you are a lampbeast, but your wisdom and emotions are richer than many people, so I have never regarded you as an animal.

You are my friend, a shark-like alien

Selena and Ivy are also my friends.

We grew up together and neither of us had family.

We have been through a lot, a lot of time, and now, we have become each other's family.

You don’t have any family, but you are also my friend, and you have gone through a lot with me. If you want, you can treat Quinn Manor as your home.

Just like an ordinary person, you can stay at home, go out to play, and go home to rest when you are tired. If you encounter trouble, I will protect you.

Even if you meet the right person and want to be your host, you can still regard this as your 'natal home'.

Home, family. Fatty whispered softly, staring at her little eyes with his big eyes, Can I?

Of course, whoever becomes your family is a blessing. Harley said.

Seeing the sincerity and expectation in her eyes, the fat man's big eyes became a little hazy, Harry, thank you, I am also willing to live with you.

In this way, Fat Head became the fourth owner of Quinn Manor.

On the roof of the castle, Harley also built a copycat central energy battery and a green light energy pool as big as a bus.

The swimming pool does not have the function of charging and discharging the light ring. It only stores the energy of the green light released by the fat head on daily basis, forming an energy pool for its daily living.

After settling Fatty, Harley went to the Dream Kingdom again, found Morpheus, and told him about her experiences in the past few days.

He also returned the dream sand he left on her that day.

Try not to use dream escape until I deal with the vortex in the dream kingdom. Sandman warned her.

How to deal with it? I hadn't fallen into the whirlpool at that time, and there was nothing you could do. Harley said.

Sandman said: Every era, a vortex appears in the Dream Kingdom. I'm not sure why, but I know that its core is a mortal. If you find her, you can destroy the dream vortex.

Every era. Harry's heart moved, How do you define an era?

Era, regardless of length of time, begins with one major event in the universe and ends with another major event.

Does Dr. Manhattan's fusion of the universe start a new era? Harley asked.


A few days ago, the monitor from the sixth dimension sent someone to find me and invited me to save the multiverse. What kind of event is this? Or does it represent the end of an era? What does the crisis of the multiverse have to do with the dream vortex?

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