I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 596 Floating Cannon (please vote for me at the end of the month)


With the last vibration, the yellow light door blocking the vacuum pressure suddenly disappeared.

The separation is complete. This spacecraft is now under my control. All hosts for Brainiac to live in have been destroyed. Cyborg said confidently.

After saying that, his mechanical shoulder quickly deformed and turned into a projection screen main console.

On the screen, you can see the scene of the skull ship and the separated 'bottle ship' in outer space.

The background of the universe is not a dark starry sky, but a sea of ​​flames. Golden-red light washes around in space like a flood, and colorful radiation jumps on the waves.

Beautiful and dangerous.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the spacecraft was not too far away from the Lagan galaxy.

The skull spaceship seemed to have had its skull opened, and then its brains were dug out. It was nearly one-fifth empty, and it looked very miserable.

And the spaceship they are riding on now really looks like a brain with long tentacles.

The tentacles are thick and thick, and the end sprays a purple-red particle beam, which is the power engine of the spacecraft.

You're so cocky, cyborg boy.

Brainiac's cold voice sounded in the cabin without warning.

Cyborg, did you miss something? Harley pointed to the data cable tentacles, Are they also part of Brainiac?

They are not hosts, they can only be regarded as terminals. Now it's time for everyone to go out, destroy the remaining hulls, and completely end Brainiac. Cyborg said.

I love hearing that, Harley looked at Superman, go crash it.

Brainiac warned coldly: You have to think clearly, there are tens of billions of people in the bottle.

Tens of thousands of civilizations and hundreds of lives are all within your reach.

Think about it carefully, the reason why you didn't destroy the spacecraft immediately before was because you are heroes, hahaha - damn it!

At the end of the sentence, he laughed loudly again, and before he could finish his laughter, he cursed in annoyance.

Are the Jokers back? Bateman approached Harley and asked in a low voice.

Harley glanced at the wristband and shook her head silently.

What now? Superman frowned.

Harley said: There must be no compromise, the bottle is with us, and there is still a chance to find a way to rescue it.

Return the bottles to him and they will continue to be slaves, never to be rescued.

And, can we let Brainiac go?

Another day he suddenly jumps to the solar system and shoots at the sun. How can the earth defend itself?

I know I can't compromise. Superman looked around and asked expectantly: Can you deceive the method of resurrecting the man in the bottle from Brainiac?

You said it to my face, how can you lie to me? By the way, where is Martian Manhunter?


Boom-- The skull spaceship exploded into a ball of fire.

Superman's expression changed, he called Cyborg, and rushed out with Diana.

Harley stood in front of the screen watching the show.

Captain, Dr. Neuro is missing. Plastic Man reminded.

Alas, he is a hero and will go to heaven with the blessings of people all over the world. Harley sighed.

He's not dead, the plastic man said.

He's not dead? Harley was stunned and asked in confusion: He was submerged by a group of steel cables at that time, but he wasn't dead either?

Plastic Human said: “At that time, there were too many steel cables and they were too dense, so I could only turn into a long and elastic rope and drill around in the narrow space.

Then I saw that Datou was only tied up with steel ropes around his neck and waist, and was pulled away.

At least he wasn't dead then.

But at that time, Brainiac didn't even kill him, so there was no reason to capture him and then kill him.

It makes sense. Harley glared at this blind guy. He was forcing her!

Either explicitly abandon your teammates, or go out and fight dangerous Star Wars.

How can anyone give this kind of multiple-choice question to the BOSS?

Why didn't you tell me earlier? The longer you delay, the more dangerous you will be. She said this.

I just remembered. The plastic man said guiltily.

——You should think about it again when you return to Earth.

Harley sighed inwardly, put on the yellow light uniform with a solemn expression, and glared at him again, Hurry up and transform into a gavel.

Uh, do you need a mallet to play Star Wars? The plastic man was stunned.

How can we save people without rushing into the spacecraft? If you enter, you will definitely encounter Brainiac. Then it will be up to you.

The plastic man wanted to slap himself in the mouth.

Boom, boom, boom!

When Harley arrived in front of the skeleton spacecraft with the mallet wrapped in yellow light energy, she saw Superman transforming into a red light and driving piles on the force field shield - hitting it back and forth with his own body.

Cyborg, you didn't destroy the remaining force field generators? Harley shouted into the microphone.

Cyborg said helplessly: According to the previous plan - concentrate all the computing power to separate the main control room and separate it as quickly as possible.

Then while Brainiac was still paralyzed, he directly blew up the spacecraft with a missile. It was simple and done.

Brainiac suddenly woke up midway without any warning.

Even the process of separating the main control room was very reluctant and thrilling. How could there be a chance to destroy other components on the spacecraft?

Harley floated to the side, watching Wonder Woman and Superman charging outside, and Martian Manhunter wreaking havoc inside.

The force field shield that once blocked Supernova head-on and injured Supernova's fists was obviously weak this time.

There was a large dent under the fist, and it was still rippling like water, very unstable.

Captain, we request a fight.

Mirror Master said expectantly in the brooch lens pinned to his collar.

Can you survive outer space?

If there is a spaceship, release the owl spaceship and bombard it with energy cannons. Mirror Master said.

Well, I have a new idea. If you can work closely with Deadshot, you might be able to help a lot.

Harley detailed her plan in front of the mirror, and the Mirror Master thought for a moment before agreeing to give it a try.


Finally, a hole was made in the transparent force field by Superman's punch, and he rushed in directly under the influence of inertia.

But as soon as he entered, the hole was like water, rippling a few waves and closing again.

Captain, stay closer to Wonder Woman. After she breaks the protective shield, you can follow her in. Mirror Master said.

Harry was not happy to hear this.

She stood aside, not because she didn't have the ability to go in, but because she didn't want to put in the effort.

Wonder Woman, come closer and wait for me to open the hole, so you can follow me in.

The heroine didn't have as many complicated thoughts as she did, so she actually leaned over and looked at her with wide eyes.

Harley opened her mouth and spit out a four-meter-long golden sword, Ding ding ding—boo!

The high-frequency impact of the flying sword triggered a quantum critical strike, exploding waves of water on the force field shield.

Tsk- Finally, a small hole was punctured in the defensive cover.

How do you want me to get in? the female hero said numbly.

Harley chuckled, Don't resist.

She continued to maintain the high-intensity and high-frequency impact process of the sword, that is, maintaining the small hole as big as a wine glass.

With the big mallet in his left hand, he held the heroine's wrist with his right hand and ran towards the small hole.

Well, with the power of connection, I run with my feet on the void.

Whoosh! After running more than thirty steps, quantum displacement was triggered, leaving behind a series of afterimages along the way. The body was like a phantom, instantly projected to the other side of the barrier.

What kind of skill is this? It's so amazing. The heroine exclaimed.

Harley turned around and hooked her hands, Whoosh!

The flying sword turned into golden light and fell into her hand.

The blade is thinner.

This is the power of Manhattan. It's a bit weak. If Manhattan himself were here, the transparent force field cover would really become transparent air. Harley sighed.

Manhattan can even penetrate the origin wall, so it can definitely ignore the force field shield known as the wall of the universe.

This is already very strong. I have lived for thousands of years and have seen countless magic restrictions and technological energy shields. This force field shield is so powerful that it can enter the top five.

Harley gave Heroine a strange look. The Amazon girl had a soft tone and seemed to be comforting her?

Every time we met before, she had a bad attitude.

Diana's impression of her had indeed changed a lot, not for anything else but because they had fought together, and Harley's performance was very brave and resourceful.


Dachao was like a red arrow, shooting through the skeleton spaceship, and the fire flooded half of the spacecraft.

Diana thundered around and rushed forward with high morale.

Harley also turned into a golden light and found a hole to get in.

Kryptonian, don't force me. Brainiac roared on the public channel.

Brainiac, surrender, as long as you admit defeat, we will not kill you.

You're dreaming!


Brainiac has opened the wormhole, be careful, the spacecraft will enter the super-light channel.

Cyborg's urgent voice entered the earbuds.

Harley paused and continued to fly quickly in the spacecraft passage.

Encountering robots along the way, her speed did not slow down and she threw two mirror darts forward.

The dart did not shoot directly at the robot's vitals. Instead, driven by the energy of the yellow light, it drew an arc and circled behind the robot.

Stab! The mirror flashed with red light and fired a phaser beam as thick as a wine glass, directly blowing the robot into two pieces.

Whoosh - Harley threw four more mirror darts one after another. When there were no enemies, the six darts flew slowly around her. When the enemies appeared, the yellow light energy immediately took them around the robot at a tricky angle. , the mirror shoots a beam of energy cannon at the vital point.

Although there are six flying knives, only one shoots the energy cannon at a time.

Wow, that's so strong! Mirror Master shouted excitedly, Captain, the three of us are a perfect match. You and I plus Death Shooter, OMG, this kind of attack is too incomprehensible.

It's very strong and difficult to defend against, but it's not unbeatable.

Harley was also very happy. She didn't expect that the move she came up with was so powerful.

She controls the mirror flying knife to avoid attacks and get closer to the enemy.

Deadshot operated the owl airship's naval gun, staring at the mirror window, six daggers, and six shooting windows. He first selects the window, then finds the right angle and launches the attack.

The Mirror Master is only responsible for connecting the muzzle to the window selected by Deadshot, allowing the energy cannon to leave the mirror space.

In this way, the three of them worked together to turn the ordinary lens dagger into a floating cannon.

The size is smaller than the floating cannon, but the power has no limit - just replace the owl with a stronger energy cannon.

Captain, do you know where the big head is?

Seeing that Harley kept running and never stopped to check, the plastic man said in confusion.

Of course, your space suit will send location signals regularly, and we will find it right away.

Harley looked solemn and stopped at the exit of the apron.

The gate rose, and an green man wearing a black nano uniform slowly walked out.

Superman and the others have left, you know?

If you don't look at the face or listen to the voice, this Brainiac is almost exactly the same as the previous biological shell.

But his face and voice.

Are you the Joker or Brainiac? Harley asked.

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