I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 588 Metropolis in a glass bottle

In the skull spacecraft, there is a biological sample storage area with a honeycomb structure.

The irregular walls, from the ceiling to the corners near the ground, are covered with purple-red eyes - the glass covers of biological dormancy chambers.

At this time, a figure appeared on the glass cover less than a palm high from the floor.

The figure is blurry, as if walking out of the mirror step by step.

Then he really stepped forward, as if passing through a space door, and stepped onto the cabin aisle in the blink of an eye.

After that, he quickly turned around, faced the glass cover, put his hands into the mirror, and pulled hard, and the two people were pulled out.

A tall and thin plastic man wearing sunglasses, Harley with a hood whose robe is like the shadow of flames fluttering.

I didn't expect it to work. I've never tried it before. Mirror Master looked at his hands in surprise.

Don't experiment randomly. I am an archmage. Like Archimedes' spaceship, I have the ability to physically enter and exit Limbo's other dimensions.

Harry also took out his goggles and put them on his forehead, and pinned a mirror brooch to his collar, Go back quickly.

Oh. Mirror Master looked at the glass cover of the dormant cabin, which turned into white light and disappeared.

Harry glanced up and saw the Mirror Master smiling and waving to himself in the lenses of his goggles.

Come on, turn into a big gavel. She said to the fake Luffy next to her.

It turns into a hammer and has no lethality. The plastic man was very reluctant, but he still spun quickly with a whoosh, and a silver and red long-handled mallet appeared next to Harley.

It is about the same height as Harley. The handle of the hammer can be held by ordinary people, but the head of the hammer is like a wooden stake as thick as a bucket.

A hand embodying yellow light energy appeared behind Harley, holding the handle of the hammer, and its robe spread out like wings, covering the hammer.

Whoosh - She turned into a black smoke and quickly ran towards the end of the passage.

Kacha kacha. Almost as soon as Harley left, a group of armed robots ran over and looked around where she was standing, their electronic eyes flashing red.

No secret passage found.

Take down the intruders and examine their memories.

Harley is like a ball of black smoke, and with the blessing of the yellow light energy, her speed is close to the speed of sound.


As her footsteps change, quantum displacement will be triggered from time to time, leaving slow-motion phantoms in the passage.

When we reached the end of the passage, as expected, there was an iron door blocking the way.

Whoosh - Dozens of afterimages crashed into each other, silently, like phantoms falling on the wall, and like iron gates being phantoms. When they passed through, they didn't even trigger the alarm.

The robot team ran over and saw an intact iron door and a hollow corridor.

They stop there and send a message to the mastermind: The intruder disappeared for unknown reasons.


There seems to be a violent explosion inside the iron gate?

Wow, what kind of skill is this? It completely ignores the gate! Mirror Master exclaimed.

A distorted human face also appeared on the surface of the rubber hammer. Since Captain can walk through walls at will, why not just jump up and down in the spaceship to find Metropolis first?

This is an ordinary iron gate with no defensive force field.

Harley said something, and five golden needles as long as chopsticks spurted out from between her lips and teeth.

The golden shuttle with the energy of the yellow light, like the flying knife thrown by Xiao Li, automatically turned and drew five golden arcs in the air. One of them went around behind her, inserted into the gate switch, and stabbed la la la. Arc flashes.

The remaining four are nailed to the four robot eye sockets around the experimental table.

Even though she was extremely fast and appeared very suddenly, the robot still reacted and a transparent force field shield appeared on its body.

Chi chi chi chi chi! The four golden shuttles trembled rapidly on the surface of the force field shield, and even shook out a blur of golden light - strands of golden powder splashed away, turning into golden light spots and disappearing.

Boom boom! Continuous quantum critical strikes were triggered, and the robot's secondary force field rippled like water, fluctuating violently, and finally boiled, making a hissing sound like air leakage. The golden light flashed, Stab!

The arc flashed, and the robot's eye socket had been pierced.

After the eye socket was shot out, the robot's force field shield flickered, but it did not completely lose its ability to move.

They staggered, or opened their mouths, spitting out scarlet energy cannons, or shooting metal chains from their palms, and continued to attack Harley who was approaching.

Harley was about to dodge, but she didn't know what she thought of at that moment, and her movements were delayed for a moment.

Buzz! A thick energy beam came over her body, and a dark shield emerged from her body, rapidly expanding and expanding outward.

The shape of the magic shield is very strange. It is not a regular round shield, a square shield, or an eggshell shape that covers the whole body.

It's like a rag whose edges have been corroded by time.

Some are broken, some are dirty.

Gray color, a deep black vortex in the center, and runes wandering around the edge of the vortex.

Harley's exclusive magic, the Black Vortex of Thorns.

Crack-- The magic shield was broken by the energy cannon, and Harley was knocked back more than ten meters and hit the metal wall of the laboratory hard.

Whoosh - The moment she was knocked away, the black vortex appeared on her body again, spitting out a small scarlet energy beam, returning the same way, and landed in the robot's mouth that was still glowing red, Boom!

His head exploded to pieces.

Gudong, Gudong! A series of huge bubbles appeared in the level experience jar.

Nearly one thousandth level of experience has been added!

Hey hey hey, Brainiac

Harry wiped his lower abdomen with a wet hand filled with blood, but smiled on his face.

Robots have no emotions and naturally have no malice. Without malice, they have no experience.

Now that he has so much experience, it can only mean that Brainiac is controlling it, and even part of his consciousness is inside the robot.

Are you injured? Plastic Man exclaimed.

Little things. Harley said casually.

Apart from the zero-defense Sandman robe, she wore no protective clothing.

However, she is a ‘Yellow Lantern’.

After the black vortex of thorns is weakened, the pure physical defense of 74 points cannot stop the frontal attack of the most advanced energy weapon in the universe.

She can withstand an ordinary phaser gun without dying from the damage.

Brainiac has almost mastered the most advanced science and technology in the universe, and the energy cannon is naturally more advanced.

The skin and flesh on the stomach were burnt, but the internal organs were not damaged.

Because the yellow light energy protected her vitals.

With his own recovery power and a thin layer of holy light therapy from the Virgin's aura, his hard four-pack abs became smooth and white again in a few breaths.

After that, Harley received two more shots, was stabbed by a metal chain, gained a lot of experience, shed less than half a bowl of blood, and wasted two 'golden chopstick needles'. In five seconds, the remaining three The robot does it.

Are robots so difficult to deal with? Zhenglian and the others seemed to be very relaxed before, at least they were not injured. Mirror Master murmured.

I'm testing the robot's moves and attack strength, and saving some energy. Harley explained lightly.

Save energy? Death Shooter was shocked to realize that the total amount of yellow light energy consumed by her to deal with four robots was not even as much as one ten thousandth of the energy consumed by Ion Man to deal with one robot.

——Could it be that BOSS, like him, is also following the minimalist route of killing three people with one bullet?

he thought oddly.

Tear Superman apart! Harley squatted on the experimental table and slapped Superman's mouth hard.

His limbs were tied to a metal platform, his forehead was pierced by two detection steel needles, and he was unconscious with a steel tentacle as thick as a thumb in his mouth.

He didn't wake up from the pain even after his head was pierced. Was he injected with anesthetic or something? Mirror Master asked.

Harley put her hand on Superman's forehead, united all her thoughts, wrapped her mental power in the power of fear of the yellow light, and used the same technique that awakened Constantine on the Origin Wall that day to rush into Superman's sea of ​​consciousness and suddenly exploded.

Ah - um - Superman's muscles tensed and his body became stiff. His eyes suddenly opened, filled with confusion and fear. He wanted to scream, but because he had the tentacle in his mouth, his voice was muffled.

It was because he used too much force that his teeth bit the metal tentacles, causing arcs to fly.

Wake up, it's me! In the end, you have to rely on me to save the situation.

Harley stepped aside to avoid being accidentally hurt by the excited Superman.

Harley. Dachao first broke free from the metal bands on his wrists, ankles and lower abdomen, and then reached out to pull out the two probes inserted in his forehead. The pain made his cheeks twist, Uh ah ah -

Chichi—— The probe was longer than Harley's middle finger and as thick as a pencil lead. When it was pulled out, it made two chichi sounds and some red and white splattered out.

Very permeable.

The probe is probably forcibly reading his memory.

The tentacles in Superman's mouth are also very exaggerated, more than half a meter long, and have dense and sharp barbs.

Ugh-ahem! Superman fell to the ground weakly and vomited out a large bowl of mixture of gastric juice and blood.

Hiss, how miserable! The plastic man's face grinned on the surface of the mallet.

Harley hesitated for a moment, opened her mouth, and sprayed out a beam of golden light.

The hot light yellow beam of breath fell on Superman. The wounds on his face, head, and mouth immediately healed visibly to the naked eye. His eyes became brighter and brighter, and his energy and energy quickly returned to their peak.

Hey, you didn't take out the sunshine earlier. Da Chao complained.

This is sunlight simulated by yellow light energy. The conversion efficiency is low and the power is also low. Harley said heartily.

This short period of high-density sunlight wasted at least half of her light ring's energy, which was enough for her to release hundreds of thousands of 'golden flying needles'.


The gate that Harley had previously destroyed opened a hole under the bombardment of the scarlet energy cannon, and a group of robots rushed in with murderous intent.

Harley quickly walked up to Superman, took off her goggles and hung them around his neck, shouting: I'll stop them, you go find Brainiac.

Without waiting for Superman to respond, she yelled, and Zhen stepped forward - using a magic shield and flesh and blood to top the robot's energy weapon.

Gudong, Gudong. The experience jar bubbled crazily.

The experience provided by the robot all comes from Brainiac.

As the top super criminal in the universe, his total experience is beyond the reach of all criminals on earth.

Harley estimated that she could reach level 75 today.

be careful.

Superman was neither surprised nor worried when he saw her bleeding and scattering thermonuclear rays inexplicably - he was never worried about Harley's heroic sacrifice.

It immediately turned into a red light and flew out from the top of the robot's head.

He doesn't know the terrain of the spacecraft, but he has the Sword in the Stone and can vaguely sense the approximate location of the people he sincerely protects.

After passing the biological sample warehouse and destroying more than a dozen gates, Superman slowly ascended into a vertical shaft passage without spiral staircases.

Above, he could vaguely hear the voices of millions of people on Earth talking.

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